How to register for blah blah kar for a passenger and search for a fellow traveler: Instructions. How to find a trip to blah-bla-car, as a passenger without registration?

How to register for blah blah kar for a passenger and search for a fellow traveler: Instructions. How to find a trip to blah-bla-car, as a passenger without registration?

In this article we will talk about such a popular service as blah blah kar-how does it work, how to look and offer trips?

Today there is one very popular round-the-clock service for finding fellow travelers-blah blah kar. This platform has gained popularity for now you can go on trips with comfort and save your money. Finding a trip here is very easy and simple, and you can also choose the most profitable from several options. The proposals appear constantly, they are added by people themselves. Let's figure out how to use this service and look for trips.

How to register for blah blah kar for a passenger and search for a fellow traveler: Instructions

How to use blah bola? First of all, you should register. It will be different for fellow travelers and drivers. In general, of course, if you just want to find a trip, then the registration will not be mandatory, but if you find a suitable option, you will have to create a personal account to view detailed data and booking a place.

To register, use one of two available ways:

  • Through social networks
  • Using email

Detailed instructions look like this:

  • To get started, open official website BlaBlaCar
  • Immediately from the main page, go to the section "Registration"
  • Here, select the registration method. Two social networks and e -mail are offered to choose from
Registration page for blah bola kar
Registration page for blah bola kar
  • Accordingly, choose one of the ways and register

The easiest way to do this is through social networks, because you just need to go to your page through the site and allow him access. With email, slightly longer, you will have to indicate not only it, but also other data.

For drivers, registration does not differ in any way. She is the same. This is due to the fact that one account is used for trips. Maybe today you took someone, and tomorrow you yourself need help. So drivers and fellow travelers do not need different pages.

When you complete the main registration, confirm your mobile phone. It will be used to communicate with other people to make it more convenient to negotiate trips. It is advisable to fill out information about yourself in detail to what you like to do on trips. Put a photo so that you have more trust. But some are afraid to contact people without a photo because they think there will be a catch.

Confirmation of the phone number
Confirmation of the phone number

If you are a driver and offer trips, then fill out information about your car. This will allow fellow travelers to determine the choice faster.

How to find a trip to blah-bla-car, as a passenger without registration?

It is not at all difficult to find a trip itself. On the question of how to use Blah blah car Without registration - everything is quite simple.

Immediately on the main page you are invited to indicate - where and where you want to go. Write the information and click on the search button. The system will immediately offer all available options. Choose carefully. First of all, pay attention to the price and time of departure.

Search for a trip
Search for a trip

In addition, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Make sure the driver has the same preferences as yours. For example, if the driver allows you to go with animals, and you are allergic, then obviously you should not go with him. After all, this will harm health. If you are not too talkative, then you should not choose talkative drivers.
  • Explore the reviews about the driver and its assessment. If there is nothing, then, of course, the risk of booking, but not high. Perhaps the driver was just a beginner and did not have time to travel with fellow travelers.
  • Make sure that the place of landing and landing is suitable for you, as well as that they will provide a place for baggage if you have.

When the desired trip is found, send a request for its booking.

Booking a trip
Booking a trip

Keep in mind that this does not guarantee that the trip will definitely get you. If the driver accepts the request, then you can see each other's mobile numbers and call to clarify the details. By the way, after completing the trip, do not forget to write your review.

Bla-Bla-Kar: How to offer a trip?

How to use blah bola and offer a trip? In fact, the principle of creating places is very simple.

Let's look at how this is done:

  • First go to your account and select "Suggest"
Adding a trip
Adding a trip
  • Indicate the place of sending and where you will go. For convenience, you can indicate the location of public transport stopping
  • It is advisable to add a couple of stops along the way or at least indicate that by agreement
  • Indicate when specifically you are going to go. It should be not only a date, but also time. Put a mark if you also need fellow travelers on the return trip
  • Indicate the convenient way to accept applications
  • Write the information important for passengers
  • At the end, click "Publish"

If you often move along one route and would like to offer trips to others on it, then it is not necessary to make a new ad every time. It can be duplicated. To do this, open the tab "Trips" And click on "Duplication". All information will automatically boot, and you will need to change only the date and time.

How much does it cost blah bola: the price of the trip

Many are not even interested in how to use Blah blah carhow much do trips cost? In general, there is no single price, each driver sets it independently. As a rule, the final cost will depend on the distance of the trip and the number of places you need.

Bla-Bla-Kar fellow travelers: passengers reviews

In most cases, use Blah blah car passengers are convenient. The cost of trips is quite acceptable and often even cheaper than in another transport. Only drivers themselves can cause discontent, if suddenly a conflict occurred on the trip or the driver turned out to be a fraudster. The latter is extremely rare, but still sometimes it can happen.

Video: How to choose a trip to BlablaCar: 7 Recommendations

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