How to make and decorate a gift box for the New Year: step -by -step instructions in stages, photo, video

How to make and decorate a gift box for the New Year: step -by -step instructions in stages, photo, video

Do not know how to make a gift box for a surprise for the New Year? Look for instructions in the article.

Giving gifts, people primarily share a good mood and positive emotionality, and a beautifully made and original decorated packaging increases the significance of any presentation.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How beautifully to tie a ribbon on a box with a gift?". You will find different ideas, schemes, photos.

For those who want to learn how to create beautiful gift packaging, but do not know how and where to start, this article will list step -by -step instructions for creating original boxes, for New Year's gifts. Read further.

A simple gift box for the New Year with your own hands from sheets of color cardboard size A4 - how to make it yourself: in stages, video

Simple gift box for a new
Simple gift box for the new year

The first method for packaging a New Year's presentation is a simple, uncomplicated box that can be created with your own hand in just a couple of minutes. How to do it yourself? Below you will find a phased description of the manufacture of a simple gift box for the New Year with your own hands from sheets of color cardboard size A4.

You will need to collect such packaging:

  • Color cardboard

Do this:

Simple gift box for a new
Simple gift box for the new year
  1. To begin with, you need to create a template. To do this, take a sheet of color cardboard and draw a square of the required size in its center. The template will become the basis of the product.
  2. On each side of the drawn square, draw the same squares, similar sizes, so that a figure in the form of a “plus” is obtained.
  3. Next, smoothly twist the free corners of the squares located on the sides.
  4. Cut the created template. Fold the sides of the figure (plus) in such a way that the triangular box forms in the end.
  5. Now you will need a hole punch. Pierce the holes at the top of the side elements of the box.
  6. Put the ribbon into the obtained holes. Tie her with a bow.
  7. Decorate the resulting product of your own free will, given the tastes of the one to whom the gift is intended.

However, this method of creating packaging is suitable only for small gifts. Next, consider a more complex option.

Look clearly in the video how the craftswoman makes such a package - simple and fast.

Video: box pyramid on ties

How to make a large gift box yourself: instructions, video

Big gift box
Big gift box

The creation of such a product is a more complex process compared to the previous option, but the effectiveness as a result costs effort. How to make a large gift box yourself? Below you will find detailed instructions.

To glue a square product for a surprise, you will need:

  • GLUE
  • BOW

Do this:

Big Gift Box: Instructions
Big Gift Box: Instructions
Cover for a large gift box: instruction
Cover for a large gift box: instruction
  1. BOX. Now you need a large sheet of paper. Cut the edges to get a square - 2020 centimeters.
  2. Return from the edges of the square of 5 centimeters and draw a couple of lines so that another square element is formed in the central part.
  3. Take the scissors. Make a groove with scissors along drawn lines without cutting out the paper surface.
  4. Bend the template for the resulting recesses.
  5. Then, cut it along the short lines. Bend the resulting elements and glue it. You should form a box.
  6. LID. Take the paper. Cut a small square.
  7. Return from the edges of the square of 2 centimeters and draw a pair of dashes.
  8. Next, bend and cut off the square similarly to the first part. As a result, the lid is formed. Cover the product with a gift. Attach a bow on top.

Such a box can be created and without using glue, in this case, paper clips will be required. Watch the video with a detailed and visual description of the master class.

Video: DIY gift box

Gift box-sheet for a small gift for the New Year: Instructions

A voluminous and unusual snowflake box is suitable for a mini-souvenir or jewelry. The main material is scrapbum. Cardboard is difficult to bend in small space. Here are the instructions for the creation of a gift box for the New Year:

Gift Box-Snowwinkle: Template
Gift Box-Snowwinkle: Template
  1. Contour circled along the template, cut along the cut lines. Pay special attention to the accuracy of the edges of the “snow crystals”. As a result, two elements are formed: the bottom and turn of the sides.
  2. Using a ruler or just a nail, bend along the fold lines, forming a hexagon's contour. Bend the inclined lines of the upper part, and the connecting petals are inside.
  3. Glue the bottom of the box to the connecting petals.
  4. Form the upper part of the product in the direction of previously bent faces.
  5. With proper execution, at the top of the boxes a single snowflake is obtained. Speake all its details with each other in a kind of castle.

The finished New Year's packaging with an openwork snowball at the top looks stylish. If desired, apply sparkles or paint in blue.

Box a house - packaging and Christmas tree decoration for the New Year: Instructions

Box a house - packaging and Christmas tree decoration for the new year
Box a house - packaging and Christmas tree decoration for the new year

The original sentence - two items of the New Year's decor according to one template. You can make a large gift box, or you can - decoration on the Christmas tree. The difference is only in size.

