How to choose pineapple for planting and grow from seeds, tops, cuttings at home: tips for growing, leaving and combating pineapple diseases

How to choose pineapple for planting and grow from seeds, tops, cuttings at home: tips for growing, leaving and combating pineapple diseases

In this article you will learn how to grow pineapple at home. At first glance, this seems difficult to do, but in reality everything is very simple.

More and more often on home window sills you can find growing lemon, mandarin, mango, pineapple and many other exotic and still not quite familiar fruits for us. It is quite possible to grow such a miracle at home, for this you just need to have desire and patience. Today we will talk about growing at home one of the most popular fruits - pineapple.

How to choose the right planting material for growing pineapple?

It is important to immediately note that this plant can be grown not only with its “crest”, and seeds of an adult plant are also used for these purposes. If you want to plant this exotic plant at home using its top, then you will need to purchase a suitable pineapple.

Suitable in this case will ripe and pleasantly smelling fruit:

  • First, evaluate the aroma of pineapple. If you sniff the fruit, but do not feel any smell, this suggests that it has not yet matured and, accordingly, it will be unsuitable for planting. Mature fruit has a rather pronounced and very pleasant smell.
  • Now look at the fruit. It should be whole, not deformed and not rotten. The fact that the fruit began to rot will talk dark spots on it and between its scales. Also evaluate the color of pineapple, it should be homogeneous. Most often, a mature fruit has a yellowish color, if the fruit is green, this indicates its immaturity.
Pineapple should be ripe and fragrant
Pineapple should be ripe and fragrant
  • For planting, you need it Moderately ripe pineapple, the opposed fruit is definitely not suitable. To understand whether it is suitable for planting, press it slightly on it. If the fruit is overlooking, then it will be very soft, it will literally pierce it with your finger, while the green pineapple will be hard. If, when pressed on the fruit scales, they seem to spring, then this means that the fetus is moderately ripe.
  • It is also very important to examine the very very The top of the fetus. It should be green, and its edges are a little dry. If the leaves are yellow or rotten, then such a fruit cannot be taken in any way.
  • Another sign of a suitable fruit is a dull sound when patting it.

Concerning pineapple seeds, then they must be bought based on such tips:

  • To be careful, you can see that pineapples sold in our stores, as a rule, have no seeds. The thing is that such pineapples are bred, not wild. Sometimes there are such seeds in pineapple, but most often they are unsuitable for further manipulations with them.
  • That is why it is recommended to buy seeds in special stores to grow this exotic miracle.
  • Seeds should not be dried and not damaged, you also need to pay attention to their size - they should not be too small.
Growing from seeds
Growing from seeds

Relatively basal cuttings, you can cut the plant during fruiting or after this process. It is important that the separated shoots are sufficient size, about 15-20 cm. At the same time, the plant from which the cuttings will be taken should be absolutely healthy and strong.

How to grow pineapple from the top at home: Preparation

It should be noted that most often this exotic fruit is grown in this way, since it is the fastest and simplest.

The success of such cultivation directly depends on the quality of planting material and how correctly it will be prepared for planting. So, first, select pineapple, taking into account the above recommendations. Next, it is necessary to separate the "crest" from the fetus itself. This can be done in several ways:

  • Take all the leaves of pineapple in your hand and squeeze them strongly. Next, gently cram the greens. If pineapple was chosen correctly, then the top will turn and separate from the main part of the fruit. In this case, a little stem should remain from below the top.
  • If in this way the planting material did not work, use the knife. Gently cut the upper part of the fetus along with the top. Next, separate the entire edible part from the top with a knife. Be careful if there is at least a little fruit along with the "crest", this will lead to its decay.
  • When you, using one of the ways, separate the planting material from the fetus, also carefully remove a couple of lower leaves from the “crest”.
Separate the top
Separate the top
  • After that, hang the planting material in a dry place and leave for a day. The top should dry a little.
  • After the indicated time, take a container of water, best a glass, and place the top in it. Be careful, in the water there should be only a bare trunk of a "crest".
Place in the water
Place in the water
  • Now you need to move the planting material with a glass to the windowsill or table and expect the germination of the roots. As a rule, this process takes about 1 month.
  • The water in the container must be changed from time to time, and you also need to ensure that it is always enough.
  • When the apex starts the roots and they will reach about 3 cm, the planting material will be ready for further manipulations, which you will learn more about more about.

