Which refrigerator is better to buy for home: Master advice

Which refrigerator is better to buy for home: Master advice

In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right refrigerator for the house so that it serves for a long time and work efficiently.

The refrigerator cannot be bought just looking at him. Each household appliances require a thorough choice. This is especially true for expensive technology. Search and competent selection of the refrigerator is really worth it. If you choose a competent model, then it will make it possible to facilitate worries in the kitchen and work for many years. But how to choose the right refrigerator? Let's find out.

What to look for when choosing a refrigerator?

Home refrigerator
Home refrigerator

About how to choose a suitable refrigerator, you can find a bunch of information on the Internet. There are even detailed reviews for many models. But, since there is no particular structure to get lost and not understand the advice. However, the general among the whole variety can be distinguished. So, the main parameters are:

  • Dimensions and spaciousness
  • Location, capacity and number of freezers
  • How is the defrosting
  • Is there an additional functionality or not

Below we will talk in more detail about these characteristics and you will understand what suits you best.

Why is it so important to choose the refrigerator correctly?

Why is it important to choose the right refrigerator?
Why is it important to choose the right refrigerator?

Modern people get ready-made food already and it must be stored somewhere. This price has to be paid for convenience. It is very important to competently approach the selection of the refrigerator so that the products remain fresh for as long as possible and he himself contains everything necessary.

If you have a large family, then a small refrigerator will not work. Moreover, all products have certain temperature requirements, and packaging cannot be laid tightly so that the air circulates without problems. It is better that the case is compact, and also looks attractive, but there is a lot of free space inside. There are a lot of requirements for refrigerators and each of them must be taken into account.

If you choose the first device that falls and inappropriate in volume, you will have to constantly cut the number of products, and this can be very inconvenient. If there is too much volume, then it is also bad, because the cameras will often be empty, but they will spend energy. It is also unprofitable.

Some refrigerators have additional functions, but they are not always useful. For example, mini-bar. Why buy such a model if you do not need it?

If you save on quality, this can lead to embezzlement of nerves, as well as repair costs. You should not choose unknown manufacturers, because in reality everything is usually different than in advertising. If you doubt which model it is better to choose, then the advice of the masters will definitely be in handy.

How to choose the right refrigerator for home: Masters' tips

So, masters recommend looking at many characteristics of refrigerators to make the most right choice for their needs and preferences.

Dimensions and capacity

The dimensions of the refrigerators
The dimensions of the refrigerators

If you decide to buy a refrigerator for your home, then you should take a roulette and work with it before buying. You need to choose a place for installation very carefully, because the refrigerator should leave the passage free, it needs a socket, and the doors also need space. By the way, for some refrigerators you need to connect to the water supply. So if you want to buy just that, then choose a place closer to the water.

Experts recommend choosing refrigerators so that you take into account the size of the kitchen and free space. It is not always convenient to choose high refrigerators, especially if you have low growth. So it is worth making sure that it is convenient for you to get to any shelf. As for an option, you can choose a low, but at the same time a wide model. As a rule, the standard height is 1.5-2 meters.

The capacity of the refrigerator also plays an important role. It is important to consider that the products do not lie tightly to each other, but at a distance. You should also know that refrigerators can have only dimensions, but at the same time differ in capacity.

For a small family, it is quite possible to choose a volume of 180-250 liters. But for a family of 5 people this will be very few and you need to pay attention to devices with a capacity of up to 350 liters. And if this is not enough, then you already need to choose a whole built -in cabinet from 500 liters.

Refrigerated chambers

The refrigerators, as we have already said, differ in the types and the number of cameras. Let's look at each of them.

Single -chamber

A single -chamber refrigerator
A single -chamber refrigerator

As a rule, a single -chamber refrigerator has only one door. One or even two cameras can be hidden behind it, one of which will be a freezer. This is a good option for small families or office workers. By the way, it is recommended to choose just such models for giving.

