When is a comma put before "how" is put? In what cases is a comma before “how” is not put?

When is a comma put before

In order to understand when the punctuation mark is required before the “How” union, and in what cases there is no, it is necessary to remember several rules and consider examples of proposals with this union. Read more about this - in the article.

The union “how” is a binder of speech capable of combining speech blocks, several phrases in one phrase or simple sentences, into one integral speech circulation. In spelling, the verbal particle “how” needs separation with punctuation marks, from other syntactic forms.

Commas in front of "how": when is it put?

In the rules below, a comma before the word "how" - it is in several spelling options:

  • A comma should be present when in the subordinate clause, the aforementioned union combines the blocks of this proposal. At the same time, the second block is subordinate. The word “how” is the connecting element of the subordinate union, which holds the main sentence with an appendage proposal.

For example: I like to watch the kids frolic in our yard.

  • In this embodiment, it is easy to determine where to properly arrange punctuation - two parts of the sentence connected by the Union. In order to easily find the difference between a complex expression and a complex phrase, it is necessary to learn that in a complex phrase it is possible to ask a question from one part to another. On the example of the first mentioned proposal: i like to watch - what exactly? - How the kids frolic in our yard. With a complicated sentence, both parts will have an equal value.
  • When there is a proposal a situation that formulates a comparative turnover, Starting with the word "how." In the letter, this combination is separated by punctuation marks. And if there is a continuation of the text behind the selected part, this revolution is intended with punctuation on both sides.
Rules and examples
Rules and examples

Example: Her hair is soft, like silk threads. He listened for a long time how the sounds of music in the next room grew, not wanting to leave the estate. A cup of water, like a mirror, reflected the sky.

  • The union part - It has a similar semantic meaning with introductory words. Widely used revolutions: as purpose, as a rule, as now, as an exception.

Eg: A holiday, as a rule, is filled with fun. In the evening, as on purpose, snow came. My wonderful mother, as always, looked great. Important: The phrases that make up the predicate, possessing a semantic ligament, are written without commas. Example: rehearsal will begin as usual. The first thunderstorms begin in May as always.

  • In the main block of sentence, there is a index word: “So”, “so”, “that”, “such”.

Example: Jam is made from berries such as currants, raspberries, strawberries. They meet as joyfully as a native person.

  • If the verbal turn on the letter begins with a combination - "... like ...".

Sample: Animals, like people, require some concern.  In her letters, as in conversations, tenderness was felt. Like before, I decided to spend fun.

  • In the case when the turnover contains a combination: "Nothing else than", "none other than". Or “Just as”, “The same as”.

Writing options: My daily life is nothing more than a series of obstacles. I was accepted in the same way as they accept the most revered guests.

  • When union "How" In the sentence, it reflects the role of causality.

Eg: Like a real gentleman, I am obliged to marry it. She sat down in deep curtsy, like a real lady.

  • The absence of explanatory designations requires to determine the application with punctuation marks.

For example: Such a feeling as kindness always wins difficulties.

Video: a comma in front of "How" - examples

In what cases, a comma is not put in front of the Union “How”?

For the accuracy of writing a union"How"you should learn the rules where there is no comma in verbal speeds. Eight cases are distinguished:

  • At identifying or equating the value of the turnover in a sentence.

Eg: He treated her like a child. For comparison: he treated her, considering her a child. Nastya took care of the ring as a value remaining from her mother.

  • Figure of speech, The name of the complex predicate is united through the predicate, semantic value. Often the predicate, in the absence of comparative turnover, loses the final semantic content.

Option: One is like a pearl, the others are like glass. As a bird, I waved its wings. Friends are like native people. He turns as a master. In the latter version, if we consider the predicate “converts” without a combination “as a owner” - “he turns”, the main meaning is lost.

  • If in combination with the union "how", The basis was taken as a semantic circumstance of the image of the action. Such a speech turnover can be replaced in a creative case with a noun or adverb. Circumstances the image of the action that is difficult to pay from the circumstances of the equalization - This can cause the difficulties of spelling.

Example: Like the leaves, banknotes sprinkled. Explanation: They sprinkled with leaf fall. How the angel is sweet and good. Explanation: angelic sweet. Gold as a sun sparkles. The vine like a snake curled like an arrow rushed up.

In some cases, a comma is not placed
In some cases, a comma is not placed
  • When a verbal expression with this word means "as" Or describes the characterization of the subject.

Option: The lady is fragrant like a rose. My silence was perceived as a lull in front of the storm.

  • Before the expression indicated in the form of comparison, there is an appendix “not”. As well as word forms: simply, straight, completely, exactly, almost.

Sample: The room was dark almost at night. The character of the pet is just like his owner.

  • On the occasion when the expression acquires the character of a stable combination. Phraseologisms are independent holistic language blocks that often remain unchanged.

Sample: “I need an umbrella like a fish”, “I loved a stick”, “At the time of the interview, I was like a lowered water”.

  • There are no certain meanings characterizing the distinctive qualities of data of stable phrases. They must simply be recognized. It is necessary to take into account short expressions related to such phraseologisms: “Plies like a horse”, “Proud as an eagle”, “Fast as a doe”, “Stubborn as a ishak”. This also includes the combinations: “What is it”, “as if nothing had happened.”
  • The word "how" is not a combination of the syntactic part, but only gives a pronounced coloring to the text.

Eg: I tried to catch my eye as little as possible. The team seemed to be corrected. Tourists were just about to visit the museum.

  • The presence of homogeneous subordinate clauses in complex speech revolutions standing behind a stable combination.

SampleIt is gratifying to see how the sea is rampant and how the blizzard groans.

  • "How" - in compound unions.  In this spelling, the “How” application expresses a particle of the constituent union: “Like ... so ...”, “since”. And make up expressions: “As”, “since”, “as much or less as possible”. In this version, a comma is written ahead “how”, at first a holistic complex union.

Sample: The student had excellent indicators of both mathematical and linguistic knowledge. Mom completed the preparation of dinner, while the father returned from work. The husband earned money, while he attended lectures at the institute.

The spelling rules are very multifaceted. We advise you to read no less useful articles:

Video: Rules - commas in front of "How"

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