How to bewitch a woman - married, free, beloved? Is it worth making a love spell and what are the consequences? How to make a love spell: Rules

How to bewitch a woman - married, free, beloved? Is it worth making a love spell and what are the consequences? How to make a love spell: Rules

In this article, we will talk about how to bewitch a free or married woman and whether it is worth doing.

A love spell is a way to tie a person to himself and make him love you. But you need to do it correctly. We decided to figure out how to bewitch a woman, regardless of whether she is married or not.

It seems to many that it is very difficult to make a love spell, but in fact it is not. Its main condition is the sincerity of feelings, otherwise you can get the result that you expect.

Features of a love spell: Rules

Love spell rules
Love spell rules

In order to correctly bewitch a woman and minimize the consequences of rituals, you should figure out the features of their conduct and choose the right one. It is worth preferring rituals from white magic. Black magic does not tolerate intervention and always has to pay for it. In addition, do not tie a woman against the will. It is better if you just awaken feelings in it.

As a rule, love spells are effective when:

  • Both people know each other and periodically communicate
  • The couple has quite a lot in common - views, interests, hobbies
  • They had an intimate connection, but the woman does not want to develop relationships
  • The parting occurred in stupidity and even less than a year passed

Another very important condition is that a woman should not have hostility after witchcraft. This gives real chances of a happy and harmonious life without scandals and reproaches.

How to bewitch a free woman - a ritual with candles: instructions

Love spell on candles
Love spell on candles

The use of church candles in rituals makes them strong. It is with their help that you can make a love spell. Its main feature is that it turns out to make it accurately for almost everyone.

To conduct the rite, you will need three church candles. The success of the ritual can be explained by the natural power of fire and the candles themselves, which are able to provide powerful manipulation. If you combine them with conspiracies, they are able to create a large energy message.

If you still decide the ritual, think about whether you really want to live with a woman all your life. Is this not a fleeting hobby? Remember, if you are hypocrite, then the consequences will be very bad.

It is better to conduct the ritual on the growing moon and in a place where no one can distract you from the process. And besides, no one should know about this. In order not to distract you from external interference, you should turn off the entire equipment.

You must be calm internally and do not think about anything but your woman. Get together, think about it, imagine your life.

So, the rite itself is carried out like this:

  • First, set fire to the candles and place them in front of us. Now look at the fire and think about your woman, life with her, her love and so on. You should go to this process for at least 10 minutes. It is during this time that complete concentration is achieved.
  • When the image is visualized, you can read the conspiracy:
Love spell on candles
Love spell on candles
  • When everything is done, then repay the candles, wrap it in paper and hide. Immediately after that, go to bed and do not say a single word.

As a rule, the love spell acts instantly, but its results appear in a week. During this time, try to always be with a woman.

How to bewitch a married woman?

How to bewitch married?
How to bewitch married?

Often men have a desire to bewitch someone else's wife. This should not be done just like that, but only in the case of mutual feelings. It simply happens that a woman does not dare to divorce her husband for various reasons. Then you can conduct a special rite that will enhance feelings. This will help to make a decision faster and finally decide to divorce.

Before you start doing something, you need to ask yourself a few questions and answer them:

  • Do you want to live with this woman all your life? Is it worth risking both of you for this?
  • How does a woman look at your joint future? Have you discussed this issue?

So that the love spell is successful and there are no too bad consequences, it must be prepared for it. So, within 12 days you can’t eat meat products. The diet should be strict and vegetarian. So you increase natural energy, and with it the energy message.

Moreover, there are several more conditions that you must comply with:

  • You can’t drink alcohol and any alcohol for 10 days before the ritual
  • Follow the sexual abstinence for seven days

For the ritual, you will be tedious for a few things of your beloved:

  • Sweater
  • Skirt
  • Comb with several hairs
  • Photo

For the ritual:

  • Lay out all the items on the table in the form of a silhouette so that they look like a figure. Instead of your face, place the photo, and the hair will depict a comb. Put on the sides on the candle.
  • Say yourself to the left of the things and say:
Love spell on clothes
Love spell on clothes
  • Read the text 4 times and stroke things near you all this time.
  • At the end of the candle, you need to blow down, and the comb with the picture is thrown under the door of your beloved.

Here you have to be more careful and take into account who can take a bundle. It is on this that the result depends. If one of the spouses takes him, then he will first decide on parting. This will mean that magic worked. But if the bundle brings the third person into the house, then nothing will work out and you will have to wait for the reckoning. To avoid a strong blow of fate, you should visit the church and pray.

A man must understand that he takes on a huge responsibility, because the woman, although he will go away, her condition may not be quite stable. Often girls are tormented by the fact that they abandoned their husband. And therefore, it is not even surprising if suddenly the beloved has become irritable and breaks down the little things. Be patient and show attention and care. Try to convince her of the correctness of actions.