Frost cameras are also several types:

  • Without marking. In such departments you can store products for several days
  • One star. Such cameras already save food for 2 weeks at a temperature of up to -6 degrees
  • Two stars. In this case, the term is already increasing to 3 months. The temperature is up to -12 degrees
  • Three stars. Storage of products up to one year at a temperature of -18 degrees

Multi -chamber

A multi -chamber refrigerator
A multi -chamber refrigerator

Models with two cameras already have a separate freezer. In the refrigerator, there are more space for products that can be placed on the shelves. If you choose glass shelves, then there will be no problems with caring for them, but the lattices make it possible to freely move the air. By the way, some devices allow different placement of containers and shelves, so you can make it.

Very often, the freezer is placed above the refrigerator, but for some it is below. It is important to remember that usually the lower ones have a larger capacity. It will be convenient for those who store a lot of freezing.

Some more refrigerators allow you to change the side of the opening of the doors, and this can be very useful if you have a non -standard kitchen or just otherwise not to place it.

Three -chamber refrigerators also adds a “zone of conservation of freshness”. Here the temperature is held in the range from zero to plus two degrees. The Portoport is usually stored here. Products here longer remain fresh.

Built -in refrigerators are more suitable for large families. Their freezer is on the side.

The most popular option of all is a two -chamber model of a refrigerator with a freezer below and a freshness zone.

Type of frost/defrosting

Types of defrosting refrigerators
Types of defrosting refrigerators

To date, two types of defrosting are proposed - this is no frost, as well as a drip system. The latter is considered the cheapest and not most effective, so it is better to refuse it. Such freezers often leave moisture on the rear walls of the refrigerator, and then it flows into the pallet and evaporates from there.

So we will consider the No Frost system, which, thanks to its convenience, acquires more and more fans.

FROMradi of its main advantages stands out:

  • You do not need to defrost the refrigerator to remove excess ice
  • The air moves freely inside and this prevents the appearance of ice and hoarfrost
  • Products are stored for a long time because the temperature is distributed evenly through the chambers
  • Condensate settles in the bath, from where it is enough to drain the liquid a couple of times a year
  • Unlike the drip system, no frost requires less energy

As you can see, such a system is much simpler and more practical. If we take into account the modern pace of life, it is not surprising that manufacturers try to embed their devices such technologies that allow you to make life easier.

But you should not take the first model that fall with the No Frost system. Yes, of course, such a note is very good, but only here there can be many pitfalls.

For example, there is a refrigerator HotPoint. In it, manufacturers improved the presented system by changing the angle of inclination of ventilation holes. They give better circulation and at the same time do not affect the products themselves. The name of such a system was given by Total No Frost HD.

But just what is there in this refrigerator except for a system that is already everywhere? But what. First of all, there is Active Oxygen technology, which allows you to eliminate all not very good smells, as well as prevent the appearance of bacteria. Thus, the products remain fresh longer. There is also another function - Super freeze +. If it is activated, then the fan operation will become faster, respectively, the time of freezing of products will decrease.

As you can see, not everything is so simple and depending on the manufacturer, the function can be different. Therefore, when choosing a suitable refrigerator, you should not look at only one parameter, take into account others.

The number of compressors

The number of compressors
The number of compressors

As a rule, refrigerators are equipped with one or two compressors. If it is only one, it turns out that two compartments work from one motor. Accordingly, it wears out much faster. It is recommended to choose models of refrigerators with two compressors, this is more reliable.

There are other advantages that two compressors give:

  • You can turn off the cameras alternately. That is, to wash the refrigerator, it is not necessary to turn off the freezer
  • Independent temperature. When you open the refrigerator door, the temperature is restored is carried out only by one compressor

It is important to note that the refrigerator can be with a crank-shawl or linear compressor. Many doubt which is better, but here the answer is unequivocal - linear. The fact is that it retains more useful substances in products.

