How to make the New Year fun and interesting?

How to make the New Year fun and interesting?

Ways to make New Year fun and interesting

The main problem that most families faces during the holiday is boredom. Most often, this happens in families with young children, in whom the use of alcohol is not welcomed. The noisy company can hardly be called boring, since each participant is busy with a certain case. Therefore, if there is no New Year's mood, you need to try to improve it. Following the advice presented in this article, it will be fun to celebrate the New Year, improving the mood not only to yourself, but also to the household. 

How to organize a cheerful New Year at home: tips

To wake up a festive mood, it is worthwhile to decorate the room and Christmas trees. A few decades ago in traditional Soviet families, it was a familiar activity that allowed him to be distracted, to improve the festive mood. 

How to organize a cheerful New Year at home:

  • To make the New Year fun, you need to meet it with good people. Therefore, the best option is to invite friends or close friends to yourself. The optimal company is up to 10 people. To celebrate the New Year with 10 friends will be fun, but it is not an invoice. In order for people to rejoice, it is necessary to compile a script, prepare competitions, as well as prepare unusual salads, snacks. 
  • To celebrate the New Year, it is best to meet with friends in advance, having previously invited them to decorate the room in which you are going to celebrate. To do this, cut snowflakes on a Christmas tree,templates which can be found in our website. 
  • You can decorate the room with posters, inscriptions, as well as New Year's decorations. You can attract guests to inflating New Year's balls. In order for the whole family to be happy, it is necessary to prepare surprises. Therefore, for each participant in the celebration, be sure to select small incentive prizes that will improve the mood. These can be comic options for medals or letters. They should take care of them in advance. For contests and improving the mood of children, it is worth hiding sweets in the room. It can be kinders, sweets or small chocolate. 

Funny New Year's games

One of the funny ways of celebrating the New Year is games, competitions. However, complexity arises if this is a whole family with people of different age categories. Therefore, it is necessary to select contests and games for all family members, regardless of the age category. 

Funny New Year games:

  • Mitten. This is a great way to improve mood, laugh, and also show your strength. To do this, each of the participants must give mittens and tangerines. On command, each of the participants should put on a mitten and in such an accessory to clean the tangerine. The one who makes this first will receive a prize. 
  • Make a portrait. For this game, you need to prepare in advance. The host must print several pictures with various New Year images. For example, garlands, applause, confetti. Now the presenter must make a set of several items. The remaining participants must guess which New Year's object the presenter described. For example, applause and confetti are a cracker. You can put on the table a picture of a gift and an old grandfather. The result is Santa Claus. Thus, it is necessary to encrypt several common objects with which the New Year is associated. Do not choose too complex categories so that even children can choose something suitable and not get confused. 
With my family
With my family

Funny games for the New Year for the company

Separately, it is worth approaching the choice of New Year's contests for a fun company. They should be slightly different from family, may contain intimate subtext. If there are invited people at the holiday, which are unfamiliar with each other, then the main goal is to introduce young people who in the future can become lovers. 

Funny games for the New Year for the company:

  • Chiming clock. To do this, it must be given to each of the participants on a sheet of paper and colored pencils. Next, you need to start the timer. It is best if it is a fight of chimes that will break 12 times. For these twelve seconds, each of the participants must draw New Year's items on paper. The person who can complete the task wins and receives a prize. 
  • New Year's abductor. For this competition, it is necessary that each of the participants be with blindfolded eyes. After that, one of the contestants enters the room and takes several New Year's items. It is worth choosing objects that are in sight, and which cannot be noticed. For example, a basket of fruit from the table, a clock, a luminous garland. After that, all participants are unleashed by their eyes. They must guess what was missing from the room. One of the guests who will guess about the loss before everyone and understands that he stole the kidnapper, receives a prize. 

New Year Fun: Contests

Do not use traditional and banal contests. Prepare something interesting and unforgettable.

New Year is fun, contests:

  • New Year's movie. It is best if several films of different genres are selected for the competition. It can be both modern films and familiar ones, which usually twist for the New Year. For example, “with light steam”, “one at home”, and other New Year's comedies. It is necessary that the host call several phrases from these films. The person who guesses the phrase from the film receives a prize. 
  • An interesting song. You need to choose a song that everyone knows. It is necessary that the host after a certain period of time stops the song and call any of the genres. It can be a fairy tale or advertising. In this case, the participant does not stop singing a song, but performs it in the style that the host indicated. For example, the participant sings the song “White Snowflakes”, the presenter calls the word “advertising”. Now the contestant must advertise white snowflakes. That is, to describe their advantages in such a way that you want to buy this subject. After the participant tells about snowflakes in the style of advertising, the host gives the command again, the song continues. A few minutes later, the host should stop the song and name the genre of fairy tales, romance or rap. 

