Treatment of baptismal water: 10 tips on how to use holy water. Why can't unbaptive use holy water?

Treatment of baptismal water: 10 tips on how to use holy water. Why can't unbaptive use holy water?

Holy Epiphany water has special properties.

Holy water - One of the most important shrines of Christians. It is also called Agiasma. It helps to fight diseases and unclean forces.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “Prayers to the Guardian to the Angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Lord, the Matron of the Moscow, Kazan Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, Ksenia Blessed, Theodorovsky Mother of God”. You will learn how to read them correctly.

From this article you will learn how to be treated with baptismal water. You will find tips on how AGIASMA is used and why the unbaptized should not use holy water. Read further.

Properties of Holy Epiphany Water

Holy Epiphany Water
Holy Epiphany Water

The sacred baptismal water has several properties that distinguish it from the usual:

  • Large optical density. The water is very clean and sterile.
  • Its electromagnetic field is identical to a field of healthy people. It is because of this that it has a therapeutic effect.
  • When freezing, water is able to form ideal crystals.

It is very interesting. Below is the history of holy water. Read further.

History of Holy Epiphany Water

The roots of the origin of the Holy Epiphany water go down in the history of the church. It all starts with baptism Jesus Christ In the Holy River Jordan. Water is considered a symbol of the world and Gospel. From Jordan There was a magic light, because God's spirit He ordered the light to shine through the darkness. And during baptism light Gospel He was able to shut through Jordan. Thereafter Jesus He began his path of the preacher.

CO II century The purified water began to be actively used. The following historical facts about its application have been preserved:

  • Pope Alexander I He created the custom to sprinkle the room with holy water.
  • The use of holy water to protect the house is mentioned in "Acts of the Apostle Peter".
  • Holy water is present in the composition Epiphanius of Cyprus "against heresies".
  • Information about it is in the works John Chrysostom.

It is believed that water is endowed with magical properties, so it does not deteriorate. Indeed, in houses, sacred water can be stored for several years. John Chrysostom Described this property. No prayers or services were committed above the water. Just sources in the church were considered sacred. Visitors could commit a priesthood (came to the temple). And they did it on any church holiday.

Useful properties of Holy Epiphany Water

Holy Epiphany water is distinguished by its structure and energy. She has the following useful properties:

  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Restoration of body energy.
  • The beneficial effect on the brain, nerves and the endocrine system.
  • Helps rehabilitate faster after surgery.
  • Relieves pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improves skin condition.
  • Helps to recover faster in severe diseases.
  • Fights with the evil eye and damage.
  • Protects a person and his home from negativity.

Water is used to treat the skin and open wounds. According to priests and believers, water helps only those who believe in God and its magical properties.

Why is the Holy Epiphany Water not spoiling?

Holy Epiphany Water
Holy Epiphany Water

Holy Epiphany water or water consecrated in the church on any Orthodox holiday is able to remain fresh for many years. Its taste, color and smell almost do not change. It used to be the opinion that such water properties are due to the presence of silver ions in it, which fall in the process of lowering the cross into it. But this is not so. After all, before XVIII century Water was sanctified exclusively by wooden symbols. And holy water existed before.

According to biophysicists, this property of water was created thanks to the stream of strong particles. This phenomenon is especially strongly expressed on Baptism. On other church holidays, it works weaker. Water is able to respond to these particles, changing its electrical conductivity. Because of this, microorganisms do not develop in it, and it does not deteriorate. And prayers and the silver cross simply enhance its properties. You can ruin water only from the commission of heavy sin and if stored improperly.

Video: Miracle of Holy Water

Where to get the holy baptismal water?

Holy water can be taken in the church. She is always there. The church always makes large reserves of holy water on Baptism, Epiphany or Easter. On these holidays, she receives strong energy.

On the Baptism arrange a ritual in consecration of water. At this time, people come with their water, which you can make a saint during the ceremony. Most often, people bring dishes with them or buy it in the church. On this holiday, sanctified water has special properties described above. It is considered the most medicinal.

Is it possible to make holy water at home?

Yes, you can make holy water at home. Of course, she will have its own special properties, but the holy water is considered the one that is typed in the church.

So, if you want to make holy water yourself, then for this you need to perform the following:

  1. Visit confession and take communion.
  2. Ate and put on clean clothes. It is desirable that it be bright.
  3. Fighting all negative thoughts, remove them from your head.
  4. Stay alone.
  5. Take the icon with the image of any saint and a candle.
  6. Prepare the water.
  7. Read the prayer. The best will be "Our Father", "King of Heaven" or "Blessed Trinity". You need to read it out loud. You do not need to rush. It is best to prepare for the ritual in advance, having learned the prayer by heart.
  8. Prayer must be read above the water 3 times.
  9. Now cross yourself.
  10. In the end, lower the silver cross into the container.

The ritual should be carried out in one of the church holidays, then the properties of water will be stronger.

