Which terminal to shoot first when removing the battery and how to put in place?

Which terminal to shoot first when removing the battery and how to put in place?

In this article, we will consider which terminal to remove the priority, and how to do it correctly.

As soon as it comes to replacing the battery in the car, many drivers who remove the battery for the first time become in front of the dilemma, which terminal needs to be removed first. But much will depend on this. Therefore, in order to do everything correctly, we offer an introductory material with a step -by -step explanation of this topic.

Which terminal to remove the first when removing the battery, how to put them in place?

There are a sufficient number of situations that can cause the battery to remove or replace. One way or another, for the owner of the car that has encountered this procedure for the first time, the sequence and order of actions are very important. There is nothing hard to remove the battery in the car. However, it is necessary to carefully observe safety precautions, as well as a sequence, which terminal to remove.

Important: Work in rubber gloves. So you protect your skin from a solution of sulfuric acid, which is the electrolyte inside the battery. If this nevertheless happened, then the affected area and the surrounding objects must be treated with soda solution.

Work with a key
Work with a key

The terminals are removed safely or properly replacing the battery in the car

  • It is not recommended to apply great physical strength to the battery. If the battery is removed with difficulty or something prevents it, it is better to inspect it as it should. Often in such situations, not gross male power is required, but special skills and skills.
  • The battery without mechanical defects is deactivated easily and without problems - only a wrench and rag will be required. The battery should be handled very carefully and without sudden movements: Do not throw on the floor, do not shove your feet, do not shake, but to carefully put it on a safe site, where the battery will definitely not turn over.
  • Be extremely careful and do not allow sharp intermittent movements, otherwise the acid may be on your skin. To be safe, it is better to prepare an alkaline deactivator.
  • And do not forget that you cannot store batteries in rooms with low or too high temperature.

Important: It is necessary to remove the terminals after the engine cools down. Otherwise, a burn cannot be avoided.

Work with a cooled battery
Work with a cooled battery

The sequence of actions when removing terminals and battery

You need to follow the following instructions:

  • to begin with, it is necessary turn off the ignition of the car;
  • after deactivate all the electronics in the car;
  • in transport, it is necessary to close all the doors and raise the glass;
  • gently unscrew the plug, thanks to which garbage and dust do not get into the car;
  • if any, then remove the heat -insulating elements and protective caps from the battery;
  • if the car was grounded, it is better to disconnect the ground;
  • There are two types of battery: with a protective cover and without. If the protective plug is absent, then the plus is very important to isolate with a special ribbon;
  • gently unscrew the nut of the mass with a special key;
  • at this stage, it is worth shooting terminals. First, disconnect the minus terminal, and after the plus;
  • avoid contact of the pole with iron surfaces of the machine;
  • if there are additional mounts under the metal strips, then before the seizure of the battery they must be unscrewed.

Important: A similar procedure for action will help to avoid a short circuit in transport, as a result of which the mass may be left without potential. The mass of the car itself is usually called the mass, which is directly related to the sub -terminal terminal of the battery. When the driver takes off the minus terminal into the battery, the first thing the battery is disconnected from the body. The electric circuit is interrupted for a while and, as a result, there will be no short circuit.

Start with a minus
Start with a minus

How to put the battery back in the car, in what priority to fix the terminals?

Remember that the battery is inserted into the car in the reverse order:

  • the battery returns to its place;
  • fastened with ordinary mounts;
  • the clamps must be connected in the opposite order - first the plus terminal is connected;
  • fix the nut tightly with the key;
  • do the same with a minus terminal.

As you can see, it is quite simple to remove the terminals in the battery. The main thing is to adhere to the sequence of actions and not to overdo it with the force of pressing. It is also very important to be extremely attentive so as not to confuse polarity. This oversight can lead to a closure and become fatal for the car.

Video: In what priority to shoot and put the terminals in place?

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