Thermal processing of food is the biggest deception of mankind or how do you deceive yourself?

Thermal processing of food is the biggest deception of mankind or how do you deceive yourself?

None of us want to be deceived, especially in such a global issue as proper nutrition, which is the basis of the foundations of our health. We sacredly believe, drank store compotes or juices - we got the right vitamins, ate a boiled or fried meat - pleased the body with proteins, but is that so?

The shelves of stores are full of bright wrappers of beautifully packed goods, just beckon to yourself - choose me, buy me! However, the truth is their manufacturers are not very in a hurry to discover what you can do, these are the rules of the business. But, thank God, now there is the Internet - great power! And it is from here that we will draw such the truth we need - both simple and at the same time unsightly.

Are vitamins preserved during heat treatment?

  • Close a simple truth for yourself forever - there are no vitamins that would did not die during heat treatment from 60 ° C. Therefore, the use of all sorts of boiled compotes, jam, jams, juices From cans or boxes (and for the most part they are a mixture of restored concentrates, which before this have been evaporated for a long time and tediously) does not carry with it absolutely no benefit.
  • Unless pleasant taste sensations, on what, on what, but on taste additives, modern manufacturers, as they say, “eaten a dog”. Particularly terribly done when such products are advertised For young children.
  • In general, vitamins - they are so pampered! Imagine, they can collapse, barely in contact with sugar. Meanwhile, many Russian housewives are brewing basins with jam every season for hours, sacredly believing that in winter they are pampering with vitamins of their family. Summary: vitamins are full of raw vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. If thermal processing of food intervened here at least for a moment - all the vitamins have disappeared, not even having time to wave a penis with goodbye to you.
  • We were all at school with chemistry. Much of this science has long been forgotten, but the fact that iron is exposed to rust has remained in memory forever. Fortunately, examples of this are constantly before our eyes. It’s both in the case of an apple, while it lies, untouched - so beautiful, bulk, it pulls it to taste it. And in this fruit it is full gland, therefore, it is only worth it at least a little bit of it, in that place it will immediately arise brown spot.
  • These are all oxygen tricks, it instantly finds in an apple such an iron necessary for our body, comes into contact with it, and, as a result, rust arises. And she is not at all useful for us. Therefore, if we want to get the effect the effect for us, it is advisable to eat fruits and vegetables quickly without letting the iron oxidized. The same recommendations also apply to freshly squeezed juices.
  • If you bought in a store or prepared yourself job from apples With the help of heat treatment, in the hope of replenishing the body with the right amount of iron in the hope, do not flatter yourself, there is rust (this can be seen with the naked eye through the color of the drink)! And she is nothing it is not a useful trace element.

Where do proteins, fats and carbohydrates come from and where are the heat treatment?

  • But what about things about proteins and amino acids? The process of their destruction begins at t 45 ° C, And it ends almost at t 60 ° C. But amino acids are suppliers of all the necessary proteins and protein tissues of a person. But they are also destroyed during heat treatment of food!
  • Then why do you want to sometimes eat boiled chicken, fried pork, chopped from a paired veal? There is nothing useful after heat treatment - both proteins and amino acids simply disappear. Probably, we should moderate our appetites and take an example, at least from monkeys.
  • Imagine gorillas - they are distinguished by very powerful forms. So, they eat only leaves and young shoots of trees, in their diet there are not even fruits. The same thing with horses and bulls - they are hardy, and fast, and muscles. And the meat is not eaten at the same time.
  • By the way, fat loss during heat treatment and Thermal treatment of carbohydrates Inevitable. And what ultimately remains on our dish? No matter how appetizer it looks like, it is important to understand for yourself - it is just a dishonest dish for the body, and nothing more!
Important rules
Important rules
  • Digestion is not without enzymes, and they are usually located on the fruit peel and greens. Not having time to boil, they disappear. After all, even washing the greens or vegetables in running water, most of the enzymes are washed off. What remains to do the human body? Only use exorbitant loads in order to develop the enzymes he needs.

