With "hedgehog" or with "still": how to write correctly?


In this article you will find a rule on the spelling of the word "hedgehog". You will learn how to write correctly “hedgehog” or “month”.

The Russian language is a complex school subject with its rules and nuances in the spelling of words. In this article we will consider how it is written correctly "EG" or ", and also make the analysis of the word and make a sentence with it.

How to write correctly - with "hedgehog" or "month"?

You need to write correctly "EG". This explains the rule with the spelling of vowels after hissing letters. That's why "Encomes" - this is wrong and will be a mistake. The rule is described in detail below. Read further.

How is it written by "hedgehog" or "month": rule

To remember the spelling of words, you need to learn the rules. If you know them, then you can then intuitively write the words of the Russian language correctly. Here's a rule, how the word is written "EG" or ":

The rule, as the word
The rule, as the word "hedgehog" is written

Analysis of the word "hedgehog": morphology

Morphological analysis is set in the Russian language at school constantly. This helps the student remember parts of speech, understand the syntactic role of the word and learn to quickly determine its constant and inconsistent signs. Here is the morphological analysis of the word "EG":

Morphology of the word hedgehog
Morphology of the word hedgehog

What are the sentences with the word "hedgehog"?

All students are able to make suggestions, starting from the second grade. Such a task helps to develop logic, imagination and fix the material covered. Here are what proposals can be made with the word "EG":

  • We came to the forest and saw a bunch of yellow leaves with hedgehog inside.
  • Petit had a small box with hedgehog inside.
  • Vasya played with hedgehog in the forest.
  • I would like to play with hedgehogBut I'm afraid to frighten him off.
  • Why did Kolya come to school with hedgehog on hands?

You can come up with many different sentences with this word. The main thing is to remember the rule and spelling of the word.

Video: How to play with a hedgehog? Games with Chizhunya ... Learning biology)

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