Kurilian tea: useful and healing properties, contraindications. Like brewing and applying Kurilian cinquefoil for varicose veins, gastritis and weight loss?

Kurilian tea: useful and healing properties, contraindications. Like brewing and applying Kurilian cinquefoil for varicose veins, gastritis and weight loss?

An article about which plant is called Kurilian tea, where it grows, for which it is used and what heals.

Family of noodles There are many species: goose, white, erect, shrubby, And it is the shrubby noodles that are called Kurilian tea.

Lapceta shrub or Kurilian tea It grows a bush of 0.9-1.5 m. Most often, the plant blooms with yellow flowers with 5 leaflets, but now they have been derived by the cinquefoil of shrubby orange, cream, red and white shades.

How is Kurilian tea useful?

Plant of Kurilian yellow tea, which is most often found
Plant Kurilian
Plant Kurilian tea red
Plant Kurilian tea white

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the flowers and leaves of the cinquefoil were medicinal, and began to collect them and plant them on their personal farms.

In addition to therapeutic qualities of the plant kuril tea is also beautiful - small flowers with 5 petals, yellow, able to decorate your flower grinder.

Kurilian tea resembles black tea to taste. He, like black, contains tannins, catechins and flavonoids.

Kurilian tea is useful:

  • Hypertension, as it reduces blood pressure
  • With poisoning poisons
  • When contaminating drinking water
  • Women in the treatment of inflammation in the genitals (colpitis, erosion on the cervix), and also stops bleeding (uterine, abundant menstruation)
  • With infections in the bladder, stomach and intestines
  • With constipation and disturbed metabolism
  • With diabetes
  • During dysbiosis
  • With depression and other nervous disorders
  • Children with urine incontinence at night
  • With angina
  • With stomatitis
  • For washing wounds, skin inflammations, eyes with conjunctivitis

Kurilian tea: therapeutic properties and contraindications

Kurilian tea or bunch of shrubby

The whole plant is considered the healing: flowers, leaves and roots. Collected for treatment young branches from plants at the end of summer.

Except microelements of the Kurilian tea are rich in saponins, essential oils, tar and phenolic acids.

Lapcete and vitamin C is rich inwhich is much larger (5 times) than in ordinary lemons.

There are rare elements in Kurilian tea - carotenoids that are found only in carrots and apricots. And they do not allow to develop in the body such harmful cells as cancer.

Tea boiled from bunch of shrubby helps with such diseases:

  • Fights with inflammation of various types
  • Against allergies
  • Stops bleeding
  • Fights with harmful bacteria
  • Fights with viruses
  • Has bile and diuretic properties
  • Stimulates immunity
  • Has painkillers and soothing properties

Kuril tea can be drunk, but with caution, and adhere to strictly recipe:

  1. Children give tea with caution, strictly adhere to the norm, as you can harm the work of the kidneys.
  2. Apply only on the recommendation of a doctor if there are chronic diseases (kidneys, liver).
  3. Longer brewing tea for arthritis, other diseases of the joints and urolithiasis.
  4. People without chronic diseases adhere to the recipe, since Kuril tea gives a load on the kidneys.
  5. On the recommendation of a doctor to women pregnant and breastfeeding.


  1. People who have intolerance to Kuril tea (after drinking tea, there is an increase in temperature, nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea).
  2. People with hypotension (blood pressure reduced).

Kurilian tea varieties: Kurilian tea

The best Kurilian tea, variety "Abbotswood"

The most popular varieties of Kurilian teathat you can buy are teas made of yellow flowers.

These are such varieties:

  • "Jacman"
  • "Kobold"
  • "Gold-tepikh"
  • "Klondike"
  • "Sommer-flor"
  • "Elizabeth"
  • "Cook"

Tea "Princess" is produced from pink flowers, from orange-red flowers-tea "Red Ace".

But the best variety of Kuril tea is “Abbotswood” - from white colors.

Kuril tea "Abbotswood".This plant is up to 75-90 cm high. It has a dense crown in the form of a pillow, light green leaves with white flowers 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter. The bush blooms in the 2-3rd year after planting. It blooms in October for a month. It easily tolerates frosts, after cutting young branches quickly restores the shape.

Where is the Kurilian tea growing when it blooms?

Kurilian tea grows in a mountainous area

Kurilian tea or differently-bunch of shrubby It grows in the Far East and other mountainous regions of Russia, as well as in Mongolia, China, Japan, Europe and North America.

Kurilian tea grows in a mountainous area and is not afraid of cold weather, it is found even in areas with permafrost.

Blooms the cinquefoil all summer, starting in May, and even in early October, you can observe small flowers of this plant.

How to brew Kurilian tea?

Kuril tea in color resembles ordinary black tea

Kuril tea is brewed in the same way as ordinary black or green tea, with the only difference being that Kurilsky needs to be brewed longer - more than 10 minutes.

Kuril tea can be used to treat various diseases and for prevention.

For a preventive purpose You can drink tea every day, but no more than 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry tea, brewed 250 ml of boiling water.

If you brew stronger tea (1.5 tbsp. Spoons for 250 ml of water) - this is already going on as therapeutic tea. It is necessary to insist it for about 2 hours, and then simmer (hold on low heat) for 10 minutes, and insist again for 15 minutes. After this procedure, tea is ready for use: orally and douching.

But for the treatment of burns, wounds and intestinal infections, tea must be brewed stronger than 2 or 4 times.

If you take Kurilian tea for the first time, first you should start drinking tea in small portions, and if there are no unpleasant sensations, then you can increase the portion to the due volume.

Kurilian tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In some cases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, women are prescribed by Kuril tea

Pregnant women and breastfeeding Kurilian tea is contraindicated, since side effects may appear.

It is better for pregnant women to abandon the use of any drugs that stimulate immunity, including Kuril tea.

But this is not a clear opinion. Some gynecologists advise nursing women if the child does not have enough breast milk, drink poorly brewed chicken tea.

Also, if a pregnant woman in antibiotic treatment has dysbiosis, then Kuril tea can be drunk, but tea leaves need to take less norm, and tea also needs to drink no more than 200 ml.

Kurilian tea for varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins of veins Kurilian tea

Varicose veins often suffer from obesity. Losing weight with special diets and Kuril tea will help in the fight against this disease.

Kurilian tea for gastritis

Treatment of gastritis Kuril tea

In the Far East and the Kuril Islands, a sore stomach and intestines for a long time is treated with a cinquefoil of shrubby.

Thanks to its chemical composition a glass of Kurilian tea really relieves stomach pain during gastritis and ulcer, remove flatulence in the stomach, and settles digestion, helps from heartburn after stormy feasts.

Kurilian tea for weight loss

Kurilian tea for weight loss

Folk healers have long been used by Kurilian tea for weight loss. And although direct the purpose of the Kuril tea is to cleanse the body, he has wider opportunities.

How can you lose weight, taking Kurilian tea every day?

The substances contained in the Kuril tea affect the body in this regard:

  • Reduce appetite
  • Restore the metabolism
  • Provide the drainage of the fat layer of tissues
  • Have a diuretic effect

To lose weight more harmoniously, you can add to the Kuril tea:

  • Burdock root, altea
  • Nettle and lingonberry leaves
  • Senna grass

Kuril tea has many advantages, much more than contraindications. It was not for nothing that only the Kurilian tea was drank before the national east of the Far East, and they were treated.

Video: Kurilian tea or cinquefoil in the country. The benefits of Kurilian tea

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