Which is better - laser hair removal or photoepilation: comparison, reviews, tips for choosing a procedure

Which is better - laser hair removal or photoepilation: comparison, reviews, tips for choosing a procedure

Many girls are lost in conjecture about what to choose - photoepilation or laser hair removal. The article will give an answer to this question!

"Photoepilation or laser hair removal - what to choose?" - A large number of women are puzzling over this issue. What is not surprising, because both procedures are quite advertised. By the way, on our site you can find an article and about laser hair removal, and about photoepilation. In the same work, we will try to summarize and help make the right choice.

Photoepilation or laser hair removal - which is safer: tips, reviews

The question of whether photoepilation or laser hair removal is safer, interests potential clients in the first place. It is worth noting right away that the contraindications of both procedures are identical:

  • Diseasesassociated with the endocrine system, oncology, infections, neglected varicose
  • Skin problems - Both skin ailments, and cuts, burns, scars. A large number of moles should also alert
  • Reception of potent drugs
  • Surgeon interference - It must be completed no later than 3 months before hair removal. Of course, we are talking about interfering in the zone that a woman plans to process.

IMPORTANT: As for the period of pregnancy and feeding, in the case of both epilation, it is better to be careful. Judging by the reviews, there are no direct contraindications, but the mini-stress is undesirable for the body.

Laser hair removal and photoepilation are not prohibited for expectant mothers, but they need to be treated carefully
Laser hair removal and photoepilation are not prohibited for expectant mothers, but they need to be treated carefully

But what to choose for women who have no contraindications? Are the procedures for them the same? Laser rays Direct only on the hair, swallowing melanin. They penetrate under the skin is shallow - Literally to the follicle. The skin, the circulatory system, the internal organs are not affected by the laser.

Photoeper It also affects light in the form of short -term flashes. Unlike the previous option, this light partially affects the skin. As a result, as some reviews inform, scars, burns, redness may occur. However experienced master It can adjust the intensity of rays so that they do not harm.

Unfortunately, the master is not always familiar to the client. Therefore, there is no confidence in its professional qualities. Then, as many believe, it is better to choose laser hair removal.

Photoepilation partially affects the skin
Photoepilation partially affects the skin

Photoepilation or laser hair removal: which is more painless, reviews, recommendations

An important point in which the suitable procedure is selected is painlessness. Is photoepilation or laser hair removal in this case?

First of all, it is worth noting that the pain threshold is an individual phenomenon. What some do not even notice is quite tangible for others. Therefore, this question cannot be given an unambiguous answer.

Important: besides, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during critical days, susceptibility, as many women say, intensifies many times.

However, most often in reviews we can find a mention that photoepilation is perceived with great discomfort. Again, the point is in the amount of the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe body and that the skin is also included in it. Laser rays act more gently. Of course, in the event that the master put the right parameters on the device.

In any case, you can try to soften discomfort. In the case of photoepilation - ask the master to apply to the skin special gel. In the case of laser hair removal - ask to use a special nozzle from a sapphire crystal. It cools the skin, due to which the pain of the procedure is reduced.

In both cases, after the procedure, you can remove the discomfort slightly using special cooling agents. For example, Panthenol.

Laser hair removal and photoepilation are often painless
Laser hair removal and photoepilation are often painless

Photoepilation or laser hair removal: What is more effective?

Taking reasoning that more effective - photoepilation or laser hair removal - women are mainly repelled from the number of procedures. Given the fact that the device for photoepilation immediately processes large areas, sessions may require less. The duration of the procedure itself is also usually less. For comparison: on average, clients are carried out from 3 to 5 photoepilation procedures and from 8 to 12 - laser.

Therefore, it may seem that the first option is more effective. In fact the number of sessions individually - It depends on the abundance of hairline, a genetic predisposition to the intensity of its growth. It happens that some women, according to reviews, have enough 3-5 sessions of laser hair removal.

Concerning Duration of the result, then in both cases the procedures are carried out with an eye that active hair growth will not further disturb the client. This is due to the fight against follicles. For about 5 years, the skin will be smooth.

Interesting: in parallel with the removal of vegetation, a woman during photoepilation can get rid of acne, age spots. And with laser hair removal, he will receive the stimulation of elastin and the elasticity of the skin.

Photoepilation helps to make the skin better
Photoepilation helps to make the skin better

Of no small importance is choosing a site for processing. Since the device for photoepilation Processes right away large sites. It is perfect for removing hair from the legs, back, hands. But for sites slightly less It will already be required for the device for laser hair removal. We are talking about areas between the eyebrows, above the upper lip, armpits. In other words, the laser epalator is more universal.

Also, the last option, as reviews say, is better to choose for processing delicate areas. For example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini. After all, she is very sensitive.

The most important thing is that Photoepilation will not help young ladies with blond hair, Since there is little melanin in them. And probably even It will harm tanned Lady because of the abundance of Melanin.

Due to the fact that laser appliances are presented in the assortment, the master can choose the option that is suitable for each client. For example, for owners light tan It can be recommended diode or Alexander lasers. BUT to more tanned Lady can safely use Neodymal device. By the way, the latter is even suitable blond -haired and red -haired girls.

Laser epilator can process small areas like a zone above the lip
Laser epilator can process small areas like a zone above the lip

Photoepilation or laser hair removal: what is more economical?

Choosing a procedure, many women focus on the cost. What is cheaper - photoepilation or laser hair removal? Given the fact that the sessions of the last procedure are more often required, many young ladies think that it should be more expensive.

However, it is far from the fact that the client will need to go through 8 or 12 procedures. According to some reviews, sometimes it is enough to come to the cosmetologist’s office 3-4 times. Especially if used alexander laser.

Important: however, most often the laser hair removal course costs cheaper than photoepilation.

Reviews of a large number of cosmetologists tell you that holding the equipment for photoepilation is more costly. Therefore, such a fact cannot but affect the cost of services. The fact is that the screen of the device needs to be changed more often - it quickly fails.

Average, the difference between the procedures on the same site can be 1500 rubles per session. For example, you can process the chin area with a laser device for 2000 rubles. A similar service using a photoepilator will cost 3,500 rubles. Of course, these data are approximate, but they are convenient to illustrate.

Laser hair removal devices are more durable than for photoepilation
Laser hair removal devices are more durable than for photoepilation

Photoepilation or laser hair removal: what to choose? As you can understand from the above, most often positive reviews affect the second option. However, it is possible that for a number of signs of clients the first will be liked by the first. The main thing - weigh objectively All the pros and cons.

We offer to get acquainted with the video about what is better - photoepilation or laser hair removal:

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Comments K. article

  1. As I remember now, I removed the hair in the bikini zone. You yourself know the place sensitive, I was afraid it would be painful, but no, there was no pain at all. The cosmetologist before the procedure was applied by acryol cream. It seemed to me that I just came and it was time to leave. In general, who doubts all your doubts. Loss is a top.

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