How to plant pineapple from the top and take care of it after planting?

So, after the planting material is prepared, you can proceed to the planting of the plant. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil in which we will plant the plant. It is suitable for our purposes:

  • Independently prepared soil, which can be obtained by mixing sand, peat and ordinary earth in equal proportions
  • As well as the soil for cacti bought in a special store
  • And one more moment, in addition to the Earth, we will need expanded clay

As for the container, for a start, it will be enough to take a small pot, which will be about 1 liter.

  • We take the container and pour expanded clay on its bottom. Its layer should be large enough, since this material will perform the function of the drainage system.
  • Next, fill the container with the selected soil.
  • It is recommended to pre -moisturize the soil, but there is no need to make continuous dirt in the pot.
  • Now make the hole in the ground, its depth should be such that the top trunk is free to fit into it.
  • Gently place the “crest” in the hole, pour the hole with the ground, and in turn slightly compact it. It is permissible to sprinkle the lower leaves a little with earth, but all the others cannot be immersed in the soil.
  • Check that the apex confidently fixes in the ground and does not fall. Pour the plant a little.
Pineapple cultivation
Pineapple cultivation
  • After all the above manipulations, it is necessary to “hide” the plant in a bag. Thus, the conditions necessary for its rooting will be created. Remove the package from pineapple regularly so that it is ventilated. You can completely remove the package when the fruit is rooted.
  • Now choose a permanent place for a planted fruit. The room in which pineapple will grow should be warm, without drafts. At the same time, it is impossible to put the container with the plant in a place where direct sunlight, near batteries, heaters, stoves, etc. will be contraindicated, is contraindicated in the place, the cold, drafts, dry air and the constant effect of the sun are contraindicated.
  • Also water pineapple regularlyusing exclusively warm water for this. As for its quantity, it all depends on the requirements of the plant. As soon as the soil becomes dry on top, water the fruit abundantly. Do not forget, it is important to moisturize the soil not only on the surface of the pot, but also below.
  • Periodically, you can feed the plant with fertilizers, it will also have a beneficial effect on its growth and development. You can buy them in any flower store.
  • Next, follow the plant, after about a couple of months you will see that the leaves of the “crest” disappear, and new ones appear in their place. This is a good sign and it will indicate that the plant has become and is actively growing. Gently remove dry leaves so that they do not interfere with the growing new.
  • After about 1-1.5 years, transplant the plant into a large container. This can be done almost at any time, with the exception of the flowering period. Pineapple must be transplanted without brushing the soil from its roots.

How to grow pineapple at home from seeds?

This method of growing such exotic is considered the most difficult and requires certain skills in this matter, as well as great patience.

  • Buy plant seeds in a special store. They, as a rule, do not require any additional processing.
  • Prepare the container and fill it with soil prepared from the ground, sand and peat (mix everything in equal proportions).
  • Planting material is souched into prepared soil to a depth of about 1.5 cm. It is not worth softening the seeds deeper, they may simply not rise.
  • Now moisten the soil with warm water and wrap the container in the film or use the plastic bag.
  • Provide the necessary conditions for future plants. To do this, put the container with the seat in a warm place.
  • After 2-6 weeks, the first small sprouts will please you. How quickly you see the result of sowing depends on the temperature at which the seeds will develop. The warmer the room, the faster the seeds of seeds will occur.
You can grow pineapple from seeds
You can grow pineapple from seeds
  • Small sprouts also need care. Be sure to water them, as well as feed them with the necessary fertilizers and do not leave on the scorching sun. Remove the package or film regularly so that the shoots are ventilated.
  • Seeing that pineapple leaves grew and reached a length of 5 cm, feel free to dive them. To do this, prepare the soil from the ground, sand, peat, humus and charcoal or buy a ready -made composition in a specialized store.
  • Next, also monitor the temperature regime, the level of humidity in the room. If necessary, fertilize pineapple, transplant a large container.

