What tests are needed to check the liver?

What tests are needed to check the liver?

The greatest gland of our body is the liver that generates enzymes that neutralizes toxins and performs many more functions. Therefore, if you felt discomfort or pulling pain in the right hypochondrium, an increase in the size of the liver, you feel a bad taste in your mouth, not to mention yellowing of the skin and eye proteins, it's time to go for the examination.

You should not wait and put off, since liver diseases are not manifested by pronounced pain.

What tests are needed to check the liver?

When to consult a doctor
When to consult a doctor

The main blood tests to check the liver are:

  • Analysis for the level of enzymes of alanineaminotransferase (ALT) and aspartateaminotransferase (AST).
  • Enzymes g amma-glutamiltranspeptidase (GGT) and alkaline phosphotase.
  • Analysis for the level of bilirubin (general and related).
  • Screening for antibodies to hepatitis C and B, after which subsequent virological examinations are necessarily carried out if the test is positive.
  • General blood analysis.

Additional analyzes as prescribed by a doctor may be an assessment of the level of copper and blood iron, pancreatic amylase and glucose, screening studies of autoimmune disorders. An ultrasound of the liver and fibrest will also be needed.

  • What are the changed indicators talking about? Increased alt levels - about possible diseases with viral hepatitis, toxic effects on the liver, about cancer or cirrhosis of this organ.
  • If the amount of Alt is reduced - We can talk about the same cirrhosis or necrosis.
  • An increased level of AST In the blood, it may indicate any variety of hepatitis, of cancer, and a decrease - indicate a possible rupture of the liver, as well as a deficiency of vitamin B6.
  • The presence of acute viral or chronic hepatitis, like toxic liver damage, will show increased GGT level, increasing the amount of alkaline phosphatase - an indicator of toxic hepatitis, necrosis, cirrhosis or liver cancer. Increasing quantitative indicators bilirubin Characteristic for hepatitis.
  • As for the level of glucose, it is normally 3.5-6 2 mmol/l. If the indicator increases over 6.5, it is worth continuing a further examination of the body. It is important to take into account that the analysis should be passed on an empty stomach, since any meal increases the level of glucose.
  • Indicators cholesterol should not be higher than 5.2 mmol/l. Higher are fraught with heart attacks, strokes, etc. In addition, in the case of an increased amount of cholesterol, the fractions are analyzed in the ratio.
  • Bilirubin, which is the gall pigment, is normal from 5 to 21 μmol/l. Increasing levels - an occasion to be checked for liver diseases: hepatitis, infections, etc.
  • The amount of transaminase ALT and AST is measured in the ratio. If both indicators are increased by 1.5-5 times, there is a threat of myocardial infarction, and their ratio of interference is within 0.55-0.65 units/l speaks of the threat of viral hepatitis.
  • Before you donate blood, you need to prepare for this procedure.


After all the tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment
After all the tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment

It is necessary to take into account a few sufficiently simple requirements in order for the analysis to be correct and accurate - it is necessary to donate blood on an empty stomach, refusing a few days before this from fat and alcohol, as well as coffee and strong tea.

Now you see how many indicators you need to study the doctor to help you defeat the disease. Therefore, the best solution will be attention to the health of their liver and appeal to doctors immediately, as soon as the first signs of the disease appeared. However, you should not wait for signs, it is best to regularly take tests for the purpose of prevention. So you will keep your health for many years.

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Video: How to check the liver?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you, the symptoms described in great detail. I had a severity in my side, especially after the holidays. We drink, eat, and then we get sick) the doctor recommended me a hepatrin to drink, he has a triple action, cleanses, restores and protects the liver. After the course, the symptoms passed, but I try to limit myself for the holidays.

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