Decorative shrubs with pink, white, yellow, red, flowers, blooming in spring and summer: names, list, description, photo

Decorative shrubs with pink, white, yellow, red, flowers, blooming in spring and summer: names, list, description, photo

In this article, we will consider the types of shrubs that can decorate your territory.

Decorative shrubs decorate the garden, solve several important problems at the same time. Thanks to them, you can divide the space into zones, create a living fence or curb, hide ugly places.

So that your site from the side looks beautiful during the round year, choose shrubs of various heights, flowering, fruiting period, taking into account their resistance to weather conditions.

What is the name of a shrub with pink flowers without leaves, which blooms in early spring: name, list, description, photo

Many gardeners and flower growers are very much waiting for the time when the first flowers appear. Among these flowers, of course, there is “almonds of three -lobed” or “Louiseania”. This plant is considered a symbol of spring, in the spring pink flowers are blooming abundantly, resembling sakura during flowering.

  • For the first time this plant was opened in the year 31 of the 19th century in China. After that, it settled for a long time in botanical gardens, parks, private dachas, as a decorative element of landscape design. Also, Louiseania has other names. People call it “three -lobed plum”, “garden almond” and so on. But Botany decided to attribute the bush to a separate type only after more than 100 years.
  • Every year, this frost -resistant shrub is found among the green islands of cities. There is such an assumption that this type was obtained after crossing several plants: “Liuziania”, “Chinese plum” and “glandular cherries”.
  • The plant can be both a small tree and a spreading shrub, the height of which reaches more than 2 meters. In the middle of spring, many pink buds occur on the twigs last year, but there are no leaflets in this period, throwing themselves after the flowers bloom. There are also varieties in which buds arise along with the leaves.
  • The bloom flowering period is about 1 month. In very warm weather, flowering takes place more rapidly, the petals fall after 2 days.

Once upon a time, this shrub decorated the gardens of the emperors of ancient China. The breeders allowed to admire a huge number of varieties of shrub, adapting it to various weather conditions. Almonds today are classified into 4 main forms:

  • Captivity. A small shrub, which in the spring is covered with pink flowers. It looks perfect near the paths or in the flower beds.
  • Petzoldi. The plant has oval leaves, semi -double pink flowers.
  • Atropurpurea. This variety is low or high. The flowers are not so terry, and their shade is a little purple. Many inhabitants of China call these flowers of Luanji.
  • Trunkata. This shrub differs in that his leaflets have truncated tops.
Tender flowering of shrubs
Tender flowering of shrubs

Every year, the popularity of almonds increases more and more. Even in a small area, he attracts attention, creates a sense of a new stage of life after winter.

What is the name of a shrub with pink flowers, which blooms in spring and summer: name, list, description, photo

Not every shrub is able to take root in any weather conditions. Therefore, while choosing a shrub, consider the features of your own site. When choosing a garden plant, consider many factors, for example, frost resistance, shelter, method of care, removal of faded buds and so on.

From shrubs that have pink buds and bloom in spring and summer, give preference to the following plants:

  • "Lilyi Magnolia." A large shrub with a wide, vertical crown. The plant grows slowly enough, reaching a maximum of 4 m in height and in a width of about 3 m. In one season, the plant grows by 20 cm and in width and in height. The shrub begins to bloom in mid -spring, ends in June. Some bushes are able to give buds until September. The flowers have the shape of a cup, the diameter of which is 15 cm. The plant loves the shadow, and also feels good in a sunny place. “Magnolia” is the most beautifully flowering decorative shrub, which is desirable to plant early in the spring.
  • "Kalina Bodnanten." This shrub grows up to 3 m, sometimes a little more. In the width, the plant is also quite wide, a maximum of 3 m. The young branches of the flower grow constantly up, but over the years, the branches begin to purchase the shape of an arc. Shrub flowers are small, white-pink, publishing a pleasant aroma. Flowering of the shrub begins in the spring. If the autumn is warm, repeated flowering occurs in November.
Paradise shrub
Paradise shrub
  • "Kolquidia." For the first time, the shrub began to bloom in 1910, that is, 9 years after its opening. This decorative bush has strong branches that bend an arc and droop down. In the summer, the plant is covered with buds, which in appearance resemble small bells. In nature, there is only one variety of shrubs - "Kolquiti is pleasant." The only place where this plant grows is China. If the plant receives proper care, it grows in height up to 2 m, and pleases with its flowering up to 8 years. During this period of time, the bush can take the correct shape in the form of a ball.
  • "Spirea". This plant will be the very first to decorate the site. This is a shrub on which pink buds bloom in May. Spirea has many advantages. For example, the bush blooms for a long time, giving magnificent inflorescences, it is frost -resistant, unpretentious, not demanding on the ground, while growing quickly enough. In nature, there are several dwarf varieties that look great along the borders or in rockers.

