What care is necessary for Kerria: share secrets, description, landing, photo

What care is necessary for Kerria: share secrets, description, landing, photo

Kerria is a beautiful garden shrub. Care and cultivation are simple, in more detail in the article.

Kerria came to us from the forests and mountains of Japan and southwest China. This shrub is named after the gardener and collector William Kerra. It is she who will describe this article, because this sample lives in many gardens, but, in general, there are many species.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Decorative shrubs with pink, white, yellow, red, flowers, blooming in spring and summer". You will find names, list, description, photo.

The most popular are Pleniflora and Japanese Golden Guinea. These species are included in the pink family. Read more about the departure of this beautiful shrub is described in this article. Read further.

Kerriy Japanese shrub Kerria: description, photo

Owners of summer cottages describe the shrub of Keria Japanese, as one of a kind, because it is unique for them, they really value her. The leaves of this representative of the flora are very beautiful, even elegant, and bright yellow flowers have a light aroma.

Many gardeners begin to grow this shrub, and as usual they are full of questions about how to care for it, how to grow, what care for Kerriya is necessary. Naturally, there is no one to ask for advice, so they are looking for at least some information on the Internet. We will tell you everything in detail.

  • The first pleasant surprise may be that the beauty blooms in the middle of spring and blooms until the summer.
  • The second is its decorativeness, which is expressed even in the beauty of shoots. And in autumn the bush looks great. He loves partial shade or bright places.

Look at the photo of the bush, how beautiful it is:

Kerriya Japanese
Kerriya Japanese

Types of yellow terry Kerria: Pleniflora, Japanese Golden Guinea

Any type of yellow Kerria is very beautiful. Flowering is plentiful, the shrub is simply strewn with inflorescences. The difference is only in the structure of the flower. The bushes have thin green spells and a pyramidal crown at the beginning of growth. With age, shoots become branched, and turn to the sides to the ground, there is no constant bark on them. Kerria leaves are green with a carved edge, begin to grow after spring flowering, in autumn they become lemon in color. The foliage of the shrub resembles garden raspberries, has a lanceolate shape with a jagged edge.

Here are the most popular types of yellow terry Kerria:

  • U pleniflora Flowers have many petals and look like peonies.
  • The leaves are plain and juicy green.
Kerriy Kerriye Peniflora shrub
Kerriy Kerriy Tensor Pleniflora
  • U japanese Golden Guinea Vennings are not as rich as the previous species. But from this she did not become less beautiful.
  • Flowers of a light yellow shade, with a diameter of 6 cm.
  • In summer, the flowers are replaced by the abundance of elegant light green leaves.
Kerriy Kerriy Kerriy Golden Guinea
Kerriy Kerriy Kerriy Golden Guinea
  • Kerria of Japanese auraovariygat - It has terry flowers of a bright golden hue.
  • With proper care, buds form for three months.
Kerria of Japanese auraovariygat
Kerria of Japanese auraovariygat
  • Kerria of Japanese Argentotomarginate - A large shrub with golden flowers.
  • Leaves with thin, beige color, strip on the edge.
Kerria of Japanese Argentotomarginate
Kerria of Japanese Argentotomarginate
  • Kerria Japanese albumarginate - This plant has slow development.
  • Plant leaflets give special attractiveness to the plant.
  • The flowers are simple and inconspicuous, resemble in the appearance of buttercups.
Kerria Japanese albumarginate
Kerria Japanese albumarginate

Of course, there are many other types of this flower. But these are the most popular and they are loved by gardeners in their summer cottages.

Kerriy yellow flower: proper landing

The only thing that can be said about planting Kerria's flower is yellow is that you do not need to bother with it. Questions how to plant it correctly, when to plant and transplant, have very simple answers. And landing, and transplant, and all other instructions resemble the cultivation of ordinary or weaved rose.

So, planting occurs in rich and moist soil. Do it like this:

  • First digging the landing pit ( dimensions - 60 by 60 cm), and the depth is equal 40 centimeters.
  • Then fill it with the earthen mixture - sod land, humus and fertile garden soil, be sure to add mineral fertilizers to it.
  • Be sure to make a slide on top, as the earth is usually seated.
  • It is also worth noting that the transplant is good, but you can do it along with the lump of the Earth and try to do everything very carefully.
  • You can perform this operation at any time, but it is better to choose the spring or autumn periods (only when there are no leaves).

Just make the hole in depth 40-50 cm And plant a seedling. Then pour. Remember that it is necessary to plant in wet, water -permeable soils, preferably rich in humus. How to water it correctly described below. Read further.

Watering the bush of Kerria

The shrub is almost not affected by diseases and pests. You can start aphids, but it is very easy to remove it. Dilute the ash in a bucket of water or dilute hydrogen peroxide. You can use other methods. Read in another article about how to get rid of aphids on flowers and shrubs.

