Who is better to give birth to the first: a boy or a girl? Child: A boy or a girl - pros and cons. Who is the best son or daughter?

Who is better to give birth to the first: a boy or a girl? Child: A boy or a girl - pros and cons. Who is the best son or daughter?

Who is the first to give birth to a boy, a girl is an important solution in fate. Someone thinks that it is better for the first to have a girl in the family, because she is an assistant and then will actively help to raise a younger brother. And some dream of the first boy, he will further defend the younger sister. Let us dwell on this topic in more detail.

In the soul, every parents dream of the appearance of a child in a family of a certain gender. And if you want two or three children, then you can think who is better to give birth to a boy, a girl in the first place. After all, children of different sexes behave differently. They have a variety of hobbies when they grow, and differ significantly from each other. Both boys and girls have their positive characteristics, and negative in general. It doesn’t matter who will be born first, the main thing is that the child is healthy and happy for the joy of parents. Then you will find out what are the pros and cons of girls and boys, maybe on the basis of these factors, you will change your opinion about who is better than a boy, a girl

Who is better to give birth to the first - a boy or a girl?

When there is a question about who is better to give birth - a boy, a girl first, then parents clearly want a child of a certain gender. However, these desires do not always come true, but this is not about that. Next, a topic will be presented about who is easier to grow in our realities, which gender is better for parents in general. A large role in the education of a small family member is played by a mother, or rather her character. After the birth of the baby, the gender should be brought up. Some mothers find a common language with girls better, and some with boys, because women can have a male character.

Boy or girl?

And there are parents who do not imagine what can be done with the girl, because their characters are far from tender, they would have grown a real man who will become a reliable support in further fate. Yes, and the husband does not imagine himself as the girl’s father, dreams that his child, when he grows, play football or rode a motorcycle on a biker fest.

This problem is very difficult, it is clear that the gender of the child is impossible to assume in advance, although some theories exist. And children are born with different character traits. Girls can master the male profession, men - female. Therefore, to claim who is better, who is worse than both sexes is problematic.

Child: A boy or a girl - pros and cons of

They say that smoking parents often have girls, and boys give birth to mothers with excess weight. Girls give birth to wives from tall, large husbands. Parents, where dad is the main in the family, get boys. They say that this is due to an excess of pope hormones of male origin. So, if you think about who is better to give birth to a boy, a girl in the first place, then you need to take into account these facts.

Parents are expecting a child
Parents are expecting a child

Moms who calmly feel themselves during pregnancy give birth to sons. Also, boys are in women who cry, tolerate, feel excitement in an interesting position. Those who tolerate all the hardships of pregnancy without stress, even when tense, give birth to girls. And the ladies who treated infertility more often receive sons.

It is difficult to say who is better than a girl, a boy, who is easier to educate. Indeed, sexual adoption directly affects the methodology of education to form the personality of a boy or girl, hygiene of the child, material resource and even support for children later in their living in adulthood.

Pros and cons of raising a girl:

  1. If you are born the first girl, then she will be somewhat calmer, friendly than the boy. Most often, but there are exceptions, girls do not fight, less often than boys conflict, beaten knees and torn clothes are not about girls. The female floor does not play risky games, parents are less likely to worry about their safety.
  2. However, girls very clearly express their emotions, and not only with words, feelings, but also expressions in texts, SMS. And the boys have a splash of emotions with physical actions. So, when the mood of the girls changes, resentment arises and all this is accompanied by intrigues, this is considered normal. It is parents who will have to deal with these mood changes. And the dads will be no such behavioral characteristics of the child, the female secrets of the soul for them are unattainable faces. To understand all this will have to become a psychologist.
  3. Girls give themselves to their parents more, they are close to mothers, dads. Never shy about their sensations and are always ready to give a piece of their soul to their relatives.
  4. When the girls grow up, then this can cause a lot of trouble to parents, because letting go of a beautiful girl walk always in the evening excitingly. Moms and dads try to control, constantly ask about where they are, demand that the girls return from walking in time. And this very much strains young girls and conflict situations arise on this basis.
  5. Psychologists also say that girls are much more difficult to educate because there are no knowledge in our world, which is better to be an adult woman. In educational institutions, they require all students the same. Students are brought up with self -sufficient, able to persistently achieve their goals, striving to achieve the best results. But this is not female energy at all.

IMPORTANT: Women's soft character traits are not fashionable in the modern world, the only thing that can save from fashion is the upbringing of mom. If mom transfers the secrets of femininity, and the father will support, then the girl will be able to use these truly magical characteristics.

