What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man? What can we talk about to interest him?

What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man? What can we talk about to interest him?

In our article you will find information about forbidden topics when talking with a man. We will also tell you what topics you can speak in personal meetings.

Every woman knows how difficult it is to build warm and trusting relationships with a man. Sometimes situations arise when the representative of the stronger sex he like begins to keep the distance without explanation, while the lady does not quite understand what happened. It is likely that you shaved the excess on a date, and this alerted the man. Yes, and this happens, just that women are quite normal for us, in men can cause negative emotions. So that you do not get into such a situation, we will tell you what topics you can not talk to a man, and which will help you to position him to yourself.

What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man?

What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man?
What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man?

What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man:

  • No need to immediately tell a man about his problems - Even if it seems to you that a man will be able to understand you. In fact, this is not always the case. There is a category of men who do not like negativity in any of its manifestations, so such information will definitely cause him not the most pleasant sensations. Therefore, it will be better if you avoid such topics until a certain time. But even if you are well acquainted, do not rush to put all your problems on the representative of the stronger sex. A man might think that in this way you are trying to attract him to their elimination, and do it too persistently. And this can make him distance himself.
  • In no case do not remember his past grievances - A very important advice, which is important to adhere at all stages of relations. Sometimes a woman cannot restrain her emotions, and begins to splash them out on her partner. She begins to remember to him what he did and said not so, and also in paints to describe how unpleasant she was. Having spoken out, she calms down a little, but a man in such a situation, on the contrary, feels not in the best way. It may even seem to him that he is reported for misconduct, as a small student. Now imagine that your chosen one behaved in this way. He began to poke you with your nose into all the mistakes that you made. Would you say nothing and continue to talk sweetly? Of course not. You would like to distance yourself from a person as soon as possible. The man also feels in the same way, so you do not need to talk on such topics if you want to build an ideal relationship with a person.
  • No need to discuss with a man the opinion of his friends about him - Especially at the initial stage of the relationship. Moreover, it is not necessary to transmit both a positive and negative opinion of your friends. Why, you ask? Everything is very simple. The man will understand that you are discussing him with strangers for him, and he will definitely not be pleased. The information will especially be angry with the fact that for some reason your environment does not like, and they tell you directly. Therefore, even if you discuss your chosen one with your friends, in no case do not tell him about it. Remember, this topic of a taboo that should never be violated, especially if you are configured for long and close relationships with a representative of the stronger sex.
  • No need to discuss the earnings of a man, and his general financial condition - Such a topic can occasionally negotiate between spouses, but not between people who have just begun their relationship. Of course, every woman dreams of living in wealth, but this does not mean that she should choose a partner for herself, relying only on the thickness of his wallet. You must admit, it will be, to put it mildly, to look ridiculous if you begin to respond to a man about the size of his salary. His behavior will at least be alert, and next time he will think whether to agree to a meeting with such an infantile person. Therefore, hesitates that this topic is forbidden, and can harm your nascent relations.
  • Never compare a man with another stronger sex - Another forbidden topic that is able to harm. Think about whether you ever told your man about the hand of a neighbor, or a colleague who easily achieves what is desired. If you acted in this way, there is a chance that you showed your chosen one, that you are not sure of him one hundred percent. You must clearly understand that male and female psychology is very different, and that the woman will not pay the slightest attention to, the man will necessarily pay. Moreover, he may have an obsessive idea that he does not reach some criteria to his chosen one, which means simply does not suit her. Therefore, never, and under the pretext, do not start telling a man that there are representatives of the stronger sex around him better than him. It is better to praise it, but do it unobtrusively and as sincerely as possible.
  • No need to talk about who you had met with and why you parted - The topic that will be inappropriate at any stage of the relationship. Women by nature are real chatterboxes, so absolutely everything about their life often talk about past love relationships about their life. But, as practice shows, most men are not particularly pleasant to such a topic of conversation. Moreover, even if at the same time a woman speaks about this period of life in the best way. Why can a man be wary? Everything is very simple, at a subconscious level, he will understand that he can also be in the role of a former lover, and will also speak well of him. It is also worth considering that most men do not like to discuss other representatives of the stronger sex, they consider this behavior disrespectful and inappropriate, and try to avoid such situations with all their might.
  • No need to discuss correspondence in social networks - Never and under the pretext of starting this topic. It may seem to you that it is quite harmless, and you can calmly talk about it. But actually it is not. Each person should have his own personal space and his small secrets, which no one knows about. And it is very important not to fit into this sphere of human life if he himself does not tell you about it. If you try to find out that he writes so interesting there to his friends and acquaintances, and you will try to see the correspondence obsessively, you will show your disrespect for a person, and this will surely push him away from you. In view of all this, even if you already have strong and trusting relationships, do not try to find out about the person close to you literally everything, wait a bit, and if he really trusts you one hundred percent, he will surely tell you about his correspondence in Internet Internet.
What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man?
What topics should be avoided in a conversation with a man?
