Cordyceps Mushroom: Healing properties, for which it is used, application schemes, reviews

Cordyceps Mushroom: Healing properties, for which it is used, application schemes, reviews

Cordyceps mushroom is unusual, therapeutic, has good healing. Helps with different diseases.

What properties only are not attributed to Cordyceps due to its unusualness. He got his name from two Latin words: “mace” and “head”. Refers to the genus of Sporeyna mushrooms. There are approximately 400 species in nature. The most famous, used for medical purposes, was Chinese cordyceps.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "On what signs can a edible mushroom be distinguished from inedible?". You will learn how to check mushrooms for toxicity at home.

From this article you will learn what the Cordyceps mushroom is, for which it is used, what contraindications and schemes for use in different diseases. Read further.

What is Chinese cordyceps mushroom: edible or not, a description where it grows in other countries and Russia, photo

Cordyceps is a mushroom that parasitizes on specific species of insects. Below you will find an interesting description, and also find out where it grows in other countries and Russia.

  • It forms a complex bio-community: with beetles, ants, butterflies. The choice of as a carrier for Chinese cordyceps fell on the caterpillars of ghostly moths.
  • The birthplace of these butterflies is the Tibetan Highlands and the Nepal Himalayas. Live at an altitude of 3.5 to 5 thousand meters above sea level.
  • Their caterpillars live underground and feed on various roots. This continues for 2-3 years.
  • For this period of time, the caterpillar sinks about 8 times. With the 3rd or 4th molting, there is a danger of infection with disputes of Cordyceps.

Here is a photo of this mushroom:

Chinese cordyceps mushroom
Chinese cordyceps mushroom
Chinese cordyceps mushroom
Chinese cordyceps mushroom

Getting inside the caterpillar, Cordyceps begins to grow. The following happens:

  • Remaining in a crawling state, the insect, dying, moves to the surface of the earth, raising the head from which the mushroom stroma appears.
  • During the winter, the mushroom is underground at a depth of 5 cm, and in the spring appears above the surface.
  • The collection begins from late April to July.
  • The mushroom must not only be disrupted, but gently dig up with the caterpillar. Whose body at this point turns into a mummified yellowish-brown dense shell filled inside with mycelium and covered with it throughout the surface.
  • So, parasitizing, grows with attributed amazing healing properties of Chinese cordyceps.
  • In China it is called Dong Chun Xiao Tsao. It will sound translated - "In winter, insect, in the summer of grass."

Cordyceps refers to inedible mushrooms. In Russia in coniferous and deciduous forests, you can find an official cordyceps:

  • This mushroom prefers moist places, occurs in swamps and ponds. It is impossible to confuse it.
  • Stroma of a pin -shaped shape, from orange to dark brown color, sometimes almost black.
  • The mushroom is considered a hallucinogen. The ergotamine contained in a tasteless hard pulp causes a psychotropic effect.
  • Eating these mushrooms causes severe poisoning that requires emergency medical care.

The amount of cordyceps consumed is growing steadily. In China, it is grown in greenhouses. A powder is prepared from mycelium and placed in capsules, using the disease as a substitute for a chemical medicine in the treatment of diseases. But real Tibetan medicine considers only a mushroom that has grown up on the caterpillar.

Recently, another variety of Cordyceps - “Militari” has been gaining popularity. It grows in the subtropics of North and South America, is found in Europe and Asia. It is very easy to grow in an artificial environment. It is this mushroom is sold as edible, used in cooking, manufacturing drinks. Boil tea with him.

Why is Cordyceps Mushroom are used: healing, therapeutic properties

Fungotherapy - the so -called treatment with mushrooms. It seems to ordinary people from the field of science fiction. It is possible that treatment with mushrooms is a section of medicine of the future. Nowadays, this form of treatment can only be advisory in nature. The existing knowledge of the medicinal properties of mushrooms and drugs based on their mycelium is used in oncology, for endocrine disorders, to raise immunity, in gynecology.

What else is Cordyceps Mushroom for? Below is its other healing and healing properties:

  • Cordyceps, thanks to its components, is a good immunomodulator.
  • Antibiotic "Cordicepin", Helps in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, giving a positive result.
  • Reception contributes to the activation of the production of lymphocytes that destroy mutating cells after infection with viruses.

In the absence of contraindications, to achieve the complete effectiveness of treatment, you can use bioactive supplements based on cordyceps. It helps with their diseases:

  • Inflammatory processes of the respiratory apparatus
  • With various forms of hepatitis and cirrhosis
  • Renal pathologies
  • Chronic otitis media
  • Infertility and gynecological lesions, diseases of the male genital area
  • Diagnosed gastrointestinal disorders

They also recommend reception in such conditions:

  • To prevent the development of complications after an acute period of the disease
  • In the postoperative period
  • For healing and strengthening the body
  • With strong physical and psychological stress
  • As an auxiliary agent after chemotherapy

According to Chinese medicine, regular intake is inhibited by the aging of the body and age -related changes. For the male body, according to Tibetan teachings, Cordyceps is Viagra.

