Love magic - how to make a love spell on the photo at a distance? How to remove a love spell from the photo?

Love magic - how to make a love spell on the photo at a distance? How to remove a love spell from the photo?

With the help of love magic, you can effectively affect the energy and feelings of a person of the opposite sex. The love of a loved one helps to attract the interest of a loved one at a distance, the picture has an invisible, but very strong connection with a biological carrier.

The interweaving of the energy fields of two people occurs at a personal meeting, during correspondence at a distance, in dreams. A person who makes a love spell at a distance should skillfully take advantage of the message from his chosen one. At the first contact, it is necessary to consolidate the result, make it clear about your feelings. A love spell helps to establish a connection between two people, and love must be conquered with your own efforts.

Preparation for a love spell on the photo at a distance

As a result love spell from the photo At the distance of a person, a storm of emotions begins to overwhelm. The heart and soul open for new strong feelings. The object strives for love experiences. The action of magic pushes a person to rapprochement with his second half.

If the heart of the chosen one is busy with strong feelings for another person, then for the effective result of a love spell in the photo, they first make a dust for love.

In order to implement a love love spell from the photo at home, you need to comply with several conditions:

  • Arm with a photograph of the chosen one made over the past few months;
  • In the photo of a loved one should not be outsiders;
  • Find out the name of the chosen one and his date date of birth;
  • Plan a rite on the growing moon and the male day of the week;
  • Carry the ritual in a secluded quiet place and do not tell anyone about it;
  • Choose a free person for a love spell, the bonds of marriage are a serious obstacle;
  • Fill each spoken word with the power of love and faith in the result.

The action of the love ritual begins after 2-4 weeks. To achieve an effective result in a short time, we use one of the proposed love rituals.

Love spell on a man according to a photo: a simple way

  • For the ritual love spell from the photo Two photos are needed in a printed form - yours and the chosen one. After sunset, we retire in the room. We lay out photographs in front of us. We focus on the images and present a joint future. On the back of the photograph, we write the name and date of birth of the person to whom it belongs.
  • We put the images with the front part to each other, it is desirable that they coincide in size. With the help of a red thread, it is necessary to fasten two photos into a single whole. Make holes in the corners without touching the image. Pass the thread and tie it on the knot.

In the process of combining photos, we say magic words:

“I am uniting the servant of God (name) with the slave of God (name) with a strong connection. Amen".

We put fastened photos in a clean envelope and glue with liquid wax and pronounce:

“I am stuck by the servant of God (name) with the slave of God (name) from bad intentions, from an unkind look, from dot to love”.

We send an envelope with photos to a reliable place.

By photo
By photo

Love love spell from red attributes

  • The main attribute of the ritual for a love spell from the photo Image of the chosen one. As an auxiliary elements, a coin, a red -colored fabric segment and a long piece of red thread are needed. An effective love spell from the photo at a distance is performed in the dark with a growing moon.
  • We cover a fabric section on the table. In the middle we post a photo of the chosen one, press it with a coin. We wrap the fabric corners in the photo. Using a red thread, fix the fabric on top of the photo - we wrap several circles clockwise.
With a red thread
With a red thread

In the process of working with the thread, we say love words:

“Together with the thread, I tie my love to you. To remember and think about me, both at night and day. As a servant of God does not exist without its shadow, without me (name) cannot live in joy. Live in longing for me. As the sun shines for me, so you live for me. The thread was attached - boredom and love were overlapped. Be in my opinion. Fasten my words. ”

Quick love spell on love in the photo

  • You can attract the attention of a loved one at a distance with the help of photography and magical words. To love spell on the photoi gained additional strength, first try to learn a short magical conspiracy.
  • The stronger you believe in the words pronounced, the faster the connection will arise between you and the desired object.
  • Take a photograph of a loved one, put it under your feet and step on it with your left foot.

You need a love spell in the photo at a distance Read 12 times:

“As your image is under my foot, so you are a slave (name) under my spell. The fun awaits you with me, longing will overcome you without me. Without me, weeds are in the wasteland and six, and a sweet life is with me. In the distance from me, you can’t see rest and do not rejoice in the new day, and with me is a new day to meet and do not know grief. In order not to go from me and not look for another fate. ”

