How to bleach the skin in intimate places, between the legs at home: preparatory procedures, means, contraindications, reviews. Lighten the skin in intimate places in the cabin: procedures

How to bleach the skin in intimate places, between the legs at home: preparatory procedures, means, contraindications, reviews. Lighten the skin in intimate places in the cabin: procedures

If your skin darkened in intimate places, then it can be whitened. Look for a list of funds in the article.

Probably, all women are familiar with the problem of brown spots in intimate areas. It seems to them repulsive, because in adult films we see actresses who are very beautiful. It turns out that only white skin is considered healthy and beautiful? In fact, this is not true. In this article, we will deal with the causes of such darkening of the skin. You will also learn how to whiten the skin in intimate places and how best to do it - at home or in the cabin. Read on.

The reasons for the darkening of the skin in intimate places, between the legs

Darkening of the skin in intimate places
Darkening of the skin in intimate places

In adolescence, all healthy girls darken the genitals, since it is in these places that melanocytes are concentrated, which are activated from the rush of hormones. True, even knowledge of this does not prevent the appearance of complexes, because of which women feel uncertainly with their sexual partner.

Another thing is if the darkening of the skin is not only in intimate places, but also directly between the legs (slightly higher than the genitals, or enhancing the color in the groin zone already at a more mature age). This has a number of reasons:

  • Disorders of the hormonal fund and various infectious diseases.
  • Senile spots (formed after 20-30 years).
  • Discomfort from wearing linen, in which scuffs and redness form on the skin.
  • Frequent skin irritation. This means the regular use of razor, and this is wrong, since the skin is damaged and darkens.
  • Sweating in the groin. It occurs for various reasons, but most often due to excess weight.
  • A tan without a swimsuit and sunscreen.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy when there is a surge of hormones to the genitals.
  • Menopause, when the final surge of such hormones occurs.

Of course, if this discomfort brings you, then you should not worry very much, since you can whiten the skin even at home.

Contraindications for bleaching the skin in intimate places

Darkening of the skin in intimate places
Darkening of the skin in intimate places

Before advising skin bleaching in intimate places, you need to immediately say about contraindications in which you should not light the skin (even at home):

  • Pregnant and lactating womensince in this period a large number of hormones and enzymes necessary for the development and nutrition of the fetus are formed in the body. Any bleach will violate the process of their formation, which will have serious problems in the body.
  • With diabetes and damage to the dermis (serious external injuries). The thing is that the body fights with these problems with the same group of vitamins as it stains the skin. When clarifying nutrients, it will not be enough.
  • In the presence of acute dermatitis. The reason is the same as described above.

Therefore, if you bear a child or you have skin damage, then it is better to refuse bleaching.

Preparatory procedures before bleaching

Before whitening in the intimate area, you should refuse tanning
Before whitening in the intimate area, you should refuse tanning

We figured out the contraindications, we can proceed to the study of preparatory procedures. If you immediately start bleaching, then you can see the result very soon. Preparatory procedures before bleaching, two factors should be excluded before the procedure:

  • The appearance of tanning. The effect of ultraviolet rays is one of the causes of the darkening of the skin. It is most logical to abandon this during the whitening. You can use strong protection from the sun (SPF above 25), and go to the beach for tanning until 10-00 in the morningand After 18-00 in the evening.
  • Keratinized cells. They interfere with directly contact with the skin, so it can be carefully cleaned with pilling.

The main thing is that the funds do not fall on the mucous membrane of the genitals, since irritation may occur associated with impaired the balance of the medium.

How to bleach the skin in intimate places quickly at home - than: means

Starch and lemon juice for bleaching intimate places
Starch and lemon juice for bleaching intimate places

If you decide to whiten the skin in intimate places quickly and at home, then start with folk remedies that are always available.

OILY SKIN. If you have this type of epidermis, then the following means are suitable:

Starch + lemon juice:

  • There are only two ingredients in such a mask.
  • It is prepared very easily: add a few drops of lemon juice to a spoon of starch so that this mixture has a consistency of sour cream or whipped cream.
  • Apply, hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

Vinegar + honey + lemon juice:

  • This mask should be more accurate.
  • Remember that honey should prevail in the recipe, otherwise chemical burns may occur.
  • You can use only on the steamed skin, and hold for 15-30 minutes (according to your feelings).

Cottage cheese + ammonias alcohol + hydrogen peroxide:

  • 50 grams of cottage cheese (if high fat, then you need to start with 75 grams), 4-5 drops of alcohol and 12-15 drops of peroxide.
  • You can use only clean skin and hold no more than 10-15 minutes.

