Ilya Repin’s picture “did not wait”: the story of the creation, where the original is, description and analysis of the picture

Ilya Repin’s picture “did not wait”: the story of the creation, where the original is, description and analysis of the picture

If you are looking for a description of Repin’s picture “did not wait,” then read the article. It has a history of creation and other interesting facts related to the plot.

U Repin Many different paintings. All of them have different stories - life compositions, situations, a description of historically important moments, etc. This is a great artist whose creations are admired by millions of people. But many will not even think about the true sense of this or that artistic description.

Read on our website article about the most expensive pictures of the world. You will find a list and other interesting information in it.

In this article you will learn about the history of creating a picture Repin "did not wait". She has an interesting plot. Look into the eyes of her heroes. What are their thoughts in the head, what did the artist want to say about? Look for answers to this and other questions in this article. Read further.

What is the story of the creation of the picture of Ilya Repin "did not wait"?

Ilya Repin's picture
Ilya Repin's picture "did not wait"

Prerequisites for creating a picture "They did not wait" There were many. One of them is the fact that the revolutionary movement in tsarist Russia was gaining momentum. Accordingly, any at least somehow educated and sane person could not remain aloof from political events.

That is why many talented people were sent to exile. Ilya Repin Also, I could not ignore this topic. This canvas was implied as a display of a life situation: the family sees how a man enters the room (their father, husband, brother), who suffered from the repressions of the authorities.

However, at first the picture had 2 versions:

  1. at first Repin He portrayed the girl. Upon returning from exile, she is met by two younger sisters and a young man. The initial version of the picture is dated 1883 and is still in Tretyakov Gallery.
  2. Subsequently, the artist realized that this canvas does not reflect the real state of things. Therefore, he changes the main character to a more mature man and is satisfied. In the understanding of the artist in this version is more drama and sincerity.

After centuries, it is the second picture "They did not wait" They began to consider the main one. Repin And he really worked more on it and better felt the atmosphere. That is why it is considered a masterpiece.

But there were nuances:

  • AT 1887 year Repin He decides to rewrite the head of the protagonist. This happens after two years of its location in "Tretyakov Gallery".
  • The artist secretly comes to the hall and does his work in the absence of the philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov.
  • When the latter noticed the changes, he literally “torn and metal”, because he considered the author’s adjustments to the author.

Subsequently, both sides gained a compromise. At first, the prisoner's face became younger, but was filled with lack of capacity. Repin I decided to redo it again. And only after vain attempts, finally, an option was born that arranged everyone: the prisoner no longer looked like a bandit. The artist managed to give him good features of his face - a representative of the glorious Russian intelligentsia. It arranged absolutely everyone. In this option, the picture has survived to this day.

Where is the original - the picture of Repin "did not wait"?

When we see a particular picture, it is always interesting where you can see it. Where is the original?

  • This picture called "They did not wait"located in the state Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Perhaps you were already there and passed her. But often people do not peer into the plot, but in vain. In this creation there is a lot of meaning that can be examined endlessly, idle near the picture for hours.

Description and analysis of the picture of Ilya Repin "did not wait"

The plot of the picture is simple. The political prisoner is ahead of schedule and comes home. He does not have time to warn the family, so his appearance in the room becomes a real shock. Here is a detailed description and analysis of the picture Ily Repin "did not wait":

The canvas was written in 1884-1888. As a rule, at the beginning 1880s an amnesty took place for the "populists", sent into custody in 1870s. In appearance to a man about 40 years. Analyzing his facial features, we can say that he does not look like a criminal. Most likely, this is a kind of “freedom”, like many reformers, writers and poets of that time.

Not in vain critics call this prisoner “sympathetic”. This can be a member of a certain prohibited circle or advice that was present at gatherings, but did not participate in the shares. Rumor has it that a friend of the artist, Vsevolod Garshin and became a prototype for the hero of the picture. True, a year after writing the canvas, Garshin took his accounts. It happened in 1888. The cause is a depressive state.

