Why you can’t make love spells: consequences. Is a love spell a sin or not? How to protect yourself from love spells?

Why you can’t make love spells: consequences. Is a love spell a sin or not? How to protect yourself from love spells?

In order to cause response in the object of passion at all costs, some seek help to a love spell. This is one of the most popular magic rituals, such rites have been held for many centuries.

Love without reciprocity is not an easy test. And not all people can transfer him with dignity. An unrequited feeling sometimes pushes a person to rash acts.

Why you can’t make love spells: consequences

  • The action of a love love spell It is aimed at making some person constantly think about the customer, wish for his presence and love in response. In the overwhelming number of cases on the victim of this rite, they influence his will.
  • Subconsciously, each person resists energy influence. And the result of the love spell largely depends on how much Strong Energy of Personalityto which magic is directed.
  • Many people do not think what consequences can magical love spells lead to And how to pay for them.
  • The fact is that the love spell is directed on emotional oppression and physical weakening of the victim. This is the suppression of the will of the personality, imposing his feelings and emotions that he had not experienced before. At the same time, the energy channel is overlapped, thanks to which a person lives. Instead, another channel appears, which artificially energetically binds the victim to the customer.
For love
For love
  • Love spells - magic is not the most difficult. However, they are capable overnight to break the life of several people. Forced magical impact often leads to severe consequences, both for the person who was fascinated, and for the one who has intended a love spell.
  • According to esoterics, even rituals and rituals of white magic are not always safe, especially if they are performed by an inexperienced or inept shaman.

Violence against another person does not remain unpunished. Even if, with the help of a love spell, it was possible to build a love relationship between a man and a woman, over time, misfortunes and trials will fall on this couple.

  • Love spells are especially dangerous the purpose of which is the destruction of the already established marriage. The consequences of the magical ritual in this situation can lead to catastrophic consequences that will affect all life spheres.
  • Any love spell violates normal circulation of energy in a person, changing his essence. Under the influence of this magical ritual the fate of the personality is reprogrammed. The love spell makes the victim obey new feelings, emotions, sexual attraction.
Very strong
Very strong
  • Changes that he did not want to: He begins to love the one who he did not like before, and to do actions that are not characteristic of him. The individual seems to lose himself, becomes someone else. Inside it is a constant internal struggle. After all, he wants to live freely.
  • And if before a love spell a person was in a relationship and loved his partner, then after the ritual he simply it breaks into parts between two people. He does not understand what he really feels and how to live with it. The victim realizes that he does not like the customer, but is not able to cope with the attraction to him.
  • The life of a loved person becomes unbearable. And for what reasons this happened, he is not able to understand. As a result, the customer simply breaks the life of the one he loves.

Why you can’t make love spells: manifestations in a loved

For any personality, even energetically strong, the consequences of a love spell can become destructive. As a rule, they are manifested as follows:

  • Health worsens. The subconscious confrontation between energy violence depleted a person and has a negative impact on the work of all organs. This can lead to serious chronic diseases.
  • Sexual problems arise (impotence in men or frigidity in women). Intimacy for a loved one becomes simply a duty and does not bring joy. In addition, the love spell often causes infertility.
  • Sudden mood swings appear. Often the victim experiences an unreasonable aggression directed to the customer. Anger can alternate with attacks of passion and tenderness for a partner, but they are short -term and quite unsteady.
  • Interest in life is lost, and previous hobbies are forgotten. The victim of the love spell has conflicting thoughts and feelings. This often leads to alcoholism or other destructive habits.
  • Man constantly he is anxious and is waiting for something bad. First, his consciousness resists the energy effect. However, then the forces run out, and the personality becomes apathetic, often falls into depression.
  • Due to the lack of interests in life, there are problems in career, financial matters, which can lead to ruin.
  • The victims of love spells are often prematurely pass away.
The will enslave
The will enslave

I must say that the action of any magical ritual is not endless. And potentially people are stronger than love spells and eventually cope with them. It's just that the potential is different for everyone. And often, by the time of the end of the spell, its victim becomes a broken and unhappy person.

