The best SIM card with a good Internet for traveling to Europe, Turkey, the world: rating 2022-2023, choice of choice

The best SIM card with a good Internet for traveling to Europe, Turkey, the world: rating 2022-2023, choice of choice

From this article you will learn which SIM card is best suited for traveling abroad.

When collecting on a trip abroad, it is important to choose the right mobile operator. After all, as you know, the cost of communication services can be significantly puzzled, especially when you will be set by the final account. Before choosing a specific operator, it is worthwhile to figure out which of them other people prefer, as well as what services can really be required on the trip. Let's find out which SIM cards are best suited to use them abroad.

SIM-card for traveling abroad in Russia: Chips on choice

An ordinary SIM card for traveling from familiar operators makes you change the tariff when leaving the country. If this is not done, then you will have to pay a lot. Although, as practice shows, even the connection of additional options does not make communication more profitable. So it is better to purchase a special tourist SIM card.

It has a special tariff specially created for foreign trips. Simka is recorded in foreign networks and provides rates at the tariff. Such cards work difficult, but stable.

Among the advantages of such cards stands out:

  • Low cost of calls in the country where you are
  • Cheap international connection for calls to homeland
  • Inexpensive Internet. There are options for buying a package or payment for megabytes
  • There is no subscription fee
  • In most countries, incoming calls are free

It is difficult to disagree that no other operator can offer this, although they have profitable offers.

However, like any system, this one has its disadvantages:

  • You will have to change the number or connect your own to this SIM card. By the way, in the latter case, the connection will be more expensive
  • Payment is made in euros or dollars, and therefore it may not be convenient, because the courses swim
  • If you call from Russia, then the calling will cost a call expensive
  • We have to dial numbers via USSD or Callback

Reviews of tourists on such cards are ambiguous, because there are often comments about frequent failures.

SIM card for traveling in Europe Internet-which one to choose?

If you need a SIM card for traveling in Europe, then you should choose DRIMSIM. This operator is considered the best among all for travel. In such a situation, your Internet will cost much cheaper than when choosing Russian operators. On average, the prices will be as follows:

It is very important to take into account that if the travel card does not use one year, then after the end of each month the operator will levy 0.5 euros.

Favorable SIM cards for traveling Russian operators-what to choose?

The SIM card for travel can be selected from local. In fact, packages of minutes, tourists, in principle, may not be needed. They can be replaced with instant messengers, at least the same Whats App. But without the Internet, you can’t do without the Internet.

If you do not have a roaming service, it is recommended to pull out a SIM card from the phone when landing on the plane.

What can Russian large operators offer tourists?


At 2022-2023, the most profitable travel is the tariff "Smart Zaborishche". For 250 rubles, the traveler offers 7 GB of Internet, 350 minutes for calls, but there are no restrictions inside the network. Additionally, 350 SMS is given. If you still connect the option “online”, then you will receive unlimited on social networks and messengers.

Please note that the tariff will not work in the router or in the modem. You can clarify the list of countries where you can go with the tariff on the operator’s official website.


In Megafon, Roaming works provided that 2 options will be connected - “World Online”, which provides the Internet for 600 rubles per day by 1 GB, and “The whole world”, which allows for 59 rubles to get 40 minutes of incoming and outgoing calls.

The options are disconnected by customers themselves, so in order to avoid lifting the services for services, turn them off when departing. By the way, the options themselves will not connect either.


The tariff is also very interesting in the Beeline. It is called "all for 1800+roaming." For this amount, the subscriber receives 15 GB of Internet, regardless of the place of stay, and it will be possible to call free only in Russia. For this, 3000 minutes are given. If you are in the CIS countries and call home, then a minute of conversation will cost 30 rubles, and 50 rubles from China, the USA, Canada and Vietnam. If the call is made from other countries, then the minute will cost 80 rubles. In general, it is recommended not to use this tariff for ordinary people. It is more focused on businessmen.

Tele 2

This operator can also offer something for roaming. Its connection is carried out automatically as soon as the subscriber crosses the border of the country. The calls are quite profitable. In Europe and the CIS, one minute of conversation costs 15 rubles. In the United States, you will have to pay 65 rubles, and in the rest - 35 rubles. With the Internet, however, everything is not too good. For 10 MB you will have to pay 100 rubles a day. This is enough only for instant messengers.

Although the service is connected automatically, it will have to be disconnected manually. It is better to do it quickly so that the board does not write off anymore.

International SIM cards for travel-which one to choose?

In addition to Russian operators, a SIM card for travel is also proposed from other operators. Let's find out which tariffs are the best and which tourists most often use.

Orange with Mundo Tariff

If on a trip abroad the Internet is important to you, then you should pay attention to this operator. The Mundo tariff is ideal for the Internet and navigation. The price of services is only 35 rubles per 100 MB. If we consider the prices of Russian operators, then the price is much lower.