The legs of the baby

Pros, cons of the boy raising:

  1. In childhood, kids very often get sick, they often have SARS, influenza and other infections. Because of this, you have to visit medical institutions more often than girls. Also, the boys are very restless, which is why bandages, green, patch are the best objects for saving broken knees and elbows. Moreover, such injuries are not the worst thing that can happen in the life of boys, they can even play, score a finger, get a bruise. After all, games are with a real hammer, etc.
  2. When the children grow up, they do not visit doctors so often, they no longer have a cold, as well as in childhood. They are little disturbed by hormonal diseases, like girls. Although this happens. Nobody had “left” from acne. And the fullness is for some because of hormones. It is also interesting that the guys are less susceptible to depression. And if the depression haunts the guy, then he will be able to disguise his condition due to secrecy.
  3. Boys better tolerate ripening. For girls, this is a real test, it is at this time that girls often occur in colds, allergenic reactions occur, hair becomes brittle, nails, there are changes in body weight. This directly affects the psycho -emotional state of girls. And hormonal bursts all their lives cause a lot of inconvenience to girls, they affect not only the psyche, but also the skin and the entire appearance. For a woman, this is a very difficult problem.
  4. The main thing is that a man has no risk of getting pregnant. And for the girl there are such risks even at an early age when they are not yet ready to become mothers.
  5. A big minus is that kids always need a lot of clothes. After all, boys, boots, boots are more likely to fall apart, shirts, jackets, children are not so neatly treated with wardrobe items, like girls. Young fashionistas are beating about their things from early childhood. They like to dress beautifully, love jewelry and even cosmetics. What can not be said about the boys.
  6. When the boys become guys, they already have other hobbies and these hobbies have their own price. Boys love transport, and cars, motorcycles are not cheap. Girls rarely buy transport, it is still believed that a man should be a driver.
  7. Boys can very often change hobbies, they are not constant, they are bored of doing the same. That is why the fact that parents buy, over time becomes completely unnecessary. Then it dusts somewhere on the shelf in the garage. And the young man later demands something new.
  8. The advantages of boys are that they do not require the same amount of things and jewelry as girls. The boy is enough for a small amount of clothing. And moreover, girls are always demanding of their wardrobe. The guys have completely different hobbies.
  9. Boys are more expensive - when they grow up, they need to live separately. Most often, parents try to provide them with housing or help in this matter. It is men who provide their girlfriend with housing. And it is harder to let girls go, it is more difficult for her to make a choice, because it is this man who will be responsible for her in the future. Men earn a living on their own, but parents often help girls financially. Sometimes not only help, but also contain.

Who is better - boys or girls?

It is difficult to answer the question of who is better to give birth - a boy, a girl. Moms do not know how to behave correctly with the boys, especially if they did not have brothers. I do not want the boy to grow up with a moody whiner. Many are simply not able to outline the boundaries. This is a difficult question, I would not want the child to grow up with a despot.

Guys are always somewhat more aggressive than girls, they have the habit of quarreling, lifting. They require a special relationship. As a result, there may be the worst consequences. The school often beat windows, break the inventory, it is parents who have to deal with all this manifestation of aggression. For mom, this is special trials, you have to find the strength not to break into yourself and at the same time remain strict. Therefore, if the mother is soft, emotional woman, then she is unlikely to cope with such a load.

A family
A family

Who is better - boys, girls?

  • The guys, growing up, do not particularly show any emotions, show neither love nor sensations. It will be very difficult to wait for tenderness from a guy. However, if the boy is correctly raised, then the attitude will be expressed by actions.
  • It is difficult to negotiate with guys, they often compete, seek to be the first, show their male self. Their discontent is often expressed in physical terms. Boys start fighting, knocking their feet. Girls express their emotions wrong.
  • Guys often keep their word. They will try to keep their promises by any means. And the girls taxi in any way from difficult situations.
  • Parents are not so trembling about their sons, they are simply released at discos, on any campaigns, without worrying about the fact that something will happen to the guy. The guys are responsible for their actions.
  • Girls are a figure for admiring, it is the beauty of girls who are always proud of parents. And the boys, no matter how beautiful they are, still remain boys. The guys are not praised for beauty, but for masculinity.
  • Dads and mothers get more tenderness from their daughters. The girl can hug, kiss her man, even in three years the child will be significantly different from male representatives.
  • It is women who fulfill their duties purely, they are responsible for changing the child, for clean clothes. Women do not need to be taught to survive in society, especially since they do not need to learn to fight. The army does not threaten girls either, if they themselves do not want to go there.
  • The girl always has a mind more acutely male, she will not allow a dubious relationship, she will not want to engage in sports extreme activities. She does not need drugs, alcohol.
  • Girls will take care of sick and old parents. They will not only be able to help financially, as the sons often do, but will help mom or dad to come out after illness.
That is why many believe that a daughter is better than a son. Sons are moved away from mothers and dads, and daughters are always close to their parents. And for dad it is very important, and for mom, so that their children are nearby, do not forget about them.
Summing up, we can conclude that a girl for parents, and especially for a mother, is a close soul that will never leave her parents. Although there are all sorts of exceptions, and this opinion can be easily disputed, because despite the gender of the child, personal characteristics in children are quite different. It happens that the girl grows a wreck, and the guy is, on the contrary, sensual and caring.

Video: Who is better to give birth to a boy or a girl?


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