Consider the manufacture of a large box house for the New Year - Instructions:

Box house: template
Box house: template
Box a house - packaging and Christmas tree decoration for the new year
Box a house - packaging and Christmas tree decoration for the new year
Box house: template
Box house: template
  1. If you plan to make the house colorful, then take white cardboard. Put the template on the cardboard and circle the outline. Drawn windows, roof tiles, doors apply through tracing paper. Later they can be painted.
  2. Cut the workpiece along the lines. If you want to decorate the house, cut the small elements of the jewelry: tiles, frames and a door of paper of contrasting flowers.
  3. Bend along the line of the fold line, creating a cubic shape. Lower connecting petals form the bottom. Get the side petal inside, thereby connect the first and last facets of the cube.
  4. It remains to decorate the assembled house to your liking.
  5. Two roof slopes will be a hole for putting gifts inside, so you do not need to seal the roof. Just bandage a satin ribbon with a bow.

If your house box is a Christmas decoration, then the size of the template does not need to be increased. Make a few small plain houses with a loop instead of a bow. And if you put the candy inside, then such a decoration will be the most beloved Christmas tree toy for your children.

Gift Box-Accommodate for the New Year: Instructions

Creative design, an unusual shape and a delighting eye of a candy wrapper - these are the characteristics that you can safely assign a craft in the form of a large candy. Even an adult serious person will smile, receiving a New Year's gift in such a design. Here are the instructions for the creation of a gift box-conflict for the New Year:

Gift Box-Accommodate: Template
Gift Box-Accommodate: Template
Gift gearbox
Gift gearbox
  1. The size of the "sweets" depends on the size of the gift. Increase the template to the required parameters.
  2. The material supplied to bending is better: tight paper, a paper sheet for scrapbooking. Apply a template imprint on it, draw lines for flexion.
  3. First cut the outer circuit, then the clerk. With a knife or small scissors, rhombic holes inside along the entire length of the workpiece.
  4. The highest lines of the bends bend inside, the rest out. Combine the edges, creating the form of sweets.
  5. In this package, a gift can be put only at the time of manufacture, that is, for reusable use, it will not work.

Complete the design of the gift by tying both edges of the “Fantik” with a brilliant braid.

How to make a gift box of a cardboard box with your own hands with a lid: instructions, video

Gift boxes with a stylish geometric shape are very attractive to their appearance, so it is worth performing such a design. It is not at all difficult to make a box-player with a box-player with a lid of cardboard. Here's the instruction:

Buy the following:

  • Compass
  • GLUE
  • BOW

Follow these steps:

Gift box of cardboard mesh with your own hands with a lid
Gift box-player
Gift box of cardboard mesh with your own hands with a lid
Gift box-player
Gift box of a cardboard mestigrait with your own hands with a lid: Instructions
Gift box-player
Gift box of a cardboard mestigrait with your own hands with a lid: Instructions
Gift box of packet
Gift box-player
Gift box-player
  1. Take the cardboard and with the help of the circul, draw two circles on it, 5 centimeters with a diameter of each.
  2. Without changing the step of the circul, draw 6 marks inside each of the circles so that there is the same distance between them. Combine the marks of segments inside the circles. Corners should appear.
  3. Outside from each of the corners, draw new segments. In one of the circles, make lines 4 centimeters long, in the other - 2 (this is important). Combine all lines in such a way that six straight-angles form.
  4. On the right side of each straight-angle, draw a small part with a beveled top.
  5. Next, cut all the figures with scissors, clearly following the lines. Then, lead with scissors to the sides of each of the polygon circuits that resulted in the circles, as well as by segments of figures with a miserable-in-line top.
  6. Bend all the figures on the depressions formed and glue. The result should be a multifaceted box.
  7. Put your souvenir in the box, cover with a lid and attach the bow.

A similar stylish box is well suited for pacing round-shaped mini-gifts. Watch the video clip below. It clearly shows how to make such a box.

Video: Gift box hexagon with your own hands

How to give an original present a gift for the New Year-with your own hands: instructions with photos, video

Another original idea for packing a festive surprise is a pyramid -shaped box. Create it with your own hands. It will help you correctly and festively give a gift for the New Year. Below you will find instructions.

