Winged expressions - about life, homeland, love, friendship, family, happiness, money: the best selection

Winged expressions - about life, homeland, love, friendship, family, happiness, money: the best selection

A selection of the best winged expressions.

Winged expressions about life

Winged expressions about life
Winged expressions about life

Winged expressions about life:

  • “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that they love us for what we are, which we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are” (V. Hugo).
  • “If everything did not work out as you expected, do not be discouraged. God's plans are always better than ours ”(I.-V. Goethe).
  • “Never blame a person until you go a long way in his boots” (Lao Tzu).
  • “Everything affects everything. In this universe, when one thing changes, everything changes. Hence the great power of man to change the world, changing himself ”(Sh.N. Maharaj).
  • “Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide, and everything stops. The goal was lost, and as it happened ”(V.M. Hugo).
  • “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; The optimist in every difficulty sees opportunities ”(W. Churchill).
  • “The picture that you see in your mind will become your life over time” (A. Schopenhauer).
  • “Who is full of desires and hopes, he already lives in the future” (L. Sheffer).
  • “If you really want something, the whole universe will help your desire come true” (P. Coelho).
  • “Whoever wants to do is looking for a method, who does not want - looking for a reason” (Socrates).
  • “A person who rejoices at the happiness of other people will always be happy himself” (G.D. Tinley).
  • “The one who has the sun shines in the soul will see the sun even on the most gloomy day” (Confucius).
  • “One will not figure out what roses smell of. Another of bitter herbs will get honey. I will give a trifle to someone, he will remember forever. You will give life to someone, but he will not understand ”(O. Hayam).
  • "Not the great one who never fell, but he is great - who fell and got up!" (Confucius).
  • “There are no errors. Events that invade our lives, no matter how unpleasant for us they are, are necessary for us to learn what we must learn ”(R. Bach).
  • “The weak never forgive. The ability to forgive is the property of the strong ”(M. Gandhi).
  • “There must be pauses in life. Such pauses, when nothing happens to you, when you just sit and look at the world, and the world looks at you ”(K. Renz).
  • “What difference does it make, who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not? ” (Osho).
  • “Not for that I live to eat, but eat in order to live” (Quintilian).
  • “Lack of sleep is not a problem. The problem is when you do not know why you wake up in the morning! ” (A. Einstein).
  • “Strive not to succeed, but to ensure that your life makes sense” (A. Einstein).
  • “There are no hopeless situations in life, there are only unusual decisions” (O. Roy).
  • “People who are dissatisfied with their lives always repeat the flight, but not many are running. It’s much easier to just close your eyes, as if you are all right ”(P. Jane).
  • “It is enough for a person to give a goal in life, and he will be able to lay out completely in any situation” (I.-V. Gette).
  • “Before pouring the soul, make sure that the“ vessel ”does not proceed” (D.B. Show)
  • “How easy it is to offend a person! He took and threw the phrase angrier than pepper. And then sometimes there is not enough century. To return the offended heart ”(E. Asadov).
  • “People are alone, because instead of bridges they build walls” (S.E. Lets)
  • "Know how to appreciate the one who cannot without you, and do not chase for those who are happy without you!" (G.G. Marquez).
  • “When you appreciate what you have, and not live in the search for ideals, then you will really become happy” (F. Nietzsche).

Winged expressions about love

Winged expressions about love
Winged expressions about love

Winged expressions about love:

