The best recipes for making alcoholic mulled wine at home. How to cook a delicious hot New Year and Christmas mulled wine made of white, red, semi -sweet and home wine?

The best recipes for making alcoholic mulled wine at home. How to cook a delicious hot New Year and Christmas mulled wine made of white, red, semi -sweet and home wine?

In this article we want to talk about a popular winter drink. In addition, we will teach you how to prepare a wonderful warming alcoholic mulled wine with wine yourself.

For over the hundred years, residents of Germany, Great Britain, Austria, and the Scandinavian countries have been drunk on the cold days of Glovein - hot wine. We also love him, especially on winter holidays. Let's see how to cook such a delicious and warming drink yourself.

Wine for mulled wine - which is better?

The best option is considered to be red dry inexpensive wine, which at the same time it differs in good quality. However, white is also allowed. Take a closer look at varietal young wines that do not have sharp notes In taste or aroma. Treal is welcome.

The fact is that it is young wines havethat natural barely noticeable sweetness, Which is so good for mulled wine. If they are dry at the same time, then it will be easy to drink.

Half -dry wine is also acceptable.

Dining red dry wine is what is needed for alcoholic mulled wine
Dining red dry wine is what is needed for alcoholic mulled wine

But here semi -sweet wines should be discarded unequivocally - They have nothing to do with the processes of natural fermentation and do not contain anything useful. Dessert are quite expensive and excessively strong, and when heated They become sugary.

Important: it is a mistake to think that the more expensive wine is - the better for mulled wine. Elite wines already have a pronounced bouquet of aroma and taste in themselves, so additional amplifiers are clearly superfluous. At the same time, the cheapest drink from cardboard packages is also unacceptable.

Which manufacturer should pay attention to? Such legislators of wine fashion as France, Spain, Italy, it is better to postpone it for later - Their products are quite expensive.

We recommend paying attention For drinks From Russia, Georgia, Australia, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, USA, New Zealand.

Wine3. Australian red dry wine Poker Face for alcoholic mulled wine
Australian red dry wine Poker Face for alcoholic mulled wine
Red and white Russian wines Gai-Kodzor for alcoholic mulled wine
Red and white Russian wines Gai-Kodzor for alcoholic mulled wine
Georgian wine Badagoni for alcoholic mulled wine
Georgian wine Badagoni for alcoholic mulled wine
Argentine wine El Portillo for alcoholic mulled wine
Argentine wine El Portillo for alcoholic mulled wine

What spices, spices, seasonings are needed for the preparation of warming alcoholic mulled wine?

Cinnamon - An indispensable component of the drink. Buy stickswhich resemble rolls of papyrus paper. They easily break, and also More fragrantrather than a powder analogue.

Important: it is not recommended to buy cinnamon in the form of mulled wine powder. It may contain chemical additives. In addition, the powder gives a drink to the drink, it is difficult to filter it.

Choose cinnamon for alcoholic mulled wine in the form of sticks
Choose cinnamon for alcoholic mulled wine in the form of sticks

Carnation - Another classic ingredient. She possesses antiseptic, antimicrobial properties and establishing digestion. But since cloves has a pronounced smell and taste, you need to use it in small quantities.

Ground cloves will not work, but here dried buds - just right! Average per 100 ml. Add 1 undisclosed bud.

Here in this form you need to purchase cloves for alcoholic mulled wine
Here in this form you need to purchase cloves for alcoholic mulled wine

Type of pepper It should be selected based on the type of mulled wine:

  • Red successfully completes the taste composition white wine
  • The black It is necessary when you the cold torments
  • Fragrant (Yamaisky) It is rarely used and mainly with experience with experience - it differs bright severity of the aroma
Add black pepper to alcoholic mulled wine when you are cold
Add black pepper to alcoholic mulled wine when you are cold

Anise - makes up an excellent taste ensemble with cardamom and cinnamon. Possesses a pleasant smell and tarly sweet taste.

Important: be sure to add anise, if you need to lower the temperature, relieve pain or increase your appetite.

Anise is a useful seasoning for alcoholic mulled wine
Anise is a useful seasoning for alcoholic mulled wine

Badyan - It has sweet-mountain taste and sharp notesthat do not evaporate even when heated. He is capable improving digestion, softening coughing, allows you to breathe easier with colds.

