Kira and Karina: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Kira and Karin?

Kira and Karina: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Kira and Karin?

Kira and Karina are names similar in sound, but this is not the same thing. They have different meanings and origin.

How many female names are there in the world! They simply can not count them. There are very close in sound, and it seems that both can be used. But a detailed study of the meanings of each can dispel the delusion.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Feminine name Mia - which means: description of the name".

In this article we will consider how the names of Kira and Karin are different. You will also learn about everyone's meaning. It is interesting. Read further.

The meaning of the name Kira


Many centuries ago, the king ruled in Persia. His name was Kir “Kurush”. He is known for capturing Babylon, supported the Jews who were captured, helped them return to their homeland and rebuilt Jerusalem. This first version of the origin of the female name Kira.

In Greek mythology, Apollo had a lover, and her name was Cyrena. The girl was a brave hunter, the winner of Lviv. It is worthy to be the second version.

Here's the meaning:

  • Kira "Cyrus" is the Greek form of the name Kurush.
  • From Persian is translated as a visionary “far -sighted”. The Persian meaning of the name Cyrus is the sun.
  • In Greece, it is more likely to belong to the female name of Kirey, which came from the male Kiros - the Lord, the Lord, the lord.

Perhaps Kira is an abbreviated name from female Kiara, Shakira, Cyril. Or male Kirian, Avvakir. In Latin, this naming is written with the double “P” of Kirra. In Ireland, it means "dark -haired."

The meaning of the name Karina


In ancient Rome, Karina was called the wake of the ship. The version of the origin of the name Karina It consists in the fact that the sailors in gratitude for the successful campaign and fortress of the ship gave this name to their daughters. Another version, later related to the sea, was called the girl born in the Kara Sea on the boat "Chelyuskin" during wintering. Karina, the name was given in honor of the sea.

The value of this adherence:

  • From Greek translates as "girl." It occurs in honor of the goddess of fertility of the Persephone bark.
  • The Latin interpretation of the name is associated with the name from the Roman clanman of the "birth nickname" Carinus.
  • The second clan nickname is a carrier. Perhaps it gave a real name in Italian. Kara - "cute, beautiful."
  • In Slavic mythology, Karina called the crown goddess, accompanying the funeral rites. The mention of it is in the poem by V.A. Trediakovsky "Word about Igor's Regiment." Translated from the Old Russian language, the word "boot" meant to mourn.
  • In Arabic there is a consonant of the female name Karim, meaning "generous."
  • If the name Karine is given to the girl born in Armenia, then she will be a beauty.

Perhaps it is diminutive from European names: Katerina, Katarina, Katrina, Karin.

Kira and Karina: the same name or not?

To understand the same thing or not, a complete form of names is needed.

  • Karina - Full form. According to the Orthodox calendar, the Angel Day is November 25, in Catholic on November 7. But at the baptism of Karin, it is customary to be called a different name. He is not in the holy. The diminutive form of the name: punishment, carnushka, carriage, rina, kara, karenka, karushka, rinucca, in.
  • Kira - This is the full form of the name. Nameday: March 13, June 28, December 17. There are several saints bearing this name in the holy. Squeezing-mall form: Kirun, Kirusya, Kirushka, Kirochka, Kiryunya.

It turns out that these are different names, and not only in sound, but also in meaning and in pronunciation forms.

What is the difference between the names of Kira and Karin?

It is generally accepted that the name imposes certain character traits on the carrier. What is the difference between these naps?


  • Purposeful and demanding nature.
  • A woman with this name can motivate and lead. They make good leaders.
  • They are prone to accurate sciences, therefore, the scope of accounting and economics is their horse.
  • Kira can be any in behavior and attitude to others. It all depends on how much it can cope with its emotions.
  • Late enough gets married, becomes an ideal wife and good mother. Her chosen one must be strong and responsible.
  • Only next to such a man Kira will be tender and flexible.
  • The voter to the circle of friends. The prevailing impression of a person will never change.


  • It has an attractive appearance, initiative and sociable.
  • A career is building due to its sociability and contact in pedagogy, organizing events and holidays.
  • Intuition is well developed.
  • Karina cannot be in the shade. By nature, she is a leader.
  • The active attention of men to her often leads to early marriage.
  • In family life, touchy and jealous.
  • As a child, Karina loves fairy tales, and they create romantic images in her mind.
  • The first love is the most quiet and timid boy. Although in her fantasies she wants to see a strong -willed and assertive man next to her, in reality she shunes such.
  • Karina is a creative nature. Among women who bear this name, there are singers, circus artists, dancer.

According to the description of the characters of people wearing these names, it is clear that they are different. Although both women with such calls will be strong naturals, with their ideas about life.

Can Kira Karina be called?

If you adhere to astrological forecasts, then do not replace one name with another. Each carries its own meaning by applying an imprint on a lifetime. Kira and Karina are something in tune, but these are different names. If there is a difficulty with the choice of two names you like, it is better to name your daughter double. And then Kira-Karina will be able to be called both Kira and Karina. Very often they do this so as not to offend grandparents who want to convey the name to the granddaughter.

In everyday speech, you can find many diminutive names. For everyone, you can come up with yourself, giving it the uniqueness.

Video: The meaning of the name Kira is the secret of the name

Video: The meaning of the name Karina is the secret of the name

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