Why do diseases arise - malnutrition and heat treatment of food

  • What do we know about digestion? Our planet is replete with a variety of species of mammals. Among them, the class of herbivores eats grass; fruit fruit, respectively; carnivorous (i.e. predators) that feed on meat; There are also omnivorous - in their diet you can find all of the above.
  • You can conduct an experiment. To feed this or that animal power to give food not familiar to him, what another class of animals or humans consumes - fried, smoked - all food that is subjected to heat treatment. And what do we get in the end? Your experimental in a rather nearby sick. Moreover, he may have “human” diseases. Naturally, for such an individual, life will be interrupted much earlier than that of his counterparts who have not undergone such a cruel experiment.
  • But back to the person. What kind does he represent? He is not herbivore and not a predator - this is definitely. Most likely, the human race belongs to carnivorous. After all, you will not object that a person is very similar to his anatomical characteristics on the monkey? Only very smart. Modular monkeys have the same digestive organs as people. However, they eat only fruits. At the same time, they grow, accumulate muscle mass and rarely get sick.
  • Maybe you need to learn proper nutrition from them, "our smaller brothers"? And we will hurt less, and we will live longer.
It is important to eat properly so as not to get sick
It is important to eat properly so as not to get sick

Thermal processing of food is the biggest deception of mankind or how do you deceive yourself?

  • Any creature has digestion - this is understandable. During eating in the mouth saliva breaks down food, Then it is in the stomach, and then gastric juice plays its role. Food, meanwhile, is moving further. Next in line is the intestines filled with a variety of bacteria. They are also called intestinal microflora. And in any adult, its weight is about 2 kg in the intestines!
  • And the microflora devours what came to her straight from the stomach. Bacteria multiply and surposed with the intestines. Not at all with food, as it was at the beginning of the food chain, but only due to microflora, i.e. Bacteria living in the intestines feed absolutely all mammals. And a person is by no means an exception.
  • Our microflora for normal functioning is needed raw plant food, food without heat treatment. But many of us are used to pamper ourselves with something else: meat, bread, something fried, boiled.
  • And, as a rule, the tastier it is, the more harmful it is, which means that such a person cannot boast of a good, healthy microflora. In his intestines, dape bacteria will prevail, which feed on "dead" food, such as meat.
  • Where is the healthy microflora? And a person has nothing. So the body eats not native bacteria for it, but putrefactive. This is where the causes of almost all diseases come from, that's where and early mortality of people at 50.

Food without heat treatment: is food intended for man with nature?

  • Some people think like fruits and vegetables do not contain vitamins of group B. This is far from the case, on the Internet you can always get the information useful to you. Fruits and vegetables also contain amino acids in sufficient quantities.
  • Do you not believe that it is impossible to increase muscle mass by eating only fruits? It's a delusion! Some syromonoma (people who eat only plant foods without heat treatment in nutrition, while not mixing it with each other at the same technique) fully achieved this. It is especially possible athletes and bodybuilders.
Raw products
Raw products
  • Put a phrase into your computer search engine: Celebrities raw foodists, and you will simply be surprised how many extraordinary people in the world prefer raw food, and, therefore, health and longevity.
  • Information for believers.Jesus punished his adherents not to kill animals, birds, as well as fish for food. I advised me to eat fruits, herbs, cereals, milk and honey. In order to be healthy, two meals are enough per day.
  • Jesus also believed that in order to never experience the weaknesses, it is enough to eat once a day. He was also sure that it would be more useful for health to eat in one sitting one third less than you would like. He also advised not to mix food, not to cook it on fire and not freeze it. So who is wiser? God? Nature? Or is it a person?

Is thermal treatment of food good or bad for the body?

