What a surprise for the New Year to parents to mom and dad: 150+ideas

What a surprise for the New Year to parents to mom and dad: 150+ideas

One of the most dear people to us is, of course, parents. And it was they who want to make such a gift for the New Year that would not only know attention, but also a real surprise, unexpected and original.

But how to do this so that mom and dad are truly surprised and sincerely happy? We hope our article will help you in this difficult task.

What needs to be taken into account by making a surprise for the New Year to parents?

  1. Start with your budget. Calculate how much you are ready to spend on general gifts to all your relatives and friends. Try to distribute this amount for everyone, then you will understand how much money you will need to implement your idea. It is approximately, because unforeseen expenses always occur. Something from the planned may rise in price, someone will be able to buy a suitable gift for a smaller amount, etc. And already based on a very real figure of costs, you can plan what kind of surprise you are able to do for your parents.
  2. Necessary prepare a surprise for the New Year, taking into account the age of the parents. It is unlikely that older people will taste things that will delight 30-40-year-olds, and vice versa. The first to love the surprises associated with home comfort, maintaining health, the second - from tickets to the cinema to a parachute jump, the choice is wide.
  3. Think about what your parents are fond of, what takes their free time, what are their addictions. If the gift-surgery is made taking into account the fact that mom, for example, grabs every free minute behind the knitting needles, and dad is an avid fisherman, then he will definitely like it.
  4. Remember that in order to make a real surprise, it will take time: everything needs to be considered, decide on prices, understand the assortment to choose the most suitable. That's why start preparation in advance, not on the eve of the holiday.
  5. Packaging is one of the obligatory components of a surprise, many times increasing interest in it. The intrigue will be created at the very first moment when the parents immediately begin to assume that it can be hidden under packaging. So beautifully and with fiction to arrange your surprise is simply necessary.
  6. You can’t hand a gift-surprise silently, it is simply impolite. Do not limit yourself to the usual "Happy New Year!" If you are making a surprise, make sure that it really becomes such, for which say at least a few words hinting what could be inside, but not revealing the secret.
Parents are so important attention
Parents are so important attention

How to make a surprise to parents for the New Year, taking into account their age?

It is impossible to give individual recommendations, but in general, you can distribute areas in which you can make the most suitable surprise for the New Year, which will be interesting and pleasant to parents.

  1. Young, a little in 30 years, certificates in stores that correspond to their interests, tools (since many at this age are actively equipping their “nest”) will always be useful and will be useful, and, of course, all kinds of gadgets.
  2. Up to 40 years, When a certain social status has already been achieved, things of famous brands for home or work will be a real surprise.
  3. Up to 45 years, When the first reasons appear to worry about health and beauty, subscriptions or certificates in recreational centers, spa, massage rooms, etc. will delight.
  4. Up to 50 years - The surprise is best done.
  5. Up to 55 years, When crisis age occurs, surprises associated with obtaining pleasant emotions and impressions will not interfere.
  6. When age approaches 65 years old, Films and films, as well as everything that relates to maintaining health, will become appropriate and popular surprises.
  7. Up to 75 years - It is better to organize surprises related to those classes that parents who are retired: cottage, household, household appliances, facilitating life.
  8. From 75 years - You should think about the fact that parents spend a lot of time together at home, so table and intellectual games, as well as health accessories, will become good surprises for them.

What "tasty" surprises can be done for the New Year to parents?

The following provides a list of universal surprises associated with products that can please parents of almost any age for the New Year.

