Physical activity coefficient: what is it and how to calculate it? Templates and tips

Physical activity coefficient: what is it and how to calculate it? Templates and tips

This article will help calculate the personal coefficient of physical activity.

Physical activity coefficient (Pal or KFA) determines the level of human activity. To lose weight, it is necessary to evaluate our need for energy and, thus, form the right plan for nutrition and training. Read in another article on our website, How to use food you can form a sports figure. How to calculate the coefficient Pal? What is the relationship between the general and main speed of metabolism and the rate of physical activity? Look for answers to these questions below.

KFA is a person’s physical activity: what is it and why do you need to know the formula?

KFA - human physical activity coefficient
KFA - human physical activity coefficient

As mentioned above, human physical activity coefficient - This is the level of energy costs. Conscious weight loss and figure correction always bring better results. That is why it is worth studying some basic concepts in the field of dietetics. At first glance, they may seem difficult, but the development of new information is always interesting, and when you begin to delve into the calculations, everything will be much easier. In this article, both Russian and English abbreviation of words will be used, as many people use to obtain knowledge and foreign literature. So, KFA or PAL - physical activity coefficient Man: Why do you need to know the formula?

  • Firstly, you need to understand that everyone has different needs for energy. It depends on many factors.
  • Thus, it is impossible to clearly say how much we should eat, what proportions to withstand or how long to engage in physical exercises. This attitude is completely pointless.
  • A person leading a sedentary lifestyle has completely different needs than an athlete.

It is also worth finding out what energy consumption consists of. This is primarily the influence of food and physical activity, as well as metabolism. Usually the definition of energy needs begins with the definition PPM or Basic Metabolic(main metabolism). This is the lowest level directly related to energy. Read further.

What are the levels, human physical activity coefficients: Explanation

Levels, human physical activity coefficients
Levels, human physical activity coefficients

Coefficient Pal or KFA Allows you to determine the level of physical activity of a particular person. This is necessary to calculate detailed energy costs. The more precisely we determine the value of the described factor, the more reliable the result will be CPM (Total Metabolic) or general metabolism. This will determine how many calories per day we must consume and burn. Here's an explanation of what levels, human physical activity coefficients exist:

  • The activity coefficient takes into account different lifestyle.
  • One person cannot combine the characteristics of a physically working person, a football player training three times a week or a person engaged in martial arts every day.
  • In each case, the coefficient Pal It will be different.
  • Of course, physically inactive people who lead a sedentary lifestyle can also calculate the activity factor.

It should be remembered: Every day, a factor of physical activity can be of different meaning. This is because we do different works every day. Therefore, it cannot be said that daily energy costs are always the same.

That is why many people calculate the average value for the whole week. This is the optimal solution.

Where to start: how to calculate the coefficient of physical activity?

Physical activity coefficient
Physical activity coefficient

We will not calculate the need for energy without key parameters - it will be wrong. Start by calculating PPM (the main level of metabolism), CPM (the general level of metabolism) and PAL (level of physical activity).

There are various calculation options. But it should be remembered that some of them are mainly designed for experienced nutritionists who have special knowledge. If we make a calculation ourselves, then simpler formulas should be used.

It is worth noting: If you know the ratio of your physical activity coefficient, then this indicator will help to much more effectively choose the right diet or sports nutrition.

This is especially important not only for athletes who want to improve their sporting results, but also for those who lose weight and have overweight. Read more more.

Basic metabolism (PPM): an indicator for a formula for calculating the coefficient of physical activity

Physical activity coefficient of athlete
Physical activity coefficient of athlete

Basic metabolism (PPM) - The lowest level of energy exchange. This factor determines how much energy the body uses when performing the main physiological actions: heartbeat, breathing, digestion, tissue regeneration, etc.

  • PPM Allows you to determine how many calories are optimal for survival in a balanced living environment.
  • It is worth noting that this factor does not include any activity.
  • Therefore, it is calculated in the case of a passive rest in a position lying and without mental stress.

When calculating PPM The formula of Harris-Benedict is usually used. The plus is that this indicator can be calculated using a finished calculator, which significantly accelerates and facilitates the paperwork. However, it is good to be able to calculate this parameter yourself so that you can understand what it consists of.

PPM formula for women:

  • Ppm [kcal] \u003d 665.09 + (9.56 * weight in kg) + (1.85 * growth in cm) - (4.67 * age)

PPM formula for men:

  • Ppm [kcal] \u003d 66.47 + (13.75 * weight in kg) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.75 * age)

Using the above formulas, you can calculate the average value of the main exchange. Of course, professionals individualize the formula so that the risk of violations is at the lowest level.

