The course of the young kindergarten: the teacher tells what the child is doing while parents are at work

The course of the young kindergarten: the teacher tells what the child is doing while parents are at work

Everyone is faced with the interaction “child - teacher - teacher”. How to teach a baby to a kindergarten?

The beginning of autumn is the time for mothers and dads, whose children first go to kindergarten. How to prepare a baby for the first day in a group and to existence in a team in general? You will find answers to all interesting questions for you in the article below.

Read in another article on our website about how to make sure that the child does not cry in the group: "A kindergarten without tears: how to start leaving a child to kindergarten, teach a child to kindergarten?".

Thanks to the information below, you will find out what the baby does in kindergarten and how educators help him. You will also learn what parents should do so that the baby is easier to adapt. Read further.

How is a kindergarten arranged and what does the teacher do with children there?

Kindergarten, children and educator
Kindergarten, children and educator

In different kindergartens, daytime mode may vary, but basically - it is the same for all children. How is a kindergarten arranged and what does the teacher do with children there? Here is a description of the actions of the teacher and children:

  • Opening the kindergarten at 7-00 hours. since morning. Some mothers and dads lead the baby already to 6-30, others pull up almost up to 8-30. In the summer, children are left on the street in the morning, in winter - you need to bring inside the room.
  • Gradually, all children come. While the employee of the kindergarten communicates with mothers and dads, the kids go to play. Then they do charging.
  • Then the kids wash the pens, have breakfast, and in 9 “lessons” or classes begin.

As you understand, classes are small time lessons that the teacher leads in the form of a game. It all depends on the age of the kids, they can go through 10, 15, 20 or 25 min. Here are examples of what children do in the lessons:

Between the "lessons" a break for half an hour is necessarily taken. After studying, the kids play for half an hour, and go outside. You need to walk in any weather (of course, if there are not 30 degrees on the street), but everything will depend on the age of the kids. The instructions of the sanitary and epidemiological station described that older children do not go outside if there -20 ° Celsius or colder, but small ones do not walk at -15 °.

At the end of the walk, the kids go to the group again, wash their hands thoroughly, dine. After that - a dream at a quiet hour. Up to 3 hours. Day kids rest. They woke up - they get up, make mild gymnastics, dress, wash their hands, and half a day.

Often after eating after daytime sleep, educators conduct lessons - for example, musical ones. This applies to large children-for them there is a larger load, so the number of lessons are more. If the baby 3-4 years., he will have 2 lessons per day. So, the kids have eaten, the time has come for entertainment classes - theatrical scenes, games, book reading, self -read. Classes with toys and board games.

Institutions function until the evening. One until 17.30and others - until 19.00, Some can close their doors later-find out which schedule in a particular institution and how it accepts the kids is worth it in advance.

The course of the young kindergarten is the secrets of the successful adaptation of the child to kindergarten: acquaintance with the daily routine and teacher

Kindergarten, children
Kindergarten, children

When admitting the baby to the children's preschool educational institution, there are no strict requirements for the abilities of the crumbs. The main thing is that he knows how to serve himself at least a little. The teacher will be easier if the beginner knows how to walk on the pot, remove or put on boots, hold a spoon in his hands and eat. Below you will find a course of a young kindergarten. We will reveal the secrets of the successful adaptation of the child in kindergarten. Acquaintance with the daily routine and the teacher:

  • Learn the baby in advance the simplest skills

So, as mentioned above, there are no requirements for a campaign in the kindergarten. But the baby should at least be able to serve himself. Naturally, the nannies can feed the baby and wipe the side, but when the children or more, the teacher and nanny is much more complicated. Therefore, mothers and dads, try to give your child at least the most minimum set of skills in servicing yourself.

  • Get used to a new routine in advance

No need to dumb the baby: "Hi, in a couple of days you will go to the garden". It is important to prepare for such an event as early as possible. First, mom or dad should come to the kindergarten and find out the daily routine. After that, you can start forming a similar mode in the baby. This must be done about a month before the first trip to the kindergarten.

For example:

  • At 13-00, the kids have lunch, and after that, sleep is up to 3 hours.
  • And now they bring a girl, who from childhood at 3 o’clock. I just fit on a daytime sleep.
  • Therefore, the whole quiet hour she was tormented, spun on the bed and could not fall asleep, and a few minutes before the awakening of the entire group, she began to fall asleep.
  • Naturally, then it was difficult for her to get out of bed and the girl did not rest at all.

Sometimes mothers or dads cite the baby in the morning with the words: "We went to bed at 12 o’clock yesterday". Naturally, the baby will be sleepy and tired all day. What can be done at home so that the three -year -old baby does not sleep until midnight? And where do parents look? But this is another question.

