What a surprise to the child for the New Year: creative and original ideas and gifts

What a surprise to the child for the New Year: creative and original ideas and gifts

Slowly, the standard uninteresting gifts that Santa Claus handed to the kids for the poems were already becoming a relic of the past. Now every parent wants to arrange unforgettable New Year holidays for his children, with pleasant and unexpected surprises.

How to surprise and please the child for the New Year - read in our article.

How to make a surprise to a child for a new year?

In the footsteps of Santa Claus

  • If supporters of perennial traditions do not want to refuse to put a surprise to the child for the New Year under the Christmas tree, you can diversify the holiday by a creative innovation. You can do this using a large size men's boots.
  • To create the appearance, as if the real Santa Claus was walking on your home, you need ordinary Stir food soda with white glitter And place this mixture in some container. With the help of a spray gun, sprinkle the soles of the boots a little with water and hold in the mixture so that soda and sparkles stick on them with a thick layer.
  • And then it remains only to lay them on the traces laid by Santa Claus from the front door to the Christmas tree, under which the gifts are.
  • In this case, you can do with artificial snow or flour, simply sprinkling with them the contours of the boots.

Socks as a container of gifts

  • Slowly this European custom to hide gifts in Christmas socks (stockings) leaked to us, to Russia.
  • They can be purchased in a souvenir store, or you can sew them or connect and decorate them yourself. Usually, a note with the name of the bestowed family member is attached to each toe.
In socks
In socks

Pass a quest - get a gift

  • To the child He took possession of the New Year's gift, arrange him a real quest! Draw those places in the apartment that you need to go to the child so that he will find a gift that you prepare for him at the end of the path. Such an exciting game will make your gift even more attractive for the baby.
  • To give the game even more mystery, the paper on which the “Treasures” scheme will be drawn can be drawn, you can “grew up” using instant coffee. This is done like this: in some capacity of 10 tsp. Coffee is filled with hot water.
  • The paper needs to be rolled and soaked for 10 minutes in this solution. Then the sheet should be slightly dry and plow. For historical reliability, lightly, slightly set the edge of the paper or use a hot plate to obtain plowing.
  • And the scheme itself in a sealed envelope, let it lie in your mailbox or under the Christmas tree.

Quest notes

  • Kids who do not yet know how to read, can be prepared riddles on the cards, where those household appliances or furniture in which gifts will be depicted will be depicted.
  • Preschoolers who are already reading will be happy to pass a quest in notes and simple riddles. For example: “This is a table - they eat behind him, this is what they are sitting on” - a gift and a new task will be waiting for him on a chair moved to the dining table, or under it. So that this game does not bother the child quickly, four to five of these tasks will be enough.
  • Schoolchildren should get tasks more complex - They are best encrypted as a rebus or crossword puzzle. The basis for this can serve as a child loved by a child or films like "Fixiki", "Harry Potter" etc.

Who will receive a gift?

  • If you have a large family and all its members gather at the festive table, then the distribution of gifts can turn into a real fascinating game for the child. Having discovered a bag of gifts under the Christmas tree, he will have to extract them one at a time and read the notes attached to the packaging aloud.
  • For example: "This souvenir should be bestowed by the person who is the oldest in the family" (grandfather); "Give the one who goes to school" (older brother), etc.

The presentation of the gift is good

  • In this way, gifts were presented to their households and guests in past times by nobles. Gifts were prepared for all those present at the holiday. One of them was wrapped in paper, on which someone was written name. Then the paper was wound again, and another name was already written on it - this was done until the names of all participants in the holiday were indicated. So made with all the gifts.
  • Further, everyone becomes mugAnd one of the family members begins to get gifts from the bag one at a time. One of the gifts is awarded to the one whose name is written on the right wrapper. This person unfolds it, and there is a completely different present - the gift is transmitted to him, and so on to the very last shell.

Ariadne thread

  • For such an original presentation of a gift, the baby will need to get a baby large ball with threads. One end of it needs to wrap a gift, and then - the furniture that is furnished with the room. To take possession of the gift, the child will have to go by holding on to the thread, the entire route you lay.
  • The task is for the baby complexed, if you take three multi -colored skeins, and entangle the whole room with them. Two threads will lead to dead ends - in those places you can hide comforting surprises - sweets or fruits.

We take the neighbors to the "accomplices"

  • Contact your neighbors with a request to click on the call button of your apartment and quickly retire, leaving a bag with a gift at the door and a note with congratulations from Santa Claus.