It is quite obvious that the hero was serving a sentence far from home, in correctional companies. The clothes on it are peasant. At that time, no one transmitted gearboxes with new clothing at that time, so they were serving their entire term in what they were taken out of the house. As for the liberation, the prisoners were given rags bought on donations, which can be “covered with a shame”. Nevertheless, the Armenian on the hero of the picture is a little big and worn out, but in more or less in normal condition.

  • Seeing that the door opens and a man is shown, a slightly hunched over, probing old woman, gets up from the table. it mother exile. Her Repin wrote with Evgenia Shevtsova - your mother -in -law. According to art historians, the first thing the prisoner sees was entering his own house is maternal eyes. But the viewer may not even notice this. The mother has a stooped back, a little crooked from homework, hands. She was the only one got up from her place, because she no longer hoped to see her arrested son during her life. One of her hand is pressed to the chest - which speaks of both past experiences and the severity of the current moment.
The hero’s wife in Repin’s picture “did not wait”
The hero’s wife in Repin’s picture “did not wait”
  • Further comes to the forefront the wife of the hero. Here, the artist “mixed” 2 different images: his wife of faith and barbarians, niece critic Stasov. It is noticeable that all relatives in mourning-either in the family during the year someone died, or they were mistakenly informed that their son and father were no longer alive. This also explains the surprise on their faces.
  • Another heroine of the picture - housemaid. Her appearance is a little displeased. A woman with annoyance lets in the room of a poorly dressed visitor, obviously not recognizing the owner of the house in it. The poor Armenian and a slightly exhausted look with tin. True, she could be hired before arrest. Therefore, it is quite possible that she never saw a man.
The son is glad of the hero’s return in the picture
The son is glad of the hero’s return in the picture "did not wait"
  • The hero's son is a gymnasium student. From the first seconds, the boy recognized his dad and was very happy. A character was written with Seryozha Kostychev. It was the offspring of people who lived in the neighborhood. By the way, this "Repin" neighbor in the country later became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Most likely, the son secretly regarded his father as a role model. That is why all his nature exudes sincere happiness when he notices that his dad is alive and healthy, that he returned to the house.
  • But the daughter of the hero Frightened. Probably, when dad was sent to exile, she was still too small. And therefore, he does not remember him. As for the unknown and suspicious, beggarly dressed person, he inspires her with fears. The girl pulls her head into the shoulders, and tries to sink under the table. Repin wrote her with his eldest daughter Vera.

It is impossible to say that the exile is a person with a wealthy past. The situation in his house is comfortable, but laconic in a different way. The interior Repin wrote from the situation that reigned in his house in Martyshkino. The last family used as a cottage. In the summer they lived there, and in cold weather they returned back to Petersburg.

The picture shows that portraits of Shevchenko and Nekrasov hang on the wall
The picture shows that portraits of Shevchenko and Nekrasov hang on the wall
  • Portraits are hanging on the wall - Nikolai Nekrasovand Taras Shevchenko. You can also see a photo of Alexander II, killed by Grinevitsky. This is a kind of symbol indicating the political background of the link. The murder of the king in the understanding of the artist is the top of self -will, a kind of line. If you look deeper, Repin It shows that even by eliminating the monarch, it is impossible to achieve progressive changes.

The tones in the picture are pleasant, bright. The man’s face haggard, his eyes were deeply sunk. The latter is often observed due to a lack of sleep, overwork and hunger. However, the living eyes of the former exile symbolize the dumb question. He seems to say: "What's happening? Are you not glad to see me? It is me!". Between him and the family you feel the abyss.

It is difficult to understand whether the family is glad to return the prisoner:

  • Most likely, they simply did not expect this person at all among the living.
  • In the eyes of the wife, amazement is read, the daughter is afraid, and the son is glad.
  • As for her mother, she even got up from her seat. But the old woman is in a daze. It seems that she, too, does not believe that she has a dear son. Otherwise, she would have run up and hug him a long time ago.
  • It seems that only an elderly mother and son are sincerely glad to see him. As for their daughter and spouse, it seems that they do not experience euphoria from the fact that husband and father returned home after a series of ordeal. However, still a rather painful look has a rather painful wife. Already a very weak woman, obviously, considered that before her was not her husband, but a hallucination. This is what can explain the state of surprise and horror that froze on her face.