Remember: The water made at home will also have its own unique properties. But it is the saint that she is considered if it is typed in the church.

How to use holy water?

There are no certain requirements for the use of holy water. However, it is recommended to drink 3 sips on an empty stomach, after reading the morning prayer. According to the recluse George Zadonsky Prayer will allow you to cleanse the body and soul of a person and create protection from an unclean spirit. Water will heal the body and spirit.

Is it possible to dilute the holy water ordinary?

Yes, you can. This is usually done when washing, if you need to completely immerse a person into water. A small amount of the saint is added to the container with ordinary water (this is done by cross). During dilution, you must definitely say words “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Is it possible to drink medicines with holy baptismal water?

It is not recommended to drink any medicines of St. Epiphany or other water from the church. It is not safe. The reason is that there are silver ions in the water. And it is not known what the reaction can happen when combined with substances from the composition of the drug.

If you want to God He helped you rather get rid of the disease or increase the effectiveness of the drug, it will be enough to pray or go to church. For recovery in the church there is Council. After confession, the father illuminates the oil, which is used for treatment.

Is it possible to use baptismal water to protect or treat animals and plants?

Holy Epiphany Water
Holy Epiphany Water

Yes, you can use Epiphany water to protect or treat animals and plants, but there are a number of restrictions. Before watering the plants with holy water, you must definitely dilute it ordinary. And it is advisable to use Agiasma only if the plants really need the help of this species. It is advisable to water healthy flowers exclusively with simple water.

Holy water is used to spray sick leaves (one pile of sacred water on a spray gun is enough). According to Holy Scripture Animals are prohibited from contacting the shrine. However, if the pet is very sick and the owner asks God For help, you can add a little holy water to drinking an animal.

Is it possible to put holy baptismal water on the floor?

To any holy thing, including the Holy Epiphany or other water from the church, should be respected. Consequently, it is forbidden to put Epiphany water on the floor, because the earth is a place in which sinners who desecrate the shrine go. The only places where water is allowed to put on the floor - church or temple.

Where can you store holy water?

The holy water in the dark closet should be stored. Before storage, the place also needs to be consecrated, sprinkling the shelf of the cabinet crosswise with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Holy water for the consecration of the cross

Usually the cross is consecrated in the church. The priest pronounces a prayer and puts it on. However, if the lighting ritual has already been produced, but an outsider took the cross in his hands, it should be sprinkled with holy water again. Do the following:

  1. Take fresh holy water.
  2. Read the prayer "Our Father" Above the cross. At the same time, dip the cross in the water three times.
  3. Put it on.

So you can remove the poor energy of this person.

Is the use of holy water allowed in the process of cooking, cleaning or accurate baths?

It is forbidden to use holy water in such ways. She has other purpose - protection against evil spirits. The Holy Fashion can be used after cleaning. It should sprinkle the selected places (usually in dark places near the ceilings and floor, it is believed that negative energy accumulates there). A similar ritual is carried out once a month.

The adoption of a bath with holy water is also prohibited. After all, it falls into wastewater. Such an act is considered by a disrespectful attitude. But it can be used to wash the face and wash of the chest, as well as wetting other parts of the body after the bath. Holy water does not need boiling. Since it contains silver ions, bacteria cannot develop in it.

You need to use water in natural form. It is forbidden to prepare food on its basis or brew tea. But Epiphany water can be used to sprinkle food to clean it of negativity and for consecration.

Is it possible to sell holy water?

Holy Epiphany Water
Holy Epiphany Water

Another action indicating disrespect for the shrine is the sale of holy water. In general, any commercial activity associated with holy things is prohibited. There are no certain sacred signs on this subject, but the ministers of the church claim that water should not make a profit. You can share it and you need to drink it, but not sell it.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Orthodox prayer on a birthday that is read once a year". You will find text, words, and find out which saint to turn to.

Weapon consecration: can this be done with the help of holy water?

Speaking of weapons, the Holy Scripture says about the impossibility of opposing evil power. Many consider this as a ban on participating in the war. However, this is a misconception. If evil goes to another person, you should not intervene, otherwise you can create even more evil. However, weapons used exclusively for protection can be consecrated.

Previously, the holy warriors received a blessing before the battle. There is even a whole rite associated with lighting. However, not every weapon is used for a good purpose. For example, obtaining a blessing for the use of weapons of mass destruction is simply impossible.

Is it possible to share holy water with others?

Holy water can be given to other people and even strangers. But it is important to convey it exclusively with pure thoughts, only then will it benefit others. Upon receipt or transfer of holy water, you cannot swear or speak bad words. Remember this!

Is it possible to use holy water during pregnancy or menstruation?

Holy water during menstruation is used only in extreme cases. The reason is that during the days of the female cycle, women are forbidden to attend worship. During pregnancy and after childbirth, a certain procedure for visiting is also established. However, in some cases, holy water can and should be used. For example:

  • The woman got sick.
  • The birth will be difficult.
  • It is necessary to sanctify the child's bed.