DRY SKIN.She should be extremely neat with her. Here are what masks can be used:

Yogurt + cucumber:

  • It is worth immediately clarify that this mask is done in combination with the next mask, since it is then that the best effect is obtained.
  • The recipe is also simple: clean the cucumber and grind it in any way.
  • Add a couple of spoons of yogurt or cream.
  • Stir and apply for 15-30 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and dip it with a towel.
  • A pleasant bonus from the mask: the skin will become delicate and moisturized.
Honey and lemon juice for bleaching intimate places
Honey and lemon juice for bleaching intimate places

Honey + lemon juice:

  • In a ratio of 1: 1, add liquid honey to citric acid and apply for 15 minutes to the problem area.
  • If you start burning, it is better to immediately stop the procedure.

Cream + cottage cheese + hydrogen peroxide:

  • Can also be used in combination with other masks.
  • There are 8 drops of peroxide on two tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  • Cream is added to create the necessary consistency.

Normal skin. Many different recipes are offered. But we will describe the two most effective masks:

Kefir + olive oil:

  • Add one spoonful of olive oil to two spoons of kefir.
  • Stir and apply for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and dry the skin.
  • A good tool, since it can be used even after a few years, after the skin has darkened.
  • In addition, acids not only fight pigmentation, but also tone the skin.

Bodyaga + hydrogen peroxide:

  • Bodyaga is a magical thing and in bleaching it is also suitable.
  • Massage movements of the porridge mass should be rubbed into the skin, and after 25 minutes washed with warm water.
Honey and cucumber to whiten intimate places
Honey and cucumber to whiten intimate places

Problem leather. She is always the most problems with her. But for bleaching there are good folk remedies:

Honey + cucumber:

  • It is necessary to clarify right away that any mask includes a tonic element (here it is a cucumber), which stabilizes the whitening process.
  • Grind medium -sized vegetable and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • In a mixture of these two substances, you can add two drops of your favorite essential oil, then the skin will also become smooth.

Tomato + olive oil + lemon juice:

  • The tonic and stabilizing element of this mixture is olive oil.
  • Such a mask can be used constantly, keep for 30 minutes.

A pineapple:

  • A rather interesting way to get rid of age spots.
  • It is made by type of lotion: pineapple is crushed and releases the juice into which you need to smear the napkins, then wipe the skin.
  • It is worth being neat so that the juice does not fall on the mucous membrane of the penis.
  • After using this method, it is worth moistening the skin with a tonic.

All of the above combinations are suitable for both sexes and can cope with age spots throughout the body, and not just around the genitals.

What cream to whiten the skin in intimate places and between the legs: List

Cream for whitening the skin in intimate places and between the legs
Cream for whitening the skin in intimate places and between the legs

If you tried the above masks and they did not help you, then it is worth paying attention to all kinds of creams. Many of them have already proven themselves in the world market. Such creams are perfectly whitened by the skin in intimate places and between the legs. Therefore, they are popular among women. Here is a list of some of them:

Lakshma Maxxi:

  • This is an American product that has long been popular in Russia.
  • The cream has a pleasant composition (bed acid and arbutin), which prevents irritation from bleaching spots in the intimate zone.
  • True, this tool will not be affordable, since the price for a small packaging of such a cream will be 2 thousand rubles.


  • This is an analogue of the first cream, but it is straight from Turkey.
  • This cream helps to get rid of age spots for a long time, since the dermis does not darken for a long time.
  • The tool passes constantly clinical trials, so do not worry about quality.


  • Inexpensive whitening cream produced in Bulgaria.
  • It is very popular among women of all ages.
  • It whits intimate areas well, especially if you use it several times a day.
  • The main minus is the presence of hydrochinon, which do not like cosmetologists.

ISME intimate whitening cream:

  • The remedy arrived at the world market from Thailand.
  • This cream is directly related to the removal of already developed melanin, as well as a slowdown in the development of a new one.
  • If you study the composition (green tea and aloe), you can understand that this cream also tones the skin and disinfects it.
  • You need to use daily, in the morning and evenings.

Korean whitening cream for intimate zones MELA Defense White Capsule Cream:

  • This cosmetic product has its amazing whitening abilities thanks to hyaluronic acid.
  • She struggles with various imperfections on the skin, including pigmentation, freckles, irregularity of the skin.
  • In addition, the composition contains hoods of berries that create pleasant side effects: protection against sunlight, moisturizing the skin, as well as elimination of edema.

Eveline "Extra Soft Whitening":

  • Like the Turkish analogue, it is a budgetary.
  • This cream is perfect for prolonged use, as it accelerates the regeneration of epidermal tissue.
  • Thanks to this, the melanocytes do not have time to form in the skin, so it is highlighted.

