How to grow pineapple at home from the top, seeds: step -by -step instructions. How to plant, fertilize, propagate pineapple, care for pineapple at home, in the apartment: description

How to grow pineapple at home from the top, seeds: step -by -step instructions. How to plant, fertilize, propagate pineapple, care for pineapple at home, in the apartment: description

Ways to grow pineapple at home from the top and seeds.

Pineapple is a delicious fruit that many residents of our country buy for holidays. However, few people know that such a plant can be grown at home. For this purpose, you can use seeds or a deciduous outlet. In this article we will talk about the cultivation of pineapple at home.  

How to grow pineapple at home from seeds: step -by -step instructions

Many naturally have the question, where is the seeds of the seeds, if they are not in the pulp? In fact, the structure of this fruit is quite strange, so many scientists still argue and cannot decide what it really is: fruit, vegetable, or generally berry. In fact, pineapple really has seeds, but not inside, as we used to see. The pulp is actually only substances in order to provide seeds with nutrients, something like a yolk for the embryo.

Pineapple seeds
Pineapple seeds

Grow pineapple from seeds, instructions:

  • The seeds are contained directly in these solid white scales, as in pine cones. Inside them there are small brown sickle seeds. To extract them, it is necessary to clean this skin with a knife and pick it up.
  • After that, it is necessary to throw out these pieces of seeds on the sieve, rinse under running water. It is necessary that the seeds are completely freed from the pulp.
  • Next, carry out pre -processing so that the plants are rooted as quickly as possible.
  • To do this, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which prevents the development of bacterial as well as viral infection in the soil. It is necessary to withstand for 2 hours.
  • After that, the seeds are listened to on a napkin or dense fabric.
  • It is worth noting that now it is quite difficult to find pineapples in stores that contain seeds. The fact is that the breeders have worked, varieties appeared that do not contain seeds. Thanks to this, pineapple pulp is very soft and tasty. Therefore, if you found pineapple with seeds in the supermarket, know this is a cheap variety.  
  • After the manipulation, it is necessary to start sowing seeds. To do this, in a small and not very deep container, it is necessary to pour some light substance. Fear for these purposes. After that, the soil is loosened, slightly moisturized. Cerens near each other are placed in it.  
  • Please note that before laying the seeds, the soil is slightly compacted, and slightly dried. It should not be dry and excessively wet, but slightly wet. After that, the seeds are sown, and the soil is covered with a layer of soil on top. It is best if it is deciduous species of trees.
  • With the help of a spray, the surface of the soil is moisturized and slightly compacted. After that, it is necessary to cover the pots or a container with seeds with glass or cling film. This is done in order to build a kind of greenhouse with high humidity. Thus, a kind of moisture cycle from the film to the pot and back will take place inside.  
Pineapple seedlings
Pineapple seedlings

Now you need to stock up on patience, and keep the pot in good lighting conditions, fertilize pineapple. From time to time, it is necessary to remove glass or film, and let the air penetrate directly into the pot. Just do it infrequently.  

Instructions on how to grow pineapple:

  1. When a pretty decent sprout with two leaves appears, you need to open the film more often and let out fresh air inside.
  2. Water pineapple Recommended by complex fertilizers twice a month. After the sprout rises to a height of 5 cm, the film can be removed, and transplanted into a larger pot, that is, dive.
  3. The basics of leaving is that pineapple must be transplanted, since its root system is quite developed and grows rapidly. It is impossible to allow the place in the pot to remain very little and the culture becomes closely.
  4. It is worth noting that pineapple can really be grown from the outlet much earlier, including fruits, that when growing from seeds, fruiting can only be expected after 7-8 years. From the outlet, the period is reduced, and the first fruits can be obtained after 2-5 years.  

How to root and grow pineapple at home from the top: the choice of the fetus, step -by -step instructions

Grow pineapple at home from the top Much easier than from seeds. For these purposes, ripe fruits are usually used, with a very magnificent, beautiful crown. It is best not to purchase pineapples in the winter, but to buy in the spring or in the summer.


