The oil spilled out of the box on the go: Causes. What to do if the car is dripping from under the car?

The oil spilled out of the box on the go: Causes. What to do if the car is dripping from under the car?

The causes of the leak of oil from under the car.

The appearance of a puddle under the machine causes anxiety among motorists. First of all, they immediately try to take the car to the workshop and eliminate the leak. It is difficult to independently conduct diagnostics and determine how much money will have to be spent on repairs. In this article we will tell you why the oil is dripping.  

Why does the car are dripping under the car?

The main reason is the wear of the engine or pistons. In the process of work, the auto exhaustgases, bypassing the pipe, fall into the crankcase, bypassing the piston rings. Respectively, with engine wear, thesegases Create excessive pressure, as a result of which the oil is subjected to severe pressure and is squeezed out of the container. 

Why is the car oil dripping:

  • Damage in the oil sensor. This is a small device that shows how much oil remains in the container. To connect the measuring device to the system, you need to insert several gaskets. The failure of the gasket is the cause of the leak, as well assuggesting oils. 
  • Oil filter. This is usually due to the weakening of the filter, and the appearance between the bolts and the grid of space. It is necessary to tighten the bolts more strongly by performing the filter compaction, or to replace it. 
  • Leakage of seals. The main task of the oil seal is the seal, but it does not always cope with this task, often bursts or breaks. It is for this reason that a slight amount of fluid may be observed. The cost of the oil seals is low, however, money may be needed for work, since it is difficult to replace simple details. 
  • Flow from the gasket of the engine pallet. It is necessary to replace the gaskets, or apply the sealant that is used in cars.

The oil from under the drain plug is dripping: Reasons-what to do?

The flow from under the drain plug is a common problem, especially after the next change of oil. Often during operation, the machine heats up, so when the oil is incorrectly choice, its components can crystallize, a small amount of sediment falls, which helps to stick the cork to the thread. To unscrew it, it is necessary to tear the thread, or spoil the cork. Therefore, often in car services, after changing the oil and screwing the cork, leakage is observed. 

The oil is dripped from under the drain plug, the reasons, what to do:

  • Replacement of traffic jams. Often the thread is torn on the pallet itself, in this case it is necessary to replace it. You can also replace the cork, and cut a new thread. A new cork can be ordered from a turner, since in car shops its dimensions are standard. 
  • The method for the lazy is using the sealant, sealant. Sometimes for these purposes they usetanganite. This is a thread used in the sealing of water and gas pipes. According to technical characteristics, it withstands a temperature of up to 130 degrees and rather high pressure, therefore it is quite suitable for these purposes. However, experienced motorists claim that this is not the best solution to the problem, since the thread can melt and lead to more serious consequences - replacing the pallet. 
Traces of oil
Traces of oil

How to understand what car oil is dripping?

Things are worst if the lubricant drips through the alpine of the crankshaft or camshaft. In fact, these details are very inexpensive, but to replace them you will have to sort out most of the cars. If you do not carry out repair work yourself, but in a car service, this will fly into a penny. If the oil oozes from almost all holes, then with a 99% probability we can say that the situation requires serious intervention. These are clogged crankcases, or wear of pistons and cylinders. In this case, you will have to completely disassemble the nodes and replace the motor. 

The motor system system is created in such a way that its components are connected using a large number of seals and gaskets. Therefore, if one of them has failed, you can observe the flow of oil.

How to understand what car oil is dripping:

  • At the initial stage, it is advisable to find out which node is faulty. To do this, you need to determine what lubricant flows. They differ in their composition, so you can determine the origin of the liquid using a simple experiment.
  • Find the place of leaks and put a large napkin or fabric. It is necessary that a few drops fall on the fabric. Now you need to put a napkin in ordinary water. If this is motor oil, then the liquid that was on the tissue will drop to the bottom, in the form of a large, large drop. If this is a transmission fluid, then it will rise to the surface, in the form of fatty, oily drops. Thus, you can decide, the transmission system, or motor details, needs to be repaired. 
Traces of oil
Traces of oil

How to determine the oil leak in the engine?

Not necessarily under the machine there should be a puddle or a clear leak.

How to determine the oil leak in the engine:

  • Leakage can be insignificant, therefore, first of all, fatty, dark, oily spots will appear on the surface of the part. In which area they appear, there you need to look for a problem. 
  • A sign of oil leak is dark, bluish smoke from the exhaust pipe. This means that oil, which burns out, secreting dark smoke gets into the exhaust system. 
Engine in oil
Engine in oil

Oil spilled out of the box: Reasons

The most common cause of leak is the use of oil that is not suitable for this engine. That is why it is necessary to navigate the marking and adhere to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer. Too liquid or thick oil can provoke an increase in pressure in the system, so a significant amount of lubrication will be squeezed through the seals. 