  1. Basket filled with beautifully laid fruits, sweets, sausages, alcoholic beverages, fish assortment etc.
  2. Beautiful original box with oriental sweets.
  3. Gift set consisting of several elite varieties of tea or coffee.
  4. The original chocolate fountain that can be “launched” directly on New Year's Eve.
  5. The box of the New Year ginger gingerbreadmade in the form of a Christmas tree, little man, etc. You can buy them, but you can bake it yourself.
  6. Chocolate itself is a delicious and healthy gift. But in order for it to become a real surprise, collect the tiles in packages with a New Year's theme in the form of a Christmas tree.
  7. Order sweet cards for each of the parents.
  8. Cookies with predictions, of course, kind and prophesy happiness.
  9. DIY cake - this for parents will be a particularly pleasant surprise.
  10. Another "chocolate" option: chocolate tiles with inscriptions "Beloved Mom" \u200b\u200band "Beloved dad". Or chocolate inscriptions made by order.
  11. "The taste of gold" - This is the name of a set in which two types of honey are represented: for food and massage, with gilding gold.
  12. A set of spices, especially if mom is an amateur to experiment in the kitchen, and dad is an admirer of his culinary delights.
  13. Gingerbread housemade again or by person or to order.

What is a universal surprise for parents to make for the New Year?

This section presents New Year's surprises for parents, which in most cases are suitable for mothers and dads of any age and with a variety of hobbies.

  1. Hydromassage bathto give rest to the legs tired during the day.
  2. Thermal underwear - Especially an actual surprise on cold winter days.
  3. The genealogy tree - In the form of a book, drawing, graphs - as you and parents will be most convenient. This will be a real surprise, which they will be happy to consider, recall, supplement ...

    Family tree
    Family tree
  4. Slopels can hardly be considered a surprise, but if you give parents not ordinary indoor slippers, but a model with heated from USB, this will be a real surprise.
  5. Hand massager, which people older people often skimp on money. And the benefits and pleasure of him are considerable.
  6. Home weather station - Another surprise, which is rarely fork. And in vain! It certainly will not take the rain with her.
  7. Photo albumbut not bought in a regular store, but handmade - so it will be original and unique. It is unnecessary to say that it will not hurt to immediately put several of your most successful photographs in it, because parents can never see their children. And you can give an album, already filled with photographs in which all generations of your family are presented - this will become a kind of chronicle.
  8. A trifle, but so necessary and practical - a keychain that is used to search for lost things. Especially such a thing will become useful for elderly parents, whose memory is already beginning to fail them.
  9. Christmas tree. You can grow it yourself and present it to your parents. In the New Year is one of the most wonderful gifts.
  10. Christmas decorations: Balls on which photos of family members are posted. They will be especially dear to parents and pleasant on the Christmas tree.
  11. The figurine, made using 3D technique, which specialists can perform on the basis of a joint photograph of either parents or the whole family.
  12. Romantic-nostalgic memories of childhood will give figures depicting Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They can be installed near the Christmas tree, and let parents talk about how in childhood these symbols were an indispensable attribute of the New Year holiday.
  13. Aquarium. This, of course, is not for everyone, but if you know that parents have long been talking about whether they have fish, then feel free to surprise them!
  14. Photoproit, pillows, T -shirts, dishes - Any of these gifts will be a real surprise if you decorate it with photos.
  15. Name covers for phones or covers for passport They can even make parents sneak up from such attention.
  16. The calendar is overflow or desktop. This seemingly trivial souvenir can be a real surprise when parents see that you carefully noted all the dates and events that concern your family.
  17. Set of high -quality terry towelsbut not ordinary, but personalized. So you will demonstrate your care and attention.
  18. The ottomans that can be put near the Christmas tree on the holidays, and at another time they will become a great place of rest of the parents.
  19. Set for a suburban vacation: barbecue, skewer, etc.
  20. If parents have a summer cottage, give them garden swing. You probably won’t even imagine a better surprise, because for sure to parents never occurred to the thought of relaxing on their own swing.

What kind of surprise can parents do for home comfort for the New Year?

It will be about those objects that will fill your parents with comfort and warmth and become a great reminder of how a son or daughter cares about them.

