Farm star of hotels - what depends on, which determines the star of the hotel in Russia, in Europe: classification, table

Farm star of hotels - what depends on, which determines the star of the hotel in Russia, in Europe: classification, table

In this article you will learn how to determine the star of the hotel, on which it depends and how the stars are assigned to hotels.

Each tourist is simply obliged to understand the star of hotels. There is a certain classification that allows you to distinguish hotels by type, but it is only important to consider that, depending on the country, the criteria cannot always be used standard. So, let's find out how the star of hotels is determined and what it depends on.

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Hotel star - on what depends on what determines the star of the hotel: classification, table

Choosing a suitable place of residence, tourists always focus on such an indicator as the star of hotels. It allows you to determine how high -quality the service is provided and what can be counted on when visiting.

The general classification was adopted back in 1989. In that year, standards appeared that the hotels should comply with. All of them undergo checks and already according to the results a certificate with the number of stars is provided.

It also happens that the hotels themselves determine their star, although in fact the certification was not passed. There is such a thing as “without stars”, which does not speak about the poor quality of services, but simply about the lack of verification.

So, to figure out what this or that number of stars means, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the sign:

Star table in hotels
Star table in hotels

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How is the star of the hotel in Russia determined?

In Russia, the star of hotels is determined somewhat differently. Again, this is another country and not European. Russia has its own standards, which must comply with the hotels to receive stars.

Among the main criteria, the number of numbers and their area, the appearance of the building, the situation, the availability of power and additional services are distinguished. Even the quality of television and the presence of Wi-Fi are important.

Now let's tell you more about the stars:

  • 1 star. It is provided inexpensive hotels. They are located in remote places of the city. Even public transport will have to get on foot for some time. The rooms are usually small, the situation is modest. Well, the shower and toilet can be generally general.
  • 2 stars. They are mainly focused on tourists. Their location is on inexpensive routes, but still far from transport and popular places. In the rooms, everything is separate - shower and toilet, although, they may require a surcharge for the remote control.
  • 3 stars. Are most often found. They have a convenient location for tourists, because stopping is nearby, and attractions too. Accommodation here is convenient. In the rooms, additives for hygiene, bar and air conditioning are added. On the territory there is often a restaurant, parking and even a pool.

Hotels for 4-5 stars already have Switlets. The service level is more intended for people above average income. Such hotels are mostly closer to the city center, or beaches.

  • 4 stars. Spacious rooms with good TVs, a refrigerator, a bar and toiletries. In terms of services provided on the territory of the hotel, the spectrum is significantly different. There are even halls for holding conferences and much more. In such hotels, up to 10% of numbers are designed for 3 places.
  • 5 stars. These are hotels with the highest level of service. Large numbers from 16 sq.m. The number is equipped with everything that can only be required. Basically, such hotels have separate shops, rental points, restaurants and so on.

Despite significant differences, there is something in common. First of all, everywhere every day is cleaning. Even in hotels they cannot refuse to call help or use a first -aid kit.

Keep in mind that not always the declared number of stars corresponds to reality. So before choosing a hotel, do not be lazy to read reviews about him.

Hotel star criteria in Russia
Hotel star criteria in Russia

How to check the star of the hotel?

Of course, I always want to be sure that the star of hotels corresponds to reality, or at least I want to know why it does not correspond, which is missing and so on. How to find out what the star of the hotel is in reality? Of course, it will not work to see the numbers in advance, because they are in another country.

But still there are criteria by which you can determine what the star of the hotel is. First of all, study the reviews where you will find. As a rule, tourists leave their opinions about rest. Moreover, someone probably understands the star and can argue in detail their answer about the correspondence. To do this, contact the forums and look for those who attended this or that hotel there.

At the same time, studying offers from hotels, too, you can see something:

  • The very first look at the opening of the offer is the price. It cannot be a priori low if the hotel has even 3-4 stars. As a rule, one star has the cheapest rooms.
  • Try to study as many photos as possible. This will create a common portrait, which is in the rooms, what are additional complexes and so on. Compare them with the table and it will become clear to you whether the hotel of your category corresponds to.
  • Pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms. Accordingly, the more stars, the more rooms. And in general, the situation itself differs in them.
  • Find an experienced tour operator to whom you can trust and talk to him. It will help to decide on the hotel if you can’t do it yourself.

Keep in mind that the full picture of the situation and in general the view of the hotel, unfortunately, can only be seen upon arrival. So the best option is to contact a tour operator and read reviews. Basically, these two methods are the most reliable, because the operators want them to return to them, but to ordinary people there is no need to make advertising of the hotel if it is bad there.