Oil spilled out of the box, the reasons:

  • Excessive amount of lubricant. If the amount of fluid in the system increases, this provokes excessive pressure, and the operation of the motor for wear. Therefore, gaskets, sealing elements do not withstand, starting to pass the liquid. 
  • Long simple car. If you do not use a car for a long time, then sealing elements can fail. If the car remains non -working for a month, the oil can drain into the crankcase, and the seals that are left without lubricants are dry and scattered. 
  • Modern cars are equipped with a double gases ventilation system of the crankcase, so the first part operates with strong loads and crankshaft revolutions, and the second one at idle. The equipment includes the oil refiner. This device prevents the penetration of oil vapor into the engine. If this part is clogged, the work is violated, the air filter and the exhaust manifold are digging. Therefore, in the course of work, the motor may start smoking. 
  • Ventilation valve that adjust the pressure of exhaust gases. If the device is open at idle, it smoothly closes with an increase in the number of revolutions. With the improper operation of the ventilation valve, the mixture becomes too poor, causing interruptions in the engine. 
  • Sealing rubber tubes. Their main task is to remove a large number of gases that enter the crankcase. If these ventilation elements are clogged with dirt, they contribute to the deterioration of the system, and become an impetus for the breakdown and failure of the gaskets. They begin to pass the oil mixture.

To check the ventilation system, you can perform a simple experiment. Remove the lid, which is located near the neck, where the oil is poured. Next, it is necessary to attach a piece of cardboard or thick paper to this hole, start the car. It is necessary that the engine begins to work. In the course of the system, the crankshaft speed increases to 1000 revolutions per minute.

See what is happening with a piece of cardboard. If, in the process of increasing speed, it sucks, tightly adjacent to the hole, this indicates a normal vacuum in the system and reducing pressure. With a decrease in pressure, the cardboard is, as it were, pressed to the hole. If the ventilation works malfunctioning, then the necessary vacuum does not occur, the cardboard does not stick to the hole of the drain cover. 

Turning from the turbine
Turning from the turbine

The filter oil is dripping: Reasons-what to do?

The flow in the field of filtering is one of the most harmless problems that can overtake the car owner. The part is inexpensive, so you can easily replace the filter. Indeed, in the process of wear on the axis, a large amount of sediment, dirt, which prevents the normal passage of oil through the filter, is formed on the axis. If a replacement has been replaced recently, then problems with sealing should not be excluded. 

Dripping oil from under the filter, the reasons for what to do:

  • Perhaps, when replacing, the seal is not tightened, or the case does not fit tightly if the collapsible structure was replaced. Thus, you just need to tighten the filter. This can be done using a plastic key.
  • A prerequisite must be considered the lack of effort. In no case should not be pulled, since in this case there will be a rupture of the sealing gum, its deformation, and excessive oil flow. Thus, instead of solving the problem, you can aggravate it.
  • Be sure to lubricate all the gaskets with engine oil before puff. They will become sticky, and sealing will happen better. If you use dry seals, then the fit will not be dense, resulting in a deformation of the laying or its skew.
  • In any case, if you notice a leak, you need to remove the filter and look at the integrity of the seals, as well as evaluate the condition of the filter. Often there are defective parts on sale, so even after replacing the filter, you should not be sure by 100% in the repair of the car. 
Under the car
Under the car

The oil spilled on the go: Reasons - what to do?

For many motorists, leakage of a large amount of oil on the road is a nightmare. If this happens, the oil sensor shows a critical level, and engine malfunctions are displayed.

The oil spilled on the go, reasons:

  • Not a closed plug in the process of oil replacement, its poor fit. In the process of driving, during strong shaking on bad roads, the oil flows in full. 
  • Breakingtensioner chains. He can fail, provoking a leak. The part is inexpensive, most often the ring fails in it.
  • Replacement is cheaper than the services of the auto -evacuator. A puff is carried out in the car servicetensioner, and the replacement of the sealing ring. The problem is common both in domestic and foreign cars. 

The oil spilled on the go, what to do:

  • You can’t go further, you must immediately jam the motor. After all, all systems in the motor cannot work without oil, this leads to their wear, the appearance of hooks and zazubin on the shafts, as well as engine details.
  • It is necessary to call the auto -evacuator, to diagnose. The main reasons for the sharp flow of oil do not carry serious damage to the car if the engine does not work. The main task is to drown out the motor in time so that there are no serious consequences of the work of parts without oil. 
Drops of oil
Drops of oil

Motorists can find a lot of interesting information on our website:

Oil is a liquid that helps to moisten all working surfaces, and prevents their heating. Therefore, if a leak is discovered, you must immediately engage in its elimination. A constant decrease in the amount of oil leads to the wear of the metal parts, which in the future can affect the performance of expensive parts. 

Video: dripping oil from under the car

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