  • Love is the discovery of oneself in other people and the delight of recognition. Alexander Smith
  • Not to be loved is just a failure, not to love - this is misfortune. Albert Camus
  • To love does not mean looking at each other, to love is to look together in one direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Love cannot be achieved by force, love cannot be begged and pray. She comes from heaven, uninvited and unexpected. Buck Pearl Sayenstrker
  • Love! This is the shortest way from one heart to another: a straight line. Bedel
  • Love overcomes everything. Virgil Publius Maron
  • Love is not enough. She has happiness, but she wants paradise, has a paradise - wants the sky. Oh loving! All this is in your love. Just find. Victor Marie Hugo
  • Once I met a beggar in love on the street. He was wearing an old hat, his coat was rubbed on his elbows, his shoes flowed, and stars shone in his soul. Victor Marie Hugo
  • Love always surpasses faith in it. Everyday words: If you knew how I love you! - They contain a deep and endless truth. Wilhelm Humboldt
  • Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he should. Wilhelm Shvebel
  • There is no debt to love. There is only freedom to love, and this freedom can be discovered in yourself again and again. Vladimir Levy
  • Just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean that he does not love you with all his soul. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Love is the only thing that cannot be given too much. Henry Miller
  • To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Love is a mutual change in lovers, the change of both towards each other. Daniil Alexandrovich Granin
  • Do not act against the deity of lovers: whatever the means you attract, you will lose the battle, be sure. Dante Aligieri
  • Love each other, but do not turn love into a chain. Better, it will be an exciting sea between the banks of your souls. Jebrah Halil Jebra
  • Love does not possess anything and does not want someone to own it ... And do not think that you can rule the ways of love, because if love considers you worthy, it will direct your path. Jebrah Halil Jebra
  • Darkness can hide trees and flowers from the eyes, but it cannot hide love from the heart. Jebrah Halil Jebra
  • It is amazing how little a person feels his poverty when he loves. John Balver
  • There is no such hard work that love would not do not only light, but even pleasant. Jordano Bruno
  • Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a compressed hand. Dorothy Parker
  • Love is all that we have, and only with love we can help each other. Euripides
  • Hatred cannot be drowned out with hatred. Only love can defeat it; Such is the ancient wisdom. Elena Petrovna Blavatsky
  • To love means tirelessly fighting thousands of barriers in ourselves and around us. Jean Anuy
  • To love is to live in heart. Jean Batista Henri Lacorder

Winged expressions about work

Winged expressions about work
Winged expressions about work

Winged expressions about work:

  • Alanis Morissett: A person who knows how, will always have a job. A person who knows why, will always be his boss.
  • Charles Baudler: The hardest work is the one that we do not dare to start: it becomes a nightmare.
  • Karl Lagerfeld: Take the fact that makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered to be successful. If you are happy working in a village store, work. Remember that you have only one life.
  • Dmitry Nagiyev: They earn a daily bread with their hands, and on the oil - with his head. Konstantin
  • Melikhan: The harder the work, the easier it is to get a job.
  • Arnold Toynby: The correct time to start your next work is not tomorrow and not next week, but right now.
  • Arnold Toynbee: There is no achievement higher than making a indistinguishable line between work and the game.
  • Benjamin Franklin: Forge your work yourself; Do not wait for her to force you.
  • Henry Heine: To defeat the most difficult suffering, there are two means: this is opium and work.
  • Tristan Bernard: It is not important to be able to work well, it is important to be able to report well.
  • Lee Kuan Yu: We should raise a new attitude to work, the most important part of which was that wages should depend on the results of the work, and not on the time spent on it.
  • A.I. Solzhenitsyn: work - she is like a stick, there are two ends in it: for people you do - give quality, for the boss you do - give a window dressing.
  • Georges Elgozi: There is only one type of work that does not cause depression - this is a job that you do not have to do.
  • Georges Elgozi: Usually those who know how to work better than others can not work better than others. Larry
  • Page: Work should be a test, and tests should be pleasure.
  • M.S. Gorbachev: It is better to work tomorrow than today!
  • Stas Yankovsky: It’s good when the boss notices how you work. It is only bad that this happens when you do not work.
  • Stas Yankovsky: If the work is not a wolf, then why are many so afraid of it?
  • Stas Yankovsky: It's nice when he worked for glory, and useful when for a salary.
  • Marilyn Monroe: Love and work are the only things in life. Work is a kind of love.
  • Albert Camus: genius can only be a fleeting chance. Only work and will can give her life and turn her into glory.
  • Thomas Eliot: Young people get tired of the end of work, the old people - to its beginning.
  • Thomas Edison: Employment is not always an indicator of zealous work.
  • Thomas Edison: Work visibility is not a job yet.
  • Henrik Yagodzinsky: I work all week, and on the weekend I do nothing either.
  • Henrik Yagodzinsky: Work work, but you need to do something useful.
  • Georgio Armani: The balance between work and life is the key to happiness. I sacrificed life to work, and if you could start over again, I would have acted differently.
  • Oprah Winfrey: If you are engaged in the work that you love, then she will reciprocate. Everything else will come.
  • Nikolai Ostrovsky: Creative work is a wonderful, unusually hard and amazingly joyful work.

