How basketball affects the development and health of children: the pros and cons of children's basketball

How basketball affects the development and health of children: the pros and cons of children's basketball

Basketball is one of the most common sports games. It is also the earliest allowed sports, since many coaches have been recruiting children in teams from the age of three.

However, the most significant advantage of this sport is its availability. There are many paid and free basketball sections. Moreover, the sports ground can be organized simply in your yard. To do this, you need to buy and install a special basketball ring and ball.

Basketball benefits for children

  • Before writing down their child on the basketball section, parents need to know that such a sport is useful not only to pleasantly conduct leisure.
  • First of all, basketball is command sportTherefore, with regular classes in a child, social skills will automatically develop. In this game it is impossible to win without the interaction of all members of the team. Also, the prize first place is divided into all the victorious participants, and this, in turn, teaches you to enjoy victory and other people.
  • Another significant plus of basketball for children - emotional unloading. During the game, it is very difficult to think about something except the game itself. Therefore, even if some anxiety or experiences torment the child in the soul, the game can help rest and be distracted.
  • An additional bonus of this game is to get rid of many complexes. First of all, this applies to high girls who, in adolescence, often experience due to the fact that they are above many peers. In basketball, growth is of great importance and people with high growth in this game are of advantages.

The influence of basketball on the physical development of children

  • In addition to emotional influence, the game in basketball also affects the physical development of children.
  • After a few training, their endurance begins to increase markedly and all muscles are strengthened. The vessels become more elastic, and the heart receives the necessary cardio load. The review also increases. Constant monitoring of the ball, trains angular vision well. The attentiveness and speed of the reaction appear, which will be needed not only in games with the ball, but also come in handy in everyday life.
  • In addition, regular basketball classes can prevent the appearance of many diseases. Among them are those related to memory and arising from a sedentary lifestyle. That is why, doctors often recommend parents to record children on basketball if they have a weak immunity or there are some violations of the psyche.
  • Basketball classes favorably affect growth. In everyday life, a phrase is often found that the game in basketball contributes to the increased growth of the child. According to laboratory research, this is true. Growth increases due to the constant straightening of the spine during jumps. Due to the regular repetitions of this exercise, the spine fixes one position, and it remains on an ongoing basis.
  • The fact that most professional athletes have very high growth is actually explained by the fact that low people due to inconvenience during the game leave sports in adolescence.
Suitable for such children
Suitable for such children

Basketball for children: age

  • You can learn to play basketball for children from 3 years old. From the outside, it will look like many attempts to try to throw the ball into a special children's ring. Naturally, such a process can hardly be called a full -fledged game of basketball, but of course it will also positively affect the general development of the child.
  • On a professional basis, you can sign up for a sports section no earlier than the age of 6. For the first five years, children study the basics of playing basketball, and groups are formed on the basis of the age and physical strength of the participants.
  • Only in adolescence does a full -fledged distribution begin on commands on a sexual basis.
  • Basketball players for newcomers get acquainted with the basics of the game most often in open areas. In the first years, training contributes to the development of endurance. In a special equipped sports hall, athletes begin to study various rules of the game and equipment for subsequent victories.
So classes are held
So classes are held
Next stage
Next stage

Initially, age is a fundamental moment for the coach in the preparation of training, their intensity and loads:

  • From 3 to 5 years. At such a young age, children are not yet able to think rationally, so it will be difficult for them to remember and adhere to the rules during the game. Classes are held exclusively in a game format. Most often, their main task is to develop attention in children.
  • From 5 to 7 years. During this period, coaches begin to draw up a training plan in such a way that during the games children develop physically. All exercises should help strengthen the spine and all muscle groups. Also during this period, the coach begins to introduce his wards to the basic rules of playing basketball.
  • From 7 to 9 years. At this age, the main task of the coach to teach children cohesion and the ability to play in the team. At the age of 8, children are already allowed to take part in children's competitions. Therefore, it is very important to teach children not only to be able to win, but also to take defeats.
  • From 10 to 12 years. At this age, coaches begin to disband children's teams and create boy and girls' groups. This is done so that girls and boys can play in full force and at the same time do not injure each other. Most often at this moment, constant teams are formed that will play in this composition and in adulthood.
  • From 12 to 14 years old. This is one of the most important periods for each future professional basketball player. In these years, they study how to correctly make up their movements. At this time, a very big responsibility lies on the coach. His duty is to help trash the sports equipment of each ward to the ideal.
  • From 14 to 16 years old. During this period, players learn to play not only at the physical, but also at the psychological level. After several games held, where you need to apply physical and intellectual abilities, the coach can determine exactly which of his wards can become a champion.
  • From 16 to 18 years old. In these two years, basketball players should show all the accumulated knowledge in the game. At this age, many guys begin a professional career. Some of them can already get a discharge and take part in adult competitions.

If parents want to purposefully raise a professional athlete from their child, it is very important to give him to the basketball section in childhood. This will help to go through all the necessary stages to form a real basketball professional from it. For overall development, it will never be too late to give a child to a sports section on basketball.

Cons of basketball classes

Unfortunately, basketball, like other sports classes, has its own shortcomings:

  • The probability of getting an injury. The most vulnerable places of all basketball players - shoulders and knee joints. It is on these parts of the body that during the games the largest load accounts, so with improper technology that they can be injured. Therefore, people who already have problems with these parts of the body are not recommended to play basketball.

The performance of the instructions and instructions of the coach, the correct form and warm -up before each game will help to avoid injuries during the game.

  • Another disadvantage of basketball for some children may be that this is a team game. Victory or defeat will be divided equally into all participants in the game, including the coach. However, many players do not consider such a minus basketball at all.

Contraindications for basketball classes for children

Despite their versatility, basketball classes have medical contraindications.

It is forbidden to engage in basketball for children with:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • flat feet;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • any shape of the ulcer;
  • the instability of the cervical vertebrae.

In this case, it is better to give preference to swimming. Before writing a child in a basketball section, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Make sure that the child does not have contraindications
Make sure that the child does not have contraindications

Basketball classes for children: training cost

Basketball is considered one of the most budget sports, however, it is still not possible to do without monetary investments, even with a strong desire.

  • Equipment. A positive point is that parents may need to buy one ball for the whole team. When separating, the amount will be insignificant, so all parents can pay for it. There are also such sports schools where all equipment is issued for free. The cost of the form-shorts, T-shirt, knee pads, sneakers will cost from 5000-6000 rubles.
  • Lessons. To date, there are so many basketball sections for children, and with different price segment that everyone can choose the optimal price for themselves (an average lesson costs from 500 rubles). There are also many free sections among them.
  • Exit measures. These include periodic fees, competitions in other cities and countries. Most often, all expenses for travel and accommodation should be paid by parents.

How to choose a basketball section for children

To choose the most suitable basketball school for children, you must adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Look at the equipment. In order for the child to become a professional, it is necessary to initially deal with the right equipment and in a professionally equipped sports hall.
  2. Immediately count on your financial capabilities. The child will be very disappointing if he cannot go to basketball next month or go with his team for fees, because parents have no money.
  3. Before writing a child to the section, you need to collect reviews about the coach. You also need to find out exactly how and at what time training will be held.
  4. Mandatory should be asked Does the child want Initially, go to the basketball section, or it is exclusively the dream of his parents. The child’s desire should be in the first place, any sports section is obliged to primarily bring pleasure.

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  1. Any sport strengthens the children's body, increases resistance to viruses. My football began to go, much less sick. I definitely give him vitamins of the immunity plus, good vitamins, with zinc, sea buckthorn juice, and the loaf of four different tastes themselves. Six months without sick leave, this is our record.

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