Love spell on the photo on the phone - how to do: tips

  • The age of computer technology allows you to easily get a photograph of your chosen one via the Internet. To make the image work, choose a picture taken recently. For this love spell, you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bresidence of a loved one.
  • To draw a love spell on the photo at a distance, prepare a candle from the church and a red thread. Repeat the prayer “Our Father” in advance.
  • Training to the love spell from the photo It begins in advance. Devote all your free time to thoughts about your loved one. Refuse for several days from negative habits and a rampant lifestyle. When your energy is cleansed, you can proceed to a magical conspiracy.
From the phone
From the phone
  • You can perform the ritual both day and night. The main thing is that the period coincides with the increase in the moon. We light a candle from the church and concentrate in a digital picture. We take a red thread and surround it around the ring finger.
  • We pronounce a prayer out loud. Assume your wishes to prayer, talk out loud about your feelings.
  • Expire the flame of the candle, and buried the rest of the rest in the ground near the place of residence of your chosen one. Stell your patience and result.

How to remove a strong love spell from the photo?

  • The influence of love love spell from the photo You can remove it on your own at home. To remove the love spell from the photo, prepare a photo with your image to the waist. The face should be clearly visible.
  • From white paper, cut a square, the size of which can close a quarter of the photo. Next, we cut out a triangle, the size of which will be half a centimeter less than a square. A triangular figure must be closed the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart in the photo. We light a candle and begin to drip wax on the water in a glass.
You need to get rid of a love spell
You need to get rid of a love spell

Say magic words:

“Free the flame of the sacred slave of God (name) from the binding on the heart. The bird in captivity can not survive, the feelings of the love spell do not begin to emerge. Three times Amen. "

  • Hot wax drip on the corners of the triangle and glue it in the photo. When the candle begins to burn out, drip to the tops of the triangle and cover the figure with a carved square. Water with wax spilles at the nearest intersection.
  • The rest of the candle is buried in the ground near the intersection. You can make a lapel from a photo for yourself and a loved one.

How to remove a love spell from a photo at home?

  • Clean white love spell on the photo You can prayer treatment and salt.
  • The conspiracy is carried out in the period of the waning moon.

The love spell begins with the words of energy protection:

“From the wicked swamps, the wickedness of forests, thick fog, rotten grass, other people's hair, red shreds and threads, expire in the water, dissolve in the air, bury in the ground, plunge in the mud, there you boil and decompose, fall out under the weight.”

  • We buy a new pack of salt, do not take change with large money.
  • We pick up a full palm of salt with our hand and pour into the pan on the fire.
  • We throw the rest of the salt into garbage.

In the process of heating the salt, we pronounce “our Father” and followed by the words of the lapel:

 « Sacred salt, sanctified salt, take all the muck from the servant of God (name) everything spoiled, everything is not sorted, everything is induced, everything is smoothed, with drinks drunk, with food eaten, with a lining, an evil word, a bad eye is even a dreamy eye, even a girl , although the young man, at least an old woman, at least a man, at least an old man, at least a small child, at least a sister, even a sister, at least a sister, at least a brother, at least a father, even a mother’s mother, even a crowned husband or wife. Take it and carry on the current water to the sea. As I affected, as I wanted, it will be. Amen".

  • Pour Salt in a plate And we cover our photo with a capacity. We repeat the ritual for 7 days.
  • On day 8, we send salt to a stream or to the river. In extreme cases, wash off running water. We throw the dishes in which the salt was stored.
  • Salt will absorb all the negative from your energy and free you from the applied love spell from the photo.
  • If you fail to remove the love spell from the photo on your own, then contact a professional magician.

Video: the strongest love spell

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  1. Hello everyone, desperate in their lives, who have lost their favorite halves, which cannot find their place in comfort, do not need to shoot - there is a way out of any troubles! I myself was in a difficult situation, when the guy threw me and went to another girl, did not find a place for myself, neither ate nor slept, my girlfriend advised me to turn to my grandmother with my problem, I wanted to return him terribly, I love him very much crazy , until the last one believed that she could help, after holding the rite (I won’t say what kind of rite, I can’t) after 4 days I stood at my threshold with flowers and asked for forgiveness with tears, we live together and everything is well pregnant with us, I will tell you Honestly, terribly happy and could not help but share it, emotions overwhelm!

  2. Once my husband left me, there were so many problems with him, but she could not imagine life without a husband. Everyone who really loves will understand me! But time has passed, I met another. And of course I'm now happy now !!!

  3. When my husband left me, leaving me with three children (the youngest at that time was not yet a year) - I thought that the loop was the only way out. A rented apartment, for which there is nothing to pay and can go to work with a baby. She tried to return her husband on her own, but her husband went to her mistress, who was 15 years younger than me and could not compete with her.

  4. What will you pay for wonderful changes, did not think?

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