DIY box box
DIY box box

To create such a package, the following materials are needed:

  • Thick paper
  • Round item (for example disc)

Steps of instructions:

  1. First of all, cut a square from a paper sheet.
  2. Divide the cut square into nine parts, four lines. Next, make marks on each side of the large square. Inside the small similar details - adjacent to marks, draw triangles.
  3. Next, take a round object (disk, or plate), and outline, applying to the sides of the triangle. Cut the template, following the drawn dashes. The result should be a figure similar to a flower.
  4. Connect the resulting figure into the pyramid, bent over the dashes of its side. Next, make holes in the tops of each triangle, stick a ribbon in the holes and tie it.

Another version of the pyramid:

DIY pyramid box: template
DIY pyramid box: template
DIY box box
DIY box box
DIY box box
DIY box box

The note of this box is that not a drop of glue is required to create it. The most suitable material from which it can be made is dense and very beautiful sheets for scrapbooking.

Look clearly in the video how to make such a package.

Video: Gift box from paper with your own hands without glue

How to make a gift for NG beautifully: an interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba box-tree, instructions

A box-tree created by his own hands will become an excellent packaging for the New Year's surprise and will delight your loved ones. So, how beautifully to arrange a gift for NG? Here is an interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba box of the creation instructions:

To make such a box, you need to have:

  • Cardboard (or thick paper)
  • Chancet. KNIFE
  • GLUE
  • BOW

Do this:

Template of the box
Template of the box
An interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba box
An interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba box
  1. First you need to create a template. To do this, take a cardboard (or a thick paper sheet) and draw a figure in the form of a four -pointed star, with sharp blades.
  2. Open each blade of the figure so that they look like Christmas trees. Next, carefully cut the resulting template.
  3. Take the ruler. Draw a line at the base of each of the shutters so that in the center of the figure (star) is a square.
  4. Take the clerical knife. Gently, so as not to cut the paper, draw a knife on the sides of the drawn square in such a way that the grooves are obtained. Bend the blades upside down, along the sold grooves.
  5. Take the hole punch. At the top of each blade, make a hole.
  6. Glue three petals with each other, leaving the fourth separately (this will be a lid of the future box). Pass the tape into the holes of the Christmas tree and tighten.

You can make such a box without adhesive, using a paper clip to fasten the sides. You can decorate it with sequins or beads.

How to give VIP gifts for the New Year-Box-Bonboner: Instructions in stages, video

Boxing box
Boxing box

Beautiful gift box of the minimum size, most suitable for vIP gift for the New Year. You can even put ordinary sweets in such a box. You will get a stylish and interesting present. If you want to give a sweet present, then nothing is better than a bonboner box. Moreover, a minimum of paper and effort is required to create it. Below you will find the instructions in stages.

Buy the following:

  • Cardboard (or thick paper)

Do this:

Boxing box: template
Boxing box: template
Boxing box: template
Boxing box: template
  • In the beginning, create a template. To do this, take a cardboard and draw a figure on it in the form of a cross. Then, round the tops of all sides of the cross.
  • On the tops of two sides of the cross (upper - lower or left - right), finish one small mug, in the form of a flower or gears. The drawn circles should become the peaks of the sides of the cross on which they are located.
Boxing box
Boxing box
  • Inside the other two sides of the cross (without circles), draw two short lines using the ruler, the direction from the peaks to each other (hereinafter, they will become slots).

Important: The length of these lines should be slightly larger than the radius of circles (on other sides).

  • Cut the resulting template. Make slots along the drawn lines (in two sides of the cross).
Boxing box
Boxing box
  • Put your gift in the center of the detailed box.
  • Next, bend the sides of the box with the gears so that the latter are in contact, on top of your gift.
  • Then bend the two remaining sides, putting them with slots on the gears, alternately. The result should be a semblance of a lock.

Additionally, the box can be glued with beautiful gift paper or beads with sequins. A bonboner box with sweets can become a wonderful New Year's souvenir for a girl, woman or child.

Here are another options for creating such a box:

Boxing box
Boxing box

Look in the video what beautiful bonbonnier the craftswoman does. All a few minutes of free time and packaging is ready.

Video: The easiest way to make a box!

How to make a box with a folding cover with your own hands from a gift pack: in stages, video

Even a simple -looking box with a folding cap, having a verified geometric shape, can be an excellent packaging for a festive surprise. We make it with our own hands from the gift package, which remained from the previous birthday, New Year or another celebration. To create this box you need to have:

  • Gift package (colored cardboard, if there is no package)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Stationery knife

Do this:

DIY hinged lid box: template
DIY hinged lid box: template
DIY hinged lid box
DIY hinged lid box
  1. Cut the package from the old gift for bends or take a sheet of color cardboard. Draw a figure-cross, with three uniform sides and one longer (half).
  2. Take the ruler. Draw at each of the lower bases of the sides of the line the line so that in the center of the figure is a square. Further, using a ruler and a pencil, divide the long side of the cross into two identical squares similar in size to the other sides of the figure.
  3. Take the stationery knife and draw on all drawn lines in such a way that the grooves are obtained (try to push paper, but do not cut out).
  4. Bend all sides of the cross on the grooves, making a box. Part of the longest side of the cross, while it will be higher than others and will become a lid. Glue all sides.
  5. Put your souvenir in a box and close the lid. A closed box with a gift can be tied with a ribbon and decorated with a bow.