  • Modern supermarkets are a real trap, a trap for people. Wherever you throw your eyes - food products everywhere. But all of them are created only by people, and far from Mother Nature. For obvious reasons, people who inhabit megacities introduce these products mainly into their diet.
  • But let's abstract from all these stores and products made in factories - because they are simply a consequence of our power supply. Most of the population of our planet is convinced that food must certainly be cooked. We are sure that the products that nature supplies to us is just semi -finished products, and bring them to the desired condition is the care of cooks. What is such a “care” leading to? Let's figure it out.
  • The most common cooking is thermal processing of food, On day every day we cook something, fry, extinguish. But how many times have already proved the inappropriateness of processing products through fire. Only all these wise conclusions about the harmfulness of this type of food processing often do not achieve their goals.
  • People remain blind and deaf when it comes to them gastronomic addictions. But each of us can conduct a small experiment in our kitchen. He will prove to you that fire negatively affects the quality of products.
  • No, we will not take, for example, carrots. In order to fully investigate this issue, you need to have a powerful laboratory and certain knowledge in this area. So we leave the carrot alone, and instead of it we will “test” well, at least a mobile phone. The idea may seem somewhat delusional, but, believe me, it is worth it - everything will turn out very well.
  • Well, let's get down to the experiment. Let's throw our mobile phone in boiling water and cook it for about half an hour. By the way, water can be replaced with any other liquid, for example, machine oil. Subsequent phones should be: frying, baked, put out, put into the microwave. As a result, we have five devices that were processed in one way or another. And we add to them the sixth - it was not processed by anything.
  • You have the right to name such experience delirium. But at the same time, you were well convinced that all these phones did not improve their characteristics under the influence of fire. Quite the contrary, the fire completely disabled them, turning into a bunch of unnecessary garbage.
  • But for some reason, few people come up with the idea that such garbage is and thermally processed food. According to the assurances of the cooks, the food after that becomes much more perfect,
  • Recall our experiment - mobile phones turned into garbage. Believe me, the same thing happens with products, for example, everything with the same carrot. After the heat treatment, she, like the phones, turned into something uncomfortable, simply put, such the very garbage.
  • In processed food, the internal microstructure of the product occurs. Part vitamins and trace elements At the same time, they do not die, and our body still get at least some crumbs of useful and building substances. And it is at the expense of them that we somehow survive. But can such a life be called full? Hardly!

How does the human body cope with thermally processed food?

  • Laboratory studies have shown that in thermally processed food Fat, sugar, proteins, calories are in abundance. However, with all this, an acute lack of absolutely all vitamins is experienced.
  • What role do vitamins play? Huge! They are, as it were, with a fastening solution for proteins, carbohydrates and the rest of the building and energy material of our cells. Vitamins on all of them are simply catastrophically lacking, and the body somehow needs to process it all (as experts, fats, proteins and carbohydrates evaluate in our stomach, together with food, 5 times more from the necessary quantities).
  • How does the body do if they do not leave a choice, you need to somehow process all the food that has been in the stomach. Some unnecessary substances are excreted in a natural way (along with feces and urine), but many of them do not want to leave our body so easily. So the slag unnecessary to us form.

Thermal processing of food and why do people get sick and hollow: is it possible to change something?

  • What do we know about digestive tract? So, the most general knowledge. It participates in the process of processing food. But few people know that these are one of the most vulnerable places in the body, where all sorts of “unnecessary materials” accumulate over time.
  • As a result, we often see both women and men with “beer” stomachs. Moreover, often a person himself is not very large proportions, but his stomach is noticeably bulging. Why is that? Yes, because in the digestive tract of such people there are many all sorts of waste remaining from the years the "wrong" food.
  • It can be stones clogging bile ducts, liver and gall bladder. Fecal masses can stick to the colon for so long that only a narrow passage remains. You can be sure, literally all digestive organs of people with big stomachs are clogged food waste. The body could not bring them out, and therefore had to store this garbage inside itself.
  • The second “secluded place” in the form of a “pantry” for unnecessary materials was chosen fat. They can accumulate anywhere. People from this full, become obese. And weight loss remains only in dreams, as they eat incorrectly.
  • How not to mention blood and lymph, i.e. internal fluids of the body, because it is also a place where you can place poor -quality food. Let us recall the diabetes mellitus - diseases arising from excessive sugar in the blood. As a result, the body cannot cope with it itself.
  • What can we say about thrombus and obstruction in blood vessels-this is also a deplorable result of irrational nutrition, from which the cardiovascular system suffers.
  • The whole body of a person is permeated with capillaries. In the event that they are clogged with food detachments, then they lose the ability to convey fresh blood to the cells. And this is the so -called cell fasting, the cause of many diseases. Suffers very much from this the work of the brain. Sclerosis, disorders of the nervous system are far from a complete list of diseases associated with brain function.
  • Another place where the body "hides" processed food is cells. If one of them is full of beyond the proper meal, and she does not have enough vitamins, she begins to hurt. This affects her life and she can no longer function, which can lead to oncology. If the cells are so full of slag that they cannot fulfill their destiny, then this is already cancer.
  • And in this case you can help yourself in one way, start eating right. If the cancer patient stops finally loading itself thermally processed food And at the same time it will begin to eat natural, the tumor stops its growth. Her cells no longer receive the food they need and die gradually, and new, completely healthy cells will return to their place.
  • The power of unused nature products is great! Indeed, with its help, a person can get rid of cancer.