By the way, the SIM card still allows you to distribute the Internet. For any cell calls cost 0.29 euros, and stationary calls will already cost 0.06 euros. Outgoing are available only throughout the country, but incoming can be accepted at least from where. The price for 1 sms is quite high and is 1.21 euros.

For Spain, Orange offers the most profitable connection, because it is the homeland of the operator. So when activating the tariff, 1-2 GB of Internet for a month is also given as a gift. Simka can buy upon arrival in the country of rest, and you can also purchase a special tourist card, which we talked about above.


This operator offers his customers 12 GB of Internet for 48 euros. Immediately after the acquisition, the subscriber gains access to communication in any country. A card can work even on tablets. By the way, you can’t give out the Internet on the tariff.

The card is active only 30 days and then is automatically blocked, so it does not provide replenishment. Although, just for traveling for a couple of weeks, this is a great option.

It is most profitable to use a card in the UK. There, for 54 euros, you can use 30 GB of Internet and 3 thousand minutes, which is quite profitable and allows you to communicate almost without restrictions.

ORTEL with Internet Flat tariff

A German operator with a profitable tariff. Great for the Internet and calls. The proposal is more focused on people who travel around the world and are on business trips.

The tariff is provided with 4 GB of Internet and 250 minutes of conversation. The main advantage is free incoming calls. The price of the outgoing call is 0.99 euros. The operator works in 41 EU countries.


Suitable for traveling around the world. The company offers many different tariffs for all countries. Standard services to stand 3.05 rubles per minute, and the Internet costs only 60 cents per megabyt. The pleasant news is that Viber calls are absolutely free, and you can also bind the Russian number.

The Internet can be provided with packages, which will always remain in touch. In some countries, you can even quickly book hotel rooms.


Very popular for cheap calls to Russia from abroad. The operator offers many profitable plans for San Marino, Europe, Monaco, Albania and Turkey.

Vodafone tariffs
Vodafone tariffs


This is an operator from Estonia. By the way, he offers the most profitable tariff for trips to Europe. It is noteworthy that the operator does not have a subscription fee. And this is very profitable, because the rest take 40-95 rubles per day.

The tariff is ideal for those who are going to call a lot in Europe and the CIS. The SIM card for travel has a large area of \u200b\u200bcoating, and therefore works without problems in most countries. As for the Internet, the operator offers several packages up to 5 GB with a fairly acceptable price.

By the way, experienced tourists advise buying 2 cards and leaving one at home. Then the connection will cost only 0.25 euros per minute. If you call ordinary numbers, then the cost of a minute will be 0.29 euros.


The operator offers practical roaming, which works in more than 200 countries. Subscribers when buying a card receive free incoming calls, as well as the lack of a monthly fee.

The price of a minute of the conversation starts at 0.05 euros, and the Internet costs from 0.02 euros per MB. Pleasant bonuses are also offered here, for example, unlimited to communicate in messengers. The cost of services is 12 cu in year. The Internet is provided in different packages, so everyone can choose convenient for themselves. A variety of tariffs are offered for Europe.

What specific option do you choose - decide for yourself. It is more important for someone to get large traffic packages, then the choice is better to make at prices for the Internet. If you are more important than calls, then rely on their cost.

Universal SIM card for traveling around the world-which one to choose?

Globalsim for travel
Globalsim for travel

Many travelers are interested in the question-is there a universal SIM card for traveling around the world? Of course, there is such an option. One of the best today is the offer from Globalsim. The operator offers a universal option for traveling with a European number. They can begin to use it immediately as soon as the plane lands. So you don’t even have to look for communication salons nearby.

Keep in mind that there will be no SIM card in Russia. You can only check the balance by making a request - *146*099#.

The outgoing relationship works on the principle of callback. That is, you make a challenge and then expect an incoming one. Take a call and wait for you to be connected to the right person. The subscriber is automatically connected only the main options, and some will have to be connected by themselves.

The best SIM card for traveling abroad-which one to choose?

To date, the best SIM card for travel is offered by the DRIMSIM operator. We have already mentioned it above when we talked about the Internet. In fact, the card is universal, like Globalsim.

The operator appeared relatively recently and has been working only a couple of years, but during this time he managed to gain great popularity. Its coating area covers 197 countries, and payment is charged in minutes and megabytes. It is convenient to monitor the costs through the application, as well as replenish the balance.

DRIMSIM tariffs are as follows:

DRIMSIM tariffs
DRIMSIM tariffs

As you can see, operators offer a lot of travel options. You may well use the services of home operators, if communication is not too important to you, and you travel once a year. If on trips abroad you have to be constantly, then it is better, of course, to look at foreign operators.

Video: cheap Internet abroad. All countries of the world with one SIM card

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