Why you can’t make love spells: the consequences for the customer of the love spell

  • Having decided to bewitch a loved one with the help of magical rituals, you need to understand that this act can it ends in negative consequences for the customer himself. Among shamans and magicians, disputes have long been ongoing about whether love spells are possible without consequences.
  • However, consider that a magic love spell is a type of enslavement, which means there is evil. And the world is arranged in such a way that one force balances another. And you have to pay for evil, and a considerable price.
  • As a rule, the customer experiences subsequently bitter disappointment. Because in the end he gets not what he wanted. Next to him is a “slave”, a zombified person, with a depressed will. He does not like, he just depends on the customer. Often after this, the love spell customer loses his love for a previously loved one. However, the victim of the ritual now cannot let him go, although he hates in his soul. And he begins to pull energy from the customer himself.

Before you decide to have a magical effect on a person, you must think and honestly answer the questions:

  • Are you sure that your favorite person is no longer in a relationship with someone else.
  • Whether you will still love him, even if his character changes a lot, and for the worse.
  • Is it not afraid of the fact that your own feeling may also intensify.

If you have at least some doubts, give up any love rites. After all, harmless magic does not exist.

  • Better try to attract the attention of a person you like without the use of any magical rituals. After all, if your love is sincere, you will not want to expose your beloved possible serious consequences.
  • But if you are not able to cope with your own emotions, and the object of your passion remains indifferent to you, then, having decided on a love spell, refer to an experienced white magician. He will try minimize the negative consequences of magical exposure.

However, you need to understand that magicians usually do not take on a karmic return for the rituals they conduct. Therefore, it is the customer of the love spell that will have to pay for the deed.

What are the consequences for someone who orders a love spell:

  • Bad feeling. Any magical rite requires a high concentration of energy. Therefore, for a person with weak energy, this can be a strong blow to health. Many feel malaise after performing a love spell. The customer’s decision can turn into severe diseases for him, which are difficult to diagnose and treat.
  • The realization that the partner’s love is not real, but caused by magic, often leads to violations of the psychewhich are manifested in the form nervous disorders, insomnia and depression.
  • Financial difficultieswho appear one after another.
  • In the case when cemetery rituals are used for a love spell, it is likely that otherworldly forces will be instructed to the customer and will eat his energywhich will lead to fading in a short period of time.
  • In addition, the person who resorted to magic loses the opportunity to meet your soul mate intended for fate.

Often, magical rites provide a delay in punishment. In this case, not the customer of the ritual pays for the deed, but his future descendants - children or grandchildren. In addition, each person is connected by related bonds, so that the customer’s relatives can subsequently be responsible for the love spell. Mages call this "generic spoilage."

  • Some people can say that they themselves used love spells, But nothing bad happened to them or with those whom they tossed. However, sooner or later retribution will come. Love spell is an unbearable connection with a person. And as any unnatural, sooner or later it will end.
Relations without happiness
Relations without happiness
  • There are no exceptions here. The law acts on Earth: what goes around comes around. From the bad cannot be born good. Love cannot be bought or created artificially with a love spell.
  • Any magic is just an illusion of happiness and love. It must be constantly nourished, otherwise it will evaporate. In return for this illusion, a person gives his health to his own and close people.
  • If you love a person, do not hurt him. Let go, let him go his own way and find happiness, even if without you.

Is a love spell a sin or not?

  • Few doubt that the appeal to black magic is a sin. Moral barriers in this kind of magic simply do not exist. For the sake of achieving the goal, all methods are used. But many people consider the rites of white magic harmless and do not see sin in them.
  • However, it has long been love love spells equated to the rituals of the evil eye and damage. And their popularity is simply caused by ignorance of people about possible serious consequences.
  • The attitude of the church to magical rituals has always been negative. Because each person has a soul. And this soul is free. No one has the right to rule over another person and dispose of her fate.

The purpose of any love spell is to cause a love dependence in the victim. And this interferes with his freedom and development.

