Drinking collagen: benefits and harm. Drinking collagen: reviews

Drinking collagen: benefits and harm. Drinking collagen: reviews

The benefits, harm, effectiveness of drinking collagen.

Collagen, in the form of food additives, is in demand among those who seek to improve the quality of the skin and extend its youth. Reviews of effectiveness are contradictory, so we propose to understand this issue with the help of science. 

Does collagen help for tightening the skin?

Until recently, the question of the food collagen had a definite answer - a myth, to expect from collagen to improve the quality of the skin - complete stupidity. But a few years ago the situation changed.

Does collagen help for tightening the skin:

  • If you rely on research data conducted on volunteers recently, additives with food collagen really increase elasticity, density, moisturism, and also contribute to the speedy healing of wounds.
  • Reception of the daily dosage of collagen 2.5-10 g, from 4 to 24 weeks, gives noticeable results. Moreover, the effectiveness was shown by the hydrolyzate of collagen, the tripeptide of collagen, and the dipeptide of collagen. These are three forms of collagen, which are offered by different manufacturers. In studies, the same effectiveness was shown by three options. Therefore, the dispute about which collagen which manufacturer should be discussed in the plane of marketing and pricing. 
  • In the study of the authors of 2014 - an additional technique of vitamin C in a dosage of 500 mg per day together with collagen, does not affect the effectiveness of collagen itself. That is, with vitamin C and without it, the effect in research was the same. 
  • Mature participants in the experiment showed a higher level of skin elasticity. The skin of mature ladies reacted to collagen better. No serious complications were noticed during the mentioned experiments. Collagen in the form of a food additive, as an element of exposure to the skin, really shows effectiveness. 

Types of hydrolyzed collagen

In our body, a large amount of this substance is enough. About thirty different types of collagen were found by scientists. Three main types are distinguished in our body, which are the most common. These types of collagen are indicated on the package of the funds that you buy. 

Types of hydrolyzed collagen:

  • The first type is present in the skin and is responsible for its elasticity. It is contained in our tendons,this is a cow or a bull -cloud collagen. It is in the muscle tissue of animals and people. Such a collagen is primarily aimed at the health of nails, hair and skin. Now the fish collagen is becoming very popular. He also belongs to the first type. 
  • The second type is called Kurin. It is primarily aimed at the health of the joints and cartilage. According to many studies, these types of collagen do not need to be mixed with each other, since our body does not quite understand how to redistribute them together. 
  • The third type of collagen is also in the skin and in the blood. 
Beautiful skin
Beautiful skin

Drinking collagen - how to take?

It is important to note that the collagen itself is difficult to absorb by our body. A long digestive process is required, in which collagen is divided into parts and only after that begins to split into amino acids. Collagen in powder, including gelatin, is not very well absorbed by our body. The bioavailability of these forms is very low.

Drinking collagen - how to take:

  • If we take the first and third type of collagen, for hair, nails and skin, this must be done separately from the second type.
  • That is why a drinking collagen is recommended to take on an empty stomach in the morning, 30 minutes before meals, or before bedtime.
  • It is necessary that the proteins that contain collagen peptides do not mix with the proteins of our food.

Does collagen help for the skin of drinking?

It should be understood that most studies are aimed at additives, drinking collagen, which we eat. Such studies are sponsored by manufacturing companies. Most of the studies are primarily aimed at the cosmetic component of collagen. A fairly large number of studies indicate that collagen peptides in the form of an additive help with joint joints, can relieve pain in arthritis. But to improve the skin of peptide collagen, they work effectively. 

Does the collagen for the skin of the drinking face helps:

  • With the introduction of collagen, our body does not quite understand why it was used. If we think that we bought an additive for skin elasticity so that there are fewer wrinkles, it is not a fact that this is how it will work.
  • From a scientific point of view, it is almost impossible to say where these peptides will be used. After all, they are a building material for a large number of proteins in our body. If there are more important tasks than the elasticity of the skin, then the body uses them there. 
  • In the course of research, the personal sensations of the subject are measured. The skin biopsy is taken for research. It is investigated how dense it has become more dense, whether the level of moisture has improved. 
Collagen fibers
Collagen fibers

Is collagen absorbed in the body?

Japanese technologies break collagen into several groups of peptides. The process is called hydrolysis. Get the so -called hydrolyzed collagen. When it is divided into groups of peptides, it is much better absorbed. This is the main difference between collagen and collagen peptides. It is collagen peptides that are primarily the main basis for the construction of many proteins in our body. They are excellent antioxidants and help the natural production of collagen along with fibroblasts. Collagen peptides help to build even more proteins in our body due to stimulation. After all, they are small bricks in the construction of fabrics. 

Collagen, which is in food, bioavailable and natural for our body. Therefore, it is embedded in his work much better. The source of collagen in food is the bone broth, which must be cooked within 24 hours. 