  1. Electric or bio -rock. They not only give heat, but also serve as decorating the room.
  2. Automatic Window washer - will especially please such surprise of elderly parents for the new yearwho is already difficult to clean on their own.
  3. Home waterfall - A wonderful element of decor, which also produces a calming effect.
  4. Globus bar for storing alcohol, which simultaneously performs cognitive function. If you decorate it with engraving, parents will always remember those pleasant minutes when you presented them with this gift.
  5. The humidifier is especially relevant in the winter, when heating works. And it is unlikely that parents will not be happy with such a surprise.
  6. Salt lamp (or two at once, for each bedside table). And it looks spectacular and is of great benefit to health.
  7. Parents will not remain indifferent to the plasma huge TV or home theater. Therefore, if the budget allows you, your surprise will be appreciated.
  8. Tablecloth and fabric napkinsby which you can deliberately set the table, including for the New Year holiday. By the way, you can choose curtains for them.
  9. The bedding, on which the New Year's print is applied.
  10. The robot vacuum cleaner (the second option is a washing vacuum cleaner) is a surprise, with which cleaning will not cause parents any difficulties.
  11. Washing machineTo facilitate the wash.
  12. A new refrigerator or freezer, especially if the parents already starts to “junk”.
  13. Any lighting device: sconces, floor lag, table lamp, nightlight - They all will give the room comfort.
  14. If parents are avid travelers, a digital camera will be a real surprise for them. By the way, you can immediately try it out by removing the joyful smiling faces of mom and dad.
  15. Computer technology, especially if parents use one with might and main. And in order for the surprise to be complete, do not forget to connect your parents to the Internet.
  16. Furniture: sofa, chairs, wardrobes, new kitchen corner... The main thing, pick up everything taking into account the new ones in terms of style with the interior and existing furniture. There will be no end to joy and admiring exclamations!
  17. Wall Clock Always convenient and relevant. And they can also be made personalized by ordering an appropriate inscription and photographs in the workshop.
  18. Painting. Depending on the tastes of the parents, you can choose both a high -quality reproduction of a well -known work of art and the author’s work of contemporary artists.
  19. A real surprise - electric samovar. Today, this subject of everyday life is almost forgotten, and after all, gathering a family with a samovar is so wonderful! So give parents such an opportunity.
  20. Set of flavorings or aroma lights. Perhaps, in itself, he does not “pull” for a surprise, but the correctly selected aroma may well become such. The freshness of the coniferous forest, a blooming garden, sea notes - you better know what your parents like.
  21. Photo worldWhich, in addition to its direct purpose, is also an excellent element of the interior that gives the coziness of the room.
Let the gift be warm and bright
Let the gift be warm and bright

What kind of surprise can parents make for the new year for the kitchen?

In the kitchen, we all spend a lot of time, and it should be no less comfortable and comfortable than all other rooms. In addition, each item is functional here, but this does not mean that it cannot become a memorable gift-surgery for parents for the New Year.

  1. Original set for salt and spices, made with taste, and also with a beautiful stand on which you can engrave a memorable inscription.
  2. Coffee maker. Today we have practically no time to cook coffee in Turk, making sure that he does not run away. Therefore, a coffee maker will be an excellent assistant for parents, making aromatic coffee at a time when they are busy with other matters.
  3. Tea-set, especially if you noticed that old cups and saucers already have cracks and chips. By the way, according to a long tradition, the old service can be solemnly thrown out after the presentation of the new - this will also become an element of your surprise. The service can be decorated with a New Year's print to remind you when it was presented.
  4. Aerogrilon which the dishes are prepared for health.
  5. Dining Service on 6 or 12 people. No matter what they say about philistinism, but with the proper setting of the festive table, the plates should not be varied.
  6. Heets that are worn on cups. This will help parents enjoy a hot, rather than a cooled drink. By the way, heating pads can also be chosen with New Year's themes.
  7. Blender, mixer - Any chopper who will replace his mother’s familiar grater and facilitate the cooking process.
  8. MicrowaveTo warm up food in a matter of seconds.
  9. Electric kettlein which water boils much faster than on a gas stove.
  10. The juicer will demonstrate how you care about the health of your parents. You can add a bag with juicy fruits to it and immediately put the device into business.
  11. Multicar, which mother probably dreams of, but everything does not dare to abandon traditional standing at the stove. So please her with such a surprise.
  12. If parents don't have yet electromyas -grinder - Present this device to them.
  13. If you know that parents would not mind getting fritical, toaster, bread maker And other household appliances - boldly give them such devices.
  14. Mill for spicesSo that the smell of pepper spreads throughout the kitchen and makes the dish even more exquisite.
  15. What will be a real surprise for parents is dishwasher. They themselves are unlikely to decide to buy such a miracle of technology, so you will see them.
  16. A set of glasses with a luminous bottom. In the New Year-the most suitable gift-surprise.
Gadgets or textiles
Gadgets or textiles

