How to increase the sensitivity of the mouse on the computer and increase the speed of a double click, wheel?

How to increase the sensitivity of the mouse on the computer and increase the speed of a double click, wheel?

In this topic, we will study the methods of increasing the susceptibility of a computer mouse.

Most PC users do not have sensory screens, and for ease of work they use systems such as a touchpad or a mouse. The exact response of the manipulator provides normal and comfortable work with the interface. But sometimes such an indispensable assistant begins to “freeze” or to respond badly to the requirements. And how to improve the sensitivity of the mouse, which would not slow down the entire workflow, we will talk in this material.

How to increase mouse sensitivity: acceleration options

When connecting a new mouse to the user device, they may not arrange standard speed parameters. Or, in the process of use, she worsened. To change the work and improve the sensitivity of the mouse, you need edit the parametersDPI (The number of points in one inch, in which the sensitivity of the computer mouse is expressed). It is not difficult to do this and for each user, but it is worth considering which version of the OS. T.K. Access to the settings is completely different.

Important: it is also worth remembering that two different mice will behave differently with one PC, if you did not conduct any settings. Because not every computer can recognize the DPI of any mouse. Therefore, initially it is worth choosing the right manipulator and, if necessary, configure to maximum speed and accuracy.

Settings will help to cope with the slow work of the mouse
Settings will help to cope with the slow work of the mouse

But before starting to set the cursor response, it is worth taking into account a few important nuances for this . One of the most important values \u200b\u200bhas a modification of the mouse and the device itself.

  • TincturesWindows, which are produced in the "control panels" (you need to go to "Start"). Find the section “Mouse” (you can drive in the search line so as not to look for a long time), and then go to the “Poin Parameters” tab. Using a slider, it is easy to set the optimal speed and configure it for yourself.
    • Opposite the lines “Turn on the increased accuracy of the mouse work” you can put a checkmark. But it is worth being prepared that in the process, italics can slow down. And you see, not all users like it. At the end of the settings, do not forget to press OK.
Step -by -step actions of an independent increase in sensitivity
Step -by -step actions of an independent increase in sensitivity

If Windows7 and Windows8 are installed on the computer to find the mouse settings, it is necessary to find the “Equipment and Sound” section, then the “Mouse Properties”. This section is easy to find according to the corresponding icon.

  • It is possible that, even having set the speed to the maximum, the result may not satisfy you, so you may wish to add more. In this case, you should Use the editor of the registerWindows.This is the most important component of the OS in which it is necessary to find the section Hkey_Current_User/Control/Panel/Mous.
    • Here you will be interested in such parameters as: sensitivity to the mouse movements (moussenSitiviny) and the speed of the cursor (moussheed). If the result of independent settings does not suit you, you can return to the standard parameters established by default at any time.
  • Software. This is a driver that is responsible for the operation of the installed device. That is, the same settings, but concern specifically the mouse manipulator. Most often, such programs come from the manufacturer of the device itself, which are supplied with the device, and in the absence of a lack of download on the manufacturer’s website.
    • Such drivers allow you to change some indicators and properties, so you can influence the sensitivity of the “rodent” in the settings of the installed driver.
Some programs are able to increase the speed capacity of the mouse
Some programs are able to increase the speed capacity of the mouse
  • Increasing sensitivity in programs. Most often, the standard mouse speed is suitable for conventional work on the PC, but in special games, increased accuracy is necessary. Some developers of such programs have provided similar functionality in their game. Therefore, if there is such a function in the program settings, you can safely increase the sensitivity of the manipulator. But it is worth remembering that this function will work only within the framework of the game, and not apply to the entire OS.

Double clicking adjustment to increase mouse sensitivity

To optimize the work of the Mouse Manipulator, it is not always enough to configure the accuracy of the item. Sometimes you need to change the clicking speed that is used to open one or another folder.

To change the speed of this function, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • in the OS Find and open “Changing the speed of movement and the sign icon”;
  • open in the window "Mouse properties" tab "Buttons";
  • with the help of a slider, holding one by pressing, configure the speed of a double click;
  • check the speed by clicking twice on the folder on the right.
Running the wheel is also easy
Adjust the buttons are also simply

Adjustment of scrolling the wheel, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the mouse

  • If your “rodent” has a wheel that, in your opinion, either quickly scrolls the information that it is impossible to perceive, or vice versa-too long and boring.
  • The speed of the pages with a wheel can also be fixed in the PC settings. To do this, click on the properties of the mouse itself and find the tab "Scrolling" or "wheel" (depending on the version of the OS). In the line you need to enter the number that will correspond to the number of lines scrolled for one turn of the wheel. You can install not only the line, but also a whole screen, although it is not always convenient, but definitely faster.
  • More “sophisticated” mouse models have horizontal scrolling. In the settings, you can also change the number of horizontal signs during movement. Although such a function is extremely rare, it is important to consider this parameter in settings so as not to confuse.
You control the wheel by the same analogy
You control the wheel by the same analogy

The question of how to increase the sensitivity of the mouse is considered conditional. T.K. Each user has its own preferences and the purpose of using the PC. It is worth remembering that setting up the manipulator depends on many factors. And first of all - From the specifics of the mouse itself. It happens that in the drivers of your chosen mouse there are no additional functions or parameters, although this is very rare. Also they can be called differently.

If, after all the manipulations of you, the mouse did not work better, then it is worth contacting a specialist for help. It is important to ask that question, whether the dust is corny for her, Which is often one of the main reasons because of which the device “slows down”.

Video: How to increase the sensitivity of the mouse?

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