Winged expressions about man

Winged expressions about man
Winged expressions about man

Winged expressions about man:

  • “If you can’t fly, run. You can’t run - halfzi. Whatever happens, continue to move forward. " -Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "Even if you fall on your face, you continue to move forward." - Victor Kiam
  • "Success is measured not by money, but by what you do for the lives of other people." - Michelle Obama
  • "If you fail first, try it again." - William Edward Hixon
  • “There are no mistakes in life - there are only opportunities.” - Tina Fey (from the book "Bossipants")
  • “It doesn't matter how slowly you go until you stop.” - Confucius
  • "The difference between victory and defeat is most often the ability not to give up." - Walt Disney
  • Failure is another step towards greatness. ” - Oprah Winfrey
  • "Success is often achieved by those who do not suspect the possibility of failure." - Coco Chanel
  • “Don't worry about failure. You must be right only once. ” - Drew Houston
  • “I did not suffer defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that do not work. ” - Thomas Edison
  • “It takes 20 years to create a reputation, and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will treat business differently if you think about it. ” - Warren Buffett
  • "Success is a movement from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill
  • “The champion is afraid to lose. Everyone else is afraid of victory. ” - Billy Jin King
  • “You cannot please everyone, and you cannot make everyone like you.” - Katie Kurik
  • “When you get older, you will understand that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help others.” - Audrey Hepburn
  • "When the power of love surpasses the love of power, the world will come on earth." - Jimi Hendricks
  • “Sometimes you cannot see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.” - Ellen Dedenery
  • “You should not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; If a few drops in the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. ” - Mahatma Gandhi
  • Winged expressions about money
    If you want to know what a person actually represents, pay attention to how he acts when he loses his money. (Simone Weil)
  • Time is more expensive than money. You can earn more money, but you can’t get more time. (Jim Ron)
  • These days you must milk the dollar from each cent. (Gail Forman)
  • Money is just a tool. They will deliver you anywhere, but will not replace you as a driver. (Ain Rand)
  • If you are not serious about your money, then you will never have serious money. (Grant Cardon)
  • Money is 80% of behavior and 20% of knowledge. This is what you do, not what you know. (Dave Ramsey)
  • Making money is common sense, not rocket science. But, unfortunately, when it comes to money, common sense is rare. (Robert T. Kiyosaki)
  • Las Vegas is the only place that I know where the money is really goodbye to you forever. (Frank Sinatra)
  • Do not tell me about your priorities. Show me how you spend your money, and I will tell you about them. (James V. Frick)
  • If a person correctly determines his attitude to money, this will help to establish almost all spheres of his life. (Billy Graham)
  • Money cannot buy peace of mind, heal destroyed relationships or create a meaning in life in which it is not. (Richard M. Devos)
  • Blessed are young, for they inherit public debt. (Herbert Hoover)
  • TOP-15 things that cannot be bought for money. Time. Happiness. Inner calm. Truth. Love. Spirituality. One hundred percent security. Health. Respect. Morality. Confidence. Patience. Of real friends. Common sense. Dignity. (Roy T. Bennett)

Winged expressions about labor

Winged expressions about labor
Winged expressions about labor

Winged expressions about labor:

  • Only labor can make a person happy, bringing his soul into clarity, harmony and contentment by himself. V. G. Belinsky
  • Labor ennobles a person. V. G. Belinsky
  • Labor adds oil into the lamp of life. D. Bellers
  • In everyday everyday affairs, hard work can do everything that a genius is capable of, and in addition, many things that a genius cannot do. G. Becher
  • Labor is written on the Red Banner of Revolution. Labor is a sacred work that gives people to live, raising their minds, and will, and heart. A. Blok
  • Anyone who works is always young. And sometimes it seems to me that maybe labor produces some special hormones that increase the vital impulse. N. N. Burdenko
  • They get tired and exhausted not so much from the fact that they work a lot, but from the fact that they work poorly. N.E. Vvedensky
  • Labor and pleasure are two essential conditions of human life - personal and public. V. Weitling
  • The consciousness of the fruitfulness of labor is one of the best pleasures. L. Venarg
  • Living means working. Labor is human life. F. Voltaire
  • The work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need. F. Voltaire
  • Labor is often the father of pleasure. F. Voltaire
  • You need to work, work and constantly work. And then during your lifetime you are moldy. G. Hauptman
  • Labor is a healing balm, he is a source of virtue. I. Herder
  • Only labor gives mental health - stubborn, cheerful work. A.I. Herzen
  • Anyone who works only for himself suffers. Working for others, a person shares his joy with them. I. Goethe
  • Believe me, only he is familiar with spiritual pleasure, who acquired him by labors and patience. I. Goethe
  • Persons subject to work every day tolerate them, even if they were weak and old, easier than strong and young people without habit. Hippocrates
  • Nothing in life gets without much difficulty. Horace
  • Labor is a source of joys, all the best in the world. M. Gorky
  • When labor is pleasure, life is good! When labor is the duty of life - slavery! M. Gorky
  • The future belongs to people of honest labor. M. Gorky
  • All my life I have seen real heroes only people who love and can work. M. Gorky
  • The height of culture is always directly dependent on love for work. M. Gorky
  • Our world was created not by the word, but by the act, labor. M. Gorky
  • It is necessary to love what you are doing, and then labor - even the most rude - rises to creativity. M. Gorky
  • It is in labor, and only in work, the man is great, and the hot his love of work, the more magnificent he is, the more productive, more beautiful his work. M. Gorky
  • Free work is the point of support that Archimedes demanded to turn the world. M. Gorky
  • Labor will not disgrace a person; Unfortunately, sometimes people who dishonor work come across. W. Grant
  • Labor cannot become law without being the right. V. Hugo
  • The future now belongs to two types of people: a person of thought and a person of labor. In essence, both of them make up one, for thinking means to work. V. Hugo
  • Labor in our time is a great right and great duty. V. Hugo