What gadgets can be a surprise for the New Year to parents?

Today, neither young nor people at a respectable age do without electronics. Of course, it should be noted that your parents will be able to master without difficulty, and for the elderly, for example, it will become too complicated.

With this in mind, and choose such surprises for parents for the New Year:

  1. Wireless column.
  2. Headphones.
  3. Powerbank (can be separate for mom and dad).
  4. Tablet.
  5. Smartphone.
  6. IPhone (if the budget allows).
  7. A laptop (you can choose a powerful game or budget option for work).
  8. An e -book, especially the new items that they talk a lot about, and parents want to read them.

Surprises giving impressions and emotions to parents for the New Year

If a regular gift becomes pleasant immediately upon delivery, then we will talk about the fact that emotions and a good mood that will be provided to parents after they can use your present for the New Year will be a surprise.

This can become:

  1. Overseas tour. Let the parents look at the world, give them this opportunity. Now you can buy burning vouchers at a much lower price. On cold winter days, it's time to go to warm edges.
  2. A ticket to the sanatorium for two. New impressions, rest and health correction - all this will be provided with parents.
  3. Horse walk. If you know that this will enjoy your parents, let them swing along the snowy paths.
  4. A subscription for a massage course - this will help parents lose fatigue and feel more vigorous.
  5. Theaters, filmmakers and other lovers of cultural recreation will be great pleasure tickets for the premiere In their favorite theater or with the participation of their beloved actor.
  6. Romantic dinner. Order a table in a restaurant for your parents. Let mom rest from the kitchen and take advantage of the chance to put on an evening dress. And dad will be able to feel like a real gentleman, gallantly caring for his lady.
  7. If the parents are young and active, please please rest in a ski resort.
  8. Organize a New Year's holiday for parents somewhere in a country house or cottage, where you can gather the whole family.
  9. Buy them subscription for a rink. Even older parents will be happy to recall their youth.
  10. Give your parents invitations to a master class. Dancing is, culinary art or the manufacture of land and rolls, vocal lessons or drawing depends on the hobby of dad and mother.
  11. Organize for parents quest (or give them tickets for those that are already held).
  12. Send dad and mom to SPA Salon. The main thing is together.
  13. If you know what is soon planned wine tasting, cheese etc., why not give parents the opportunity to visit there?
  14. Excursionincluding along the streets of the hometown. When you are spinning all day along the House-Work route, you stop noticing beauty. The guide will help to take a fresh look at such seemingly familiar things.

What a surprise to elderly parents for the New Year to make?

People who have already reached respectable age do not need so much, and first of all your attention. Of course, this does not mean that elderly parents need to save - we are talking about the fact that a surprise for the New Year should talk about how you love them and take care of them.

  1. Rocking chairIn which it is so comfortable to read or indulge in memories, flipping the album with old photos.
  2. Electricode Or a warm blanket (original model - with sleeves) - the older the person, the more he is freezing.
  3. Beautiful nightlight, which will become a complement to the interior and make it convenient to get night up.
  4. Apparatus for conducting magnetic procedures, if parents have joint problems.
  5. Cardigan, vest, sweater - Everything to make the parents warmly and comfortable. The New Year's theme can be beaten in patterns.
  6. Congratulate your parents in a newspaper or on television - Older people are especially pleasant for such congratulations. Just try to be near this time and turn on the TV in time so that the surprise does not go unnoticed.
  7. Order advertising banner Opposite their windows, from which congratulate them on a Happy New Year.
  8. Baths and saunas are useful at any age. Organize visit these establishments for parents, you will see, they will seem to drop for several years.

