How to find out: do you have hepatitis: symptoms, diagnosis of hepatitis a, b, c, d, e and g

How to find out: do you have hepatitis: symptoms, diagnosis of hepatitis a, b, c, d, e and g

The term “hepatitis” is in some way collective, because in general it means not just a banal “jaundice”, but an inflammatory ailment of the liver, which happens in different forms: a, b, c, d, e and g. Most often there are viral varieties of hepatitis, What is not an axiom, because not only the malicious virus, but also a number of other causes can lead to the occurrence of the disease.

According to statistics, it is precisely because of form B and C about 96% of people suffering from this ailment. On what signs are distinguished forms of hepatitis, how to diagnose it - let's try to understand this issue together.

Hepatitis forms and hepatitis diagnosis

The result of this ailment (for whatever reasons it does not begin to develop) is very deplorable - dead liver cells. And the liver is an organism that is very important for the human body, which performs more than 500 types of work designed to support our lives. For example, it is thanks to the liver that all kinds of toxins are removed from our body, nutrients are processed, protein is produced and so on.

As we have already found out, hepatitis happens to people of different species, and the faster it will be diagnosed, the more chances to cope with the disease and try to maintain your health.

  1. Viral form - The most commonly encountered arises as a result of infection with specific viruses. Its forms are classified as A, b, C, D, E and G.
  • Among the symptoms of almost all forms of viral hepatitis as similar to poisoning (a person suffers from liquid stool, undermining, vomiting, weakening, nodes in the stomach and the right hypochondrium), and specific - an increase in the liver (which is easily palpated), pronounced yellowing of the skin and eye squirrel. But the forms C and g - The most difficult to identify, because they may not be actively manifested for years, causing only chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • It is impossible to diagnose viral hepatitis “by eye”, an examination of the doctor and the prescribed laboratory tests (blood biochemistry, measurement of the amount of bilirubin and enzymes, analysis of PCR, as well as immunological studies) will be required.

Diagnosis of the disease is most effective with the help of a patient’s blood test, because CT, MRI and ultrasound will only show the condition of the liver, that is, the consequences of the disease:

  • With hepatitis a (the so -called “jaundice” or Botkin’s disease) a blood test is performed - general and biochemistry, which will show a reduced amount of leukocytes and rapid settlement of red blood cells, lack of albumin and bilirubin. Also appointed analysis of PCRThanks to which antibodies can be detected in blood serum to the virus, even if there are very few of them, and also to find out exactly when the infection penetrated the body. As a rule, after the first series of studies, the second is also prescribed - control.
  • This type of hepatitis most often “rewards” his environment through close contact, unwashed hands, insufficient food, general use dishes and the like. Therefore, large groups are at risk (especially children's - in schools and kindergartens). To avoid the disease, it is enough to vaccinate and follow the elementary rules of hygiene. If you have already been ill with a “jaundice” once, then she will never bother you again.
About the form a
About the form a
  • With hepatitis B.which is acute or chronic, they also take blood for biochemistry and perform a general analysis, and also examine antigens: the presence HBSAG -Like a litmus piece of paper, showing the ailment even at its very beginning, and the HB-Core AG signals that the patient has already suffered this ailment once. They can become infected through damage bodies, bites, saliva, urine and blood the patient, from mother to child, during sexual contacts, during all kinds of procedures (both medical and manicure, tattoos and so on).
  • Since it is impossible to become infected with hepatitis B through simple contact with the patient, in order to protect yourself from the disease, you should be protected during sexual intercourse, monitor careful sterilization of the tools in medical institutions and beauty salons.
About form in
About form in
  • With hepatitis C. They are prescribed the same series of studies, and they are looking for IGM antibodies, and when performing the analysis of the CPR, the presence of the RNA and Interleukin virus is revealed. It is important to detect the ailment at the very beginning and not to develop a chronic form. This type of ailment is dangerous in that it hits not only in the liver, but also for other goals in the human body - for example, on the bone brain, thyroid gland and so on.
About the form with
About the form with
  1. Toxic form - It is not caused by harmful viruses, but by poisonous substances (vegetable or chemical).
  • It is possible to obtain a toxic “gift” when exposed to poisonous substances, unexpected use of plant or mushroom poisons.
  • To identify the toxic form of hepatitis, the doctor must prescribe laboratory studies called up measure the amount of bilirubin, albumin, prothrombin, enzymes.
  1. Radiation form - appears due to the destructive effect of radiation on the human body. Fortunately, cases of radiation hepatitis are extremely rare, because for its occurrence it is necessary to “feed” the victim for several months with shock doses of radiation.
  • To determine the presence of a patient with radiation hepatitis, The doctor will prescribe blood biochemistry will measure the level of bilirubin.
  1. Autoimmune form - An extremely rare ailment, the causes of which have not yet been established.
  • It happens that at some point immunity for some reason begins to count the liver cells with enemy scouts and attacks them.
  • To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor will investigate the number of gamma-globulins and IgG (if there are twice as much as it should be, then this indicates the presence of an autoimmune hepatitis in a patient), as well as AST, Alt.
Diagnosis of rare forms
Diagnosis of rare forms

Attention: Be vigilant! Having felt malaise, in no case do not try to make yourself a diagnosis yourself, and seek qualified help as soon as possible. After all, if any of the forms of hepatitis develops in your body, then delay can cost you life!

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