How do Orthodox believers differ from Catholics? How does the Orthodox Church differ from Catholic? How does Orthodoxy differ from Catholicism?

How do Orthodox believers differ from Catholics? How does the Orthodox Church differ from Catholic? How does Orthodoxy differ from Catholicism?

In this article, we will consider the difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

One of the oldest world religions - Christianity - consists of three global components: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. In this article, we will consider the difference between Catholics and Orthodox.

The main distinguishing features of Catholicism and Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy, more extensive in the post -Soviet countries, consists of a whole host of separate churches - Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian, Greek and so on. All of them do not have a single management center and do not always maintain any relationship with each other. Sometimes they even conflict, such as the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. At the same time, believers believe that the main rule of the Orthodox Church is observed - unity, not only institutions, but the very faith and church sacraments.

Catholics, located in various corners of the globe, are led by a single "father" - Pope. At the same time, there are some communities (rites) inside this system, which conduct some sacraments and guided by different dogmas in different ways.

Historically, it was established that the division of a single church into these two currents occurred in 1054.

Let's analyze in detail the main distinguishing features of Catholicism and Orthodoxy:

  • Firstly, the Orthodox and Catholics perceive the unity of the church in different ways: one needs to have common sacraments and beliefs, others must have a single governor of the Son of God on Earth, who extends the earthly court for morality, faith, management and discipline.
  • Secondly, Orthodox priests argue that a piece of their universal church is in every local, located under the leadership of the bishop. And the Catholics are reckoned with the Ecumenical Church only those that obey the Roman Catholic Church.
  • In addition, in Orthodoxy it is believed that the Holy Spirit comes from God-Father, and in Catholicism-both from the Father and the Son. Catholics categorically prohibit divorces, and Orthodox - sometimes (for very valid reasons) are allowed.
  • The Orthodox Church, unlike the Catholic, does not recognize purgatory - a specially designated place for souls, which are not yet ready to enter paradise. She also does not remove from the Virgin of original sin, although she glorifies her holiness, and Catholics believe in the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and her stay in heaven with her soul and body.
  • In Orthodoxy, one rite is recognized as the most important, which is called Byzantine in Catholicism and is one among several.
  • The Orthodox services are called the Liturgy, and among the Catholics - Messa.
  • The Orthodox are baptized from the right shoulder, and Catholics from the left.

Catholics consider the opinion of the pope dogmatic (when it has been confessed for a long time and coincides with the decision of the bishops), and the Orthodox call unmistakable only the decisions of the universal cathedrals, while guided only by the results of the first seven cathedrals, and in Catholicism they honor the results of twenty -one cathedrals up to the second Vatican .

General doctrines of Orthodox and Catholics

No matter how the Catholic and Orthodox trends of Christianity differ in details, they one in the main thing - in faith in the teaching of the SaviorFilled with love, compassion and mercy. And They have one symbol alone, and the commandments that they profess. And also - prayers, because the aspirations of the soul of all Christians are identical.

Video: The main differences in Catholicism and Orthodoxy

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