And most importantly: for a surprise to become truly pleasant and joyful, in no case do not give your gift, but hand it personally. Your presence in your parental house for the elderly is very important.

What kind of surprise to make for the New Year to mom?

Mom is a mistress in the house. Therefore, in addition to the above household appliances, kitchen devices and accessories, it will be delighted with such a surprise for the New Year:

  1. Choose curtains Given the design of each of the rooms.
  2. If mom loves to need to need, you will give her a real joy by giving her a basket for needleworkin which you can store threads, balls, ribbons, knitting needles, etc.
  3. Flaxable tablecloth. This is an eternally unlucking classic that will decorate any festive table and will become the subject of pride for the mother.
  4. Casketin which she could store jewelry. By the way, the decorations themselves can also be put in it.
  5. Feng, curling iron, iron - any hair care accessories.
  6. Favorite mother perfume. Such a surprise is always appropriate and expensive.
  7. Cosmetics, which includes only natural ingredients, or the brand that your mother prefers.
  8. If the mother is fond of Feng Shui, all sorts of things in this direction will be a real surprise for her, especially if she showed interest in something specific, but did not dare to buy.
  9. Mom can be presented clothes - From trousers and jeans to a strict office suit, depending on what its needs are. At the same time, try to please the tastes of the mother so that the surprise goes to fame.
  10. Pick up to her usual style of clothing bag, clutch, wallet, belt - Any accessory that would be made of genuine leather.
  11. Manicure set. Even if mom makes manicure in salons, the house should still have a high -quality nail file and the necessary set for nail care.
  12. Flowers. Not to mention bouquets of fresh flowers that will please any woman, an exotic plant in a pot will deliver a great joy to mom, especially if she belongs to passionate gardeners.
  13. Beautiful warm bathrobewho will surprise and amaze the mother of embroidery made on it. What to embroider - mother’s name or just “supermama” - you decide.

What is the surprise for dad for the New Year?

Thinking surprise for dad for the New Year, should also proceed from his age and addictions. So you will be able to please him and deliver sincere pleasure.

  1. If dad is an avid hunter, surprise him belt for cartridges, bait for game, a set for caring for weapons and, of course, a hunting suit and shoes, especially if he does not have one.
  2. Dad of fishermen? The choice is almost limitless. Perhaps you yourself know what he dreams about: spinning, coil, hook-plate etc. If not, your mother will always tell you.
  3. If dad belongs to lovers of outdoor activities, give him folding Stoic and chairs, sleeping bag, tent - Everything that will do his rest even more comfortable.
  4. A wide selection of surprises that will delight the mushroom pickers: here and baskets, and knives, and suitable shoes, and a backpack.
  5. Dad, who watches in every possible way his sports uniform, will surely like sports shells, sneakers, fitness bracelets, a subscription to the gym and other accessories for sports.
  6. The motorist will be delighted dVR or radar, new covers or rugs, neon backlight and other automobile devices.
  7. Business dad will be in handy prestigious brand hours or expensive pen, leather portfolio or wallet, cufflinks, a clip tie, etc.
  8. An interesting and unusual gift - book safeintended for storing documents or money.
  9. If dad refers to passionate collectors, try to find an unusual exhibit for his collection - this will be a surprise from surprises!
  10. home brewery - That's what you can surprise dad, who is versed in beer.

What is the general surprise for dad and mom?

Gifts can be intended for dad and mom separately. And you can make parents a general surprise for the New Year, thereby emphasizing the community of their interests and family ties.

