Where to hand over the tick for analysis and check in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities? Why take a tick and blood for analysis?

Where to hand over the tick for analysis and check in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities? Why take a tick and blood for analysis?

You will find the addresses and name of hospitals and clinics in the article. If you do not know how the ticks are dangerous and where to hand over the insect for analysis, then you need such information.

Tick \u200b\u200bbites are deadly, doctors do not get tired of this. Therefore, when going to nature, a campaign for mushrooms or other forest fruits, it is necessary to take all precautions. But it is not always possible to avoid contact with harmful insects, because when the tick bites, this is practically not felt by a person.

However, the parasite can be detected during the examination of the body. In this case, it must be extracted, guided by special rules, and then take it to the laboratory analysis. The test can be paid or free - it all depends on which clinic you will conduct it. Read below useful information about these parasites to know what to do if they find themselves on your body. You will also learn how to protect yourself when going to nature.

Why are ticks dangerous?

Ticks that can tolerate dangerous infections
Ticks that can tolerate dangerous infections

Potentially dangerous are, of course, not all varieties of ticks. However, some of these insects may be carriers of severe pathologies, including those that cause disability and even death. So what are the ticks dangerous? The most common diseases are considered:

Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis
Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis

Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis:

  • This is a pathology in which the brain is affected and a whole symptom complex develops.
  • Despite the fact that infection with pathology is quite difficult, since it is transferred to everything 6 ticks from 100.
  • However, mortality from encephalitis is considered high, and is 2% From all cases.
Tick \u200b\u200b-borne borreliosis
Tick \u200b\u200b-borne borreliosis

Lyme disease:

  • The alternative name is tick -borne borreliosis.
  • A less dangerous disease than encephalitis, because, as a rule, it does not end fatal. However, its consequences can be serious.
  • The lesion of the brain and spinal cord entails the development of complications from the heart, liver, joints and visual apparatus.
  • Nevertheless, such pathological conditions appear only with a long absence of the treatment of lime disease. If you seek help from a doctor in time, these consequences can be avoided.

Ticks are also able to become carriers of pathogens of many other infections:

  • Monocytic erlichiosis
  • Granulocytic anaplasmosis
  • Crimean hemorrhagic fever, etc.

The frequency of development of these pathologies is extremely low in comparison with borreliosis and encephalitis. Nevertheless, it is also not worth excluding such a probability. Diseases often develop gradually, and in the initial stages can occur asymptomatic. The situation from this is only complicated, so if you find a tick on your body, do not slow down with an appeal to a specialist.

What should I do if bitten by a tick?

The tick was bitten
The tick was bitten

Typically, the tick after a bite remains in the subcutaneous part of the body, or on the surface of the skin. And the longer it is there, the greater the likelihood of infection with the above pathologies. What should I do if bitten by a tick? You can remove the insect yourself. But if it dug deeply into the skin, you will have to go to the hospital.

If you decide to get a parasite yourself, then be guided by 2 rules:

  1. The tick must be removed completely.
  2. The procedure must be carried out carefully and very carefully so as not to inadvertently crush the insect.
Tool to pull out a tick
Tool to pull out a tick
  • To remove the malicious insect from the thickness of the skin, use tweezers, thread or a special tool that can be bought at the pharmacy.
  • Grab the parasite as close to the surface of the skin, turn it around the axis and slowly unscrew it from the course that it did.
This is how you need to pull the tick correctly
This is how you need to pull the tick correctly
  • Treat the damaged place with an antiseptic. Alcohol or iodine is suitable for this.
  • After the tick removal procedure, be sure to wash your hands well well.

If you decide to go to the clinic, do not forget to take with you the passport and mHI policy. When visiting a private medical center, only a passport will be enough.

  • At the reception, the specialist be sure to tell where and under what circumstances there was contact with the insect.
  • After collecting an anamnesis and a thorough examination, the doctor will decide what to do.

You may need the introduction of immunoglobulin, which will reduce the risk of tick -borne encephalitis. However, this is not a mandatory procedure, but rather a recommendation that a doctor can give.

Why take a tick for analysis?

Tick \u200b\u200bfor analysis
Tick \u200b\u200bfor analysis

After extracting the insect, you can immediately destroy it. But for reinsurance, it is better, nevertheless, to hand over it for a laboratory study. Why take a tick for analysis?