For example, a kindergarten was visited by one boy - he sat down on a chair, put his head on the table and began to fall asleep. Other kids actively actively read - he was half a day. And it may be that neither the teacher nor the nanny can even stir him up and send him for lunch or the street - he remains to doze off.

  • Create a positive impression of kindergarten

Moms and dads are obliged to instill in the baby the desire to visit kindergarten. To do this, tell the baby about this institution all the best - that he will have friends there, there will be various toys, theatrical artists come there and educators with children are arranged by matinees, in which they give gifts to the kids. It is good to show this with an example and tell how you yourself went to kindergarten in childhood (as well as how older brothers, sister, grandparents and grandfathers did it), how good you were there and how many friends you found, with whom you are still friends .

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Crafts for March 8 in kindergarten, primary school: ideas, schemes".

The teacher tells what the child is doing while the parents are at work: the first day in a new place

Kindergarten, child
Kindergarten, child

When the baby goes to the kindergarten, he should have shoes for shifts, spare panties, T -shirt, additional. A set of clothing for finding in a group (after all, the baby can dousise with soup and wet his pants, and poop, without taking them off, even if he did not do this for a long time), and sport is often needed. the form. Be sure to put the baby with a handkerchief for wiping the nose, it will also come in handy. Many young children who still do not know how to go to the toilet room, parents leave a pack of diapers. Below the teacher tells what the child does while parents are at work. So, the first day in a new place:

  • Grab the "shift", a handkerchief in case of a runny nose and a part of the house

It was said above that the kindergarten would need a “shift” in the form of light sandals or boots, sports. shape and handkerchief. When the baby is in the institution for the first day, it is important that he has some kind of item from the house with him, because it is his own, dear, this is a friend. The kid will not worry so much when he has something in his hands from home. For example, it can be a toy or even another item.

One girl in the younger group came to a kindergarten with a toy pillow for a very long time. When the kids frolic on the street or in the group, she simply held her pillow in her hands and watched the others. When they went to rest, she hugged her and pressed her to her. And she did not sleep on her - she just put it nearby and fell asleep in an embrace with this pillow from the house.

  • Give the baby toys from home, and not only beloved, but any

At first it is important that the baby comes to the kindergarten with his bears, dolls, cars, etc., especially since children change in the kindergarten every month and it will be easier for the child to communicate with everyone. But do not bring soft or very small toys (so that he does not put them in the nose or ear), but such (rubber or plastic), so that they can simply be washed under water - for example, animals. You can give the baby to the garden his favorite fairy tale. After all, every day children read aloud.

From food, the baby can bring sweets, but only some children wear products. When a child has a birthday, parents can bring sweets, cookies, juices, small chocolates so that the baby treats friends. But remember that it will be more convenient to distribute portioned treats.

  • The first time leave the baby for an hour or two

On the 1st day, it is advisable not to leave the baby for a long time. It is enough 1.5-2 hours, and with each new day, gradually increase the time of stay in kindergarten, otherwise it will be difficult to adapt. It is worth knowing that the development process in the new team should always be smooth. If you leave the baby in a kindergarten at once for the whole day, on the next morning he does not even want to go towards the garden building, he will be roared, his temperature may increase, even if the crumb is healthy and there were no precursors of the disease.

One girl got used to the kindergarten for a very long time. Her family is good, at home - calm. But as soon as she and her mother approached the building of the children's institution or went inside, she began vomiting. Parents had to immediately take her back home. Either this fear, or unwillingness to be in the garden, but she had a kind of reflex: she went into a kindergarten - vomiting. After some time, everything stopped, but at first the employees of the educational institution were afraid that the baby would not get used to it.

It often happens that the baby went to the kindergarten and after a couple of days the snot flowed, the cough began. Usually they say that it was he in the kindergarten that he picked up something or the educators did not, but no, this is an adaptation. There are children with strong immunity, but there are those who passed 4 days - and fell ill. He went to the sick leave for two weeks, recovered, went out for several days and was sick again. This also happens very often.

  • Do not deceive the baby

Parents are obliged to do what they promise their children. For example, mom brought the baby to the garden and promises: "I'll take you home before bedtime". She must pick it up before the children lie down! Otherwise, the child will not lie down, will expect her and constantly ask the teacher: "And when will mom come?".

Read on our website an article on the topic: “Children's poems for preschoolers - short, for competition, holiday". You will find the best selection.

Why is it morally preparing to parents: how will the child behave?

If the child is active in kindergarten, then at home he can be capricious
If the child is active in kindergarten, then at home he can be capricious

Remember that the adaptation process will once end-you just need to tolerate and demonstrate confidence and positive mood to the child. You can speak: “All people go to work. Dad has his own work, his mother has his own, and going to the kindergarten is your job. ". But what else is morally prepared for parents? How will the child behave?