  • No need to discuss with a man his skill -To be more precise, the ability to do something with your own hands. Why? Imagine the situation that the water supply has broken in your apartment, and you are on a date instead of coinciding with the beautiful, you begin to talk about your small problem, and at the same time persistently ask your chosen one to help solve it. For some reason, he refuses you, and you begin to scrupulously discuss with him what he cannot do with his own hands, like a real man. In the best case, he will be confused, and in the worst he will get angry and leave. Therefore, do not try to prove to a man that he must be able to do everything at home. Each of us has its own profession. And this means that the philologist will definitely not be able to lay the wiring in the house, or the plumber will not be able to act as a doctor. For this reason, you do not need to discuss what can and that your man is not, if you do not want him to move away from you.
  • Another taboo when talking to a man is his parents. It often happens that the fair sex for some reason does not like the parents of the chosen one, and she returns to this topic during the meetings. Believe me, if you always point your chosen one at the negative features of his dad and mom, as well as criticize their actions, then you will definitely harm yourself. You must clearly understand that he will definitely not be able to influence their character and behavior, and after your words it will definitely not be less loved. Moreover, he will try to protect and justify them, and this will inevitably lead to your disagreements and scandals. If you want to avoid such a scenario, then avoid such a topic of conversation at meetings. And even better, try to gradually establish relations with the parents of a man, and then you can build a strong alliance - on trust and love.
  • In no case should you discuss the appearance of a man “Even if you are in love with him.” Some representatives of the fair sex do not notice how, during a conversation with a man, they go to personalities. However, they do not understand that their words can greatly hurt a person. For example, they can call their chosen one: “You are my bun”, “Puzatik”, “Ushastik”, and so on. For a woman, these are just playful nicknames that she pronounces in a fit of feelings, and for a man such a conversation can be extremely unpleasant. Especially if it really does not have a steel press. Or nature awarded it with large ear sinks. Such a conversation will be perceived by them as a transition to personality, and will definitely cause him negative emotions. Therefore, remember that you can never do this kind of compliments to a person, even if they seem to you by a manifestation of your love.
  • No need to discuss his behavior on a date - and do it as loudly as possible. Sometimes on the street, in a park or cafe, we meet couples who are very violently sorting out relationships. They can shout loudly, gesticulating, quarrel, and everyone around them will know the essence of the problem. This behavior looks especially strange if a person begins to teach another person how to behave correctly in society, not understanding that he himself does not behave as the most well -mannered person. Now imagine that the man invited you on a date, gave flowers, and instead of thanking him, you begin to report for not having liked it before. And your words hear everything around. Agree, the situation is not the most pleasant. After all, such a pastime does not precisely imply such topics for conversation.
  • No need to touch on the theme of the wedding and the creation of the family, if the man is not yet ready for this - An important taboo that cannot be broken. Some women want to get married so much that already on the second date they can begin to hint a man that they are not averse to having joint children. But you must understand that marriage is an important and responsible step, and in order for the man to decide to take it, it will be necessary to make a lot of effort. Therefore, you should definitely not have such conversations at each meeting if you do not want to scare the man completely. Just be as sweet, polite, kind and attentive as possible, and he will definitely fall in love with you and make such a desirable offer.
  • Never talk about his former girls “Even if you know exactly that he loves you and is faithful to you with both soul and body.” Sometimes ladies are trying to find out what type of girls the guy liked before meeting them. Thus, they try to understand what character qualities they must have in order to even more like the representative of the stronger sex. For this reason, they begin to ask questions about former girls all the time, which very much annoy the guy. Thus, you should definitely not do. You must understand for yourself that the former chosen ones of your man were definitely not perfect, otherwise he would not abandon them. For this reason, one should not strive to be like them. It will be better if you are simply yourself, and at the same time you will try to be as positive and open as possible.
  • Do not address intimate questions on dates - It may seem strange to you, but such a topic is not always appropriate when meeting a man and a woman. Especially if it passes in a crowded place. Imagine that you are sitting with a man in a cafe and discussing how to kiss you correctly, so that you really like it. Believe me, no matter how quietly you have a conversation, there will always be ears that will hear it. Do you need to devote strangers to your personal relationships? Of course not. Therefore, discuss all intimate topics behind a closed door when you only remain together, otherwise your man will consider you an ill -mannered lady.
  • Do not tell him how impeccable you are “It will definitely not make you closer.” Moreover, such behavior can generally push a man from you. Imagine that you are sitting with your chosen one, and instead of paying attention to you, he begins to tell you about what ideal biceps, press, fashionable hairstyle and the most ideal outfit. And he does it constantly, not being distracted by his beloved for a moment. You probably will not like such a self -love, and it will begin to enjoy you. Your chosen one will feel similarly if you build a center of the universe. Therefore, in no case do not try to focus on yourself on a date, believe the man and so sees your beauty, otherwise he would not have invited you to meet you.
  • Politics is another forbidden topic in the meetings of a man and a woman. Some people consider it quite appropriate, and boldly ask their opponent questions of this plan. And when they receive an answer, which they did not count on very strongly. They fall into a situation when they completely disagree with the person, but at the same time they cannot tell him about this so as not to spoil the relationship. Therefore, it is so important to postpone such a topic for communication for a more remote period, because when you get closer as possible, you will have the opportunity to understand each other in this part of life.