  • You can not justify the love spell with love. A love spell is violence. And when they love, violence is not used. The customer of the love spell is not at all love, but a selfish desire to possess a person against his will. The desire for power over other people is self -interest, which is also a sin.
  • In addition, when you make a love spell, then change the fate of man, destined for him from above. Thus, you put yourself above God. After all, you think that you know better how everything should be arranged.
Change fate and thinking
Change fate and thinking
  • Some believe that there is nothing sinful in applying love spells in relation to a legal husband or wife. Especially if conflicts begin in the family. However, the ministers of the church consider all love spells a sin, even those that are aimed at preserving the family. Any magic Vorozhba is evil for the person to whom it is directed.
  • If the partner does not receive the necessary understanding and warmth in the family, it is not surprising that he is looking for them outside the family. And he can meet and love the person with whom he will find this. And to love sincerely. Therefore, the use of love spells in relation to the spouse who has cooled to you is sinful. After all, you do not try to change yourself, you strive to change it. But Magic does not save feelings and is not able to bring happiness.
  • It is inconsistent and safe to resort to the help of prayers. This is not considered a love spell. After all, a person comes to the temple and sincerely asks the Almighty to help in heartfelt affairs.

How to understand whether there was a love spell?

The impact of love love spells can appear differently. Nevertheless, there are several signs that will help to determine that you have been fascinated:

  • After meeting with a certain person, he begins to you dream or you you constantly think about him.
  • you feel physical weaknessWhen he is not with you. And vice versa, you feel a surge of strength only in his presence.
  • You cannot even think about a possible relationship with someone else.
  • Sometimes you experience unreasonable aggression In relation to loved ones.
  • You feel constant Fatigue and apathy.
  • You often cannot explain the reasons for your actions.
There is a change in behavior and mood for no reason
There is a change in behavior and mood for no reason

Esoterics are united in their opinion - the love spell must be removed. You should not put off, you need to do this as soon as you found that you have exposed to the magical ritual.

  • If your loved one has become a victim of a love spell, help him get rid of this magic. To minimize the negative consequences of a love spell, it must be removed correctly. In the event of an error, the victim will be able to get rid of love for the customer, but it will not be completely negative.
  • And in the future, a person will suffer from nervous disorders and poor health. Therefore, it is better to turn to a white magician.
  • Removing a love spell - A very strong energy and emotional load on a person. After all, he is already under the influence of the spell. And when performing the necessary rite, the connection between the victim and the customer of the love spell is torn.
  • At the psychological level, the personality becomes very weak and vulnerable. Therefore, a person who gets rid of a love spell needs time to adapt. It must be protected from nervous shocks.

How to protect yourself from a love spell?

  • Various charm and amulets. They are made on their own, choosing some personal subject and reading a protective prayer over it. But you can buy ready. In this case, you must decorate your amulet with your own hand, add a small part to it.

There are also special rituals and rituals aimed at energy protection against magical love spells. We list the most popular and effective:

  • Before a date with an unfamiliar person, take a pinch of salt and throw on the road over the left shoulder.
  • Make it bouquetwhich will become a reliable protection for your marriage. It is advisable at the beginning of your relationship with a partner, when feelings have not yet lost strength. The bouquet should be made on the celebration of the Trinity. Come out early in the morning barefoot in the meadow, when the dew still has not gone. Collect all the plants along the way that you see in front of you. Spark protective words above each flower. Put the bouquet at home in the most prominent place. Update such a protective amulet annually.
  • Take the candle, and on its back side, scrape the name of the person whom you suspect in Vorozhbe. Mentally draw a protective circle around you. Now light the candle and blow it, blowing it three times. Then wrap it with a thread from the bottom up counterclockwise. Tie a strong knot at the top. Improte the candle with oil, install in a plate of sand and set fire.
  • In the days of the growing moon, do A mixture of spring water, salt, sugar and chips of aspen bark. Boil and say a protective conspiracy: “Gotes, submissions, love conspiracies, each conspiracy has a shutter, not a single conspiracy will take the servant of God (own name). Aspen Yaro boils in the water, my heart is from (the name of the one you suspect in the love spell) closes forever. ” Or you can say a prayer. At midnight, pick up the water, pour the conspiracy potion and atone, digging your head three times.

And in order not to put yourself in the risk of being loved, follow the precautions:

  • Do not take food and drinks From people to whom you are not trustworthy. Especially if you feel that someone is experiencing unrequited sympathy for you.
  • Do not take bouquets From unknown fans.
  • Refrain from laying out your network Selfies or photos of a loved one. Everyone knows that many love rites are held from photographs.
Less photo on the social network
Less photo on the social network
  • Protect your personal life from prying views. Do not talk about family problems for your friends. The ill -wisher can use the crisis in your marriage and make a conspiracy on your partner.
  • Do not flirt With people with whom you do not assume any relationship.
  • Do not choose things or money on the street. It is very likely that they were left there with a specific purpose.