  • Know that the baby's mood can change at home

One must be prepared for the fact that after a day spent in a kindergarten, the crumbs of the house may have “discharge” - whims, tears, screams. The tension will not go anywhere and will accumulate, and in the kindergarten the brand new can not always drop it - there is a different situation, other children. Therefore, while the baby adapts to the kindergarten, it is important in the family to make a calm environment. Do not call the guests and do not go yourself, go to rest early at night. TV and video game in the life of crumbs should also be smaller.

Sometimes such a process of discharge is “delayed”. In the early days, children are interested in the children, but then this effect of novelty passes and they understand that a kindergarten should be visited daily.

  • Leaving - go: do not cry and don't look into the group several times

Often children begin to be capricious when they are brought to kindergarten. Naturally, in such cases, mom or dad is better to get the baby, kiss and reassure. But it is better not to pull the farewell procedure - sometimes the baby has already come to his senses, and the mother does not go and is nearby.

It is very bad when mom herself sobs. It seems to the baby: if the closest person is crying, then he himself does not want to stay in kindergarten - and everyone will definitely be bad here. Therefore, even if it is difficult for you and want to hysteria, calm down - it is better not to see your excitement to the baby. And remember: the longer you stand with your son or daughter, with persuasion and calm, the longer and stronger the child will have stress. Usually when parents leave, it will pass literally 5-10 min. And the children become calm. They go to other guys, and immediately switch to something else, begin to frolic.

Another popular parents' mistake: after the baby went into the group, mom or dad needs to look, looking through the door - whether everything is good for their child. Do not do this because the baby will immediately see that one of the parents is here, he will leave everything and run to them. Naturally, then it will be more difficult for him to return to the usual situation to the guys.

Parents' errors in relation to the child: we study - and do not repeat

Parents can make different mistakes in relation to their child. But these are life situations and it is impossible to do without them completely. But you can study strangers or listen to the advice of other people. So, we study - and do not repeat:

  • No need to scare a kindergarten

Often relatives say to their baby when he did well at home: "Now I will take you to the garden and leave you there - you will know!". Therefore, the baby will not want to go to the kindergarten if they are so tuned? Naturally, he will have a fear of going there.

  • No need to give bad tips

It is better that the baby does not hear that his relatives are not talking about the kindergarten, his employees or other children. For a child, his mother is an authoritative person, and everything she says is true. Therefore, do not impose incorrect behavior.

Sometimes relatives (mom, dad, grandparents) configure the baby: "If someone offends you, you beat him in response". But if the baby has some difficulties, teach him to act differently: let him go to the kindergarten, he will figure it out. There should not be such situations that someone walks and hits everyone all the time, because his relatives told him to do this.

  • Do not say the words "Come on, better me"

Sometimes native crumbs suppress all sorts of activity, prevent him from developing and doing something on his own. For example, he dresses, and mom says: "You will get together for a long time, let's better dress you!". Do not interfere with the baby - let him continue to do everything on his own, even if he does it well (although it takes a lot of time).

  • "Do not drive horses"

Another popular mistake of relatives of the crumbs is an extra hurry: children are too quickly starting to leave in the kindergarten for the whole day and they do not have time to go through adaptation. Be patient and do not rush at once, as you put the child to the kindergarten, go out to work.

  • And also parents should know

It happens that the kindergarten is located in such a way that during the walk on the site you can see who passes by. And sometimes children watch how their relatives go past - for example, in the summer to nature, to the park, to the river, with towels and with all other accessories for the walk. Naturally, the kids begin to cry. Parents try to pass by quickly, but the guys understand everything. The educators then persuade the baby - “You were mistaken, these were not your relatives,” or “They went about their business.” Distracted for games, etc. But parents should remember this and not allow such situations.

Dirty pants, blood from the nose and other incidents: interaction, helping the teacher to the child

Interaction, helping the teacher to the child
Interaction, helping the teacher to the child

Anything can happen in the kindergarten. In large training preschool institutions there are medical personnel who should be in the institution daily. In the kindergartens, a smaller nurse can be at the workplace a couple of days per working week. There are medications in the groups, so if something happens, educators will always be able to treat the wound, glue the adhesive plaster, and anoint the scratches with green. So, dirty pants, blood from the nose and other incidents. How is the interaction of the teacher and the baby?