What depends on whether collagen is absorbed in the body or not:

  • Sugar, or rather glucose, is connected to the protein in our body. As a result, glycation products destroy collagen. 
  • Initially, you need to make sure that the collagen does not destroy, and only then, how to synthesize it. 
  • No matter what source of collagen is used. It can be obtained from food and absorbed in completely different ways. It goes to the production of different proteins, so it can affect the body not the way you expect. If the body is not healthy, you may not get such an effect as we would like. 

Additives that contain collagen peptides can be crammed with various toxins and heavy metals. This is especially true for fish collagen, which is now very popular. Therefore, it is important to know the origin of collagen and the quality of the additive. Collagen synthesis decreases after 35 years. The older you become, the less collagen is produced. 

Hydrolysis of collagen
Hydrolysis of collagen

How to choose the best drinking collagen for the skin? 

Please note that it is best to buy a hydrolyzed collagen. This is a substance that is obtained as a result of oxidation, alkalization, and protein enzyme. The fact is that in the usual form, the collagen molecule has a very long chain. To become raw materials for the formation of amino acids, building material for muscles, bones, skin, it is necessary that long fibers break into small parts.

But due to the features of the gastric juice, as well as the differences in the intestinal microbiots, decay is not completely carried out. Long collagen fibers are not able to break up into small peptides if women have a very low estrogen level in the body. It inhibits the enzyming of collagen fibers and prevents its splitting. Therefore, women during menopause are recommended to use hormone therapy to normalize hormone concentration.

How to choose the best drinking collagen for the skin:

  • Pay attention to the quality of raw materials. On the packages it is written what type of collagen is in this tool. 
  • In addition to collagen itself, there should be nothing in the composition. The packaging must indicate a “hydrolyzed collagen”. Manufacturers add some sweeteners, sugar there. But these additives should not be present there. 
  • No need to purchase a collagen with Maltodecstrin. This is a substance that is added to increase the shelf life of collagen. It negatively affects microbia, killing good bacteria. 
  • If you decide to take peptides of collagen, then the diet should have a sufficient number of antioxidants and vitamins.

The level of collagen splitting is affected by the presence of vitamin C, zinc, copper and other trace elements in food. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a mixture that contains not only a hydrolyzed collagen, but also trace elements, vitamins, for better absorption. You can learn in detail about the choice of collagen here.

With vitamin C.
With vitamin C.

Drinking collagen: reviews

Reviews about the receipt of collagen are ambiguous. But as the practice of many foreign research shows, women from 40 years old really note the effectiveness of matter. The muscles are a rather unstable tissue. Therefore, first of all, with serious diseases, a lack of amino acids, the muscles are destroyed. Fatty tissue is broken down last. That is why many women may have a deficiency of muscle mass, muscle weakness, but an excess of fat. It is necessary that the food includes a large amount of protein products of different types. Accordingly, the protein of eggs is not enough to cover the norm. The consumption of meat and dairy products is recommended to close the need for various sources of collagen.

Drinking collagen, reviews:

Oksana.I am 48 years old, my skin began to age after 35. Then I started problems with the female organs. After treatment, the situation worsened, because I was appointed progesterone. Taking collagen began not for the skin of the face, but for healing, because due to taking hormones, it has been very recovered. Instead of a diet, I chose active physical activity, fitness. Therefore, she began to take proteins, collagen for growth and a set of muscle mass. Together with the improvement of the body, the condition of the skin has improved. Once every few months I take a drinking collagen courses. I give preference to the most inexpensive - cow.

Maria. I began to take collagen after I noticed dry skin and the appearance of the first wrinkles. I eat varied, I try to eat only healthy food. I can’t say that I saw a super-result. The skin pulled a little, but the effect is extremely difficult to get from injections. I take only a month. I will continue to take further, perhaps in the future the results will become better.

Oksana. Like most women, I saw an advertisement, I decided that I also needed a collagen. I acquired sea, as it is best absorbed and split in the body. There is an effect, but not as bright as I expected. When accepting collagen, do not wait for radical rejuvenation, wrinkle elimination. Everything is much more complicated, not only the absence or presence of collagen affects the quality of the skin. Hormonal background is important, food. Therefore, women who love sweets will not get good, dense skin. To look young, not only the reception of collagen is necessary. It is necessary to completely abandon bad habits, to establish proper nutrition and play sports. Only in this case there will be a cardinal result. To hope that one bottle, capsule or glass with powder will make it possible to look young, stupid. If you preserve bad habits, consume a large amount of sweet and flour, then the skin is unlikely to be young, and the body is tightened.

Collagen made of leather and bones of animals
Collagen made of leather and bones of animals

Many interesting articles about collagen can be found on our website:

Many women saw an advertisement for a very expensive tool that are sold in small flocus in liquid form. Marketers tried to advertise this product as one of the best, high -quality and effective skin rejuvenation. In fact, this is nothing more than a marketing move. You can much cheaper to purchase drinking collagen in powder, capsules and dissolve it in water. Many of the powders are complemented by a complex of vitamins and trace elements for better splitting of protein fibers.

Video: The benefits of drinking collagen

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