Dogs for protection: rating, review of the best breeds

Dogs for protection: rating, review of the best breeds

Each person, having heard about a dog that protects the house, immediately represents an evil large animal, but there are a lot of criteria for the selection of a security dog. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account prosperity, as well as the situation of the place where the dog will live, in addition, the features of all households, their personal wishes should be taken into account.

During the choice of a pet, one should not forget that some breeds of dogs cannot serve as a guard. And all because they do not have a guard instinct. Watchtower dogs have a common set of special qualities, for example, independence to make the right decision, prudence, and the ability to quickly learn.

Dogs to protect the apartment: Basic qualities

The choice of a dog to protect the apartment is an important step for any person. The most famous mistake that many people make - they prefer the aesthetic side during the choice. The dog is initially a friend, a watchman. And only after that it is necessary to pay attention to the external beauty of the pet.

The guard dog, as a rule, has the following external indicators, character traits:

  • Well trained.
  • It does not have too thick wool (if the dog is fluffy, it will be hot to live in the apartment).
  • It has the corresponding dimensions of the quadrature of the dwelling.
  • Obedient.
  • Tolerant for children.
  • Disassembled to strangers.

The remaining qualities are considered the characteristics of a particular breed.

Dogs for guarding the house

The choice of breeds for guarding the house is much wider than for the protection of the apartment. All because at home you can keep, for example, large dogs that are not suitable for living in an apartment.

As a rule, dogs to protect the house:

  • Independent.
  • They have thick wool (so as not to freeze in winter).
  • Bold.
  • Evil defenders of their housing and territory.
  • Incredient to strangers.
  • They treat their owner well.
  • Accustomed to children.

It is not necessary to educate the present from the guard dog monsterwho is biting any person who approached the house. The dog should be adequate, obedient, otherwise problems related to communication may arise. The dog will not want to launch a person to the territory of his own ownership, even if it takes the owner.

The largest dog breeds for protection

For a house, try to choose a large -sized security dog. Such breeds are the best guards and fighters. They overcome a person of even large dimensions, can give help. Among large guard dogs, the following breeds should be distinguished.

Large breeds of dogs for protection:

Fila Brazileiro

  • This dog is enough large. She was taken out to catch runaway slaves in Brazil. The dog can perfectly navigate the terrain, find a person anywhere, knowing only his smell.
  • Yes, this dog does not show kindness, tenderness, but it is very much attached to its master, begins be completely trusted to him. Such a character trait influenced the fact that local residents began to call the dog “true as Phila” in Brazil.
  • This breed has its own peculiarity - it does not tolerate when strangers touch it. The animal can be near the owner for a long time, begging to stroke. But the dog will not allow a stranger to touch him. The dog can growl.


The dog of this breed is considered a responsible watchman, a good companion. He received his own genealogy dog \u200b\u200bfrom Boldog and Mastiff. The animal is infinitely affectionate to its owner, but constantly refers to strangers.


The main points of the breed:

  • Bulmastif Not as slobbery as the English bulldog. However, “drip” from his mouth will still be periodically.
  • The dog can be kept in a country house and in an apartment.
  • Bulmastif is a dog of contrasts. In the animal, high activity is interspersed with a sleepy state. The dog can be so lazy that it is sometimes difficult to drive it off the chair.
  • Theoretically, the dog is not inclined to show unreasonable aggression. But there are cases when the animal attacks people.
  • Bulmastif has a formidable voice, but the dog does not use it often, as a rule, reasonably.
  • The dog has a great flair. Thanks to him, the pet always takes a trace, finds psychotropic, narcotic substances.
  • In a dream, the dog can give out interesting sounds. Sometimes they resemble a strong snoring and then sniffing.
  • The dog does not tolerate fever. In strong heat with bulmastphone They do not work, the dog, as a rule, is lying in the shade, drinks a lot of water.

Bordeaux dog

  • The breed from the very beginning was bred for dog fighting. A little later, her people began to use her royal service. The dog guarded the estate. Bordeaux dog is considered the best security dog. Many people claim that the guard qualities of the animal are laid by nature.
  • Bordeaux dog has a second name, more popular - french mastiff. The dog is considered strong, frightening. It is often used to remove films, series.
  • The dog has phlegmatic character. The dog is very silent, restrained, cold -blooded. Be that as it may, in some cases she is wrapped, like a cholera - the dog barks loudly, shows aggression, moves jerks. But so she begins to behave if she feels a real threat.
  • Bordeaux dog is considered a good watchman. The dog is watchful, cautious, attentive. Even if the animal rests, it still watches its territory.