How fun to spend the New Year with friends?

It is best if part of the games will not be held at the table, but in motion. This is due to the fact that there is usually a lot of drinking in a noisy company, some of the guests can quickly intoxicate. To prevent this, it is necessary to dilute the feast with fun contests that make the participants move. 

How fun to spend the New Year with friends:

  • A good version of the New Year's competition is prediction. The game is very similar to a game with cookies, in which various wishes and predictions hide. For this competition, you need to choose several balloons, the number of which is more than the number of participants and invited guests. It is necessary to place a note with wishes in each of the balls. On command, each of the guests should take any of the balls, burst it and read wishes. This competition is best to hold at the beginning of the evening, it will help rally a team. 
  • A good game that will help to amuse all guests - sniper. To prepare this competition, you need to take several empty plastic or metal buckets. From paper, cotton wool or other similar items, it is necessary to roll small balls. It will be snowballs. The main task is to arrange all participants at a distance of 5 m from the bucket. Guests should throw balls into a bucket. Anyone who abandons a larger number of balls receives a prize. It is best to play the game when most of the participants are tipsy, their coordination leaves much to be desired. Thus, the accuracy of the participants becomes worse, not everyone can get into the bucket. 

Where is it fun to celebrate the New Year?

If you plan to spend the New Year not in your city, but in the resort, then it's time to take care of booking, think over the place of holidays. Indeed, this year, in connection with quarantine, local resorts are very popular, since there is no way to go abroad without appropriate documents and vaccination. Therefore, it is necessary to initially figure out in which context a holiday will be held. Rest in ski resorts is considered traditional, where you can not only ski, but also have a great time with family, friends and acquaintances. 

Where fun to celebrate the New Year:

  • One of the famous ski resorts in Russia are considered Sheregesh. The slopes of the ski tracks will love not only extremals, but also beginners. There are a lot of light tracks here, you can also ride tubing, take a steam bath. In Russia, there are a lot of interesting places that are worth visiting to celebrate the New Year. 
  • Murmansk region. This is an interesting place where there is a northern lights, you can visit the ethnographic village of Sami. 
  • Karelia - A fabulous place that will be happy to meet tourists. Here you can see an underground lake, as well as stalactites and stalagmites in wonderful caves. 
  • Nizhny Novgorod - Not a ski resort, but here you can also spend great New Year. A large number of excursions in the Novgorod Territory, also master classes on the painting of souvenirs and dishes, will please adults and children. In addition, during the New Year holidays here organize festive festivities, treat tourists by ancient Russian drinks. 
  • Crimea. Despite the fact that this is a great place to relax in the summer, you can celebrate the New Year here. There is no snow on the peninsula in winter, but there is something to do here. New Year's fairs, traditional frost-parade, where competitions and quests are held in Crimea. 
  • If there are no funds for flights and long trips, you can relax not far from your city, at recreation centers. Almost near every city there are places where you can relax, enjoy the bath, hammam, fishing. Therefore, boldly, in winter, go to recreation centers, which are located on the shore of the lake or rivers. 
New Year with children
New Year with children

How to spend a cheerful New Year with a family?

Preparing for the holiday is worth it in advance. Therefore, if you are not ready to take care of all the care of organizing the holiday, this does not mean that the New Year will turn out to be boring and uninteresting. After all, you can connect your friends, acquaintances and relatives. The main task is to correctly distribute tasks, give instructions for the preparation of holiday dishes. Think about who will bring attributes to the competitions, who will engage in the preparation of games, acquire incentive prizes. It is very difficult for one person to solve a large number of organizational issues, so do not hesitate to ask for help from your friends. 

How to spend a cheerful new year with a family:

  • Do not spend huge funds on organizing a festive feast. Give the task to each of the participants in the celebration to cook one dish. A large number of interesting and unusualtrout dishes You can find in the article on our website. 
  • Remember that the New Year is not only a hearty feast with a large number of unusual and interesting dishes. First of all, it is a festive atmosphere, fun, good mood. Therefore, do not hesitate to attract your friends and relatives in decorating the premises, the acquisition of rain, garland, and festive paraphernalia. 
  • Very often, the New Year mood increases during the organization of the holiday, shopping, during the purchase of products and accessories to decorate the house. 
Family holiday
Family holiday

Interesting articles on the site:

In articles on our website you can find interesting scenarios for holding New Year's holidays not only at home, but also among colleagues. Be sure to use the advice,games, contests, and also prepare unusualdishespresented on our website. 

Video: Funny New Year

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