Badyan is very useful in alcohol mulled wine for a cold
Badyan is very useful in alcohol mulled wine for a cold

Barberry - It does not bring any benefit, but gives mulled wine sourness.

Barberry refreshes the taste of alcoholic mulled wine
Barberry refreshes the taste of alcoholic mulled wine

Ginger - Good for lovers spicy acute taste. It is noteworthy that he does not disappear When heated by wine and is not interrupted by other additives.

Important: If you do not like a pronounced acute taste, it is recommended to prefer ground ginger root. Perhaps this is the only seasoning that is suitable for mulled wine in powder form.

Ginger gives alcoholic mulled wine sharpness
Ginger gives alcoholic mulled wine sharpness

Nutmeg - a drink with it turns out tart, burningor spicythat goes well with alcohol. In addition, this spice it will help reduce pressure and strengthen immunity in general. People prone to depression, Muscular nut is also recommended to be included in the recipe.

Nutmeg will taste alcoholic mulled wine unforgettable
Nutmeg will taste alcoholic mulled wine unforgettable

Cardamom - counts acute spicesbut at the same time drink a pleasant smell and lemon shade are given. If you need it stimulating the brain, put in order nervous system and strengthen immunity In general - feel free to add this seasoning to the mulled wine.

Cardamon will give alcoholic Glinius sharpness
Cardamon will give alcoholic Glinius sharpness

Coriander - It is recommended to add it to mulled wine from white wine. Although in the recipe of some types of red it is also found. Excellent affects the digestive system awakens appetite. Contains a number of useful substances - Magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins, iodine, iron.

Coriander is recommended for alcoholic mulled wine made of white wine
Coriander is recommended for alcoholic mulled wine made of white wine

Saffron - It is used infrequently, but if you want to bring to the drink a barely perceptible pleasant aroma, you can try to add it to the recipe. Perhaps you will be useful to its ability eliminate pain, tone.

Important: keep in mind that saffron goes well with other additives. Therefore, you have to experiment a lot.

Safran is rarely used in alcohol mulled wine, but you can try
Safran is rarely used in alcohol mulled wine, but you can try

Melissa, mint - Also infrequent components of mulled wine. However, there are lovers to add these seasonings to the recipe with white wines. It is proved that mint cheers up, a melissa relieves inflammation.

Lemon balm leaves are sometimes used for alcoholic mulled wine made of white wine
Lemon balm leaves are sometimes used for alcoholic mulled wine made of white wine

How much to cook alcoholic mulled wine in time?

Mulled wine it is not customary to boil. Otherwise, ethyl alcohol will begin to actively evaporate, and useful substances will also disappear. Do not forget in the cooking process stir the wine With spices!

Be sure to stir alcoholic mulled wine in the preparation process
Be sure to stir alcoholic mulled wine in the preparation process

To what temperature to heat alcoholic mulled wine and when to serve?

It is believed that mulled wine is needed heat to 70 degrees. Use for this purpose steel saucepan or pot.

Important: However, if you plan to add honey to the drink, you should do this as you cool the drink up to 40 degrees. Otherwise, honey can maintain its taste, but it will lose their healing properties.

Before serving, mulled wine should drive 15 minutesbut no longer. Do not forget sift Ready drink and pour it into a ceramic cup or a beautiful glass.

Do -it -yourself alcoholic mulled wine: composition

Despite the fact that mulled wine is a multicomponent drink, you can’t add everything to it - You can just ruin the taste and aroma. BUT if you put not enough spices, the taste will be inferior. We present to your attention several basic spice sets:

  • For the classic option Combine cloves, cinnamon, badiyan and nutmeg. Coriander with Cardamon will also fit well
  • They will shade the taste of wine cinnamon, lemon balm, saffron, nutmeg
  • But fans of piquant tastes will appreciate the set from cinnamon, cloves, ginger and fragrant pepper
Alcoholic mulled wine, prepared using a classic set of mixtures
Alcoholic mulled wine, prepared using a classic set of mixtures

MUBLIIN: How many degrees of alcohol should be?

The fortress within the limits is considered optimal 7% -14% of alcohol.

How to cook red mulled wine made of red wine with what spices?

Under red dry Georgian wine "Saporavi" The following ingredients will be needed:

  • Water - 200 ml. She will help to make the drink softer

Important: this amount of water is designed for 750 ml. guilt. In general, keep in mind that for 1 liter. Wine should account for about 200-250 ml. water, but no more.