Winged expressions about health

Winged expressions about health
Winged expressions about health

Winged expressions about health:

  • "If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless." Faina Ranevskaya
  • “Nature cures the disease, the doctor only helps it.” Hippocrates
  • There is nothing in the world, which is why it is worth spoiling the nerves. ” Epictete
  • "At my age, I can no longer afford to feel bad." Winston Churchill
  • "A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." Arthur Schopenhauer
  • “Doctors are constantly working on preserving our health, and the cook - over the destruction of it; However, the latter are more confident in success. " Denis Didro
  • “If a person himself watches his health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better than his health than himself.” Socrates
  • "The sage will be more likely to avoid diseases than to choose funds against them." Thomas Mor
  • “The only beauty that I know is health.” Henry Heine
  • “Everyone says that health is most expensive; But no one observes this. " Kozma Prutkov
  • "It is better to be healthy, but rich than poor, but sick." Daniil Ivanovich Harms
  • “If you are healthy, it is good if I am even better. Eric Bern
  • “In eating food, the ability to eat more than the rest - a lack, the ability to get enough - dignity.” Garun agsarsky
  • “Poverty is on the heels behind the laziness, and the disease is for intention.” Pierre Buast
  • "To undermine health, there is always gunpowder in powder." V. Sumbatov
  • "He who wants to be healthy is partly recovering." D. Bokkaccio
  • “Health - wise fee ...” Pierre Jean Berange
  • “Health is much more dependent on our habits and nutrition than on medical art.” D. Lebbock
  • "Health is as contagious as the disease." Romain Rollan
  • "Excessive filling of the stomach is harmful to health." Celsus Avl Cornelius
  • “If you do not stop repeating that it will be worse and worse, you have every chance of getting into the prophets.” Isaac Zinger
  • “As you can not begin to treat the eyes without thinking about the head, or to treat your head without thinking about the whole body, you can’t treat the body without treating the soul.” Socrates
  • “I am sick, but stopped going to the doctors, because I have nothing to help them.” Eric Bern
  • “If you are in fifty, and you just woke up, and nothing hurts you, then you have already died.” English proverb

Winged expressions about friendship, friends

Winged expressions about friendship, friends
Winged expressions about friendship, friends

Winged expressions about friendship, friends:

"The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy, and suffers in half."
"Without constancy, there can be neither love, no friendship, nor virtue."
(Joseph Addison (1672 - 1719), English writer, poet, politician)


"Happiness is the highest friendship, based not on habit, but on the mind, in which a person loves his friend thanks to fidelity and good will."
(Augustine Aurelius (354 - 430), thinker)


“The least noisy, most modest friendship is often the most useful. Therefore, I would always have preferred a restrained friend not to the best of zeal.
"Most disagreements arise between friends when they are friends in the sense of which they think."
"Any friendship exists either for the good, or for pleasure."
"Enjoyment of communication is the main sign of friendship."
"Friendship is the most necessary for life, since no one will wish to life without friends, even if he had all other benefits."
(Aristotle (384–322 BC), ancient Greek scientist, philosopher)


“Authority and friendship - water and fire, heterogeneous and hostile things; Equality is a condition for friendship. ”
“Where there is no complete frankness, full of power of attorney, where, although some kind of little is hidden, there is no and there can be no friendship.”
"Friendship, like love, is a rose with a luxurious color, a delightful aroma, but also with prickly spikes."
(V. G. Belinsky (1811 - 1848), Russian writer, critic and publicist)


“Friendship is a ship, in clear weather quite spacious for two, and in bad weather - only for one.”
"The back is that part of your friend's body that you can see as soon as you find yourself in trouble."
(Ambrose Gwinnet Birs (1842 - 1913), American writer, journalist)