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What is the difference between the star of hotels in Turkey, Europe, Greece, Tunisia, Thailand?

As we have already said, depending on the country, the star of hotels may differ, or rather the main criteria. Let's look at several popular countries and find out how their star is different.

  • Turkey
Hotel 5 stars Turkey
Hotel 5 stars Turkey

If you are going to relax in Turkey, then do the hotel’s choice by the time of its work, not the stars. Study and prices. As a rule, the older the hotel, the worse the quality of the services in it. Well, new hotels are actively trying to please customers. By the way, in Turkey, hotels differ in type "All inclusive" and "Ultra all inclusive". Both options are significantly different, so it is better to clarify in advance which type of service is provided in the hotel, and also do not forget to ask what exactly is included in the range of services.

  • Greece

In this country, hotels have no familiar stars. For classification, letters are used. It looks like this:

  • De lux - The best hotel in 5 stars
  • BUT - 4 stars
  • AT - three stars
  • C and d - two and one stars, respectively

If we talk about chic villas and luxurious apartments, then the stars are not provided for them at all.

Lovers of a relaxing vacation more often choose boarding houses. These are small houses for several people. Young people prefer hostels or hostels more. After all, you can call in one room with a whole company. Although Greece does not offer many such institutions, but if you want to find them. In winter, by the way, hostels do not work at all and a commandant hour is operating in them.

  • Tunisia
Tunisian hotel 5 stars
Tunisian hotel 5 stars

Although in Tunisia since 2010 there have been new criteria for assigning stars, there are still many those who work as before. If you start from this, then 3 stars can be akin to one, because even a bath is not always offered here. Well, those hotels that say about 5 stars may not have service in rooms.

Nevertheless, according to the new rules, hotels should work in any case. So, for hotels, 3 stars must be hired porters, and there should also be special rooms for non -smokers. Regardless of the class, each hotel should have at least 1 room for people with disabilities.

As for hotels in 4-5 stars, the requirements are much higher for them. Here for non -smokers, at least one wing should be released.

In most cases, hotels outside the class are represented in Tunisia. The numbers in them are inexpensive, and convenience is only in bed and sink for washing. You can find these hotels in the old part of Hamammet and Monastir.

  • Thailand
Hotel in Thailand
Hotel in Thailand

This country uses the usual system of assigning stars. Everyone decides to put them on their own or not. However, as practice shows, in the hotels of this country, quality corresponds to Europe, and often it is even better.

This is due to the fact that people come to Europe for their impressions, and you can only sleep in hotels. As for Asia, here people relax, rest on the beach from the city. Accordingly, the requirements for hotels are different.

  • Europe

Hotels here are divided into categories of 1-5 stars. Accordingly, the cost is largely determined by their number.

Hotels for 1-2 stars, as a rule, are hostels. They are chosen mainly by young people.

As for hotels for 3 stars, this is also a convenient and inexpensive option. If you want to save and do not bother you all the blessings of mankind, then choose just such hotels. They have everything you need to relax and put yourself in order.

Hotels for 4-5 stars are mainly designed for a long and comfortable rest, for example, on the beach.

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How to check the star of the hotel in Turkey?

The star of hotels in Turkey, as we have already said, is somewhat different from the generally accepted, so the level of service does not always correspond to the declared. But then how to choose? How to check the number of stars?

In this case, there are only two criteria - this is the price and reviews.

Feedback on hotels in Turkey
Feedback on hotels in Turkey

Reviews allow you to understand what advantages and disadvantages the hotel has and just think about whether it is suitable for you. However, here, too, it is necessary to take into account, not every happy tourist wants to climb the Internet and write something. But if there is discontent, then many write about it. So do not be afraid when opening the page of the next hotel, you see a bunch of negativity. Just look at what its ratio is. Of course, if more than half of the bad reviews, then it makes no sense to go to such a hotel. Ideally, bad reviews should be no more than 20%.

The second criterion that we talked about is the price. You can also navigate on it. There are both expensive and cheap hotels, but do not forget about the ratio of price and quality. If the hotel price of 5 stars does not differ from 4 and y, then it is worth considering, is it worth going there? Often the Turks save on nutrition, the quality of entertainment, repairing rooms and so on. By the way, information about this will certainly be information.

What is the difference between hotels in the stars in Turkey: the criteria of the star of hotels

Since the star of hotels in Turkey raises so many questions, it is worth considering the criteria of these same assessments. How do they determine hotels and how to understand that we have a hotel that corresponds to the declared level.