After viewing the picture, dual sensations remain:

  • It seems that his wife is not happy to return the hero.
  • Perhaps she got married a second time, or she has a permanent new fan with whom she is going to get married. That is why amazement in her eyes alternates with horror.
  • It is possible that all this time she set up a daughter against the exiled father - and that is why a little girl looks at the prisoner with such anger.

The face of the protagonist deserves special attention. Even Repin himself could not calm down for a long time. There were periods when it seemed to him that a man in the picture should have a strong -willed and heroic face.

However, after that the thoughts came that the exile should have a slightly miserable, suffering look. As a result, the exhausted and intelligent face of a decent person, an exemplary family man, who simply wishes the best for his country and relatives, turned out, therefore he was forced to engage in “objectionable” activities. This is not so much a reformer and a revolutionary as a person who cannot remain aloof from the fate of the people and suffers from political injustice and incompleteness of the existing system.

Looking into the hero’s eyes alone, we can come to the conclusion that he did not hold a military weapon in his hands. This is not a character from the people “with a bayonet”, not a soldier. This is a certain “dissenting”, of which there were many at that time - editor, journalist, writer, artist, poet. In a word, a man erudite and capable, who fought with the system not in hand -to -hand but, rather, by the power of the word.

Shevchenko and Nekrasov In the paintings - these are also symbols of free -mindedness. Each of these people wanted happiness for his native country and in every possible way prevented unfair actions from the outside. By the way, Taras Shevchenko Also at one time he was forcibly sent to correctional labor, where he continued to create and believe for the better share for the people and the state.

The author of the picture seems to embed one art into another. It gives many references indicating how events really developed in his creation. The fact that the mother is depicted with her back allows you to think about emotions on her face. Some believe that the picture “did not wait” and “the return of the prodigal son” have some similarity.

When analyzing the picture, a certain logical question arises. Why didn't they wait? After all, the release date of any prisoner is known to both the head of the prison and him, and therefore, should be known to relatives. Why didn't the prisoner notify his arrival? This remains a mystery. He was not allowed to send a letter or write it? He did not want to disturb an old sick mother or wanted to check if his wife is faithful to him?

Many speculations without an obvious answer. By the way, the picture is somewhat similar to the theater scene. After all, all improvements (in particular, and concerning the hero’s face) were made directly on the canvas of the hanging picture. However, it is this fact that makes the work more sincere and alive.

The artist wanted to show the moment of surprise, as well as the emotions and feelings that people experience (in this case, the family of a revolutionary), when the head of their family suddenly returns home after a long link. Most likely, everyone was waiting for the protagonist. But too much time has passed, because it began to be considered dead or missing. To see him at home for the family is now as terrible - how to see a ghost in an old attic. On the one hand, everyone is glad that the person returned home in good health, on the other hand, they look at him with surprise and caution. On the other hand, there is nothing strange in this.

Time often blocks some events, removes them. It also happens with people. Once significant, they fade into the background. And once beloved, if there is not a long time nearby, sometimes only indifference can cause. Just as clothing and furniture become obsolete, relations with people “wear out” as well. The head of the family was not at home for so much time that the family learned to live without it. But after he returns, and this is a kind of stress: people are forced to change their habits, recall the unpleasant past, and turn the events of the long -past days.

As a result, a forced adaptation to new life and new rules. Even with prolonged viewing of the picture, there is understatement. And the hero himself, judging by the issue in his eyes, begins to realize whether it was the right decision to return? Perhaps it was worth pretending to pretend that he was not alive and start a new life somewhere in a different province? The artist gives a very rich field for reasoning. For some reason, I can’t believe that they were waiting for him sincerely. And if they were waiting, then not all family members.

Video: "They did not wait." What is actually depicted in the picture?

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