"All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend."
(Voltaire (1694 - 1778), French philosopher)


"It is not so difficult to die for a friend, how to find a friend who should die for him."
(Edward George Bulver Litton (05/25/1803–18.01.1873), English writer, poet, playwright)


"Friendship doubles joy and reduces half the sorrow."
"True friendship is extremely rare in this world, especially between equals ..."
"The worst loneliness is not to have true friends."
"Friends - thieves of time."
(Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), English historian, philosopher, politician)


"In old age, the number of friends does not increase: all losses are then irrevocable."
"People with ardent characters are rarely constant in friendship."
"The one who is ashamed of his friendship with people, whose shortcomings became known to everyone, are known."
"Success brings few friends."
(Luke de Clapier de Venarg (1715 - 1747), French writer)


“In relation to your friends, you need to be as less painful as possible. The most delicate of all - do not demand any services from their friends. "
(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 - 1831), German philosopher)


"In the hardships of our best friends, we always find something even pleasant for ourselves."
"The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own."
"No matter how rare true love is, true friendship is even less common."
"Real friendship knows no envy ..."
"What people usually call friendship in essence is only an union, the purpose of which is a mutual preservation of benefits and exchange of good services."
"The most beautiful gift made to people after wisdom is friendship."
(Francois de Laroshfuko (1613 - 1680), French writer)


"Tell me who you are familiar with, and I will tell you who you are."
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832), German poet, thinker)


"The friendship of the two holy people makes more evil than the open enmity of ten villains."
"Friendship between a man and a woman is very weakening when the night is on the coming."
"Self -love is poison for friendship."
(Honore de Balzac (1799 - 1850), French writer)


“Friendship can do without love; Love without friendship - no. "
(V.O. Klyuchevsky (1841 - 1911), Russian historian.)


“The basis of friendly affection is the benefits that friends expect to get from each other. Deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist. "
(Paul Henri Tiri Golbach (1723 - 1789) French philosopher, writer)


"We choose friends more carelessly than shoes."
(Maxim Gorky (1868 - 1936), writer, playwright)


"To fulfill the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it."
(Gotthold Efraim Lessing (1729 - 1781), German playwright, critic)


"Do not have friends who would be inferior to you morally."
“Useful friends are a direct friend, a sincere friend and a friend heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hyphenicure friend, a friend is insincere and talkative. ”
(Confucius (about 551 BC - 479 BC), ancient Chinese thinker)


“The end of the need is the end of friendship, and with it and the service. May it be your first everyday rule to maintain the need for you, not to satisfy it completely, let them constantly need you, even a crowned cartridge. ”
(Baltasar Gracian (1601 - 1658), Spanish writer, philosopher)

Winged expressions about the family

Winged expressions about the family
Winged expressions about the family

Winged expressions about the family:

  • Hymen! I call it the will of two to create one that will be higher than those who created it. Hymen! I call the mutual respect of a man and a woman so. Hymen! - Their respect for mutual will. F. Nietzsche
  • Marriage is more good to love than to be loved. Plutarch
  • Friendship is given to her husband and wife from nature, for by nature a person is inclined to form couples, not a state. Aristotle
  • Marriage provides the necessary continuity of the human race. Lucian
  • In a marriage life, the connected pair should form a single moral person. I. Kant
  • Good spouses have two souls, but a single will. Cervantes
  • Marriage is formed from love, like vinegar from wine. J. Byron
  • In my opinion, marriage and his bonds or the greatest good, or the greatest evil; There is no middle. Voltaire
  • Marriage follows love, just like smoke behind the flame. N. Champor
  • Spouses can be happy only if they are connected by mutual love or at least approach one to another with their shortcomings. N. Champor
  • Where, if not in marriage, you can observe examples of pure affection, genuine love, deep trust, constant support, mutual satisfaction, divided sorrow, witnessed sighs spilled together tears. D. Didro
  • When you love, do not want to drink other water, except for the one that you find in your favorite source. Fidelity in this case is a natural thing. In a marriage without love in less than two months, the water water becomes bitter. Sildal
  • Do not have love for your husband, who was like friendship b. Have a friendship for him, which would like love. It will be much stronger. D. Fonvizin
  • There are successful marriages, but there are no marriages of delightful. F. Laroshfuko
  • Only a wife and husband form a real person together; The wife and husband together are the being of the family, for their union is the source of other people, the source of the set. L. Feuerbach
  • All happy families are similar to each other, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. L. Tolstoy
  • The purpose of lunch is nutrition, and the purpose of marriage is the family. L. Tolstoy
  • You must always marry the same way we die - that is, only when it is impossible differently. L. Tolstoy
  • Only then is it easy to live with a person when you do not consider yourself higher and better than him, nor he is higher and better than yourself. L. Tolstoy
  • The main thing is not for a minute because of the adultery do not forget, do not lose love and respect as a person for a person. L. Tolstoy
  • Happy is the one who is happy at home. L. Tolstoy
  • In my blood conviction, the marriage union should be alien to all publicity, this business concerns only two - no one else. V. Belinsky
  • Marriage is the reality of love. V. Belinsky
  • Only a completely ripened soul can truly love, and in this case, love sees its highest reward in marriage and does not fade with the brilliance of the crown, and the more magnificent dissolves its fragrant color, as in the rays of the sun ... V. Belinsky
  • Marriage is a condition in which two can live either with each other or without each other. M. Ebner-Eschenbach
  • Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman where the independence of both sides is the same, the dependence is mutual, and the obligations are mutual. L. Anspacher
  • Marriage ... gives the expanse of the harmonious development of a man’s soul in unison with a female throughout life. D. Lawrence
  • Marry, no matter what. If a good wife comes across, you will be an exception, and if bad, you will become a philosopher. Socrates
  • When a man who was very unhappy in marriage marries again immediately after his wife’s death - this is a triumph of hope of experience. S. Johnson
  • Marriage is useful for calming sensuality. To reassure love, he is useless. A. Ryunoske
  • Marriage is a true source of youth for a woman. A. Bebel
  • Family love is the most common between people and the most durable, and therefore, in the sense of influence on people's lives, the most important and most beneficial for all good feelings of a person. N. Chernyshevsky
  • Everyone knows that if the husband and wife live happily, then their mutual affection is intensified every year and, finally, reaches such a development that they literally cannot live without each other. N. Chernyshevsky
  • If the spouses love each other for many years, then love inconspicuously becomes a sweet habit, and the ardent passion is replaced by delicate friendship. J. J. Rousseau
  • The key to family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness ... E. Zola
  • A successful marriage rejects love; He tries to compensate for her friendship. This is nothing more than a pleasant cohabitation throughout life, full of stability, trust and endless many very tactile mutual services and responsibilities. M. Montaen
  • A good family is the one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers, and at night - that they are spouses. J. Rostan
  • Family is such a good thing that many men have two of them at once. A. Decursel
  • In family life, the most important screw is love. A. Chekhov
  • A marriage is an avalanche that a young man and a girl are breaking on his head, stretching behind a flower. B. show
  • You cannot find happiness in marriage if you do not bring it with you. A. Decursel
  • A true marriage is held on a blood union. D. Lawrence
  • A good marriage rests on talent for friendship. F. Nietzsche

Winged expressions about happiness

Winged expressions about happiness
Winged expressions about happiness

Winged expressions about happiness:

  • “One of the most amazing misconceptions is a misconception that the happiness of a person is to do nothing” (Leo Tolstoy).
  • “It often happens that a person considers happiness far from himself, and it has already come to him with inaudible steps” (Giovanni Bokkaccio).
  • “Happiness, as health: when it is obvious, you do not notice it” (Mikhail Bulgakov).
  • “Most people are as happy as they decided to be happy” (Abraham Lincoln).
  • “Happiness is not an appointment station, but a way to travel” (Margaret Lee Ranbek).
  • “In the whiteness of a lot of shades. Happiness, like spring, every time changes its appearance ”(Andre Morua).
  • “Happy is not the one who has all the best, but the one who extracts all the best of what has” (Confucius).
  • “I am born, and that’s all that is necessary to be happy” (Albert Einstein).
  • “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that they love us for what we are, what we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are” (Victor Hugo).
  • “There is no way for happiness, happiness is the path” (Buddha).
  • “Sharing happiness with another, we multiply happiness” (Paulo Coelho).
  • “There is no need to chase happiness, you need to lie in his way” (Mark Twain).
  • "Give every day a chance to become the most beautiful in your life!" (Pythagoras).
  • “Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied” (Aristotle).
  • “Smile at life, and life will smile at you” (Thomas Fuller).
  • “Beauty is the hieroglyph of happiness” (Sergey Fedin).
  • “The task - to make a person happy - was not included in the plan of creation of the world” (Sigmund Freud).
  • “A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king” (Arthur Schopenhauer).