If you still decide to try to grow a plant from the seeds that you will find in a purchased fruit, then before planting, be sure to treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then let it dry completely from the liquid.

How to grow pineapple using basal cuttings?

This method is suitable for those who already have an adult plant at home. With the help of transplanting cuttings, you can please yourself with a large number of new exotic plants.

  • It is possible to propagate the plant in this way during its fruiting or after this process.
  • Only those cuttings that have reached about 15 cm are considered suitable.
  • To get planting material, you can use a knife that need to carefully cut off the escape or just tear it off with your hands. We described a similar process earlier when we talked about planting pineapple from the top.
  • The damaged place on an adult plant must be sprinkled with wood ash ash.
  • Now gently hang the planting material and let it dry for 2-3 days. It is necessary to suspend leaves down.
  • Next, you can either germinate the cuttings of the roots by placing it in a container of water, or leave it and give the “wounds” a little overgrow, then treat with wood ash and plant it in the ground. Sometimes only separated cuttings already have small roots, in this case there is no need to grow them further, you can immediately put the plant in a pot.
  • Pineapple must be planted in a mixture of earth, peat and sand or in finished soil, which can be bought in a specialized store.
  • There must be drainage in the container, otherwise the water will stagnate in the pot, and the plant will begin to rot.
  • After planting, the stalks must be watered, covered with a package and taken to the warmest room. Periodically, the package must be removed, the plant is sprayed or watered slightly.
  • After a couple of months, after new leaves begin to grow in planted pineapple, assess the condition of the plant. Start to introduce top dressing, do not cover the package anymore.
  • After 1-2 years, transplant pineapple to a larger pot.

How to properly care for adult pineapple at home?

Planting a plant is only half the age. The most important moment is the right care already behind adult pineapple, because without observing the necessary conditions, the plant will not bloom and even more so will not please the crop.

  • Lighting. This plant loves light and needs sufficient amounts. If in the warm season, pineapple can simply be placed on the windowsill and this light will be quite enough for it, then in winter you need to use a special lamp that will help increase dayday days.
  • Temperature. This culture loves heat very much and, in principle, does not tolerate cold. If the thermometer shows +17 ° C, this means that your exotic miracle is already cold. The plant will feel good while in a room, the temperature in which will not drop below +20 ° C. For the same reason, you can not put a container with pineapple on a cold windowsill, a balcony, especially if the street is not summer. It is important to say that pineapple, like any other plant, feels changes in weather conditions outside the window, so in winter it needs to organize a short rest. At this time, it can be moved to a room with a temperature of approximately +18 ° C, while watering should be slightly reduced, as well as daylight hours.
  • Watering. Watering should not be carried out very often, but the amount of water should be enough to moisturize the soil not only in the upper layer, but also below. The faithful sign that the plant needs to be watered, there will be dried soil. The procedure needs to be carried out exclusively with warm water. In addition to watering, the plant is also sprayed from a spray gun, a similar “shower” should be carried out on hot days.
Home pineapple needs proper care
Home pineapple needs proper care
  • Fertilizer. Caring for an exotic plant can be considered good only if regular top dressing is carried out. Pineapple needs different fertilizers, a consultant in a flower store will help you choose them. As a rule, they fertilize the plant for more than 2 times a month.
  • Transfer. Pineapple needs a transplant annually. At the same time, you need to know that they transplant the plant without worrying its roots, that is, you do not need to shake the earth from them. The volume of the container must be increased quite a bit.
  • The container in which pineapple grows. Such a container can be completely different, the main thing is that it corresponds to its size to the plant. It must also be said that there must be drainage in the container, otherwise the pineapple will die sooner or later, without pleasing to you with its flowering and fruits.