Video: The consequences of a love spell

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  1. Tin! I did not know what was happening to me. I didn't even know! I never thought that it would touch me and that it was all true. I experienced everything in my own skin. I mumble in life. These su .. love spells really act. Everything is true, as it is written, and what happens to the victim, what is the customer!

  2. Those who do not joke like this with this. Contact the church by your faith.

  3. Whether I give birth to a baby

  4. You will give birth, but will it be healthy?

  5. I can talk for a long time about how I returned my husband- 1.5 years of walking on grandmas and fortunetellers.
    But I love him, and I really wanted to return it. I wandered into one of the forums, read a review, impressed
    I wrote a letter to Anna, sent her photos at her request.
    In communication, I really liked everything, and decided to order a love spell from him. I followed all its instructions.
    I really had little hope. But a week later, the husband called himself from the beginning of my appeal.
    Then we met and reconciled. Now I believe in magic, I am satisfied with the result. Thanks for
    that you are Anna! \u003d). A rare person in the modern world was bypassed by the burden of unrequited feelings,
    The desire to be with your beloved is always nearby, and at the same time everything is like for the first time.
    Most of those who have experienced such feelings, and dispersing with their partner
    They thought about how to revive them and return the love that you need, a person.
    It is in such that the situation can help a love spell. Anna helped me return my loved one.
    She believed in a positive result, but after the spell sessions, I am shocked by the result.
    Anna apparently has very strong magical abilities,
    Grateful to her for help!

  6. I love a man for about 30 years old began to meet with Ivan after he came from the army. Before that, she waited for him. They lived by neighbors. They recognized each other. They were in the courtyard in the company. In close relations, they were two years old and then he met a girl. I started dating with her. A few months after our melting, I found out that I was pregnant. The butt was already too late. Ivan wanted to part with the girl. But for some reason I changed my mind and married her. I gave birth to a son. He still knew about this, but his son still He doesn’t recognize it. They also have a son’s wife. My son is very similar to him. The wife of their son does not look like Ivan. After 10 years, Ivan began to come to me. I have never built family life with other men, on That moment was lonely, and since my feelings for Ivan were not reated, I accepted him. And she began to meet with, after a while my wife found out that he was with me and gathered things to go to her, a year later she divorced him. We lived five Years of Ivan, mother died. And I brought an extraneous wife to the house that she would rent a room with us. The apartment was three rooms. They had only one with Ivan. I told me that living with me no longer wants to live with Tonya. I quietly collected things and left. Yes, it hurt my soul. I suffered very much. He threw me back again. But you won’t be forcibly sweet. I didn’t interfere in his life. But she still loved. Five years old. Tonya leaves for Two months later, Vanya comes to me. Well, since I could not look at other men, it was alone, I began to live with him again. And again I was hoping that it was forever. But I was mistaken. Tonya returned ... And he stayed with her again. I spent three years alone again. And after these three years he curses with Tonya. She leaves for his homeland. He leads me to himself again. But do not live and so from time to time . We rarely also now lives in a communal apartment where now a neighbor is watching his loyalty, because she knows nothing about me. I think that his wife was applied to him Vorozhba. Since he began to live since he began to live Ivan was very stolen with Ella and drinks it since then. He drinks more only when next to me. BKO recently realized that these women made a love spell on him. But he was still pulling to me, because it is not for nothing that he always returns to me. But all that I can do it go to church and pray. Now I am already 44 years old. I hope that prayers will help.

  7. Good afternoon ... I want to share my misfortune ... Please advise ... what should I do ... The guy was fascinated by Ala, I recently read that love spells have been acting for two years now we will have as long as we have been together ... And still I can’t live without him ... and right there ... And right there ... And right there ... And right there I hate him and he doesn’t care about me, but still holds me near him ... I don’t know what to do ... advise ... advise ...

  8. I disagree in two things
    When a girl loves then love forever
    And the one whom she loves and is her fate and not the left asshole

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