How to grow an apricot tree from a seed correctly?

How to grow an apricot tree from a seed correctly?

From this article you will learn how to grow an apricot tree from a bone, as well as how to form a crown and prepare bones for winter.

If you have your own land, then you are familiar with a feeling when you want to grow everything yourself - from seeds. Almost all gardeners themselves make seedlings, preparing it in early spring. Trees can also be grown from a bone. For example, apricot. If you bought this fruit in the market and you liked the variety, plant the same tree in your garden. How to do this, read below.

When is it better to plant apricot seeds: immediately or in the fall?

Apricot bones for planting
Apricot bones for planting

So, the time of apricots began, and you want to plant and grow a tree from seed. When is it better to plant apricot seeds - immediately or in the fall? There are several landing options, and you will learn about them from the following article.

Apricot bones can be planted in the fall:

  • Before planting, place several seeds in the water for a day to remove those that surfaced (which means they are empty).
  • Plant the remaining seeds in rows at a distance 10 cm from each other and in depth on the 6 cm.
  • In order for the apricot to grow up, he needs to choose a quiet, sunny southern place protected from the north wind.
  • For the best result, you should dig up the rows deeper and lay the bottom with grass, sand, earth and humus.
  • During the winter, the seed will get stronger and natural selection will pass, and in the spring the first green sprouts will appear.

If you want to plant the bones in the spring, then you can do the following:

  • Seeds need to be stratified - this is a long -term exposure of seeds at a certain temperature - +5 or +6 degrees for two weeks. Then they are planted in the ground. Read more about stratification methods below.
  • You can also lay the seeds in a box with holes or a box, sprinkle the bottom with sand and put in a cool place for the winter. In the spring, when warm weather is installed, plant the seeds in the ground. Leave that process that will germinate first. But those that will appear later are also suitable for landing.
  • Another way - in mid -March, place the seeds in the water, but do not forget to change it daily. After soaking, lay them in wet sand and lower them into the basement, and in April, transplant into the ground in favorable weather.

Apricot trees that were grown from the bone have no main barrel, so much attention should be paid to the formation of the crown of seedlings.

How to store apricot bones before planting?

Apricot bones for planting
Apricot bones for planting

One method was described above how to store apricot bones before planting, for example, in a box or sand box. Here's another way:

  • Before the rest, the bones must be thoroughly washed and dried in the shade, without additional help.
  • In order for the seeds to be preserved before the landing and most of them are suitable, they are stored in the cold, but not frozen, without exposure to the sun, moisture and an abundance of oxygen. The refrigerator is suitable for this.
  • The basement is also suitable if the temperature in winter does not drop to a minus, and is held within 2-6 degrees.
  • Prepared bones are placed in a box with dry sand. Sand is desirable to take disinfected.

Some time before the landing, future sprouts should be hardened. It is also called stratification, and how to store apricot bones before planting in the last three months depends on it. There are two ways:

  1. In the first method, bones a month before planting for three days are soaked in water, changing it daily. Substituted and not drowned on the third day, you can throw it away. After that, the bones are returned to the cold and sand, but this time it should be wet.
  2. In the second method there is no rejection and soaking. Three months before planting, they are immediately placed in wet sand. The shoots will appear by the end of the term, you need to slow down, if this happens for the first or second month. To do this, the storage temperature drops by two degrees.

In both cases, the soil must not be allowed to dry out and rot. In April, planting material is ready.

How to germinate an apricot seed in a pot of house?

Apricot bones for planting
Apricot bones for planting

The germination of the bone at home is not much different from planting in the soil, you can plant a bone of apricot in the pot in the fall, and a small seedling will grow by spring. Here are some tips in order to germinate an apricot seed in a pot of house:

  • Previously, the bone should be soaked in water.
  • To plant an apricot bones, you need to take a deep container, a high pot, because the apricot has a rod system of roots.
  • An ordinary half-liter plastic glass is well suited, with cut holes below, for drainage.
  • The soil can be taken any fertile.
  • At the bottom of a glass or pot, pour a layer of drainage (expanded clay), do not make a layer very large.
  • Only the root of the future plant should be in the ground, do not deepen the apricot’s bone itself, because it provokes the decay of the root of the root.
  • You need to wet a bone and soil a little.
  • Cover everything with cling film and set aside in a warm, preferably dark place.
  • Periodically, until you notice a sprout, inspect the glass. Open the film to remove condensate and ventilate.

When the sprouts break through, remove the glass immediately in a warm, but bright place - on the windowsill or under the lamp, if there is no window on the sunny side.

It's important to know: The temperature is recommended for germination of the apricot seed not higher than 26but not lower 23 degrees Celsius.