Watering is also a simple procedure:

  • It must be carried out very rarely when it is hot outside, for example, or if there was no rain for a long time.
  • In general, watering depends on what weather conditions at the moment.
  • Carry out this procedure only when the need arises, as described above - in the heat or if there were no rains for a long time.
  • It turns out that the entire growing season is watered once a week

In winter, try to conduct snow retention. This will help protect the bush from the cold and saturate the soil with moisture in the spring.

Fertening the plant of Kerria

The top dressing and fertilizer of Kerriya plant is not the most important part of the cultivation of this sample of wildlife. If the site is pretty good soil, you can not fertilize the beauty, and you don’t have to risk once again: suddenly, it does not tolerate fertilizers, then problems may begin. Therefore, it is better not to fertilize the bush, especially since this is not necessary if the bush grows well and blooms. Fertilizer can only harm. Below the text will be described by how to fertilize such a bush, if, for example, it did not bloom well. Read further.

Propagation of Kerria seedlings

Propagation of Kerria seedlings
Propagation of Kerria seedlings

When carrying out this procedure, it is not necessary to use seeds, since the successful reproduction of Kerria has completely different features. Gardeners propagate Kerria with dividing old bushes or layering. You can also separate the shoots and grow it in a shaded place. But Kerrius also multiplies very well with cuttings that are better to keep indoors. For this, a greenhouse is better if you have.

You can also use ordinary green cuttings and air layouts. True, it is even easier in the autumn period to dig a new shoot with the root and transplant it to a new right place. That's all, new seedlings will grow as beautiful as an adult shrub.

What Kerria is necessary - we share secrets: a wonderful shrub and its simple cultivation

So, then we will talk about the cultivation of Keria, and give clear instructions on how to care and how to plant a beauty. Note that you can breed a liner if desired and at home on the balcony. But some problems may arise. We will try to note everything necessary so that this does not happen. What Kerria is needed? We share the secrets - a wonderful shrub and its simple cultivation:

  • Always plant such a shrub in sunny areas:

They must be well protected from the cold wind.

  • You can choose shaded territories:

But remember that such plants bloom in partial shade not so abundantly. Therefore, lighting is important for beauties.

  • If the plant stopped blooming:

It is important to carry out full-fledged top dressing with micro and macroelements. Feel Kerria with vataled compost and ash. Do not use manure, since the liner will not be too happy with him.

  • In severe frosts shoots can freeze:

Therefore, insulate them for the winter. To do this, use only dry shelter, which should always be ready, so that when the temperature is set at minus ten degrees, do it right away and not forget.

  • You can do insulation like this:

Tie a charming man, then build a frame using stakes. Then pour everything with leaves and chips, and finally cover with polyethylene. Some gardeners simply bend the branches of the bush, which also fall asleep with foliage or sawdust, and then closed with polyethylene. This method is also good, since there will be air circulation, and the bush will not be a perer.

Remove the shelter in May, but act very carefully. When removing the shelter, do this gradually, reducing the layer by ten to fifteen centimeters each time. Remove polyethylene last and for this procedure, choose a cloudy day. If everything is done in this way, then the pet will reward you with abundant flowering, and also preserve all of his branches intact.

Yellow Kerria plant: reviews

The plant is yellow Kerria
The plant is yellow Kerria

If you cannot choose a variety of plants of yellow Kerria or even think whether to plant it or not, then read the reviews of other gardeners. Everyone who planted such a flower in their garden does not regret it.

Irina, 36 years old

On her birthday, a few years ago I received bushes of one plant as a gift. It was Kerria, and my friend gave me. I immediately recognized her, because I saw the same on the site of my friend. Then I liked Keria. I examined each of its bright yellow flower with a pleasant aroma. I even liked the elegant leaves that are the decoration of this beauty. All species are divided into simple and terry. What type of friend gave me, she did not say, decided, let it be a surprise. As I found out only later, it was a Japanese Pleniflora. A very beautiful plant, I advise everyone to plant.

Olga, 40 years old

Keria has its own characteristics, but most of all I like the fact that early in the spring there are already flowers that look like reduced roses. That is why it is often called Easter rose and a Japanese rose.She acquired a seedling of such a flower, was a little scared, as the necessary rules for landing and care did not know, but my sister assured me that the care of the plant was completely simple and promised to give me advice in such a case. So I learned gradually how to grow it. The sister has a “fence” of such colors. Looks very beautiful.

Natalia, 39 years old

I can confidently tell everyone that Kerriya care is the easiest, as well as planting, watering and reproduction. Do not be afraid - sit this flower, decorate your gardens. I planted Pleniflore. I liked her flowers that resemble small pionshops. This plant from the series "planted and forgot." I water once every 7-10 days, when the heat is more often. Fertening does not require, there are no pests on the plant.

Video: Kerria Japanese. Meet!

Video: Kerria Japanese. Planting and care

Video: Keria Japanese, secrets of care and beautiful flowering!

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