What vaccination to choose from coronavirus: if you are ill, for the elderly 60+. What is the difference between Russian vaccines from coronavirus: why is the covivak better than other coronavirus vaccines?

What vaccination to choose from coronavirus: if you are ill, for the elderly 60+. What is the difference between Russian vaccines from coronavirus: why is the covivak better than other coronavirus vaccines?

People who have decided to vaccinate do not know which vaccine to choose from coronavirus. The article will help you decide.

Probably, today there is not a single person who does not know about such a terrible disease as Covid-19. There was not a single family left where they would not be ill with coronavirus. Some people transferred it in an easier form, for others - infection with such a terrible infection ended more terribly and deplorable.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Do I need to make a vaccine from coronavirus covid-19, if there is antibodies?". You will find out why doctors advise, whether it will be forced, whether it is dangerous, whether the discharge is issued, and also who should not make the vaccine from coronavirus.

To date, the most effective preventive means and the possibility of confrontation between the 21st century is the vaccination of each person. Modern medicine offers several types of vaccinations, the main characteristics of which are aimed at developing antibodies and transferring the disease in mild form. From this article you will learn which vaccine is better to choose and what is the difference between all Russian vaccines. Read further.

Is it necessary and worth it to vaccinate from coronavirus?

Vaccination from coronavirus
Vaccination from coronavirus

The coronavirus is called an acute infectious disease, the head of which is a respiratory virus. Quickly diverges through the blood, affects the lungs of a person and masks under colds and flu. The virus is resistant to small frosts and hot weather. The main type of infection is the infection with airborne droplets in contact with the patient, non-compliance with personal safety and hygiene products, neglect of individual protective equipment, such as respiratory protection and disposable gloves.

Is it necessary and worth it to vaccinate from coronavirus?

  • In order to massively defeat the pandemia, it is definitely worth it to vaccinate against coronavirus infection.
  • Only the mass immunity of citizens will allow you to overcome this terrible disease of the 21st century. So doctors say.

Currently, there are many myths to refuse vaccination. Scientists proved that antibodies developed after the disease Covid-19, is a weak and insufficient means of protection against a second disease. Moreover, antibodies in the body quickly lose their protective properties and a person is absolutely not protected from re -infection.

It is also unfair opinion that after vaccination from coronavirus infection, immunity is reduced, and a person can quickly get respiratory diseases. It is worth knowing:

  • The vaccine absolutely does not affect immunity, because this is only the most small part of the active substances entered directly into the blood.
  • However, it should be noted that the vaccine will help to develop a certain memory in the cells of the body and, when meeting with a real virus, will help to attack it as quickly as possible.
  • With the introduction of a vaccine, even to a person with coronavirus, the level of the body’s struggle increases, which will avoid the serious consequences of the disease.

Vaccine from Covid-19 There is no other effect on the human body:

  • Unable to reduce immunity
  • Vaccination does not change human DNA
  • Does not inhibit any organ and the process of blood system

The introduction of the vaccine is characterized by small short -term symptoms, as an increase in temperature, burning at the injection site, and slight dizziness. All this is nothing compared to the consequences of coronavirus infection. It is definitely worth vaccinating from coronavirus - as all doctors say.

Who can not be vaccinated from coronavirus: a list of diseases

At the coming next stage of the outbreak of coronavirus infection, vaccination is the only way to prevent pandemia around the world. However, like all vaccinations, vaccination from coronavirus has its own contraindications and features with the appearance of strong adverse reactions. Sometimes doctors in the temporary course of the disease and the desire of a person to get involved, give a honey trough for a certain time. If a person has certain diseases, then vaccination from Covid-19 It is contraindicated what the corresponding certificate is issued.