Water should be watered, without flooding, because apricot does not like waterlogging.

When and how to transplant an apricot grown from a bone to the ground?

Apricot grown from a bone
Apricot grown from a bone

It is better to germinate apricot bones in open ground to increase the endurance of future trees. A plant grown in a room pot will die, faced with the first frosts. When and how to transplant an apricot grown from a bone to the ground?

  • The best time for planting is mid -autumn.
  • The selected material is deepened into the ground and covered with humus and leaves.

In harsh winter conditions, bones are tempered, and in the spring delicate sprouts will break from them. So that green shoots do not exterminate birds and rodents, they should be protected:

  • The simplest solution is to cover each seedling with a plastic bottle without a bottom.
  • This simple device will help apricot growths to grow and pour in forces.

During the summer months, with regular care, the trees manage to stretch out. In September, the time comes when they need to be relocated to a permanent place. It is better that it is well lit, then apricots will give a rich harvest.

How to care for a seedling received from a bone:

  • At the bottom of the pit designed for planting, lay ash and tops. Cover this organic mixture and then place the roots of the seedling.
  • In early spring, cut out overly overgrown shoots.
  • Trees need abundant watering. The zone around the trunk should be covered with sawdust to avoid drying out.
  • Apricot, grown from a bone, is deprived of the main barrel, so you should pay attention to the formation of crown in young animals. Read more below.

An ordinary bone can give a life to an apricot tree, which will differ in resistance and unpretentiousness. Such trees bear fruit perfectly and delight the crop taste of the crop.

How to form a crown of apricot from a seed?

From the first year in March, you need to remove frozen branches and excessively long and developed shoots. The seats of the cuts are recommended to be treated with garden varies or olifa. For approximately the fifth year, the tree will bear fruit, the load on the branches will increase. To prevent their fractures, supports are placed under each branch.

Advice: If the tree has a very large number of fruits, then next year there will be less crop. Remove manually part of the fruit. The correct ratio of foliage to fruits 1:20.

How to form a crown of apricot from a seed correctly? There are two types of wood crown:

Formation of the crown of apricot from a bone
Formation of the crown of apricot from a bone
  • Chalice. The branches of the skeleton of the tree and branches of the second order are left, as shown in the figure above.
  • Blessed. Such a crown is spreading. How to cut a tree to form a nursing crown, look below in the figure.
Formation of the crown of apricot from a bone
Formation of the crown of apricot from a bone

Choose one of these types in accordance with what crown you want to form.
Apricot tree is very powerful and branched. You can not worry that you can overdo it when forming the crown of the plant.

Important to remember: Fruits appear on shoots length up to 25 cmlocated on the side branches. This means that for the annual large crop it is necessary to carry out a strong increase in the branches of the crown, and the growth branches are maximally trimmed.

Apricot trees grown from bones do not have a central barrel, it is especially important to pay attention to the formation of crown in young seedlings. In the spring and autumn, from the first year, whitewash the barrel and the main branches, using lime with copper sulfate. Carefully do the processing of cracks on wood with a garden var or Kuzbaslav.

If you plant a bone of apricot: will the tree be fruitful?

Apricot's fruiting tree planted from a bone
Apricot's fruiting tree planted from a bone

In order to grow an apricot tree from a seed, you need very little. Take the bones from delicious and large varieties of apricot in the summer, fruitful in the area, wash them, dry them in the fall in late October, early November, having previously soaked in the water approximately for 20 minutes. So, after all, if you plant a bone of apricot, will the tree be fruitful? Here are some tips to grow beautifully a tree:

  • Planting bones should be shallow - from 1 to 5 cm.
  • It is necessary to take several seeds, in case not everyone will rise, or the seedlings do not overwhelm during the second and subsequent winters.
  • There is still a danger that rooks will be dragged in the spring.
  • Young seedlings do not need to be let out, because they are very small. They can break the wind or someone can damage them when cultivating land. Speak the trees so that it is clear that a young seedling is growing in this place.
  • It is best to plant a bone at once on the place where it is planned to grow an apricot tree so that when transplanting to a new place, not to injure it once again.

Experienced gardeners believe that a tree grown from a bone independently becomes more unpretentious, less likely to get sick and bears fruit longer. He develops immunity in this climatic zone.

It often happens that fruits grow from an excellent variety of wood that do not preserve the qualities of this variety. But a tree with larger and sweet fruits can also grow if the seeds are not taken from the wild. From a wild apricot, a tree will grow, most likely with small fruits. Therefore, harvest apricot seeds from good varieties, harvest and plant seedlings for yourself or for sale. Good luck!

Video: How to grow a new tree from an apricot bone?

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