  • Thanks to this procedure, you can make sure that nothing threatens your health.
  • But you can and, on the contrary, hear that you need to urgently take measures to prevent the development of a certain disease.

To deliver the tick to the laboratory, place it in a hermetic container and close it tightly. It is best to use a plastic container for analysis for this purpose. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately send the container to the clinic, place a piece of wet cotton wool in it, then put in the refrigerator. You can store the tick in this way no longer than three days.

Important: It is recommended to deliver the container before the insect perishes. But if it has already died, it is not scary. The main thing is that the tick does not dry out, otherwise the study will become impossible.

Specify the cost and duration of the analysis in the laboratory. In addition, the price of the test will depend on your city in residence.

Where to hand over the tick for analysis for free, around the clock in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow Region, and other cities?

Tick \u200b\u200bfor analysis
Tick \u200b\u200bfor analysis

With a bite of a tick, it is necessary to investigate not only the harmful insect itself. Patients are recommended to take a blood test for PCR or antibodies to tick -borne infections. Where can you take a tick for analysis for free, around the clock in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow Region, other cities?

AT Moscow This can be done for free in the following medical institutions:

  • FBUZ "Center for hygiene and epidemiology in Moscow."
  • Laboratory of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Moscow Region."

Paid blood test is possible the PCR method, or to determine tick -borne infections in such clinics:

Check the cost of the test by the administrator of the clinic by phone, which can be found on official sites.

AT St. Petersburg You can pass a tick test in such organizations:

  • Laboratory of FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in St. Petersburg"
  • City Laboratory Center of the Gossanepidadzor, Laboratory of Physical Factors
  • Laboratory of LLC "Available Medicine"
  • Clinic JSC "SZTM"
  • Day hospital on the site Mirgorodskaya St., 3

To pass the tick or blood for analysis in Moscow Region and Moscow region You can contact the following medical institutions:

  • Institute of polio and viral encephalitis
  • Medical Center "One Med"
  • Invitro
  • Hemotest
  • Take tests (formerly Helix)

Information about where to take the tick for analysis and undergo a PCR study in other cities is provided in the table:

City List of clinics/laboratories
1 Kaliningrad
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Kaliningrad Region
  • Invitro
  • MUZ "Central City Hospital"
  • FSBI "Kaliningrad MVL"
2 Ufa
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Bashkortostan
  • Lorak
  • Medical tests
  • Genome
  • Medialab etc.
3 Omsk
  • Invitro
  • Virological Laboratory of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Omsk Region"
  • Laboratory of Kleshchev Borreliosis of the FBUN Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focus infections of Rospotrebnadzor
4 Kazan
5 Minsk
  • RNPs of epidemiology and microbiology in Minsk
  • Invitro
  • Sinlab
  • Biomedica
  • Alfamed
  • Grand Medical
  • Exana
6 Voronezh
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Voronezh Region
  • Invitro
  • Diagnostics Plus
  • Es class clinics
  • NMT
  • Peresvet
  • Hemotest
7 Eagle
8 Novosibirsk
  • Medical practice
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Novosibirsk
  • Center for New Medical Technologies
  • Siblabservice
  • Siblabltekh
  • Hemotest
  • City Clinical Hospital No. 2
9 Vladimir
10 Penza
11 Lipetsk
12 Bryansk
13 Obninsk
14 Mytishchi
15 Kaluga
16 Tula
17 Yaroslavl
18 Artem
19 Samara
  • MK Science
  • Invitro
  • Bio itself
  • Hemotest
20 Saratov
21 Podolsk
22 Zelenograd
  • MC 338
  • Center for Molecular Diagnostics
  • Invitro
  • CMD medical tests
  • Hemotest
  • Labkvest
  • MC Archimedes
  • MC Nikor-Med
  • MC Medical Profi
  • Intermedicum
  • Medan
  • MC Dali
  • Zelemed Center
23 Krasnodar
  • Sunny clinic
  • KDL
  • Hemotest 
  • Medical Laboratory CL
  • European laboratories
  • Center for Molecular Diagnostics
24 Izhevsk
  • MTs Falls
  • Hemotest
  • Low Express
  • Doctor Plus
  • Allegro
25 Krasnoyarsk
  • ABV - medical tests
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology No. 51
  • Invitro
  • IM, Laboratory Center
  • Hemotest
26 Permian
27 Cheboksary
28 Ramenskoye
  • Invitro
  • Hemotest
  • Medina
  • MC Dimax
  • Center for Molecular Diagnostics
  • New Medical Technologies
  • Ramenskaya City Children's Hospital
29 Ulyanovsk
  • Invitro
  • The science
  • Helix
  • Hemotest
  • Skylab
  • Laboratory
  • MC Academy
  • Labkvest

