Encephalitis in animals: how does cats and dogs manifest? Encephalite tick bite in dogs and cats: symptoms, signs, treatment, vaccination

Encephalitis in animals: how does cats and dogs manifest? Encephalite tick bite in dogs and cats: symptoms, signs, treatment, vaccination

A bite of an infected tick can cause the death of an animal. The article describes signs of pets infection and proposed methods of preventing the disease.

Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis can cause people's death, and pyroplasmosis transmitted by ticks kills animals. To prevent this from happening, after the bite of the tick, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures.

The regular examination of the animal will help to detect a sucked parasite in time.

Tick-borne Encephalitis

Do animals get into encephalitis?

Encephalitisit develops in people after a bite of an encephalitis tick. Animals after a bite of an infected tick get sick pyroplasmosis.

The disease has a natural-focal nature of occurrence and is associated with the stay of animals on the street. As a rule, a carrier - ixodic tick, namely, a dog tick. Dogs with weakened immunity are subject to infection.

What do encephalitis ticks look like in dogs, is it dangerous?

Dog's tick is flat, oval, with a black shield on the back and four pairs of legs. His body can stretch and reach 11 mm in diameter. The color of the insect is brown, but saturated with blood, turns pale.

Saturated tick on the body of the animal
Saturated tick on the body of the animal

If an encephalitis tick bites the dog: symptoms and signs

Most often, the infection ends for an animal death. After the bite comes the incubation periodwhich can last from two to three weeks.

At this time, the animal:

  • the temperature rises
  • disorders of the motor system are manifested
  • convulsions may appear
  • there is lethargy
  • the heartbeat quickens

The disease affects the nervous system, pain intensifies. The dog’s behavior is changing. It becomes aggressive and unpredictable. Paralysis is possible.

One of the first signs of the development of the disease is the appearance in the urine of the animal impurities of blood and a further change in its color from dark brown to black.

Treatment of encephalitis in dogs

In the case of a bite of a tick, you can not pull it sharply. There is a danger to leave the paws of the parasite that will cause inflammation. A couple of drops of kerosene, oil, alcohol or gasoline should be drunk on a tick.

If the bloodsucker itself does not disappear, take it out with tweezers, turning around the axis.

Important: after removing the tick, the bite should be wiped 2% aqueous solution of chlorophos or entomazan. Nfighting manipulations with bare hands.

The dog can be saved if you enter immediately after the bite Azidin.

Azidin's injection can save the life of a dog
Azidin's injection after a tick bite can save a dog's life

How much will a dog live with necrotic encephalitis?

Small dogs are subject to necrotic encephalitis. This disease, which is characterized by the occurrence of necrotic foci of inflammation in the brain and is not the result of bites of blood -sucking parasites.

With this disease, they note:

  • visual impairment
  • coordination of movements
  • pain
  • violation of consciousness
  • convulsions
  • paralysis

As a rule, necrotic encephalitis ends with the death of the dog, but the animal is possible.

Typically, hormonal, antibacterial and diuretics are prescribed for treatment.

Necrotic encephalitis develops in dogs of small breeds
Necrotic encephalitis develops in dogs of small breeds

Encephalitis vaccination to dogs

Vaccines for dog encephalitis, as well as from pyroplasmosis, do not exist. However, for the prevention of parasite bites, you can use a collar Scalibor. Its work is based on Deltametrin, repelling ticks.

It is possible to vaccinate in order to increase the immunity of the animal. The dog is administered drugs that help fight parasites, but do not treat. There are very toxic vaccinations and can harm the health of the pet.

Important: when using unverified antiparasitic, immunating vaccines and drugs, the onset of the disease can be missed, since the symptoms will be suppressed.

There are vaccinations of a depressed virus, which is introduced by the animal. The dog’s immunity should develop antibodies. This method of vaccination is risky and does not guarantee safety from infection.

Ticks on the body of the animal
Ticks on the body of the animal

Do cats get into encephalitis?

Cats, like dogs, are also at risk of pyroplasmosis infection. Rare walks or their absence does not guarantee security.

The owner can become a carrier of the parasite. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the regular inspection and processing of the animal.

Symptoms of pyroplasmosis:

  • temperature
  • anemia
  • feverish condition
  • vomit
  • constipation
Cats can get into encephalitis
An increase in temperature in a cat is one of the signs of infection

Encephalitis in cats symptoms

The incubation period of encephalitis (pyroplasmosis) in cats can last from 2 to 14 days. In case of an insect, it should be correctly removed.

During the first two weeks, the cat may have and develop symptoms:

  • temperature rise
  • lethargy
  • abundant tearfulness
  • discharges from the nose
  • loss of appetite

Then, violations of coordination, loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis are manifested.

Important: the disease can take place faster and manifests itself after several hours after the bite. The cat has weakness, shakiness, diarrhea, cramps, coma.

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis to cats

Vaccinations from tick -borne encephalitis do not exist to cats.

After each walk, you need to inspect the pet. The tick is looking for the most free place from the wool. It is necessary to pay special attention to the ears, armpits, groin, cat's stomach. In animals with short wool, it is highly likely to pick up the parasite.

You can protect the cat as much as possible from the bite of the tick by applying special sprays and drops to the withers to the wool.

The use of anti -cell spray
The use of anti -cell spray

Is encephalitis transmitted from cat to person?

Encephalitis in cats at an early stage is extremely difficult to diagnose. A favorite can become a tick carrier, bringing it to the house on himself.

An infected animal can harm a person. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the elementary rules of hygiene and regular examination of pets.

How is encephalitis transmitted?

The parasite emits saliva. The first portion of it attaches a proboscis to the body of a person or animal. The second - anesthetizes the place of the bite. For this reason, you can simply not feel the bite itself.

Together with the saliva of the tick, the virus enters the body. If the dose of the virus is not large enough, and the immunity of the victim is able to fight the infection, then encephalitis may not develop.

The virus enters the body with a saliva tick
The virus enters the body with a saliva tick

There are different forms of tick -borne encephalitis:

  • feverish
  • meningeal
  • focal
  • chronic

After infection, a person is possible with the following symptoms:

  • weakness
  • chills
  • temperature
  • headache
  • nausea, vomiting
  • conjunctivitis
  • violation of consciousness and sleep
  • paralysis of the muscles of the face and neck

Important: a person can become infected with encephalitis by eating fresh milk of a sick animal. You can catch encephalitis through the saliva of an infected animal.

A reliable way to prevent the disease in humans is vaccination from encephalitis, which gives 95% of the protection. Immunization is carried out in several stages of children over 3 years old and adults.

Vaccination against tick -borne encephalitis is included in the vaccination calendar.

Video: pyroplasmosis in dogs

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