Contraindications to the use of the fungus of Cordyceps

The drug mushroom is cordyceps
The drug mushroom is cordyceps

Taking any drug requires a specialist consultation. No wonder the symbol of medicine is a snake wrapping in a bowl. Poison and antidote, any medicine can be both. The means of traditional medicine are little studied by modern science and rely only on the experience of generations. This can be said about drugs with a fungus with cordyceps. There is no exact scientific information to use, but it is worth consulting a doctor who practices such a technique.

An unconditional contraindication will be:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Childhood

Individual intolerance is also possible. The mushroom is contraindicated in autoimmune, neurological diseases.

Cordyceps Mushroom: Schemes of use for psoriasis and other diseases

It should be immediately noted that all drugs containing the Cordyceps mushroom belong to dietary supplements. Therefore, a medical complex is necessary for treatment and as an addition to the use of chinese traditional medicine is possible.

Psoriasis is a severe skin lesion associated with impaired immune system of the human body. The disease is not contagious, but difficult to treat. For medicine, the exact cause of its appearance is still a mystery. Among the numerous drugs used in treatment, there is a plant complex of cordyceps. Inclusive drops for internal use and cream gel for external application. System application increases the success of treatment several times.

Here are the diagrams of the use of cordyceps fungus for psoriasis and other diseases:

  • Complex therapy is considered universal in Chinese medicine, where the first stage is based on intestinal cleansing, restoring disturbed metabolism and strengthening the immune system.
  • It consists of a course intake of the drug for a month.
  • The second stage restores the impaired balance of trace elements and vitamins in the body, establishes proper nutrition of skin cells.
  • The third stage is based on normalizing the metabolism of the nervous system, protecting the body from stress.

It is worth noting: The Chinese corporation "Tyanshi" produces drugs with this mushroom.

It can be used as a strengthening agent for the removal of toxins, an increase in tone that reduces the chance of depression. There are several forms:

Cordyceps in capsules:

  • They are taken once 30 minutes before or an hour after eating-1-2 pieces, washed down with water.

Elixir It has a good hypotensive effect. It is recommended when reducing sexual activity, the treatment of diabetes and obesity. Available in ampoules:

  • Reception before or after eating, like capsules - 1 ampoule per day.

Solution with various components - "Mushroom Shiitaka, honey, Kizil." Available in bottles:

  • Before the reception, it is necessary to shake, the daily dose - one thing.
  • This combination slows down aging, increases the resistance and endurance of the body.

Perhaps the cost of cordyceps is overstated and its magical properties are exaggerated. But, if he helps someone, this will become a confirmation and hope of recovery.

Cordyceps Mushroom: reviews

Drug Cordyceps Mushroom
Drug Cordyceps Mushroom

If you want to try the treatment of a fungus with cordyceps, then first consult a doctor. The doctor, on the basis of the data on him about your history regarding the disease, will advise about taking the drug with this substance. Perhaps you are forbidden to use it or, conversely, shown. Or maybe this will become an additional therapy for the main treatment.

Read several reviews of other people who took drugs with this mushroom:

Lilia, 40 years old

I was advised to drink the drug with cordyceps mushroom Colleagues at work, when they learned about my transferred disease of one of the most important organs in the body - liver. Hepatitis has to be treated for a long time, but it was this tool that helped to treat. Nobody canceled the main therapy, and the drug with a mushroom was as a final stage. But I want to note that such treatment should only occur under the supervision of a doctor and he selects the form of the drug (elixirs, solutions, etc.) and dosage. It is better not to engage in self -medication.

Tatyana, 65 years old

Mushroom Cordyceps I was advised by a woman who practices treatment with non -traditional therapy. The fact is that I was often ill with colds. To increase immunity, I agreed to drink the drug with this fungus. But literally after a couple of receptions, the capsules regretted. It turns out that I am allergic to mushrooms, and in particular to this drug. Facial edema, rash appeared, tears flowed and there was even a runny nose. As a result, I had to treat allergies, and to increase immunity, the doctor will prescribe other drugs from the pharmacy.

Alexey, 50 years old

I heard about Cordyceps Chinese from a friend. I studied the information in more detail. It turned out that this drug is useful for diabetes, hepatitis, asthma and even erectile dysfunction. If there are problems with an erection, then many men prefer this fungus, but the pharmacokinetic properties are not yet carefully studied when using funds based on it. Therefore, I was afraid to drink the drug and turned to a specialist for help. Now he has appointed me a diet, compliance with the drinking regime and vitamins. I hope this will help to cope with my problem.

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