In some clinics, you can pass the tick and blood for research. But certain laboratories provide only one of these services. Therefore, always clarify all the details so as not to waste time for unsuccessful trips to medical facilities.

Why, after a tick bite, donate blood for analysis?

Blood for analysis for tick bite
Blood for analysis for tick bite

When passing a tick for examination, you are also recommended to undergo blood tests. Why do this after a bite of this insect? Analyzes are necessary in order to establish whether the pathogens of a particular infectious pathology are present in the body. Usually testing is carried out in the event of an alarming symptoms that appeared after contact with the insect:

  • Long fever
  • General malaise
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches are difficult to stop painful drugs
  • Increase in lymph nodes
  • Rashes on the body

Blood test with two methods:

  1. PCR. Polymerase chain reaction allows you to detect pathogens of tick -borne pathology in almost any biological fluid. The diagnostic procedure is informative from the first days of the development of the disease.
  2. Research for antibodies. Most often, tests for immunoglobulins of classes are held G and M. The former appear in the blood after 7-10 days from the moment the tick is bite, the latter - after 3-4 weeks.

To obtain a more clear picture of the disease, doctors usually recommend that you immediately 2 research. That is, both the PCR and the test for immunoglobulins in the blood.

How is tick -borne diseases treated?

Lyme ticker therapy
Lyme ticker therapy

If the tick -borne infection has been confirmed, the treatment must begin immediately. Specific therapeutic measures will completely depend on the diagnosis. How is tick -borne diseases treated?

  • Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis treated in a hospital. The patient is prescribed symptomatic and supportive therapy. Careful and constant monitoring of its condition is carried out, the dynamics and forecast for recovery are evaluated.
  • Lyme disease treated with antibacterial drugs. They are selected taking into account the severity of the disease. At an early stage, and also as a prevention, it is used Doxycycline. In the later stages of borreliosis - other antimicrobial drugs.

Of course, it is better not to allow the ticks to bite and develop dangerous diseases in the body. How to protect yourself from ticks is described below. Read further.

How to protect yourself from tick -borne infections: specialists' advice

Here's how to protect yourself from tick -borne infections
Here's how to protect yourself from tick -borne infections

You can prevent skin contact with a tick. Experts regularly conduct preventive conversations on this subject, talking about how to protect themselves from bites of dangerous insects. How to protect yourself from tick -borne infections? Follow such tips and recommendations:

Dress right before going to the forest:

  • Pour clothes with long sleeves, do not forget about the headdress.
  • For women, instead of a skirt, pants should be worn.
  • Make sure that the neck is tightly adjacent to the throat, season the pants into boots or socks.
  • Give preference to light and plain clothes, because it is much easier to notice the tick on it.

Use special tick preparations:

  • There are 3 types of funds: repellent, acaricid, insecticidal-reinforced.
  • The first group of drugs scares off ticks, forcing them to leave the treated area, or not at all approaching it at all.
  • But acaricidal and insecticidal-reinforced agents provoke paralysis of the limbs of the parasite. As a result, he is pushed out of his clothes and, perhaps, dies.

Carefully inspect the skin after returning from the forest:

  • Such a procedure will not take much time.
  • But this will make it possible to detect a tick if it still penetrated into the dermis.

Finally, you can protect yourself using a preventive vaccination. You can also arrange insurance. With a bite of a tick, an insured person receives a payment that covers all expenses for the diagnosis and treatment of a disease provoked by malicious insects.

Ticks are very dangerous parasites, contact with which in some cases may end death. Be careful when going to the forest or park, do not forget to take precautions. If you could not avoid contact with insects, try to remove it as soon as possible and take it to the study. Additionally, undergo laboratory diagnostics to make sure that nothing threatens your health. Good luck!

Video: Tick bite - what to do? New recommendations CDC and AMMI 2019

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