Winged expressions about homeland

Winged expressions about homeland
Winged expressions about homeland

Winged expressions about the homeland:

  • Better callous bread at home than many dishes at a stranger table. P. Aretino
  • Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood kinship, his blood ties with the Fatherland. V. G. Belinsky
  • To love your homeland means to be fiery to see in it the implementation of the ideal of mankind and to argue with this as much as possible. V. G. Belinsky
  • Love for the Fatherland should come out of love for humanity, as a private of the general. V. G. Belinsky
  • Fatherland voice - the voice of the best muses. P. Beranger
  • Love for the homeland does not recognize half; who does not do everything for her - does nothing; Who does not give everything to her - he refuses her everything. L. Bern
  • Homeland. . We owe her our forces, and inspiration, and joys. A. Blok
  • Fatherland is the edge where the captive of the soul. F. Voltaire
  • The homeland cannot be forgotten. There is no more noble illness than longing for the homeland. I. Gaman
  • The true courage of the enlightened peoples consists in readiness for self -sacrifice in the name of the homeland. G. Hegel
  • Love for the Fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. K. Helvetius
  • There will be no stranger to the homeland. I. Goethe
  • In your homeland you have the past and future. In a foreign land - only the present. L. Hirschfeld
  • It is joyful and honorable to die for the fatherland. Horace
  • Real patriotism is not the one that is fussing and swinging in the solemn moments, but the one that takes a whole daily and tirelessly about the common good and does not boast of it. A. Count
  • Fatherland and smoke are sweet and pleasant for us. A. S. Griboedov
  • The wound inflicted on the Motherland, everyone Naas feels us in the depths of his heart. V. Hugo
  • To be an internationalist, you must first have a homeland. J. Duhamel
  • Patriotism should not blind us; Love for the Fatherland is the action of a clear reason, not a blind passion. N. M. Karamzin
  • Where childhood has passed, and the homeland begins there. Kuzma is black
  • A man without a homeland is a grain of sand, given to their accidents by chance and space. J. Lacorder
  • Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings fixed by centuries and millennia of separate fatherland. V.I. Lenin
  • The power of patriotism is always proportional to the number of personal labor invested: tramps and parasites have always been alien to the sense of their homeland! L. M. Leonov
  • The one who lives everywhere does not live anywhere. Martial
  • The best way to instill in children love for the Fatherland is to have this love for fathers. Sh. Montesquieu
  • Love for the homeland is the first dignity of a civilized person. Napoleon I
  • Patriot is the one who in the most difficult minutes for the homeland is taken for the most difficult things. P. A. Pavlenko
  • Not! A person cannot live without a homeland, as you can’t live without a heart. K. G. Paustovsky
  • The easier and more free lives in the world to some people, the stronger he loves his homeland and his institutions. D.I. Pisarev
  • A true person and son of the Fatherland is one and the same. A.N. Radishchev
  • The biggest feats of virtue were made of love for the Fatherland. J.-J. Russo
  • With his feet, a person must grow into the land of his homeland, but let his eyes look at his whole world. D. SANEAN
  • They love their homeland not for the fact that it is great, but for the fact that it is its own. Seneca the youngest
  • The love of homeland and love for people are two quick streams that, merging, form a powerful river of patriotism. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  • Patriotism does not mean only one love for his homeland. This is much more. This is the consciousness of its inalienability from the homeland and the integral experience of her happy and her unfortunate days. A.N. Tolstoy

Winged expressions about mom

Winged expressions about mom
Winged expressions about mom

Winged expressions about mom:

  • Thanks to the maternal instinct, a woman prefers to own one action of a hundred on a first -class man, and not the whole package of shares on a secondary one. Bernard Show
    The future of the girl is not in the hands of her mother. Bernard Show
  • The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. Honore de Balzac
  • All the pride of the world from mothers. Flowers do not bloom without the sun, there is no happiness without love, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is no man. Maksim Gorky
  • All mothers have one physical disadvantage: they have only two hands. Unknown author
    All beautiful in man - from the rays of the sun and from the milk of the mother. Maksim Gorky
  • Choosing your wife, we must remember that you choose your mother to your children, and as a guardian of your children should take care so that the wife like her husband to her heart; Through the father, children should participate in the choice of mother. V. Klyuchevsky
  • Give us the best mothers, and we will be the best people in the world. Jean-Paul Richter
  • If you have not learned to look into your mother’s eyes since childhood and see anxiety in them or peace will you remain a moral ignorant for life. V. Sukhomlinsky
  • There is a beautiful creature that we always have in debt - this is a mother. N. Ostrovsky
  • Women are so unhappy on the slope of their beauty only because they forget that the dignity of the mother is assigned to replace the beauty of the spouse. P. Lakel
  • Maternal hands - the embodiment of tenderness ... Victor Hugo
  • Mother is the only deity on Earth that does not know atheists. E. Leguev
  • Mother loves a child more than a father, because she knows that the child is her, and her father only suggests that the child is him. Menander
  • We will always glorify that woman whose name is mother. Musa Jalil
  • Mother is always against death. Maksim Gorky
  • Women exist only for the spread of the human race, and this is exhausted by their purpose. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Maternal prayer takes out from the bottom of the sea. Russian proverb
  • In no case can you be a lord mother, there is nothing worse for children. G. Shcherbakova
  • There is nothing more holy and disinterested more than the mother’s love; Any affection, all love, all passion or weak, or self -serving in comparison with it. V. Belinsky
  • The most excellent of women will be considered the one that will be able to replace the deceased father to their children. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • Mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. Pierre Beranger
  • The mother’s heart is an exemplary work of love. G. Gayar
  • The mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. Honore de Balzac
  • The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby is rejoiced. Russian proverb
  • A good mother is amused to amuse her children. Jean Jacques Russo
  • Wife for advice, mother -in -law for greetings, but there is no mile of her mother. Russian proverb
  • The greatest mistake when educating is excessive haste. Jean Jacques Russo
  • To educate a girl is to educate the society itself, because it comes from a family where a woman is a woman. J. Michel
  • If the child suddenly became obedient, the mother is scared in earnest - whether he was going to die. Ralf Urdo Emerson
  • The best that father can do for his children is to love their mother. Theodore Hesberg
  • Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you. Israt
  • For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother is one and the same. With the same success, one could say that the same thing was to have a piano and be a pianist. S. Harris
  • Our children are our old age. Correct education is our happy old age, poor education is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault in front of other people. Anton Makarenko
  • That's why the guy fell off the horse that his mother was crookedly planted. Russian proverb
  • Look, do not break the sacred way. Nasir Hisrow
  • True education is not so much in the rules as in the exercises. Jean Jacques Russo
  • Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. A. Pushkin
  • The main meaning and purpose of family life is to raise children; The main school of education of children is the relationship of husband and wife, father and mother. B. Sukhomlinsky

Winged expressions from films: Best selection

Winged expressions from films: Best selection
Winged expressions from films: Best selection

Winged expressions from films: Best selection:

  • "There is nothing impossible for a person with intelligence." - Service novel (1977)
  • "Let the force be with you". - Star Wars (1977)
  • "I'm not greedy, just economic." - Zigzag Good luck (1968)
  • "Note, I didn’t offer it." - Pokrovsky Gate (1982)
  • “What do you have with your face? In Astoria dinner. " - The meeting place cannot be changed (1979)
  • "I will tell you one smart thing, only you do not be offended." - Mimino (1977)
  • "They will go to you, but you do not steal!" - Watch out the car (1966)
  • "Or maybe you give you another key to the apartment where the money is?!" - 12 chairs (1971)
  • “If you want to live, you’re not so getting out.” - Features of national hunting (1995)
  • "Roads ... where we are going, we do not need roads." - Back to the future (1985)
  • "I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid". - Diamond hand (1968)
  • "You shoot as badly as you cook." - Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
  • "Do not teach me to live, better help material!" - Moscow does not believe in tears (1979)
  • “Oh, mom ... The cabbage, of course, is good, but you need to keep meat snacks in the house!” -Shirley-Milli (1995)
  • “My mother always said that life is like a box of sweets. You never know what you get. ” - Forrest Gump (1994)
  • "And here is Johnny!" - Shine (1980)
  • "Troubles tormented me again." - Ivan Vasilievich changes the profession (1973)
  • "Walk a horse, go a horse, fool!" - gentlemen of good luck (1971)
  • "Asta La Vista, Baby." - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
  • "We need to drink less! .. You need to drink less! .. You need to drink less!" - Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath! (1975)
  • “Why do we need a fur coat at all? I like you so much. " - Zigzag Good luck (1968)
  • “Bond. James Bond". - Doctor NOU (1963)
  • "Express the whole list, please." - Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik (1965)
  • "No, thank you, I was already married." - from sunset to dawn (1996)
  • "Mulya, don't be nervous!" - foundation (1939)
  • “I'm not bad. They just painted me like that. " - Who set up Roger Rabbit (1988)
  • "Semen Semenych! .." - Diamond hand (1968)
  • "There is no room better at home." - Wizard of the country Oz (1939)
  • “ - You will be in our Kolyma - we ask for mercy!
    “No, you're better to us ...” - Diamond hand (1968)
  • “I am going to make him an offer that he cannot refuse.” - Godfather (1972)

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