  1. Choose women's jewelry with leather inserts and a belt of the same skin. Let the parents put them on when they go somewhere together.
  2. Mugsmade in the same style, but with small differences in the figure or color.
  3. Umbrellas Male and female colors included in one collection.
  4. T -shirts (as an option - sweatshirts) with the inscriptions complementing each other.
  5. Chains From gold or silver - male and female.
  6. Female and male bags From one collection.
  7. Order the real artist porter picture Parents, providing for this their best joint photo.
  8. Paired diaryHaving made registered inscriptions on them.
  9. Paired robes, mittens with scarves - Let parents feel one.
  10. Double blanket with sleeves.
  11. Order a set of handmade soap, which would include male and female options, and give from in one package as a whole.
  12. Desktop games, puzzles Of the many parts - so you will provide parents with many evenings spent interestingly, with benefit, and most importantly - together.

What kind of surprise to parents for the New Year to make?

Most of all, of course, refers to children who do not have funds for expensive gifts. But if desired, adults can complement their surprises to parents for newd to another, made with your own hand.

  1. Decorate the Christmas tree made by decorated decorations that can be performed From feltusing sequins, etc.
  2. Kids can please mom and dad crafts of plasticine, applique, pattern.
  3. Mom and dad can be presented postcard, compositionally composing it from volumetric objects.
  4. Put beautiful New Year's decorations in a round jar. When you fill it with glycerin, they will spin beautifully and smoothly in it.
  5. Decorate the apartment of parents New Year venochka. For its manufacture, spruce branches, rain, small Christmas balls, cones, etc. are suitable. Hang it on the door in the absence of parents - and upon their return home, the surprise will be provided.
  6. Do -it -yourself frame frame. It can be made of wood, plywood, cardboard, decorating with any improvised materials. Additionally, you can “age” the frame, covering it with golden acrylic.
  7. Embroidered towels, tablecloths, tacks for hot, napkins, knitted things or toy - a symbol of the year - all this can do needlewomen.
  8. Describe the white table service with special paints - A surprise will definitely succeed.
  9. Sew the felt or felt covers for the phone or key holder.
  10. Collect bouquetUsing sweets, sausages, fruits, alcohol - this gift will definitely appeal to parents, because you know their tastes.
The most expensive surprise is done by yourself
The most expensive surprise is done by yourself

Original surprises for parents for the New Year

Each gift-surge gift for parents for the New Year is original and unique in their own way. But among them the most memorable can be distinguished.

  1. Personal magazinededicated to parents, the most striking moments of their life, filled with memories, brightly and colorfully illustrated. Parents will definitely be pleasantly dumbfounded.
  2. Namely doll. Now you can order a doll that will outwardly resemble a specific person, for this you only need to provide the master with photography. Make such grotesque copies of your parents - and you will see how they will be amazed.
  3. Namely book. Choose a gift edition to your parents and print your congratulations on the cover or on the title sheet. People of the older generation are especially sensitive to such a manifestation of attention.
  4. If parents have a habit of writing notes or reminders to each other and fix them on the refrigerator with magnetics, then present them magnetic board. Let them communicate as much as you like.
  5. Order an astrologer individual horoscope for parents for the coming year. It is unnecessary to say that it should be pleasant, not threatening.
  6. Arrange new Year's photo shoot in the studio for the whole family - Such pictures will be especially memorable to your parents.

What should not be given to parents for the New Year?

Before arranging a surprise for parents for the New Year, you should think about whether it will seem like a hint of something unpleasant for them? These surprises include the following:

  1. Age cosmetics. You do not need to remind mom of the number of years lived. And even if she herself asks you to buy a cream, it is better to just bring it on a normal day, but certainly not as a gift-surge for the New Year.
  2. Underwear - Also not a New Year's topic, even if panties or socks are decorated with Christmas trees. This is a daily need that is not related to holidays and surprises.
  3. It is better not to give parents to parents money as a present. You can help them financially at any time, and the New Year should sometimes be gifts and surprises.
  4. The same applies drugs - In no case can they be a gift, even if they have a fabulous price.
  5. Do not give complex household appliances Elderly people, if you do not live with them and do not help them master them.

Complete your surprise with some small thing associated with the symbol of the coming year: a calendar, a magnet for a refrigerator, a soft toy, a keychain, etc.

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