How to make pineapple bloom: special care

Unfortunately, pineapple flowering at home does not always occur. Often the plant helps bloom, stimulating it with various methods to this process.

  • To begin with, to bloom, and accordingly bear fruit, only an adult and healthy plant for 2-3 years.
  • In order to at least slightly accelerate this process, impatient owners of an exotic plant use special top dressing.

One of the most popular top dressing is the following:

  • In 1 liter of clean water, you need to add about 10 g of carbide
  • After the reaction that has happened, you will see that a small precipitate appeared in the container - we do not need it
  • Therefore, we cast in another container of approximately 25 ml of clean liquid and already water pineapple
  • We pour the solution directly on the leaves, trying to get into their middle, from where the flower will then appear and, accordingly, the fetus
  • A similar procedure should be done 3 days in a row
Pineapple flowering
Pineapple flowering

To use another method, follow the following instructions:

  • The plant must be “hidden” in a package, while you need to put a container with water with a volume of 0.5 liters in the pot
  • Add 5 g of carbide daily to the water and quickly close the bag. The package must be closed tightly so that the substance is not released during the reaction does not go beyond it. The procedure should be carried out a couple of days in a row

You can use another simple way. For this, the plant is stimulated by fumigation of smoke. It is important to note that the first method is much more effective than the rest. If all the procedures were carried out correctly, the plant was healthy, then after a couple of months you will see a peduncle. After that, an ovary and a fruit will appear, which will ripen for about six months.

Pineapple: possible pests and ways to deal with them

Pineapple can hurt both due to improper care of it, and because of the defeat of some pests. In both cases, the plant will need urgent treatment, since late with the necessary actions, you will destroy it.

  • If you notice that the leaves of the exotic miracle began to dry, review temperature regime. Most likely, pineapple lacks watering. So, if the plant stands on a sunny window, near the battery or heater, immediately remove it from there and increase watering. You can also irrigate pineapple. However, do not get carried away with these procedures in order not to get a different problem - rotting of the roots, etc.
  • If the leaves have lost color, it has become too faded, this signals that the plant not enough light. If this happens in winter, begin to use an additional light source, if in the summer, rearrange the plant on a more sunny window.
  • Noticing that the leaves not only dry, but also blacken, acquire a dark brown color, increase the humidity indicator in the room.
  • If the plant “sits” in a pot for several years, but at the same time does not want to grow and does not bloom, add more fertilizers and various nutrient additives to its diet.
  • Twisted leaves - A sure sign of the presence of drafts in your room. If pineapple is on the window, especially in winter, be sure to warm the windows and close all the cracks.
  • See that pineapple rot, reduce watering, check the temperature in the room. A possible cause may be cold and excess moisture.
Pineapple should be protected from pests and diseases
Pineapple should be protected from pests and diseases

As for pests, the following are dangerous for pineapple:

  • To amaze this culture spider mite. This pest affects the leaves of the plant, which simply lose color and fall. You can fight the tick with a solution from the dishwasher and purified water. A similar tool needs to spray pineapple leaves.
  • No less trouble can bring pineapple aphid. You can fight it by fumigating the plant with tobacco smoke, treating the leaves with soap solution.
  • Pineapple can also hit different types of shields. To destroy such pests, it is necessary to carefully remove them from the plant with a rag, previously moistened in soap solution, then wipe the leaves with a clean rag moistened in clean water. If the number of pests is large, use more effective means - insecticides. For example, try Aktellik.

It is not so easy to grow a beautiful pineapple at home, however, efforts and time spent definitely worth it. Caring for the plant, you will get the most beautiful exotic miracle, which will definitely delight you not only with its unusual flowering, but also with a delicious fruit.

Video: Growing pineapple at home

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