Argentine Dog

  • It looks like a dog may seem formidable, impregnable. This is especially true for a white dog, from which sometimes it blows with cold. But in reality, only strangers need to be afraid of a pet, especially those who threaten family members. The dog is infinite devoted to its owner.
  • The dog has a large, powerful jaw. Because of this, some people consider the dog aggressive, dangerous. But the dog can show aggression in relation to strangers when a dangerous situation arises. When nothing threatens the dog and its owner, the pet is calm, friendly.
Terrible dog
Terrible dog

Russian black terrier

  • This breed was brought out for guard guard. Terrier's task It consists in the following - to protect the territory, all the objects that are located on it from the penetration of strangers. Such a dog “holds a circle”, she will never let the stranger to the indicated line.
  • Thanks to these character traits, the black terrier is often used as bodyguard. If the dog is brought up correctly, it will guard its owners, treat children with restraint and at the same time strictly.
  • When a terrier young, he is cheerful, has a “living” character. At the same time, the animal is considered fearless, independent, confident.
  • Until old age, Terrier will be a faithful guard, bodyguard.
Black Dog
Black Dog

Big dogs for guarding home and children

Big dogs for protection can live not only in a private house, but also in the apartment. Since among them you can meet affectionate, smart representatives who love children very much. For example, Belgian or German shepherd.

German Shepherd

  • From the very beginning, people used the shepherd only to protect cattle from predatory animals. But dog handlers noticed that the dog is very smart, clever, strong. After that, people began to use it as the rescuer during the war, emergency situations, the defender of the border, the search engine of criminals, and so on.
  • German shepherds were able to cope with these functions better than other breeds. By this, they were able to secure their popularity around the world.
  • Since the dog of this breed has a little larger size than the average, it cannot be kept in a small apartment. The dog will not have enough space for active games, and after growing up, the animal will not have its own corner in the room.
  • The German shepherd has stable, calm character. At a small age, the pet shows independence, does not obey. In such a period, the animal must show that the house is the master.
  • For such purposes, you can use moderate methods of physical impact. It is enough for the dog to give a couple of a slap in the way to recognize the authority of the owner. To effectively teach a pet, you can give him various dog treats.

Belgian shepherd

  • The origin of the dog greatly affected the disposition of the pet, its working characteristics. Shepherd people often use As a watchman at home, residential territory. In addition, many people start a dog in agriculture. This dog is popular in that it has High level of intelligence. The animal is able to analyze any situation, make the right decisions independently.
  • Belgian shepherd It can quickly collect sheep in a bunch, solve the concomitant problem. It has an independent character, tries to strive for freedom, independence. But a person who can earn the respect of the dog will be able to quickly force her to fulfill all the commands.
  • The Belgian shepherd can get tired of active games, but despite this, the pet is considered a good nanny for children, it will be able to protect in any case.
  • The shepherd is quickly tied to one person, but does not ignore the rest. She is always glad to affection, executes a team of any family member.


  • Often the dog is used to protect the house, apartments. Also, the animal can make a company while hunting a large beast. For each type of hunting, a certain training is selected. As a result of classes, the dog becomes a good companion of its own owner.
  • Rottweiler is considered a smart, cunning dog. If the dog suddenly stops performing commands, begins to look with a reminiscent look, then this means that he simply deceives the owner. The dog has very high intelligence. That is why he is not a simple watchman, but a member of the whole family.
  • The dog always loves its own owners, children. He will never leave household for their favorite profit.
  • Despite the fact that the pet has many good character traits, he is strong lazy. As a result, problems associated with the health of the pet may arise. To prevent this from happening, the dog must constantly run, play, actively move, and as often as possible.


  • Many people believe doberman is angry, cocky. But despite this, the dog is quite balanced. The breed never shows unreasonable aggression, it does not suddenly attack people, other animals.
  • A distinctive feature of Doberman - The dog has excellent intelligence at the genetic level. The dog has a living mind, he strives to realize his official potential.
  • An adult can somehow read the thoughts of its owner. The dog quickly determines the mood of the owner in the voice. Doberman is a great watchman, Having high intelligence.

German boxer

  • The boxer has only positive sides. Dog balanced, noble, kind, He knows how to sympathize. If the owner has a bad mood, the animal will not leave him. The pet will come to the owner, put his face on his knees, regret a person, sympathize.
  • The boxer treats children well. The dog will even be a horse for a child, a plush toy, a pillow, if necessary.
  • Cycologists were able to prove that the dogs of this breed are smart, they can clearly perform any commands. According to his own genetics, the boxer simply needs to be given commands and educated.
  • The boxer has flexible, patient character. But, if the dog notices danger, she bravely tries to protect her owner, clinging to the enemy.

Middle dogs to protect the apartment, houses

Small dogs for protection They can live in an apartment, are considered excellent companions. They are peaceful, devoted, are distinguished by a good ingenuity.

American Pit Bulturier

  • The pit Bullerer is not easy. The dog was able to inherit from its own ancestors a strong spirit of a fighter, an increased degree of excitability, excitement, the ability to dominate. Pitbul tries to remain a leader everywhere - to be faster, bolder, stronger than other dogs. At the same time, the dog has excellent intelligence, often makes a decision itself. The owner who raises the pet depends only on what these solutions will become.
  • The dog, which receives enough attention from the owner, grows up devoted. He becomes a good defender who will not think for a long time if a native person needs help.