That is, water is used only in extreme cases. It is advisable to ask the priest to ask for blessings before this, this will strengthen its action.

Is it possible to drink holy water every day?

It is believed that with daily drinking holy water, human immunity rises, digestion improves, and the weight decreases. In addition, water cleanses of negativity and gives energy. But drinking it in large quantities is not recommended. Enough 3 small sips on an empty stomach.

How to store holy water?

Holy Epiphany Water
Holy Epiphany Water

Silver ions in the composition allow you to store water for a long time. It practically does not deteriorate, but sometimes it happens. Storage rules:

  • Water should only be in clean bottles without stickers.
  • Place of storage is dark and cool.
  • It is important that extraneous objects do not get into the container.
  • It is best to use glass dishes. This material does not have any extraneous effect on water, in contrast to plastic and another.
  • If the dishes are green, then the storage rules are violated.
  • The water may have an unsuccessful smell if dirty dishes were used for its storage or a person drank from a common container.
  • People rarely choose plastic storage containers, since flakes can form in them (as a result of the reaction of plastic and silver). However, a slight sediment is not considered a sign that the water has deteriorated.

The presence of sediment does not always indicate a violation of storage rules. Perhaps water simply contains a lot of mineral salts.

What to do if holy water has deteriorated?

It is believed that if holy water has deteriorated and became green, a man committed a bad deed. He needs to reconsider his attitude to life, other people and the world. Even if the holy water has deteriorated, it is forbidden to pour it into the sink, as well as on the road where living creatures move. It is better to pour it into flowers, asking for forgiveness from God.

If the liquid was spilled by accident, it should be assembled using a clean towel, squeeze it into a container and pour it into a river or lake. You can also water the tree (preferably near the church).

What errors are most often allowed when using holy water?

It is best to ask the priest how to handle the holy water, what can be done and what is prohibited. Most often, people when using holy water make the following mistakes:

  • The empty use of water. If a person uses it without reading a prayer and not asking for help from GodWater is unlikely to work.
  • Storage of too much fluid. She will quickly lose her healing properties.
  • Use for bad goals. For example, fortune -telling, love spells or magical rituals.
  • Freezing. Due to the exposure to low temperature, the structure of the water changes. Healing properties disappear.
  • Application without much need. This is especially true for the days of the female cycle and the period of pregnancy.

Use holy water for sprinkling and treatment. Read further.

Treatment of Epiphany water: 10 tips on how to use holy water

Holy Epiphany Water
Holy Epiphany Water

Exists 10 tips By the proper use of holy water. Only, following them, can we expect positive results from treatment with baptismal water. Here is their list:

  • After returning from the temple, be sure to sprinkle all the corners in your house. Read the prayer at the same time. So it will be possible to protect the house from unclean forces.
  • Do not forget to sprinkle with holy water and your car to protect it on the road.
  • On holiday Baptism Drink holy water all day. But on other days it is better to use her on an empty stomach. When you drink it, be sure to think about something good and pray. Then you will be healthy.
  • Holy water can be used to treat sore spots. Contact with it will help in healing.
  • You should not type too much water, because over time its magical properties are lost.
  • The holy water is best stored next to the icons and other sacred objects. However, it is intended not just for storage, but first of all to be used. But it will only help people with pure thoughts.
  • If you add a little saint to ordinary water, it will also become sacred.
  • If the child cannot fall asleep, constantly cries, does not eat, try to wash it with water. Probably the child was jinxed. It will be useful to drink the baby with this water.
  • Holy water practically does not deteriorate. However, natural decomposition processes may begin in it. It is better to pour such a liquid into a special place at the temple or river.
  • From holy water, you can extract maximum benefits only in combination with other church affairs. You should go to church, pray, confess and take communion.

Remember another nuance - you cannot drink the holy water unbaptized. Read more more.

Why shouldn't unbaptized use holy water?

Many people think about what harm can be from holy water for unbaptized people. After all, this is holy water, how can it harm? In addition, an unbaptized person can also have pure thoughts. Here is rather the question of what kind of benefit it will bring to an unbaptized person. So, why shouldn't unbaptized use holy water?

It is worth noting that the main source of the power of holy water is that people sincerely believe in its strength, read prayers and visit the church. Without this, holy water simply will not act. And if a person is unbaptized, then he does not believe in God And all that is connected with him. Drinking holy water will be useless. Of course, an unbaptized person can drink holy water, but it will have no effect on him. This is comparable to the use of ordinary water.

The healing power of holy water is based on the faith of man, his repentance. Any person who uses water is able to cleanse himself and his environment from all the unclean. However, first of all, it is necessary to clear your thoughts. Only then the holy water will work.

Video: on an empty stomach? The prejudice of holy water. Hieromonk Makariy Markish

Video: What can be done with holy water?

Video: Riddle of Epiphany Water. Holy water after many years turns into crystals?

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