Fruit choice:

  • The fact is that in winter, most fruits can be slightly frozen, while the crown begins to darken and dry. Accordingly, such a fruit is not at all suitable for planting and rooting. Therefore, select the suitable fruit in the summer or spring and bring home.  
  • It is necessary to choose based on the size of the size, size or color of the fetus, focusing on the crown. It should be green, beautiful with even and fleshy leaves. After that, with a sharp knife, it is necessary to cut off the crown, touching a small amount of pulp.


  • It is necessary to cut in such a way that in no case do not damage the center of the base itself. After that, it is necessary to remove, remove the remains of the pulp, and tear off the lower leaves, so that the length of the stem is 1 cm.

  • After that, it is necessary to leave such a plant for two to three weeks in a dry place. This is necessary so that the base is dried up and hardened somewhat.
  • Then the top is placed in a glass of water so that the part where the leaves are torn off with water. Change water every 2-3 days. Wait for the rooting of the top.

  • You can take root with a substrate.
  • A substrate of deciduous soil is prepared, which is placed in a pot with holes. This is necessary so that the liquid flows well. On the bottom you can put the shards, as well as expanded clay, so that moisture quickly leaves the soil.
  • After such a manipulation, it is necessary to pour the soil with boiling water and let the water drain. Thus, no pathogenic microorganisms will start in it. Next, you can start planting a socket. It is buried in the soil somewhere for 1 cm.
  • Where there were torn leaves, they sprinkle with earth and compact tightly. Next, it is necessary to water the plants, as well as spray the leaves with a spray gun.
  • The pot is covered with a film or glass (can be a jar), and is placed in a well -illuminated together, but in no case under direct sunlight.
  • In this state, the outlet should stand for about 3 weeks. During this time, the plant should not be watered in any case, but you can spray the leaves using a sprayer.
  • For about 1 month, the first roots appear, it is after that that you can remove the film (jar) and watering a little more often.
  • When rooting in water, the plant is planted in a prepared container with good soil and drainage at the bottom.
  • The container should be large because the tree is not indoor.
Rooting from the outlet
Rooting from the outlet

Flowering, fruiting and reproduction of pineapple at home: Description

The soil is watered depending on its drying. Usually enough once every 2 weeks. After all, pineapple is a thermophilic plant that is good at drought, and does not tolerate abundant amounts of moisture. In the summer, pineapple can be taken to a balcony or loggia, but it is worth protecting from the rain. It grows well near the tomato and cucumbers, but outside it is necessary to come up with precipitation so that they will in no case fall on the plant.  


  • Pineapple flowering, which is obtained from the outlet, begins in about two years. First, it will appear in the core of the flower, something like a red cone from which a blue flower will blossom.

Top dressing of pineapple grown at home

You must not forget about the top dressing of the plant.

An ideal option for pineapple will be mullein, as well as mineral fertilizers. However, they must be added to the plant in small concentrations, which are half as much as for watering for other crops. If the plant does not bloom, then this process can be stimulated.

  • To stimulate, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of calcium carbide in a half -liter jar of water and leave for about 24 hours. After this time, you will receive a small precipitate at the bottom, and a clean liquid on top.
  • It is necessary to drain the liquid, throw the sediment. This liquid flows into the center of the bush for 7 days. That is, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe base itself. Inside the liquid, substances are contained that stimulate flowering.
  • It should be understood that pineapple fruiting It ends with the death of the plant, as it refers to grassy.
  • But you should not worry.

Planting pineapple

The maternal part of the plant gives several new shoots and children, thanks to which planting pineapple. As soon as they take root, they can be planted and new plants can be grown in the same way.  

Young fruits
Young fruits

 Growing pineapple at home is easiest from the top. But you can try to get a plant from seeds.

Video: Growing pineapple at home

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