The most expensive pictures of the world are a list, rating, names, author, platinum dozen: where are the price, who is the owner of the picture?

The most expensive pictures of the world are a list, rating, names, author, platinum dozen: where are the price, who is the owner of the picture?

From year to year, they are estimated by tens of millions of dollars. What are these are the most expensive pictures of the world?

The nature of genius is a riddle from riddles. A genius can write a work that will remain brilliant even after his departure. There are ingenious works in literature, and in physics, and in chemistry, as well as many brilliant works of creativity and in art. Such as unforgettable canvases of the genius artists of the world.

The oldest auction house for the sale of art items is the auction house "Sotbis". With his direct participation, perhaps the oldest and most famous pictures of the world at the highest cost were sold or evaluated. After it, there is an auction house "Christis" together these two houses occupy 93% of sales of antique paintings in the world. At their auctions, both antiques and works of art and paintings are sold. The work is going on in all directions.

Brilliant paintings are dispersed around the world and there are a lot of them. But there are several that any person should know. In the paintings, incredible portraits, landscapes, paintings of surrealism, impressionism and much more are drawn in the paintings.

The most famous and most expensive picture in the world

The most expensive picture of the world has been “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci for many decades. This masterpiece is estimated at almost 2.6 billion US dollars. Mona Lisa was appreciated when the French government decided to correct its budget through the sale of art items. Including the most famous picture of the world.

To date, millions of people come to the Louvre where this masterpiece is located to enjoy Da Vinci's unsurpassed creation. The mysterious smile of Mona Lisa still does not leave indifferent critics, art historians, or simple connoisseurs of a masterpiece. It is believed that the creation of this picture dates back to 1503-1507.

Most expensive
Most expensive

According to biographers of Italian artists to write “Mona Lisa”, she is also the “Jaconde”, Leonardo da Vinci took about four years. Today it is assumed that in the picture the ingenious da Vinci captured Lisa Gerardini the wife of the Neediaant from Italy Francesco del Giocondo. Hence the names of the picture.

  • However, so that the art historians, a masterpiece of a brilliant man, not only the artist, transfer us to ancient Italy, where every woman could become a “Jaoconda”.
  • They say that Leonardo da Vinci was walking along the streets of Florence, watched women, and once his gaze attracted, seemingly ordinary, but something hooked on him. From her, he wrote an unsurpassed portrait.
  • The unusual smile of the "Jacondas" has been contributing for centuries among the connoisseurs of art. What was not expected. Even the assumptions were put forward that a young man in the form of a woman was captured in the picture. This assumption was put forward when the immortal masterpiece tried to decompose into pieces using computer programs.
  • However, no matter what they say, this is still the most important work of Leonardo da Vinci. Soon it will turn up for almost six centuries, as Mona Lisa attracts his eyes, peering at her, people are discussing a mysterious masterpiece, while losing a sense of reality.

Rating of the most expensive pictures of the world: a ten platinum

  1. In the first place at a price paid for her after the "Jaconda" is occupied by the picture of Leonardo da Vinci "The Savior of the World". This is the only picture in its kind, and its whereabouts are private ownership. The picture was over around 1499. It was sold at the Christis auction in the United States for 451 million US dollars. Most likely, that it will be exhibited in the latest Gallery of Saudi Arabia "Louvre Abu Dhabi", because was bought by the hereditary prince of Saudi Arabia. Today there is a big hype around this masterpiece. For a long time, the picture was considered lost. Due to damage to the upper layer of paint, the starting price was not significant only $ 100 million. Critics say that the picture is quite mediocre, but this does not detract from its values.

  2. The second place is occupied by the artist from France Paul Cezanne “playing cards”. This canvas was sold for 275 million US dollars. The monarch of Qatar acquired it in private possessions. The canvas was completely completed in 1892-1893. Two men are captured on it, one of them smokes the phone, and they play cards. There is a bottle of wine on the table. The tones of the picture are quite dark, a bright cloak of one of the players pops up with a bright spot.

  3. In third place, the work of Pablo Picasso "Algerian women". Written in 1955. The image was sold at public auction "Christis" for 179 503,000 US dollars. Acquired in the private collection of Hamad Ben Jasim Ben Jabera Al Tanya, Doha in Katar. The group consists of 15 paintings, now they appear in different exhibition halls and private collections. The highest price was paid in 1956 212,604,000 US dollars for the entire collection. This series of paintings was created by a brilliant artist under the influence of the work of artists on him, which he admired.

    A group of paintings
    A group of paintings
  4. The fourth place is occupied by the creation of the painter from Italy Amedeo Modigliani "lying naked", Reproduced in the 1917-1918 years of the twentieth century. This is a repeatedly exhibited picture. At the public auction "Christis" she was finally implemented for $ 170,407,000. Thorus this picture was Liu Itsian a billionaire from the Middle Kingdom to private ownership. The picture depicts a dark -haired woman in all its glory, who is on a red litter. This work is one of many models created by Modigli, they depict completely different in all the glory of naked women. A group of paintings from Modigliani was ordered by his ally Leopold Zborovski.

  5. Fifth place Platinova dozens is occupied by a triptych of Francis Bacon "Three sketches to the portrait of Lucien Freud" completed by him in 1969. This work is stored in Portland (Oregon) of the United States in the Art Museum. It was sold for a record amount of 142,407,000 US dollars at Christis open. This work is quite large, it consists of three equal in size of paintings. On each image of Lucien Freud, who takes various poses. The canvases are fairly bright compared to other works of bacon.

    Fifth place
    Fifth place
  6. We will give the sixth place to the picture of the Norwegian silhouette in the style of expressionism by Edward Munk “Scream”. The picture was created between 1893 and 1910. The canvas depicts a female figure, publishing a desperate cry. The tones of the picture are quite dark, the crimson-red prevails. Sold at open auction "Sotbis" in New York for 119,908,000 US dollars. It is in private possession of Eillen Winn and is rarely exhibited.

  7. The seventh place in our platinum ten we will provide the Pablo Picasso “young girl with a flower basket” canvas. This canvas was written in 1905. A masterpiece was filed at the open-off of Christis New York for 115,000,000 US dollars. Lent out to the Museum of Orsa in Paris.

  8. The eighth place is occupied by the canvas of the same painter. Pablo Picasso "Naked, green leaves and bust". The canvas was written in 1932. Sold at the auction "Christis" for 106,555,000 US dollars. Baby in private possessions for a long time refused to exhibit it. Lent to the London Tayt British Museum for a period of two years.

    In the Museum of London
    In the Museum of London
  9. Ninth place belongs to the canvas of Andy Warhol "Silver Autocatastrophe"1963. The picture was sold for 105,455,000 US dollars. Delled to private possessions and is practically not set, even the owner of the owner is not disclosed.

  10. And completes the platinum of the ten canvas of Pablo Picasso "Boy with a pipe" dates back to 1905 of writing. Sold at Tibis Tibis New York for 104,110,000 US dollars. Located in private ownership.
The work of the artist
The work of the artist

Video: TOP-10 of the most expensive paintings in the world

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