  • The dog belongs to the breeds of hunting. She is a good companion, she can look for people, and can rightfully earn the title of “universal breed”. People use an Erudelterier for hunting, note in the animal those qualities that are characteristic of spaniels. The dog moves well in water, also feels great on land and in the mountainous area. The animal is neither scary nor the heat or cold weather.
  • The dog has fun, active character. She is friendly, devoted, energetic. The pet can live in an apartment, house, as well as in a country cottage. He performs all the teams well, quickly remembers them, receiving in return favorite goodies and praise of the owner.
  • Aggressively the dog behaves if it protects the owner. Often shows stubbornness, but at the same time the dog is quite smart, brave.
  • The dog will never attack the first. The mood of the animal can be quickly predicted in the ears, tail, expression. The pet is sports, fast. He will not miss any trifle. This is a wonderful guard, since the dog is fearless, always behaves confidently.
Dog for protection
Dog for protection


  • If the dog is correctly educated, it grows up good companion. Such an animal is devoted to its family, protects the owner, its property, does not recede even before the enemy, which is much larger.
  • Mittel is an active dog. She plays all day, loves to accompany the owner in every journey. Due to loneliness, monotony, the pet becomes angry, uncontrollable. Therefore, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the dog.
  • With young children, the dog does not like to share toys, so conflicts may occur because of this. With older children, the animal gets along well. She is even ready to play with them. The pet is suspicious of strangers, sometimes shows aggression. Has a hunting instinct, tend to dominate.
For protection
For protection

Little dog for protection and family

It is interesting that small dogs were bred relatively recently during selection. They were able to maintain the qualities of the watchman, to purchase compact dimensions.


  • The dog has a unique character. She is a noble, brave, excellent guard, so she can stand up for its owner.
  • The Tsvergshneuszer is particularly careful about strangersTherefore, it is very difficult to enter the trust of the dog. The dog will not give them a stranger to command.
  • The zverg is perfectly in contact with other breeds, Even with the big ones themselves. The dog feels confident, on equal terms, does not give a single chance that superiority is manifested above it. The pet does not like humiliation, obeys only the strongest.
  • Tsvergshnauzer - This is a good -natured, cheerful, playful dog. Other pets belongs positively. He loves children who live in one apartment. The dog can accompany children during a walk, can even become a toy for them.

Boston Terrier

  • The dog is friendly, active. She is loving, getting along well with all households. Such a pet loves children, never leaves them. The dog will be constantly nearby, even if the owner is watching TV, a book is read
  • Boston Terrier He does not like loneliness. Accordingly, it is advisable for people who are constantly at work, it is advisable to buy 2 puppies at once or get a cat.
  • Despite the fact that the dog is small enough, it can become a good watchman. If someone threatens the owner, the dog will immediately rush into battle. But this must also be taught, since this breed can quickly make friends with an outsider.
Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier


The lagdterer has a difficult disposition. Some owners consider the dog ideal, others characterize it as a naughty and evil pet.


  • Energetic.
  • Decisive.
  • Active.
  • Bold.

From an early age, the dog shows a hot character. He suppresses the owner, tries to become more important than him. Over time, this character trait does not disappear, but on the contrary, it becomes more noticeable. The dog begins to behave fearlessly, it often uses its teeth.


Experienced dog handlers adore this prankster. They claim, if the pet is correctly raised, it opens up bright character traits. The dog becomes:

  • Devoted to the owner.
  • Excellent watchman.
  • Obedient.

Akita Inu

  • Akita has positive. The dog does not have the negative sides of the temper. From an early age, the dog is mischievous, cheerful, playful. He does not show aggression. The dog has a balanced temperament, sometimes it seems that she feels calmly at any case.
  • Before you intercede for the owner, go into battle, the pet studies the situation, evaluates his own actions, consequences. Akita Inu is Smart, wise animal.
  • The dog can be a good friend, watchman, companion. If children live in the apartment, the pet can take on certain responsibilities for their entertainment.
  • Having paid due attention to the dog, you can ultimately get a devoted comrade, a reliable defender for each family member.

The best dogs for security: reviews

Reviews about dogs for security:

  • Svetlana: "For protection, I would advise you to choose german shepherd. The dog is smart, formidable. Such a pet lives in us. He launches every person into his own territory, but does not always want to release. ”
  • Dmitry: “I would recommend a small dog. Moreover, the choice of such pets is very large. Lives in our apartment boston Terrier. The dog is affectionate, but at any moment I am ready to protect its owner. ”
  • Olga: “For several years now I have been living in our house doberman. Friends gave us the dog, and we are very happy with it. The pet perfectly protects the yard, never launches outsiders into the territory of strangers. ”

For dog lovers, we recommend reading the following articles about pets:

Video: TOP-10 of the best breeds for guarding the house

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  1. well, yes akita, it is just so small

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