Who can not be vaccinated from coronavirus? Below you will find a list of contraindications and diseases. This is important and you need to know. Contraindications to vaccination include:

  • Severe allergic reactions - From the edema of Quincke to anaphylactic shock.
  • Sensitivity to one of the components of the ingredients of the vaccine. In the procedural office, it is necessary to clarify the composition of the drug that is vaccinated. If questions arise and the presence of individual characteristics of the body, you should contact the doctor for advice.
  • Acute infectious and non -infectious diseases, where an increase in body temperature is noted. In this case, vaccination is carried out after three weeks.
  • Exacerbation of an existing chronic disease. In this case, you should wait for its remission.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. A special vaccine for this category of women is currently being developed.
  • Age up to 18 years. This issue is also under discussion and in the development of vaccines for minor children aged from 12 to 17 years.

It should be noted: In the presence of chronic diseases that are not in a state of exacerbation, consultation of the corresponding specialist, whose profile includes the disease, will not interfere.

Also with caution should be vaccinated to people with such pathologies:

  • Severe diseases of hematopoiesis systems
  • Chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys
  • Diseases of the central nervous system
  • Some serious diseases of endocrine and bronchopulmonary systems
  • Inflammatory processes in heart tissues

Particular attention to make a decision on vaccination is required by cancer patients and having autoimmune diseases. In this case, the benefits of vaccination and the risk of it in each individual case are weighed. In these cases, immunity, violated by the techniques of non -specific drugs for him, may not develop a response to the vaccine from coronavirus for some time.

Remember: Each organism is individual and do not hide the presence of a disease or its exacerbation from the doctor.

What are the types of vaccines from Covid in Russia: a list of what a vaccine consists of?

Covid vaccines in Russia
Covid vaccines in Russia

The choice of the type of vaccine is the work of each person. Someone is attracted by the temporary interval of vaccination or its components, others like the light (light) effect on the body. There is a vaccine for everyone. What are the types of vaccines from Covid in Russia?

To date, Russia has been registered 4 types of vaccines from coronavirus infection. Here's a list:

  • Satellite v
  • Epivaccoron
  • Kovivak
  • Satellite Light

All drugs are introduced in two stages to adapt the body and develop sustainable immunity. No vaccine contains living components, which excludes vaccination infection. All Russian vaccines are tested, tested and have high efficiency. What is the vaccine made of? Read more:

Satellite V or Gam-Kovid-Wak:

  • The first vaccine, which has passed several stages of testing.
  • This species was the first to be released.
  • It consists of adenovirus, which is previously neutralized by the coronavirus genome.
  • For two injections, different adenovirus is used.
  • Satellite V is recommended to people 18 to 60 years old, as well as older citizens - over 60 years old.
  • Side phenomena can be muscle pain, burning at the injection site, fever.


  • It consists of a small amount of proteins and aluminum hydroxide.
  • A successful combination of these components contributes to the production of immunity.
  • It has a less allergenic effect on the body.
  • Recommended for persons 18-60 years.
  • The main side manifestations are the pain at the venue for vaccination and a slight increase in temperature.


  • The composition of invaccinated whole viral particles, absolutely harmless to the human body.
  • This type of vaccine works as the main familiar. However, when combined with blood, they produce immunity against Covid. Promotes the strongest production of antibodies.
  • Recommended for all adults, including the age population.

Satellite Light:

  • More lightweight composition of the same Satellite v.
  • Recommended for vaccination of previously vaccinated and recently ill.
  • It is believed that at the level of own antibodies after the disease will give a reliable level of protection.
  • The only type of vaccination that is carried out in one technique: on 10-14 days After recovery and after 30 days After the first injection of vaccination and disease during this period of time.

It should be noted that vaccines have a different temporary interval of body protection. So, action:

  • Satellite V is designed for six months
  • Epivaccoron and Kovivak up to one year
  • Light satellite up to 5 months

The difference between these vaccines is described in more detail. Read further.

What is the difference between Russian coronavirus vaccines?

Russian vaccines from coronavirus
Russian vaccines from coronavirus

You can read the missing information on coronavirus on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. In the official one source Stopkoronavirus.rf You will find answers to all questions about vaccination.