The total metabolic rate (CPM): an indicator for the formula for calculating the coefficient of physical activity

Physical activity coefficient of athlete
Physical activity coefficient of athlete

The total rate of metabolism (CPM) - This is the general need for the body for energy. This means that this factor determines the amount of energy necessary when the body remains in a passive state. This indicator is also necessary for the formula for calculating the physical activity coefficient.

SRM It consists of basic and secondary metabolism. In the second case, it means that a person performs any actions during the day. For example, physical and mental efforts.

Formula for CPM:

  • CPM \u003d PPM * K (PAL)

How to calculate the coefficient K (PAL), described below. Read further.

Physical activity factor (PAL): template, tips in the table

Physical activity coefficient of athlete
Physical activity coefficient of athlete

Physical activity coefficient Pal You can calculate in general or in detail. It must be borne in mind that the more precisely you will do this, the better. It would seem that all you need to do is choose the right value from the finished tables. It all depends on what accuracy is necessary.

The value of the physical activity coefficient (k) for the formula will be found in the form of tips in the table below - the calculation template:

Coefficient, K. When used
1 1,2 — 1,39 In case of immobility, for example, bed rest due to illness
2 1,4-1,69 With low physical activity, for example, a sedentary lifestyle in combination with short -term trips, cycling, exercises
3 1,7-1,99 For moderate physical activity, for example, physical/sitting work in combination with easy regular training
4 2,0-2,4 Active lifestyle that takes into account very hard physical work or strength training
5 over 2.4 Professional sports

The above values \u200b\u200bfacilitate the calculation of PAL. However, the indicators will not turn out very accurate. If this does not suit, then you need to calculate the energy consumption of the body. This requires determining the amount of energy necessary to perform specified actions, for example, work, walking, training. It is worth knowing:

  • The average daily physical activity index, unfortunately, is difficult to calculate.
  • It may turn out that this or work was incorrectly used in calculations.
  • Remember that you need to consider even such homework as ironing linen, cleaning the apartment and cooking.

The main energy costs are calculated by the formula PPM. Then we summarize the amount of energy required for everyday physical activity. Thus, we can calculate CPM:

  • CPM \u003d PPP + the sum of all energy costs

Now you can proceed to calculating the exact coefficient of physical activity ( Pal). Use this formula:

  • Pal \u003d CPM/PPM

Important: Energy consumption changes in humans almost every day. After all, we go to work or training, but not every day. Therefore, it is worth calculating CPM For each day. Then you need to add the obtained values \u200b\u200band divide by seven days a week.

Thanks to this, you will receive an average daily common level of metabolism that you will use in calculations. This reduces the risk that the result will be inaccurate.

Why is it necessary to know your KFA - the coefficient of physical activity?

You need to know your kfa - the coefficient of physical activity
You need to know your kfa - the coefficient of physical activity

Nowadays, more and more people are lazy to be physically active. Many of them have big problems with excess weight or obesity. No one will be surprised by the fact that extra pounds are a real scourge of our time. Physical activity coefficient —  KFA It will help you determine if you support the optimal level of physical activity. That is why it is necessary to calculate this indicator for yourself.

  • This is a great option if you want to control the number of calories used and their consumption.
  • Thanks to KFA, if you need to lose weight, you can make a menu in accordance with the actual energy costs.
  • This is how the vast majority of athletes and professionals are trained.
  • Remember that this is a great solution if you want to take care of your health.

Excess weight and lack of physical exercises are a huge burden for our body. This is a simple way to get a lot of serious pathologies. The faster you make changes, the lower the risk of developing negative changes in the body.

What should be remembered: the average coefficient of physical activity is the ratio of energy costs to the costs of the body at rest

The average physical activity coefficient is the ratio of energy costs to the costs of the body at rest
The average physical activity coefficient is the ratio of energy costs to the costs of the body at rest

It would seem that people running several times a week or traveling on a bicycle are considered physically active. But this is a wrong judgment. This is still a moderate level of activity. But in this case, the need for energy is higher than that of people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or travel mainly by car. What should be remembered? Here is the main rule:

  • The average physical activity coefficient - This is the ratio of energy costs to the costs of the body at rest.

This indicates that many people can compare the demand for energy with other people professionally involved in sports. How does this happen? For example, those who work a lot physically (for example, at a construction site, on an agricultural field), as well as regularly (5-6 times a week) are engaged in fitness or other amateur sports.

Remember: The CPM energy cost indicator changes with age or health.

In addition, it is worth considering that each training in the gym is different. Therefore, you can’t certainly know how much energy our body will use during a particular work.

Important: Carefully perform the calculation of energy costs. It is known that people involved in extreme sports have more needs than those who burn calories on a treadmill or ride a bicycle for an hour.

Video: Formulas for calculating the main exchange and daily calorie. Simple alternative to complex calculations

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