“In addition”, “in connection with” - is a comma is needed: rules, examples

“In addition”, “in connection with” - is a comma is needed: rules, examples

In this topic, we will consider the norms for the discharge of phrases “In addition”, “In connection with”.

The arrangement of punctuation marks regarding some expressions causes many fluctuations and questions. At the same time, punctuation depends not only on the union, but also on the place in the proposal, as well as on the assigned revolutions. At the same time, a certain insidiousness of the Russian language is also revealed in this matter, because sometimes punctuation marks can be superfluous in seemingly similar situations. Therefore, in this topic, we will consider such double designs as “in addition” and “in connection with”.

Punctuation marks with the phrase "besides"

“In addition” can be an introductory phrase, as well as an independent part of speech. Therefore, doubts often arise due to the arrangement of a comma in the right place. But remember - when a combination of these words is subject to punctuation stress, it does not matter in which part of the sentence it is located. We will analyze each case separately.

If “in addition” acts as an introductory particle, then it is necessarily isolated by punctuation marks

Important: introductory phrases constantly, without exception, are distinguished by a comma.

Most often, a particle of “In addition” is an introductory word
Most often, the union “In addition” is an introductory word

If the introductory combination is at the very beginning of the sentence, then you need to put one comma after the union.

  • In addition, aerosol cannot be used unattended by parents.
  • In addition, it is also dangerous!
  • In addition, running in the morning is also useful for general health and figure.

If the phrase settled in the middle of the text, then it is distinguished by two commas.

  • The campaign turned out to be a wonderful pastime, in addition, extreme compared to home conditions.
  • It will be necessary to look into the store, in addition, we have ended bread.
  • We were classmates, in addition, we also sat at one desk.
  • Grandfather, in addition, was still that merry.

A small exception to the rules - If an opposing or amplifying union is connected to an introductory basis, it means that a comma is put after an introductory phrase.

  • Well, besides, it was possible to keep silent!
  • And besides, life is beautiful!
  • And besides, we ourselves had a good time.

Important: the phrase “in addition” is sometimes replaced by the phase “besides this”. They can be called synonyms if the semantic load of the sentence is not lost.

Do not forget about the signs, but also remember the exceptions
Do not forget about the signs, but also remember the exceptions

Revolutions with the words "besides" that do not require a comma isolation

At the request of the author "In addition" can focus on itself, as separate supplement,what consists of the word “that” and the preposition “besides”. Then the comma does not need to be placed.

If “in addition” is at the beginning of the structure, then the comma is placed only after the end of the entire turnover. To check yourself, you can ask the question: "Besides what?" And "what?" - "That."

  • In addition to the sandy shore that we saw every morning, we still opened the vasts of the azure spill.
  • In addition, carrot juice that was given to us every morning, the food in the dining room was excellent.
  • In addition, the abstract, the student did not manage to read anything.

The comma is placed in front of the particle, if there is a preposition with a pronoun, explanation or clarification. But closing punctuation is already after all turnover.

  • Marinka, in addition, salad, also tasted the cake.
  • The boys, in addition, the hooligan, went on weekends to the grandmother.
  • There was nothing left, except for the sad state that arose after.
The Union "In addition", like other introductory parts, also falls under this criterion

How are punctuation marks and particle “in connection with” combined?

Before proceeding with reflection on the punctuation of the words “in connection with”, it is necessary to understand what part of the speech such phrases belong to. And deal with their syntactic role.

As a rule, the proposal that begins with such a list of words is not distinguished by intonation. So, a comma is not needed in this case. Indeed, often “in connection with” is an excuse that in itself is the official part of speech. And it is precisely this part that sets with the subsequent pronoun or noun the case form of words.

  • In connection with the above advantages, it is worth giving her a second chance.
  • In connection with the indicated reasons, the vacation is transferred.
  • In this regard, we will speed up our steps.

Important: you can double -check yourself by asking a clarifying question. For example, "with what?" Or "For what reason?" Due to the sharp cooling, we even got warm things. “In connection with” you can even replace the expression “for a reason” without losing the meaning of the sentence. Due to the flood, we did not go to work. As you can see, a comma is not needed in both cases.

Do not put extra commas
Do not put extra commas

When in the sentence the design, which begins with such a phrase, is separated by intonation, it is necessary to put a comma in this union. That is , if the particle “in connection with” clarifies or focuses on and is in the middle of the sentence, then punctuation marks are needed for an amplifying effect.

  • So, in connection with what happened, it is necessary to stop this absurdity.
  • Therefore, in connection with the capabilities, construction can be accelerated.
  • Perhaps in connection with the events, the celebrations will be canceled.

But if the turnover does not stand out with an intonation pause, there is no sense in a comma. It should be said , if “in connection with” in the text denotes causal circumstances, then does not require punctuation isolation. Namely, the foundation, justification, cunning or root cause. But do not forget about the complex structures of the sentence itself, which is broken by punctuation marks.

  • I did not want to go on my birthday, but I changed the solutions with the connection with the events.
  • The way was blocked, and the ties with weather conditions had to be set up for a camp.
  • I did extra work, in connection with which I will receive an additional bonus.

Exception to the rule : a comma is placed after the Union “in connection with”, if there is a cause and investigation.

  • Due to the fact that it started to rain, we stayed at home.
  • I took home part of the work due to the fact that the office turned off the light.
But sometimes a comma is required
But sometimes a comma is required "in connection with" the structure of the proposal

In some situations, it is easy to check the punctuation of this phrase using the seizure of “in connection with” from the proposal.

  • In cases of loss of the logical structure of the text, a comma is superfluous.
    • It is required to be recruited to the staff of employees. In this regard, immediately increase the budget.
  • If the sentences after the exclusion of a set of words remain competent and finished, then commas are required.
    • It is required to be recruited to the staff of employees. Including, in this regard, immediately increase the budget.

In connection with the above material, we can conclude that such simple rules are very useful in the future. In addition, the correctly written text talk about the awareness and literacy of any person.

Video: punctuation marks in complex sentences

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  1. "In addition, the correctly written text talk about the awareness and literacy of any person."
    In my opinion, “b” here is superfluous.

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