However, the two -compressor system has disadvantages, more precisely, it is only one, but for many it can be significant - this is a large consumption of energy. This must be taken into account when choosing a home device.

Energy consumption class and noise level

Energy consumption classes
Energy consumption classes

The maximum noise level from the refrigerator should not exceed 40 dB. This is the most suitable level for home use.

The refrigerator has to work around the clock, and therefore it is important that it consumes not a lot of energy. The most economical of all class A. models are further the levels of economy is higher and the next will be in, and after it S. is even higher, but it is better not to buy them. Such devices will consume extremely a lot of energy.

If we compare energy consumption classes, then it takes 40% less energy than C. So the difference is obvious.

Climate class

Refrigerators differ in climatic classes. To choose it competently, you need to determine in the room with what temperature it is planned to place it. This parameter is not very important, but it is worth knowing about it. The best option, as a rule, is N-SN devices.

It is important to understand that if your refrigerator breaks because you have incorrectly determined the climatic class, then under the guarantee they will not repair it.

Class of freezer

Classes of freezers are indicated in the form of snowflakes and their values \u200b\u200bare as follows:

Class of freezers
Class of freezers

Additional functionality

Additional functions
Additional functions

The presence of additional functions affects the cost, and therefore be sure to look at them and choose only those that you need.

  • Ice generator. It can be two types - this is a dispenser for water or simple cells for ice. As a rule, only very expensive devices have such a function and they need a water supply for work. You can give preference to the semi -automatic version to manually pour water into the tank. Let it not be so convenient, but it costs less.
  • Antibacterial coating. Silver ions are used for it, and they, as you know, prevent the formation of microbes and bacteria.
  • Super -commercial. This regime is perfect when something needs to be frozen quickly when the temperature decreases for a short time to -24 degrees. The refrigerator has a similar mode when the temperature drops to -2 degrees.
  • Doors opening indicator. If the doors are open or do not fit, then the refrigerator will be squealing.

If you need a model for the cottage, then try to choose such that there are no additional functions in it. In this case, the simplest options in which there will be few functions will do.


Refrigerator design
Refrigerator design

In terms of design, it is already worth relying on your preferences. Here, adjust to the interior of your kitchen. Today, manufacturers create many different colors, so you can always find suitable for yourself.

Summing up, the main points should be distinguished when choosing a refrigerator:

  • Before you go to the store, decide where you will put the refrigerator. It should be convenient for you to use it
  • Glass shelves are much better than plastic and to care for them is much easier
  • Another glass shines better than plastic, and therefore it is easier to search for products in the refrigerator
  • Look at the quality of the seals during the purchase so that they stretch well and the door opens well
  • The most optimal devices with the No Frost system are considered. It’s easier to care for them
  • Inspect the refrigerator in the store and ask the consultant to turn it on. This will immediately find out whether high -quality plastic was used for manufacturing
  • If you are supposed to use the device with a large family, then look at models up to 300 liters
  • Single -chamber refrigerators are an ideal solution for a summer residence. It is better to buy two or three -chamber unit home home
  • The pen will help to save space if it does not protrude from the case, as well as narrow models
  • The refrigerator should not be very noise when working. The optimal level is 40 dB
  • The most practical options with wheels are considered, since they can be moved

Video: How to choose a refrigerator? Comment of a review from Comfy.ua

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Comments K. article

  1. I believe that for the home it is best two -chamber indesite with No Frost, there are no inexpensive and unnecessary bells and whistles, but at the same time a very modern technique, fulfills its function completely)

  2. Fast frost in XOTPONT is a straight suitable function, I chose it for the most part because of it))

  3. Pandora, I also think. First of all, the indisit performs all its functions, ki Polodeno refrigerator, and design is the tenth business.

  4. And in my opinion, now the drip is quite suitable, so we have an indemnity for ourselves, and we do not need any toe of Frostov.

  5. we chose a large and roomy indisit, with a large refrigerated camera, but a smaller freezer, since we do not use almost

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