The difference between Russian vaccines from coronavirus is, first of all, their developer and manufacturer. All drugs are produced in different places in Russia from scientific centers to pharmaceutical companies. Also, the difference is their component:

  • If in the vaccine Kovivak contain dead viral particles of microbes, then in Satellite v - A certain number of real, but neutralized viruses.

Vaccination intervals in different types of vaccines are also different. The time of the appearance of the first immunity is also distinguished.

  • If after the first vaccine is introduced Epivaccoron, immunity appears after 42 hours, then when applied Kovivak only after 42 days after the first injection.

Different terms for the conservation of immunity are distinguished by drugs after the vaccination procedure.

  • Satellite v It is able to protect the body from the effects of the virus to six months.
  • Epivaccoron and Kovivak - up to one year.

Depending on the type of contents, vaccination preparations have different storage periods. If a Satellite v Subject to freezing to minus 18, then Epivaccoron and Kovivak Freezing is not subject to.

Why is covivak better than other coronavirus vaccines: who is shown this vaccine?

Among several vaccines, inhabitants of Russia, the advantage is given to the coronavirus vaccine Kovivak. Why is she better than others? To whom is such a vaccine shown?

  • This is a type of whole -in -cocked vaccine.
  • This species is absolutely harmless, with a minimum number of side effects.
  • Kovivak The scheme of its production distinguishes from other vaccines. This drug is developed according to classical technology, proven for years and more than one generation.
  • This vaccine is also created on the basis of a completely defeated and dead virus, which allows the body to prepare and react to the action of a living virus when it enters the body.
  • With the introduction of the drug, the protective forces of the cells significantly increase, a certain imitation of a collision with the disease is created.
  • A positive property of this vaccination is the minimum manifestation of side effects.

Kovivak found widespread use in the population 18 to 60 years oldSuitable for people with an immunodeficiency state. Vaccination with this drug is allowed to people with kidney and liver diseases, bronchial asthma, diseases of the hematopoietic system, and some allergic reactions. Undoubtedly, Kovivak Suitable for a wide range of population, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

It should be remembered: Despite the safety of the vaccine Kovivak, a doctor’s consultation is still necessary, especially, to persons with chronic pathologies in the profile of their disease.

How to choose which vaccine from coronavirus to make?

Vaccination from coronavirus
Vaccination from coronavirus

The choice of a vaccine from coronavirus should be approached responsibly, knowing its chronic diseases and individual characteristics of the body. What vaccination to make? Each drug has its own advantages. Be sure to take into account the disease with coronavirus, previously, and past tense after recovery.

  • Satellite v It has the maximum level of body protection. This type of vaccine produces a huge amount of antibodies that can withstand the virus and significantly alleviate the disease.
  • Epivaccoron recognized as the most “light” vaccination. There are no strong adverse reactions, immunity is produced for a year.
  • Kovivak It affects the body as a meeting with a virus, only completely oppressed. The wide production of antibodies and the absence of side effects distinguishes this type of from the rest. Immunity is preserved for a year.

Satellite v allows after one injection to get short -term protection against viruses up to 7 months. Great for recently ill people.

What vaccination from coronavirus to choose for the elderly 60+?

More and more elderly citizens (60+) can be seen at vaccination points. After all, it is known that thanks to a decrease in the protective forces of the body and immunity, coronavirus infection is very difficult to endure this type of population. What vaccination from coronavirus is better to choose for the elderly? Vaccines are perfect for such people Satellite v and Epivaccoron:

  • In the age 60 to 70 years old preference should be given to the vaccine Satellite v. It is considered an effective drug to counteract the disease, including new types of virus.
  • Epivaccoron Suitable for people after 70, since it is considered a more gentle option for the body. It is transferred easily, without additional load on the body, allergic reactions and manifestations of side effects. Suitable for people with chronic diseases.

