I did not take part or participation - how to write correctly?

I did not take part or participation - how to write correctly?

In this article we will tell you how to write correctly - I did not take part or participation.

In the Russian language, there are a lot of words and each has its own meaning and spelling. One of the words that constantly raises questions is “participation”. If we say, it is not clear not even the word itself, but the phrase - "did not take part." How to write it correctly? Let's find out.

How to write properly did not take part or participation?

Participation or participation - how is it written?
Participation or participation - how is it written?

If we turn to the dictionary, then “participation” will be used in the nominative case. Even if you try to change the case, you still get the same. It is impossible to check this fact, most importantly, just remember.

- He did not take part in the games, as he was very sick.

- He did not want to take part in a general conversation.

- Friends persuaded him to take part in the competition.

As you can see, regardless of the fact that the word “accept” changes, “participation” still remains unchanged.

Video: Russian language. Spelling: spelling of the endings of nouns. Online training center "Foxford"

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