What can we talk about to interest him - ideas

What can we talk about to interest him - ideas
What can we talk about to interest him - ideas

The relations of two people are not built quickly and simultaneously. In order for a man and a woman to become close as possible, they need to communicate a lot, and do it right. After all, even on what they discuss on their dates depends on how strong and long their union will be. We dismantled what topics when talking with a man under the ban at the beginning of our article, and now we will give advice, which topics are best used to attract the attention of the representative of the stronger sex.

What can we talk about to interest him - ideas:

  • Hobbies and hobbies - The easiest and most win -win option, which is suitable for conversation at any stage of the relationship of a man and a woman, but most of all this topic is suitable for the first dates when people are just starting to get acquainted. You can safely ask the guy what he likes to do in his free time from work. But still do not build your conversation exclusively on this topic, find out a little about hobbies and switch to something else.
  • Take an interest in his views on life, friendship with people who surround him - Initially, ask a couple of questions and look at the human reaction. If, when talking on this topic, he remains as positive and relaxed as possible, continue to raise additional questions until you understand that your curiosity is satisfied.
  • Take an interest in plans - in the near and long -term perspective. Do it as unobtrusive as possible so that a man does not feel like an interview. Ask questions as positive as possible, you can even in a playful form. A man must clearly understand that you just want to know him better, and nothing more.
  • Try to find out what his childhood was - Such a topic can bring you together perfectly, because the memories of such a period of life are always pleasant and rainbow. You can ask the guy to tell you how the holidays and birthdays were celebrated in his family, how they mischievous with brothers and sisters. If you see that your chosen one likes the conversation given, you can tell a little information about your childhood, so you get a good dialogue.
  • You can always talk about books, music, films - Such information will help you recognize a person more well. Ask your chosen one if he loves to read, and what book he reads at the moment. You can ask him for advice on what to see and listen on the weekend. Show interest in information, and then the man will understand that you are really interested in it.
  • Another suitable topic is sports. Most men love everything related to this topic, so this is almost a win -win option that will help you better understand the man. But still be careful, start this topic only if you understand at least a little in it. After all, if you pose one question, and then you will be silent, then the dialogue you need will definitely not work.

Video: How to prove that you love a man?

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