Thermal treatment of food is the biggest deception of mankind, how to protect oneself from diseases?

  • Human body - This is a whole universe. Its cells can be considered as individual inhabitants, or it can be imagined that these are some megastracies. In one small cell are concentrated ribosomes, nucleotides, chromosomes, many molecules. Can you imagine what is the most complicated mechanism in fact?
  • All molecules seem to be living creatures, and the cell is the sphere in which they live. It is from this angle that it is worth looking at the problem of slagging the body with “bad” food. Imagine that There are no proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars. Let them be, as it were, individual creatures - animals or plants.
  • If an excessive number of individuals of some kind suddenly appears in a single bioma, the predators that feed on them instantly are instantly. There is no number to the hares - the wolves ran, the grass has grown too much - a real feast for herbivores, many insects hatched - they were hidden by feathered ones, etc. Nature is wise, it does not allow excesses, keeps an ecosystem in the balance sheet.
  • The same processes occur in the human body. If you imagine that a cell is a biom, and molecules are representatives of the flora and fauna in it. Sugar, fats and proteins Imagine in the form of hares, herbs and insects, which were in abundance inside the bioma cell. And in the form bacteria, viruses and various types of worms - We fantasize for our predators that eat overly bred individuals. And above them there is another type of predators - these are white blood cells, or the immune system of the body.
Useful and harmful
Useful and harmful
  • Many viruses that cause diseases such as influenza, chickenpox, pneumonia, AIDS, plague - These are the very predators that, if they already enter the body, will instantly notice a huge amount of food for themselves. They begin to multiply quickly because they fell into the fertile soil for them. Next comes the time for other predators - representatives of the immune system, Which also begin to quickly reproduce their own kind. What do we know about the immune system? It turns out that this is not at all a protective property of the body, as previously believed, but creatures that live inside us, and their reproduction is directly proportional to the amount of food. Food for the immune system are pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  • Draw a line between "useful" and "harmful" inhabitants of the body very much conditionally, besides, this is the prerogative of man. Nature is wise - it does not make such distinctions at all. If a person “picked up” the flu somewhere, then a fertile environment for him was created for him. If it is eliminated in time, then the flu will quickly disappear.
  • It turns out that nature has not created a single virus that would maliciously harm a person. Even the worst of them can be imagined in the form of predators that penetrate the body to profit from something “tasty” for them. Of course, if they find food for themselves in sufficient quantities there, they can bring a person to a lethal end.
  • But if food is not enough for them, then they are simply not able to reproduce their own kind. Then natural balancing comes into force: pathogenic predators devour the remaining unused body food, and then the immune system eats them. In this case, a person may not even notice that he was sick with an “incurable” disease.
  • Advice to everyone who does not want to get sick with viral or other contagious diseases: trust Mother Prodrode, eat only those products that she created, do not clog your body to slags, which the destroyed, redesigned. Food with heat treatment.

Food heat treatment: reviews

  • Lisa: I learned a lot of useful things for myself from this material. I am young, I am only 19 years old, but I somehow began to recover rapidly overnight. And she cut herself in food, and sat on all sorts of diets, and a little good. Well, now I'll try a raw food diet. Maybe the reason is the reason for fried and boiled dishes?
  • Victor: I’m constantly sick with something, there are no strength. Now I realized: all sorts of bacteria, vitamins and everything else that is in raw food is useful for the body. I will try not to eat boiled, fried or stew. Let's see how these measures will affect my health.
  • Evgeniy: I am for a healthy lifestyle, and therefore for a healthy diet. For more than a year I have been refraining from thermally processed food. And - no weakness! On the contrary, strength and energy were added, the desire to live and create.

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Video: heat treatment destroys vitamins in vegetables - is it true or a myth?

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