How to bewitch your beloved woman?

Love spell to your beloved
Love spell to your beloved

Do not think that a love spell is the lot of women. Men also have unrequited feelings, and therefore they can also resort to magic.

Everyone has different situations, but not every case allows the use of a love spell. It is recommended to conduct it if you are in one of the following situations:

  • You are too shy and afraid to come up, suddenly you will be refused. The love spell will give the opportunity to attract attention and the woman herself will give signs of attention. She will understand that next to her is a good man ready to build relationships.
  • Even in a pair, love spaces can be carried out. They will be effective when a man lacks attention. Maybe he just wants more heat, but the woman does not give him.
  • A love spell during a quarrel may also be effective. You have already tried to make peace, but the girl is too proud and does not make contact. The magic ritual will help to fix this in a few days.
  • Perhaps the girl left you. Then the ritual will work, but only on condition that your feelings are pure and open. Moreover, the sooner the rite is made, the better.
  • By the way, love love spells can be done on married women. Only here you have to be careful, because if she really loves her husband, then you will not achieve any effect, but you will have to pay for your actions.
  • A love conspiracy can help keep a woman at a distance. Even if she wanted to leave forever, then she can be scorched. It is important to carry out the ritual correctly. Only then will he work.

There are two very good rituals for the love spell of her beloved woman.

Loved one loved

Love spell on soap
Love spell on soap

You can take a simple piece of soap, but it is better to choose a gift for these purposes, because you have to give it to complete the ritual.

In fact, the work of magic begins already during the selection of a suitable piece of soap. During this, think only about your beloved. This will allow you to configure your energy in the right way and increase the strength of the future love spell. Choose the soap of the color that your beloved likes, and the form is such that she expresses your feelings. Today it is not difficult to do, because gift soap can be of different forms and it can be made even to order.

The action of the conspiracy will be much stronger if you read it on the growing moon. Moreover, time should be evening. Try to make the room empty. No one should distract you, even pets. You can leave only light from a candle or only the moon. Choose the method that you like best.

Keep the soap in your hands and look at the fire of a candle or moon. Tell us aloud what strong feelings you have and what your future life do you see. If you decide to just interest your friend, then tell me. Only bright feelings should be in your soul and when you understand that you are completely ready, then say:

Love spell on soap
Love spell on soap

Then take the soap and attach it to the chest. You must close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine how your general happiness penetrates inside.

Remember that you can’t say anything else this evening. We must immediately go to bed. Perhaps in a dream you will even see your favorite, joint life and so on. This means that the conspiracy works. And the next day, give the conspired piece to your girlfriend.

Now it remains only to wait. A few days will pass and you will see that your attitude towards you has changed. All signs will be noticeable. Now you can try to win it. Do not miss your chance.

Love of beloved on women's underwear


When the relationship becomes cold and I want to return the feelings of his wife, a simple ritual on women's linen will help. It doesn’t matter if it is old or new. Anyone is suitable. It is best to choose a new one and give it.

Do not forget about the important rules of rituals. This will make your conspiracy the most effective. So, do the following to the growing moon:

Place women's linen under the moonlight and say:


After that, inhale the smell of linen and imagine how beautiful your woman will look in it. The next morning, present the spoke things for your beloved. That is why it is better to take new linen.

If you think well, it is possible, it is just worth it to make gifts more often. Then love spells will not be needed at all and you can live happily without them. Although, if you want to return passion to the relationship or your beloved left you, then this method will be good enough to fix everything.

The consequences of a love spell of a married woman - what are there?

The consequences of a love spell
The consequences of a love spell

Yes, of course, every man can have a desire to bewitch your beloved and not the fact that marriage will stop from this. But only magic has its consequences and you have to pay for it. So, if you have decided to conduct the rite, then be prepared to face the following consequences:

  • If a woman loves her husband and did not even think to part with him, then magic can bounce and go back. This will appear in the fact that personal life will cease to go along completely. Even relatives may begin to treat him differently. Yes, and problems will begin at work.
  • If you achieve the execution of a love spell, then the relationship may be extremely complicated. Constant scandals, bouts of jealousy and much more. Maybe there will be frequent partings. In other words, there will definitely not be stability.
  • The thing is that the woman’s psyche is already weaker than male, and her ritual is completely knocked out. Living with such a woman may be simply impossible, there will constantly be bad emotions and scandals. Even the most loving man will get tired of this sooner or later.

So, you should always think about the consequences and ask yourself the question - is it worth it to start it all? Indeed, a woman can change very much, but even if you stop loving her, she will not lag behind you.

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  1. Love spell on a married woman

  2. This woman is married, but I really love my soul and heart. I always help her. I really want her to be mine to love me just like me. Of course I really want to have a sex connection between us. That she loved me and really would like me.

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