Finale Whitening Cream:

  • Acts according to the same system as the cream is higher.
  • The creator of this tool claims that in 30 days you can completely get rid of the color of the skin, but it is best to use two to three weeks besides the main period to fix the effect.

Of course, there are many other professional creams:

  • "Clinicians complex"
  • "Revitol"
  • "Donell Super Skin"
  • "MeLADERM"
  • "Milk Skin"

These funds have a result only with prolonged use. True, unlike the above funds, they are very expensive.

Ointment, gels, soap, whitening the skin in intimate places and between the legs: a list of names

Ointment, gels, soap, whitening the skin in intimate places and between the legs
Ointment, gels, soap, whitening the skin in intimate places and between the legs

In addition to the bleaching cream, there are some other means designed to return the skin of aesthetic appearance - this is ointment, gels and soap. Such products are perfectly whitened by the skin in intimate places and between the legs. Here is a list of names:

Lactacyd White Intimate ointment or gel:

  • Slowly whits slowly, the result can be seen only after a month. It will finally bleach the skin no earlier than three months later.
  • The price of this tool is quite affordable.
  • But such a gel will need several times more than a professional, expensive cream.

Enzyme bleaching soap Natural Active Enzyme Crystals Afy:

  • It is used not only with darkening of the genitals, but also for the neck, chest and axillary depressions.
  • The enzymes that are included in the composition block the discharge of melanin, which is why the color goes away.

Intimate soap whitening Christina Rose de Mer:

  • The tool cures not only from spots, but also from acne, seborrhea and other cosmetic flaws.
  • It has many different effects: lightening, leveling, moisturizing the skin.
  • Also reduces the number of harmful bacteria.

If you used all the funds, but nothing helped, then you will have to go to the salon. Professional cosmetologists using special equipment will bleach the skin for several visits. Read further.

Bleach the skin in intimate places in the cabin: procedures

Whitening the skin in intimate places in the cabin
Whitening the skin in intimate places in the cabin

Of course, creams and various masks are a good way to get rid of brown spots, but the effect of procedures in the cabin will be visible much faster, and the result lasts much longer. Here are the most popular procedures for whitening the skin in intimate places:

  • Laser grinding. The laser directly affects the condition of the upper layer of the skin and reduces the life cycle. After that the skin will turn red after that, but it should be so. After a couple of hours, it will peel off - it gets the upper layer of the dermis, and with it Melanin.
  • Photography. Used in rare cases. Cosmetologists recommend only if the skin does not get rid of age spots with masks and cream. The procedure is due to the use of sunlight, which absorbs melanin from the dermis.

Salon procedures are best carried out in winter, since after them it is contraindicated to be in the sun. In the spring and summer it is difficult to do. In the fall, you will have to wait for a while while the tan is washed, if it is on the skin.

The skin darkened in intimate places - is it possible to bleach, lighten: reviews

Whitening the skin in intimate places in the cabin
Whitening the skin in intimate places in the cabin

Read the statements of other women who are faced with a similar problem. Each of them found its way out of the situation. So, the skin darkened in intimate places - is it possible to lighten? Here are reviews:

Maria, 31 years old

From youthful age, I lit up with darkening in an intimate zone. In my youth was not known about creams or procedures. Therefore, I used the method of traditional medicine: a mixture of starch and lemon juice. The result just struck me. In a couple of weeks, I got rid of dark color, now only sometimes repeating. I do this procedure once every six months to maintain the result. And for 10 years I have been happy about my clean skin.

Victoria, 21

In our century, girls are simply obliged to look “one hundred percent”. A couple of years ago, I could claim to be confident ninety percent, but I was not enough for me, so I found a salon in Moscow and decided to fix it all. I signed up for laser whitening and after a couple of procedures I looked much better. I advise all the girls to sign up for such a procedure and not to worry about anything else, because we are simply destined to be beauties.

Lydia, 41 years old

All my life was almost bright in intimate areas. But after the second birth, everything began to darken sharply and I had complexes that my husband could leave me because of this flaw. Therefore, I had to think about the decision. I had no money to go to the salon, and it was a shame to somehow appear there, and I do not really trust folk remedies. It’s scary, suddenly everything will only get worse. So I stopped on a cream for and intimate places "Joydrops." I have not regretted anything! Of course, the first time the result was barely noticeable, so I already thought to quit this idea. But the result was noticeable after a couple of weeks. Then I decided to continue to use it and, my God, everything really bleached. It became even better than it was before childbirth. My husband and I are happy. Now I don’t worry about any darkening, since this cream is now always on my toilet table.

Video: How to bleach the skin in intimate places?

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