  • Hotel 5 stars. Usually these are hotels with a large territory, where there is everything for a good rest - restaurants, pools, spa and much more. By the way, they even have their own beach, where there is a free bar. In large rooms, there is also everything you need - robes, slippers, hygiene products and much more. There are free Internet in the lobby of some hotels.
  • Hotel 4 stars. It has a smaller territory, but it also has everything necessary, only in smaller quantities. Often there are own beaches. Free bar is not always, more often only for simple drinks without alcohol. The numbers are inferior in size, but there is no shortage of the necessary things. Often, such hotels cause a lot of controversy, because they come out of 3 stars thanks to a new exit to the beach, or this is an old hotel of 5 stars, which lost a little in quality or appearance.
Hotel room in Turkey
Hotel room in Turkey
  • Hotel 3 stars. Large high -rise buildings with a small territory. Perhaps there are open pools. If the hotel offers the beach, then keep in mind that you will get to it for a very long time. A bar on the beach may not be at all. Yes, and most hotels have 3 stars of the beach at all. The rooms are small and the TV is not always provided. Lingerie is changed 2 times a week, and cleaning is mostly daily. Food is offered modest, and there are not so many entertainments. Such hotels are suitable mainly to those who are going to inspect the city, and not sit all day inside.
  • Hotel 2 stars. It has 3-5 floors and costs separately. It is usually located in the suburbs, and transport goes to the center. The rooms are also small, sometimes there is a TV. There is no their beaches, but a free bus goes there several times a day. Enlightenment is not particularly proposed. Such hotels are chosen by those who want to walk on excursions all day or simply not whimsical in service.
  • Hotel 1 Star. Simple hotels away from the main places for tourists. Toilets are usually common, but it can be in the room of the washbasin. Such numbers of travel agencies do not offer. They must be book themselves.
  • Hotel without stars. The easiest hotel where the conditions are practically Spartan. There are only beds and bedside tables in the rooms, and the bathroom and common shower. Basically, you can find hotels in the outback, where tourists rarely visit.

Keep in mind that the hotels are given at the opening, and therefore, the younger the hotel, the objective assessment. Moreover, each year it is not required to confirm the assessments, and therefore the quality of services may decrease. So we always remember the reviews.

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What is the difference between hotels in stars in Russia?

As we have already said at the very beginning of the article, the star of hotels in Russia is also different from European standards and it is customary to use their criteria. All of them are described in the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

In order not to explain in detail the features of assigning assessments, we suggest you see the table below. She explains what criteria certain hotels must meet:

Hotel star in Russia
Hotel star in Russia

Keep in mind that all these criteria are approximate, because adding your own is not prohibited. For example, a hotel of 3 stars may well have a pool or healing complex.

What is the difference between the hotel 4 stars and 5?

Many are interested in the question of how the star of hotels differs with a level of 4 or 5. In many ways, the differences are determined by the direction and price of accommodation. For example, in Turkey and Egypt, the criteria for assessments are quite blurry and therefore it is better to pay attention to the price. It often happens that for 4 stars they ask for more than 5.

Although, 4-5 stars differ little in price. So when choosing a hotel, it is better to focus not on the stars, but the criteria that are important to you, and, of course, reviews.

For example, it is important for you to have more space. Then choose the hotel 5 stars, because it is clearly more spacious than 4. In addition, the first is better in the neighborhood, there are all the little things for the shower and even warm robes that will make the rest comfortable. A lot of services are also provided in the hotel.

What is the difference between hotels 3 and 4 stars?

The star of hotels in 3 and 4 stars is also different. However, as many are noted, the level of service at a hotel with four stars is still better.

So, a hotel for 3 stars can offer several types of rooms, a phone, as well as a refrigerator and a TV. The staff here is formed, so it is always visible.

At the hotel for 4 stars, a greater wide range of services is already added. Restaurants, bars, salon procedures appear. And also around the clock, drinks and snacks are provided. Cleaning is carried out on demand and there is everything you need to take a bath, that is, you do not need to bring anything with you.

The differences are obvious and immediately it is clear that the hotel of 3 stars is significantly inferior to what has 4 stars.

How is the star to hotels assigned?

When it is required to determine the star of hotels, a special commission is created. Depending on the country, the specific organ will differ, but there is one meaning. First, the hotel is inspected, the quality of service is checked, the availability of certain services, and already on the basis of the information received, the hotel category is determined. As a rule, when the hotel meets all the basic criteria, it gets the right number of stars without problems.

Video: Criteria of "Star": What do hotels mean?

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