Do not forget: Before vaccination, you need to consult a doctor.

What vaccination is better to choose from coronavirus if you are ill?

Scientists, developers and doctors all over Russia recommend vaccinated after the disease - coronavirus. According to observations after this disease in the cells of the human body, the required amount of antibodies is held for some time. The deadline remains about six months, then the antibodies becomes a minimum number and they can no longer resist the virus. An absolute recommendation is to conduct vaccination six months later. What vaccination is better to choose from coronavirus if you are ill?

  • If you have transferred coronavirus, then doctors recommend the vaccine Satellite Light.
  • One -time vaccination with this drug raises the level of antibodies to the desired level and protects the body.
  • It should be noted that the vaccine Satellite Light It is not always available, in smaller cities it can be expected for several months.

A good alternative will be the drug Satellite v, which is developed according to the same scheme and is one of the best vaccines. The only difference is two stages of vaccination and some side effects. In fairness, it is worth saying that they are quickly passing.

How to find out is vaccinated if a person is vaccinated?

Certificate of a vaccinated person from coronavirus
Certificate of a vaccinated person from coronavirus

To check the vaccination of a person, it is enough to pass the test for antibodies. After vaccination from Covid-19 In the human body there will be an increased number of antibodies, which indicates the ingress of the drug into the blood. Protective immunity is formed precisely by antibodies to coronavirus protein. The presence of antibodies is an effective way to learn about human vaccination. How else to find out is vaccinated, is a person vaccinated from Covid?

  • When registering a person on the website of the State Services, after a full course of vaccination, in Personal Area On this site comes vaccination certificate. It is issued to every vaccinated person.

Below you will find reviews of people about vaccination drugs for Covid. Read further.

What vaccination to choose from coronavirus: reviews

There is no consensus about which vaccination against coronavirus is better and more effective. Of course, if the vaccine is possible, it is worth studying and taking into account all the characteristics, the term of protective action and side effects. It is also important to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the body. Here are reviews about which vaccine to choose from coronavirus:

Victoria, 30 years old

Only one type of vaccine has entered our region - satellite V. I will tell you about my vaccination experience. The first dose was introduced 6 months after the transferred Covid. I suffered well, there was no temperature, muscle pains were also absent. The second time - the condition was a little worse. Two days was a temperature of up to 38 ° C, weakness, headaches. Then I found out that they were ill with a satellite Light. But in our region this drug was not. Therefore, I had to agree to the satellite V. Now I feel good.

Elena, 37 years old

In our family, some family members were vaccinated with one drug, and the rest by another. Therefore, opinions were divided. The husband put a covivak - there were no side effects. I introduced me a satellite V - the temperature under 39 ° C, nausea, weakness. The daughter refused vaccination at all, she is 18 years old. I also wanted to choose a covivak, but for some reason the doctor advised me a companion V. Next time I will choose a light, they say that it is better tolerated.

Pavel, 36 years old

I heard that most people converge in a single opinion on post -shaped syndrome - this is the one that occurs after the disease and often lasts about three months. At this time, there is immunity and you should not worry about vaccination. So the doctors from our clinic explained to me. When I had the fourth month after the illness, I decided to get vaccinated. The attending physician advised me a satellite V. I realized that for every person who expressed a desire to vaccinate, there is a type of vaccine. It all depends on the presence of chronic pathologies and other nuances.

Do not be afraid of vaccination from coronavirus, it is worthwhile to beware of the virus, the advancing next wave and the consequences that are ruthless Covid-19 leaves in the human body. Only mass vaccination will help to cope with the most important virus of the modern world today!

Do you think it is worth vaccinating? Express your opinion in the comments.

Video: All you wanted to ask about the vaccine from the crown, find out now from the doctor

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, no one knows which is better, and which is worse for each person. I calmly pricked our companion, then Enterosgel took toxins to remove the toxins and, in general, felt quite well.

  2. I also felt normally after all the vaccinations.

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