What is the name of a shrub with yellow colors, which blooms in spring and summer: names, list, description, photo

An important role during the formation of landscape design is played by the correct combination of certain plants. On the land plot you can plant annual, perennial flowers, shrubs or decorative trees with different foliage and flowers. A well -chosen assortment will delight you for a very long time: from spring to autumn.

If you want to plant a plant that give yellow buds, we recommend that you take a closer look at the next shrubs:

  • "Brugmansia." This plant is considered many years, outwardly it resembles an ordinary dope. This shrub has lush foliage and buds with a funnel -shaped shape. The leaves of the plant are large, oval in shape, wavy along the edges. As a rule, they are located on plants with tiers. There are many varieties of this shrub. But not many give yellow buds. Among the yellow flowers, the following varieties should be distinguished: “Brugmansia fragrant”, “noticeable”, “golden” and many others. In height, shrub is from 2 m, no less. Dwarfs are found, but very rare.
Solar shrub
Solar shrub
  • "Keria Japanese." A plant that has a vertical shape and up to 2 m high. The plant also reaches up to 2 m in width. In the spring, yellow, single buds with a diameter of up to 6 cm are bloomed on the plant. They are located in the sinuses of leaves. Flowers can form on young shoots, and on more old ones. The plant begins to bloom in April or May. Repeatedly shrub sometimes blooms in August. The leaves of the plant are green, have an oval shape and length up to 10 cm. The shrub grows actively, forming thick foliage and long shoots.
Yellow shrub
Yellow shrub
  • "Forsythia." After the last snow comes down, and the first rays of the sun warm the soil, "Forethia" blooms. It is very reminiscent of a light, since the plant during flowering is very densely covered with bright, yellow flowers. The shrub was named after William Forsyt (famous botanist). In a height, the plant grows up to 3 m. This flower is considered popular in European countries, therefore, it can also be grown in some regions of the Russian Federation.
  • "Magonia." On this shrub in the spring, small yellow buds bloom. After the plant blooms, blue or sized oval fruits form on it. Sometimes these fruits are white or red. In nature, there is “Magonia Padubolitny”, “Magonia creeping” and other varieties. In height, the plant reaches up to 1.5 m. Suitable for decorating borders, garden plots. The shrub is especially well combined with pink bushes of various colors.
Small flowering
Small flowering

What is the name of a shrub with white colors, which blooms in spring and summer: names, list, description, photo

Planting beautiful and flowering shrubs will allow you to transform your own summer cottage. Thanks to these plants, you will have a pleasant aroma throughout the year (except winter) in the garden or in the yard. Bussters with white inflorescences look especially beautiful.

  • "Spirea". This shrub belongs to the pink family. The flexible shoots of this plant creep on the ground or grow in the form of a cascade. A bush of hemispherical shape, some varieties have the shape of a pyramid or resemble “weeping willow”. The "spirea" is distinguished in that it begins to bloom very early and continues to delight with its own beauty until the fall. The plant has many varieties, therefore, you can choose an individual look. The shrub buds themselves are small, resemble the flowers of some fruit trees.
White flowering
White flowering
  • "Kalina Buldenezh." This decorative shrub has large white flowers resembling a snowball in shape. The plant blooms for about 21 days, gives preference to very moist soil, but in dry soil it also feels great if it is regularly watered.
White shrub
White shrub
  • "Fothergilla." This plant can be up to 2 m in height. It blooms, as a rule, in late spring and gives new buds for 2 weeks. The inflorescences of the shrub are very cute, in diameter up to 10 cm. The plant prefers sunny and place protected from the wind. “Fothergilla” is a delicate plant, therefore, its young shoots must be covered for the winter.
Beautiful plant
Beautiful plant
  • "Monaque". This shrub is also called Jasmine. It has an elegant appearance, because in the spring it is covered with terry or semi -double flowers. The shrub is a small height up to 60 cm or about 3 m high. The shoots of the plant are erect, slightly bent at the top.
  • "Magnolia star." A small leafy plant up to 2.5 m high. Japan is considered its homeland. In the spring, the shrub is covered with white buds, from which a pleasant smell comes. The plant grows well in many regions of Russia.
Tender flowering of shrubs
Tender flowering of shrubs

What is the name of a shrub with red flowers, which blooms in spring and summer: name, list, description, photo

In spring and summer, a huge number of shrubs with red buds bloom. Among them, the following plants are considered the most common.