Get a parcel from Santa Claus

  • If you have to celebrate the New Year away from your family, send your child a parcel.
  • It should be indicated on it the address and name of your son or daughter, and the sender’s address should be written: “North Pole. Father Frost".
From Santa Claus himself
From Santa Claus himself

Request to grandfather Frost

  • Expecting a gift is also exciting, especially if its order is made by Grandfather Frost himself. Together with your child, you will need to write a letter to the symbol with a request for a gift, seal it and send it to the North Pole.
  • Get dressed and go together with him to throw your message to the “mail” box (such a box is now installed in many kindergartens and schools). By the way, at the present time you may be provided with such a service as a call from Grandfather Frost - you just need a preliminary application for such a service. The electronic "grandfather" will talk with the baby, and he will be very happy about this - after all, he will be completely unaware that he talked to the answering machine.

Santa Claus phones can be found at the link https://2020-year.ru/besplatnyj-telefon-deda-moroza-v-2020-Godu/

Turn into holiday every day

  • Before the New Year, another 10 days, but each of them can be turned into a holiday. Take care with your baby cutting snowflakes and decorating windows by them.
  • The next day - the manufacture of garlands; then - by installing the Christmas tree; her decoration. One day, decorate your home with New Year's attributes, etc. This pre -holiday vanity will be a child in joy.

Tomorrow - New Year

  • Each child likes to put on fancy dresses. Therefore, a trip to the store behind the New Year's outfit or sewing it will cause positive emotions in it.
  • If you decide not to bother this year with a suit, take care with the baby manufacturing masks for all family members. From such a holiday bustle, everyone will joyfully become everyone!

New Year's Eve with a walk

  • On New Year's Eve, dreams, and especially children, should come true. Therefore, allow the child not to fit early, but to sit with you at the festive table, make out gifts, and then - go on a night walk around the city.
  • If there is frosty weather in the yard (at least 7 ° C), then you can blow frozen soap bubbles with it for fun. To do this, you will need glycerin, shampoo and a tube through which bubbles will be blown.
  • Children will be very happy about such an unusual entertainment, and they will probably like fireworks, which will be launched from everywhere in honor of the arrival of the New Year.
  • If you have not planned such a walk, you can dress a child in a suit of Santa Claus and hand him a bag in which gifts will lie for your households and guests.

In the New Year's menu - surprises!

  • To pleasantly surprise the child, you can put some kind of candy a tiny toy wrapped in a candy wrapper. If baking is planned, then one pie can be filled with another filling. Whoever takes it-you will need to cope with some funny task.
  • Near the plate of a child you can put a folded napkin, inside which congratulations will be written along with a comic task - to please adults with a New Year's poishe, a song, etc.

New Year's games

  • Arrange new Year's fortune -telling called "Ticket for Happiness". To do this, you will need to take care of the manufacture of “happy tickets”: comic positive predictions can be written on New Year's cards. Let all the family members pull their tickets out of the beautiful box, and read out loud what is “predicted” in them.
  • In the game "Who is the first to dress the Christmas tree" All guests and family members should take part. They will need to be divided into two teams that will be selected from their composition of those people who will become “Christmas trees”. And then it will be necessary to dress this "Christmas tree" in one minute in toys and tinsel. Whose will turn out more elegant - the victory is awarded to that team. For the game, it is best to choose those toys that do not beat, as well as use safe mounts in the form of linen clothespins, a hairpin or plastic crosses.
Dress the Christmas tree
Dress the Christmas tree
  • You can arrange competition "Who is the best to draw Santa Claus" (Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, an animal, which is a symbol of the coming year, etc.). To do this, you will need to choose two or three participants, among which there should be a child and supply them with colored markers and paper. Their task is to gradually draw with tied eyes on the command of the driver's elements, of which Santa Claus consists of a beard, boots, sheeps, etc. The paper can lie on the table, or you can attach sheets to the wall for convenience. In the end, when the participants are untied, they will be able to admire the results of their “creativity”. There will be laughter!
  • For some time you can devote to watching a family video archive by naming this "New Year's Cinema". To do this, make a selection of fragments of bright family memories from the last year's videos.