Additionally, packaging can always be glued with beautiful, gift paper, decorated with a pattern or print. Such packaging is great for a mini-souvenir. Watch the video below. In it, the craftswoman makes a similar package.

Video: How to make a box?

How to make and decorate a gift box for the New Year from paper in the form of a handbag: step -by -step instructions

A beautiful and spacious version of gift packaging, best suitable for female surprises. How to make a gift box for the New Year from paper? Below you will find step -by -step instructions.

To make a packaging-dryer, you need:

  • GLUE
  • Round object (plate or disk)
  • Chancet. KNIFE

Do this:

Gift box for the New Year from paper in the form of a handbag
Gift box for the New Year from paper in the form of a handbag
  1. To create such a handbag, paper from a gift package is also perfect. If it is not, then take the cardboard and draw a rectangle on it.
  2. Then, using some round object, draw a semicircle on each of the narrow sides of the rectangle, which will become a peak. In the middle of each semicircle, draw a smaller circle to make a ring.
  3. Take the ruler and draw two parallel lines crossing the rectangle from one edge of the sheet of cardboard to the other. You should get a small rectangle, dividing the large into two identical squares.
  4. Take the scissors. Cut the edges of a small rectangle on both sides so that a space in the form of corners appears between them and the rest of the cardboard.
  5. Cut along the lines the center of each semicircle on the tops of the large rectangle. Two half rings should turn out (these will be the handles of the future bag).
  6. Cut on both sides of the large rectangle excess cardboard so that the half-crumbs become its peaks.
  7. Draw a drawn lines with a clerical knife to get the grooves, but try not to cut the cardboard, but only to push.
  8. Bend all parts of the resulting template on the grooves and fasten. As a result, you will get a handbag with semicircular handles.

The packaging is also good because it can be given by any desired size that is only necessary, as well as decorated with any print, pattern and inscriptions.

How to make a beautiful round gift box for the New Year: step -by -step instructions, video

A round geometric shape is very popular in all areas of application. The creation of gift boxes for the New Year is no exception. The round shape opens up a huge number of opportunities for decorating gift boxes, including a variety of ornaments and patterns, this will require only your fantasy thinking and slightly free time. Below you will find step -by -step instructions.

In order to make a round gift box, the following tools with materials will be required:

  • GLUE
  • BOW

Perform this:

Beautiful round gift box for the New Year
Beautiful round gift box for the New Year
  1. Draw a rectangle on a cardboard sheet (the parameters of this figure will depend on the size of the box that you plan to create). Cut a straight-angle along the lines. Bend a cut rectangle so that you get a cylinder and glue it.
  2. Take the cardboard. Draw two circles using the circul, the same diameter as the previously made cylinder. Cut circles with scissors.
  3. Take a new sheet of cardboard. Draw a narrow strip with a ruler with a slightly larger one than that of the cylinder circle. Cut the strip with scissors.
  4. Take one of the previously cut circles, spread with glue and glue it to one of the edges of the cylinder. You will get a round box with a bottom.
  5. Take a cut strip. Bend it around the edge of the box, so that the resulting ring is put on the box, but is not too wide. Cut the excess part of the cardboard from the strip. Glue the ring.
  6. Take the remaining circle. Link it with glue and glue it to the ring. The cover should turn out.
  7. Put your souvenir in the box, cover with a lid and tie it with a tape. Additionally, the lid can be decorated with a bow.

A round, cardboard box can be given any size that is necessary, while it is characterized by high strength. Thanks to this, such a box is well suited for large souvenirs that cannot be fitted into other packages.

Watch the video what beautiful round box the craftswoman made. Try repeating. You will get an original packaging for a loved one for the New Year.

Video: Gift box with your own hands. How to make a gift box?

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the creation of any gift box is primarily a creative process in which there are no rules and restrictions. By giving free rein to your fantasies, you can create interesting gift boxes, with your own hands. Do not be afraid to create and your souvenir will be appreciated. Good luck!

Video: DIY gift box

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