Beautiful decorative shrubs frost -resistant, windproof for decorating and protecting the summer area from the wind: name, description, examples of use in landscape design, in the country

Beautiful decorative shrubs frost -resistant, windproof for decorating and protecting the summer area from the wind: name, description, examples of use in landscape design, in the country

Ways to protect the site, garden from the wind.

With strong gusts of wind, the owners of summer cottages are faced, which are on hills, or plains. It is in such places that squall winds are observed. This is due to the fact that there are no objects nearby that protect the summer cottage from impulses of strong winds. In this article we will tell you how to protect the cottage area from the wind.

How to protect the site from the wind?

The fact is that many troubles, problems of summer residents are associated with impulses of strong wind. Even minor gusts of wind can provoke twisting, breakdown, as well as damage to sprouts. In this case, there is no need to expect a good crop. Therefore, most often, owners of summer cottages on hills rarely rejoice in a good harvest.

How to protect the site from the wind:

  • If, in general, a summer cottage is satisfied, you can resort to some tricks that allow you to protect it from the wind. All of them differ in landscape design, as well as cost.
  • There are natural and artificial ways to protect the country site from the wind. The simplest is the installation of a high fence. It is best if the height is above 2 m.
  • Thus, almost all stunted plants will be protected from impulses of strong wind. However, such structures are somewhat different from ordinary fences with the foundation and their stability.
Wind protection
Wind protection

Garden Protection from the Wind

Often, a summer cottage is protected not around the entire perimeter, but in some places that implies the installation of a playground or gazebo. Installation of the patio becomes real protection from the wind in certain areas. In order to provide additional protection, special stands are often used.

Garden Protection from the Wind:

  • Please note that the ideal option that fits into any landscape design is the landing of windproof shrubs and trees. Unfortunately, not all plants can withstand gusts of wind.
  • This is due to the fact that their branches are quite stringent, and with strong gusts break. Wind -resistant plants will be an ideal option. The main advantage of planting plants to protect the country site is that the trees will fit into any landscape design.
  • What cannot be said about various buildings. The fact is that almost all the buildings that will be in the country are permanent, and can significantly spoil the design, as well as take place.
  • Therefore, the installation of the fence, the construction of arbors or a barn around the perimeter of the entire summer cottage takes up a lot of space, which is sometimes not acceptable. Therefore, the predominant option is still the landing of decorative shrubs and trees, which with the help of dense foliage protect the site from gusts of wind.

Wind -resistant trees to protect the garden

Please note that the choice of plants depends on the size of the site, its area. If you are not far from the road, and want to protect the site not only from the wind, but also from dust, it is advisable to use three -tier decorative hedges.

Wind -resistant trees to protect the garden:

  • In the very first row, directly near the road, unpretentious plants are planted, with a high barrel and a magnificent crown. Books, willow are suitable. You can use mountain ash and birch.
  • In the second row, less high plants are planted, which protect the site from wind penetration. Here, decorative maples will be an ideal option. In the third row, shrubs are planted, which have flexible branches.
  • Lilac, bird cherry, hawthorn are perfect. This is the most optimal option that requires small investments, and time costs. These plants will have to take care of pruning.
Wind -resistant trees
Wind -resistant trees

Wind -resistant shrubs: use in landscape design

It is worth considering that such hedges take part of the nutrients from the soil, slightly impoverishing it. Therefore, not only seedlings will have to be fertilized, but also a decorative hedge.

Wind -resistant shrubs:

  • If the area of \u200b\u200bthe site is small, then some of the types of decorative shrubs can be used along with the usual fence. It can be fir, thuja, hawthorn, bird cherry, and rosehip.
  • These plants are distinguished by flexible branches, they are quite thin, so they bend well, and do not break during strong gusts of wind. In addition, they withstand gusts of wind, protecting the summer cottage from its penetration.
  • If you recently purchased a site, and you need to urgently protect seedlings from the wind, there are several more ways. To do this, it is necessary to drive pipes 2-3 meters high around the perimeter of the site, about 10 cm with a diameter of about 10 cm. Next, the slab grid is pulled.
  • Many will say that it does not protect from the penetration of the wind. In fact, complete protection is not required, but a decrease in wind speed is achieved by about 40%. Thus, plant seedlings will not perish with the wind of small strength and speed.
Wind -resistant shrubs
Wind -resistant shrubs
Wind protection
Wind protection

How beautifully and effectively protect the garden from the wind?

Very often, a hedge is combined with artificial fences. Usually, various fences are installed in combination with green spaces. It is best if they are made of polycarbonate. The fact is that this material perfectly misses light, so photophilous plants can be planted near the fence.

Near the fence from this material you can plant a hedge. It is best to plant thuja, juniper, deciduous and evergreen shrubs. However, not only with the help of bushes you can protect the site from the wind. Often, trees are used for these purposes.

Among the wind -resistant, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Birch
  • Rowan
  • Willow

All these trees differ in very flexible branches, so during strong gusts of wind they do not break off. It is believed that approximately 3-meter trees with a lush crown effectively protect the site from gusts of wind.

Beautifully and effectively protect the garden from the wind It is possible with the help of sunflower and corn. Of course, these are not shrubs, but these plants are massive, and are really able to impede strong impulses. They should be planted around the perimeter of the site, which is located on a mountain or on a hill. The main disadvantage is that time is required for the growth of such crops. Accordingly, about a month will have to wait for the cultures to rise and stretch to a certain height.


Decorative shrubs to protect the site about wind: photo

An ideal option would be to install a fence from concrete around the perimeter with decorative elements, the presence of holes. Polycarbonate fences also work well. Especially if they are transparent. Small cracks are left below so that part of the wind penetrates the summer cottage. In this case, transparent material allows you to freely get into the light site. Therefore, it is not necessary to plant plants that grow in the shade.

Wind protection
Wind protection
Wind -resistant plants
Wind -resistant plants
Wind protection
Wind protection
Wind protection
Wind protection
Wind protection
Wind protection

Many mistakenly believe that it is best to make a continuous fence without holes. In fact, this is not so. Small holes around the entire perimeter of the fence will nevertheless pass part of the wind, but at the same time the likelihood of a breakdown of the fence itself is reduced. A hedge created from windproof shrubs and trees will help to cope with the wind.

Video: Protection of the site from the wind

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