What a surprise to the child for the New Year: the perfect gift

  • If you have not yet decided on the choice gift to the child for the new year, it is worth listening to our recommendations.
  • Want to see the child happy? Then, when buying a gift, it is precisely his desires should be taken into account, and by no means his own. Perhaps you will want to bestow it with some practical gift in the form of new boots or hand him a toy machine, and he, meanwhile, dreamed of a bicycle or a sled. Such a gift, instead of bringing him joy and delight, will cause only grief and resentment.
  • When choosing what a surprise to the child for the New Year should be made. focus on the age of your son/daughter. For example, a three -year -old baby does not need to purchase sets for young chemists or complex designers in assembly, which can come in handy only after a few years.
  • If the child is fond of something, is engaged in collecting, or he is a creative person, then in this case, purchase for him the thing that will be useful to him in his hobbies. So far, uninhabited children can be bestowed with such gifts: calm and assiduous - cubes, puzzles, designers, and moving - with a ball, a scooter, and skates.
  • When buying, be sure to consider the quality of the thing. If something breaks down in the donated toy immediately, then the child will be very upset by this, and instead of the expected joy from a gift, the holiday will be hopelessly spoiled.
How to please the child
How to please the child

What to give the baby for the New Year?

  • For kids who have not yet been a year, it is not difficult to make a gift. A useful thing in the form of a children's chair, electronic swing or a gaming center can not only entertain the smallest family member, but also facilitate the care of him to his parents.
  • You can still please your baby pyramids, Bizobords and developing toys. But with soft toys and those in which there are small details, you should not give babies. In the first case, villi and dust can fall into his respiratory tract; In the second, the broken part may pose a threat to the health of the uninterested.

We make a surprise to a child from one year to three

If the child is in the age fork from one year to three, and now he is engaged in the knowledge of the world, then he will be glad of any new toy for him. It will be more useful if you choose a developmental gift.

You can please your baby:

  • designer (he must have large components);
  • different sets for games;
  • books-snaps, panorama, puzzles;
  • scooter;
  • swings, etc.

A child of this age needs to give a gift to him, and not facilitate the life of his parents.

What to give a preschooler?

Find out what the preschoolboy dreams of is quite simple. He has already learned to use print letters, and therefore put it on the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a letter to Santa Claus with a request for a gift.

Psychologists have noticed that preschoolers imitate adults, and therefore they want “adult” gifts:

  • dolls and cars that can be played in the "Aunt" and "Uncle";
  • sets so that they could play the doctor, policeman, hairdresser, cook, etc.

Surely you know about your child's favorite animated heroes. If you give them to him in the form of toys, he will be very happy about this. It will not be superfluous to give him some creative set, designer or puzzles that will correspond to the age of the child.

What to give for the New Year to a primary school student?

  • In the children of primary schools, suspicions are already creeping that Santa Claus does not really exist, so there is no longer a letter for him.
  • If you are not aware of what he wants to get in the form of a New Year's gift, then in this case you can choose something from the presented list of presentations below.

It is noticed that young schoolchildren are most happy about such gifts:

  • toys with radio control - cars, helicopters, quadrocopters;
  • designers of a complex level by the type of lego;
  • interesting board games;
  • such sets, so that experiments can be carried out with their help;
  • children's cosmetics and manicure set;
  • smart watch with GPS.
Gifts to the student should be more modern
Gifts to the student should be more modern

Surprise to a teenager for the new year

  • Typically, adolescents no longer share their dreams and desires with their parents. They will rather find a common language with their peers than with dad or mom. Therefore, a New Year's surprise, so that the teenager likes it, is quite difficult to do.
  • However, despite all his pretense of severity and some alienation, the culprit of which is a transitional age, each of the teenagers dreams that something extraordinary will happen to him in the New Year. To please his teenager, he should give an expensive gift for adults. You can please the teenager one of the trend gadgets, which he still does not have.
  • You can buy a teenager something from fashionable clothes, cosmetics or perfume, but then you must be well aware of his tastes. A gift for his hobby is also suitable: a boy playing football can be presented to a boy cool shape. Preferring quiet games - dear chess etc. If your boyfriend or young girl has a companional character and many friends, then a board game for many participants is suitable as a gift.
  • You can please the teenager not only with some kind of thing. Make him a surprise in the form of several tickets (for him and his closest friends) in water park, cinema, dolphinarium etc., or a certificate for passing the quest - let the children sincerely have fun during the winter holidays.

What do girls want to get for the New Year?

  • soft and cartoon toys
  • dolls
  • games and creativity sets
  • backpack
  • cosmetic bag with children's cosmetics
  • nice dress
  • an unusual hair clip - all this can delight the girl.

What to give to boys for the New Year?

Airplanes, cars and garages for them, robots, toy weapons, skates, skis, bicycle, etc. -Any of the above will surely delight the boys.


It is not at all difficult to arrange New Year's surprises for your child. You just need to connect a fantasy to this matter and the desire to make it happy.

Interesting New Year's articles:

Video: Idea for gifts-surgees for the New Year to the child

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