What does the gall mushroom look like? The main differences between the gall fungus and the white fungus. What to do if you eat the gall mushroom?

What does the gall mushroom look like? The main differences between the gall fungus and the white fungus. What to do if you eat the gall mushroom?

Delicious white mushrooms attract many mushroom pickers to harvest, but it is important to know that the mushroom has false brothers. The gall mushroom will be discussed in the article.

Mushrooms are a real storehouse of nutrients necessary for a person. In addition, you can prepare many very tasty and healthy dishes from mushrooms that will not leave indifferent a single gourmet.

But at the same time, mushrooms are one of the most dangerous products for the use of products, since some of them are only relatively edible, and others, in general, are extremely poisonous. Their use can lead to death.

In this material, we will try to find out how the king of mushrooms differs - a white mushroom from his false fellow - the so -called gall mushroom.

What does the gall mushroom look like?

Going to a “quiet hunt”, each mushroom pickered should carefully study not only the list of edible mushrooms growing in the appropriate area, but also the repayables - to know the enemy “in the face”.

  • So, a false boat or a false printer - it is also a bile or false white mushroom, which is still called a “potter”, has a characteristic bitter taste that persists even after cooking.
  • Gorchak - a poisonous mushroom from the family of Belopian Belopil, is used in pharmaceuticals as a component for choleretic drugs. Visually, he is very similar to his edible counterparts, and the smell has a pleasant - mushroom. That's just the aftertaste of bitterness gives its toxic essence.
  • The gall mushroom grows in both coniferous and deciduous (birch, oak) thickets - in America and Europe. That is, it is also widespread in the forests of Russia. Mushrooms are actively growing with families (up to 15 pcs.), As a rule, on rotting pencils and in the roots, a very long period - from the beginning of the summer pores to frosts.

If you come across a bile mushroom in the forest, then at first a beautiful, even gorgeous hat in size of up to 15 cm is thrown into your eyes, with a wide palette of colors from light, brownish, to dark brown. In young individuals, it is slightly bent to the ground, and with age, the hat is slowly straightening.

False mushroom
  • A spongy body is located under the hat - at first white and then slightly pinkish.
  • The base of the potter is powerful, cylindrical with bloating from below. The mushroom can reach a height of 15 cm with a diameter of the base - up to 3 cm. With age, the veins of a grayish or brown shade appear on the basis.
  • When an adult mushroom is ready for reproduction, it has controversy - pinkish or brown with a pink, and his pores are usually round, sometimes angular.

IMPORTANT:  If you cut off or break the gall mushroom, then in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the tissue it is rapidly darkening, becoming brown. In addition, worms do not like to start in the puzzles - although sometimes they even found them in false boobs.

The main differences between the gall fungus and the real white mushroom

  1. If you found a mushroom in the forest that looks like white or a sub-salesman, but for some reason doubt, then just slightly lick it, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly. If a bitter taste occurs in the oral cavity - this is definitely a bile mushroom, throw it away without hesitation.
  2. Carefully examine the place of the mushroom cut: if damaged fibers in front of our eyes become pinkish or brown, immediately get rid of it. The only exception may be a pink as a pink, damaged fibers of which will also be pink. But if you are not entirely confident in your knowledge by one hundred percent, it is better not to risk it.

  3. Take a look at the mushroom leg. If it is covered with a dense grid of brown color, then this is definitely a bile mushroom. The white mushroom is not observed on the basis of the grid, it is decorated with scales - light or dark, in the booths, in the booths of mesh and bronze veins are present, but they are very different both in color and in texture.
  4. Look under the hat. The tubular substance of the young bile fungus is white, and often pink, with an age with a dirty tint. A white mushroom under the hat will be a white, yellow or slightly pinkish shade, and a booter - slightly grayish, with an age - brown.
Differences in the pulp
Differences in the pulp

What to do if you eat the gall mushroom?

It should be noted that the gall mushroom is considered not completely poisonous, but 100 % inedible.

If for some reason you still did not recognize false white mushroom During a “quiet hunt” or bought it on the market with the hands of a noble mushroom (although everyone knows about the unsafe such purchases!), It is likely that you still recognize your mistake during the preparation of mushrooms, because the characteristic bitterness is simply impossible not feel. Worse, if you preserve the gall mushroom for the winter - over time, under the influence of vinegar and spices, an unpleasant taste becomes not too bright.

Attentiveness is important
Attentiveness is important

Getting into the human body, the toxins of the potter attack the liver. And what is the worst, alarming symptoms will begin to manifest about about a month after a dangerous meal, when the bile relief is already disturbed. If you manage to eat a lot of gall mushroom, you can even earn cirrhosis.

And in the first hours after eating, sometimes a general weakness with dizziness arises, which stop so quickly that a person does not even have time to pay attention to them. Therefore, if after a delicious meal you felt ailment, it is better to immediately take sorbents that will help to remove toxins from the body. In the event that not quite pleasant symptoms are observed for some time, be sure to show yourself to the doctor.

Therefore, it is very important to be careful during the collection and purchase of mushrooms. If you are not sure of the quality and safety of the product, then it is better to go around it.

Video: The difference between the gall mushroom and white

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