  • Ginger - 1 small root
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Carnation - 5 buds
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons
  • Orange
  • Apple
Here is such a red wine Saporavi is suitable for this recipe for alcoholic mulled wine
Here is such a red wine Saporavi is suitable for this recipe for alcoholic mulled wine

So, we proceed:

  • First of all, water is poured into the dishes. They are placed in it Fruits and spices - They boil during 5 minutes
  • To avoid the appearance of bitterness remove the orange
  • Heat water up to 60-70 degrees, pouring wine into it
  • As soon as you see that the white film is disappearing turn off the fire
  • After the drink is infused 10 minutes, add honey
  • Mix, strain

Important: such mulled wine goes well with salty cheese.

Here you get an alcoholic mulled wine made of red wine
Here you get an alcoholic mulled wine made of red wine

How to cook white mulled wine made of white wine with what spices?

For this recipe, take 750 ml. Krasnodar dry white wine "Likuriya". As well as:

  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Cranberry - 100 g.
  • Ginger - 1 small piece
  • Allspice - 4 peas
  • Honey
Here is such a white wine Likuriya is suitable for this recipe for alcohol mulled wine
Here is such a white wine Likuriya is suitable for this recipe for alcohol mulled wine

We proceed:

  • All components of the recipe, except honey, place in the container
  • Heat the mixture to 60 degrees
  • Now Remove it from fire, strain it.
  • Add honey

Important: such a recipe is great for the period of vitamins deficiency.

Cranberry gave this alcoholic mulled wine with white wine a reddish tint
Cranberry gave this alcoholic mulled wine with white wine a reddish tint

How to cook mulled wine from home wine with what spices?

For 1 liter. Homemade red wine You can take the following ingredients:

  • Cinnamon -1-3 sticks
  • Ginger - A small piece
  • Badyan -2-3 stars
  • Cloves -3-4 buds
  • Lemon
  • Sugar taste

Important: wine is not necessary to dilute with water, if you want to get the most saturated taste in the end. This is especially true for home wine.

Now you can cook:

  • Lemon and ginger Grinded
  • Wine It pours into the dishes
  • The wine is added ingredients and sugar. Stir
  • As soon as mulled wine becomes close to a boiling state, it should be remove it from the fire and let it brew
This can turn out alcoholic mulled wine from home wine
This can turn out alcoholic mulled wine from home wine

Classic alcoholic mulled wine with orange: recipe

For this recipe, we will take half of the orange. The following ingredients form a wonderful taste bouquet with it:

  • Ginger - A small piece
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • Carnation - 3 buds
  • Cardamom - 3 pcs.
  • Nutmeg - 1 PC.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Important: this amount of ingredients is needed by 380 ml. red half -dry wine. Water will need 60 ml. Correct the number of spices depending on the amount of wine.

We proceed:

  • You need to add to the water spices
  • Orange should be cut to small pieces and send it to the water
  • After water boil, you need to give her boil for 2 minutes
  • Decoction filter
  • Added and mixed sugar
  • Only now wine is added and warmed up
Alcoholic classic mulled wine with orange
Alcoholic classic mulled wine with orange

The easiest recipe for preparing alcoholic mulled wine at home

On the 750 ml. red wine you will need:

  • Lemon
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • Nutmeg

You need to cook like this:

  • Heat a little wine
  • Add there lemon juice or finely cut the lemon
  • Add sugar
  • Now the turn spices
  • Drive to a boil
The easiest alcoholic mulled wine
The easiest alcoholic mulled wine

Alcoholic mulled wine: is it possible for pregnant women?

Disputes are constantly underway about this issue. Some say that the mulled wine is therapeutic, and indeed a woman is unlikely to want something dangerous for the baby’s health. Others insist that alcohol, albeit in the form of mulled wine, is able to harm.

Important: the truth is that alcoholic mulled wine is extremely undesirable for the expectant mother and child. Cons from such a drink in this case can outweigh all the advantages.

Perhaps a pregnant woman should pay attention to non -alcoholic options for New Year's holidays or for health care, which we will talk about in the following articles.

As you can see, you can enjoy delicious wine mulled wine at home. It is only important to remember the rules for the selection of ingredients, as well as several simple rules for preparing this wonderful drink. Read also in our next article on how to create mulled wine based on juice, fruits or other alcoholic beverages besides wine.

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