  • Henomeles. A beautiful, unpretentious plant that belongs to the family of pink -flowered ones. The shrub is also called "Japanese Aiva." He begins to bloom at the end of April or early May. As a rule, the buds are red. But in nature there are still varieties with white, pink and orange flowers. The shrub is considered stunted, therefore, it looks good in an open area or on an alpine slide. For 3 years of its development, the plant begins to bear yellow fruits that resemble small apples. These fruits are considered edible and useful.
Scarlet shrub
Scarlet shrub
  • "Mountain Camellia." This plant grows, as a rule, in Japan. In the cool room it can bloom in the winter. If the plant is planted in open ground, it begins to bloom in the spring. The shrub has single flowers or sockets, consisting of 2 or 3 buds. This flower on the flowerbed perfectly grimaces, delighting with its aroma and tenderness.
Beautiful shrub
Beautiful shrub
  • "Weigel." A deciduous shrub that belongs to the type of honeysuckle. In total, there are approximately 15 varieties of this plant, as a rule, they grow in Asia, in its eastern and southern regions. The shrub blooms with different flowers, but most often there is a plant that gives red buds. Flowering begins in May or June, ends in August and September. The plant can bloom again, but at the same time it has fewer flowers.
Bright flowering of shrubs
Bright flowering of shrubs

What is the name of a shrub with raspberry flowers, which blooms in spring and summer: names, list, description, photo

Shrubs that bloom with raspberry inflorescences look no less beautiful in the spring areas. These plants will be able to supplement other shrubs, add an unusual note in the composition, be as the main decorating element of your cottage or land.

  • "Rhododendron Rusty." One of the varieties of this plant, which gives raspberry buds during flowering. The stems of the shrub are very thick, grayish-brown. They themselves are not very long, in height reach a maximum of 1 m. The leaves of the plant are lanceolate, stupid to the edge. The “rusty rusty” rusty rusty begins to bloom in May or in June. The bush buds are quite beautiful, collected in spectacular inflorescences. Sometimes in one such inflorescence there are about 12 buds. People often call him an “alpine rose”, as well as a “mountain dope”. This plant is used in pharmacology, namely its leaflets.
Raspberry shrub
Raspberry shrub
  • "Daphne". Also, the shrub is very often called "wolf bast." In total, there are approximately 95 varieties of this plant in nature, however, only 50 species are growing on the territory of the Russian Federation. The shrub is high (at least 1.5 m), has a strong crown. The shoots of plants below have no leaves, they are not easy, although the bark is removed without problems. On the ends of the branches are narrow dark leaves. Their surface is slightly glistening, but below the leaves are bluish. As for inflorescences, they resemble small brushes, begin to open in May, covering the shrub with a raspberry “carpet”. The diameter of one flower reaches up to 1.5 cm, but despite their miniature dimensions, buds look just stunning. After the plant blooms, new leaves appear on the twigs. Thanks to good pollination, the shrub brings fruits in August, which are considered toxic. One berry, of course, cannot do much harm. But, if you eat several fruits of this shrub, you can be poisoned.
  • "Erica is grassy." This miniature shrub grows up to 30 cm high. During flowering, it is covered with small leaves and raspberry buds. "Erica" \u200b\u200brefers to the heather family, and therefore there are shrubs that also have white, pink, purple flowers.
  • "Erica Darlenskaya." This variety is much higher than the previous one, it grows up to 1 m in height. But in home areas, its height does not exceed 50 cm. In addition, the plant differs in rapid development, and therefore attracts gardeners. This variety can also have several shades of colors, but the most common is raspberry.
The submarine of the bush
The submarine of the bush

Video: Decorative shrubs that bloom all summer

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