  • Help the teacher to the child

The baby may increase T °, \u200b\u200bgo blood with his nose - this happens often. For example, a baby goes to the children's preschool institution - he has weak blood vessels, so blood from the nasal sinuses often comes. Educators know about this pathology, so they always have a cotton swab and a bubble with hydrogen peroxide at hand. It is enough to moisten the cotton turunda, insert it into his nose sinus - he will rest a little on the chair, the blood will stop - and the baby will go frolic and play.

  • A lot can happen in the garden

You can pinch your finger with a door slit, fall and hit something so that a bruise appears, can bite a bee on the street. Also, the baby can poke into the pants (then the assistant educator (nanny) will wash the ass and change the baby).

  • Where will the child lead if mom and dad did not have time to pick him up until the kindergarten closes?

Remember that it is better to come for a baby in a timely manner. But if relatives are late, usually the kindergarten workers sit and wait for the baby to come. Leaving the child in a closed kindergarten with a watchman or with someone else, employees of the children's institution have no right. Therefore, at first they call relatives.

In Soviet times, educators called the police room, and already from this institution, relatives took the baby home. But now no one will send the baby to the children's room of the police. But it may happen that the kindergarten’s workers leave notes and lead the baby to their house - this is if it is already a lot of time and it is dark on the street, but no one has come behind the child. Basically, of course, they sit and expect.

  • They do not exclude from the kindergarten, but to transfer a problem child to another institution - they can

Upon the arrival of the baby, the parents sign a document in the kindergarten that describes the duties of all parties - the kindergarten and parents. For example, employees of the children's educational institution should provide health, proper care, conduct lessons, and parents are obliged to pay every month for the garden, drive the baby without gaps - regularly, and not one day a month. The kid should be clean and neatly dressed. In case of non-compliance with some requirements, in theory, you can break the contract, and the guilty will be punished.

There are children who have poor behavior - they beat other babies, bite, scream. And sometimes parents gather a group, go to the manager and put forward an ultimatum: “Do what you want, but this child offends our children, prevents them from playing, sleeping, doing. We do not want him to be in our group ". In such cases, the leader can call the relatives of this baby, conduct a conversation with them and find a compromise - for example, to translate the child into a parallel group or to a specialized kindergarten. That is, children are not excluded, but removed from this team.

  • "I punished myself and put in a corner"

If the crumbs have poor behavior, he interferes with other children and does not listen to adults, he will be punished. A kindergarten worker has no right to deprive the crumb of the walk, but to take a chair and put on him, who violates calmness on the sidelines from other children. At the same time, the bully will say: "Now everyone will play, and for now, sit and think about whether you can behave like that or not". Of course, the child will not sit for 8 hours. If he is silent, you can come up and find out how he is doing, whether he knows why he was punished. Usually the baby immediately answers.

But there are other situations. For example, one baby goes to the group-he runs, runs up with other guys, and after a minute-already stands in the corner and roars. The teacher approaches her and asks: "Nastya, why are you crying?" - "I am in the corner" - "And who put you?" - "I put myself" - "Why did you put yourself in a corner?" - "And I behaved badly".

Popularity of an employee of the kindergarten: parents the main educators of their children

Parents the main educators of their children
Parents the main educators of their children

Now you know how the baby’s day goes in kindergarten. You know what to prepare for. Read more the parting words of the employee of the kindergarten to parents:

  • The life of the crumbs changes when he went to the kindergarten (and the life of his native baby too).
  • It is important to have a positive attitude that everything will be fine, and you need to convey this calm state to your child. Because no matter what children are, with all their tantrums and shortcomings, parents still love them.
  • No need to worry and think that in kindergarten there are some other people's aunts and no one needs your kids there.
  • The employees of the kindergarten follow them, worry-they didn’t bring someone, they think: did not get sick if something happened (although parents should warn about the reason for the lack of a child, even if he misses only one day).

Remember: Parents are the main educators of their children. The teacher in kindergarten will help, look after the baby while you are at work. But the main work on education lies on the shoulders of the parents.

When children go to another group, educators are always sorry. When they leave the garden to school, everyone is crying at the graduation. Educators get used to children, give a piece of their soul - they already become their own, relatives. And the employees of the kindergarten do not care. Therefore, feel free to take your kids to kindergarten and do not worry - there is supervision and care for them. Good luck!

Video: Kindergarten. Relations of parents and educators

Video: Psychology. The child cries in the garden. Will it get used to it or not?

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Comments K. article

  1. We have a very good kindergarten, the child walks with pleasure. Only at one time he was very ill, did not go to the garden for three weeks. The child was bored. The pediatrician advised us to submit vitamins of immunity in order to strengthen immunity. Vitamins themselves in the form of marmalade bears, with sea buckthorn juice, vitamins and minerals, special zinc and iodine is important for immunity. In addition, different colors and tastes, the child with a bang bursts and became much less to get sick.

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