Diet five tablespoons. Diet Rules and Time

Diet five tablespoons. Diet Rules and Time

Important: “Five tablespoons” is not just a diet, it is a whole power system. With its help, you can reduce body weight and reduce the volume of the stomach.

You will learn about how to do this, as well as about which results can be achieved using the “five tablespoons” diet in this article.

Features of a diet 5 tablespoons

Diet 5 tablespoons

Important: the power system in question in this article was developed by the European dietary association. According to the experts of this organization - 5 tablespoons are that volume of food, due to the consumption of which, the body weight is not only gained, but on the contrary, it decides.

The main feature of the “five tablespoons” diet is not a ban on certain food products, but a restriction on the amount of food consumed at a time. The fact is that people with excess weight, as a rule, have increased stomach. The larger the volume of this organ, the more food needs to satisfy hunger.

Like a bodybuilder pumping their muscles, gluttons “pump” their stomach. Moreover, to do this is much easier than making biceps grow. The main stomach growth factors are unsystematic nutrition and regular overeating. Stretched stomach "Demits" more food. A feeling of saturation comes after the body has received the necessary dose of food.

Remember: what happens to "extra" food? Everything is correct, it turns into fat.

Diet Rules 5 tablespoons

Diet rules 5 spoons“Five tablespoons” - the body of food is necessary in order to satisfy hunger and saturate it with beneficial substances.

Important: with this volume of food, the stomach will not only not stretch, but on the contrary, decrease in size just like clothes “sit down” after washing.

There are only two rules of the described power system:
• the volume of food eaten at a time should not exceed five tablespoons;
• You need to eat every three hours.

Important: the main advantages of the “five tablespoons” diet are its simplicity and lack of strong restrictions. Which allows you to consider this diet safe for health. This power system can not only reduce weight, but improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

How long does it take to adhere to a diet of 5 tablespoons?

Excess weightSince the “five tablespoons” diet are not very strict, it can be adhered to for a very long time.
Of course, before using it, do not forget to consult with a nutritionist. But,

it is believed that the smallest term of such a diet is a week. And a period with which you can achieve a good result - a month.

It is no coincidence that this diet is called a power system. Many who begin to adhere to the “five spoons” subsequently completely switch to it.

Diet 5 spoons: what is possible and what is impossible?

With the described diet, it is important to correctly compose your diet. Choose the maximum amount of healthy food. Yes,

Remember: fried and fatty foods with "five spoons" are not forbidden. But, do not use such food often. It is harmful and this must be understood.

When using "five tablespoons" in your power system you can use:
• sweets-no more than 1-2 servings per week;
• alcohol-no more than the 1st portion per week;
• fatty foods-3-4 per week.

Important: these products “prohibited” in other diets should not be used when using “five spoons” in the event that you want to achieve results as quickly as possible.

How to transfer a diet of 5 tablespoons into a healthy lifestyle?

Healthy dietPutting this diet into your diet for a healthy lifestyle is quite simple. Start counting how much food you eat at a time. The most difficult are the first 3-4 days. Then the body will “get involved” and it will become easier for you to use this diet.

Important: five tablespoons of food are approximately equal to 150 grams. If you want to eat a whole apple or other fruit, then weigh it and use only the allowed volume of this product.

After you begin to eat the right amount of food, you need to move on to its quality.

This is more difficult. The diet should be diverse and consist of the required amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Use more protein foods, fruits and vegetables in the diet. Carbohydrates should be useful. Refuse sweet pastries, sweets, milk chocolate and other products rich in harmful carbohydrates. As for useful carbohydrates, they are kept in:
• fresh vegetables;
• fresh fruits;
• nuts;
• legumes;
• bread with bran;
• Book of rice.

Based on this menu, with a “five spoons” menu, it can be like this:
• first breakfast: five tablespoons of rice porridge with butter, a cup of natural coffee;
• Second breakfast: five tablespoons of fruit salad of apple, banana and orange;
• lunch: five tablespoons of buckwheat porridge with meat;
• afternoon snack: five tablespoons of vegetable salad;
• Dinner: five tablespoons of low -fat yogurt.

Important: diversify your menu. Pay attention to such products that have not been paid attention to before. Thanks to a decrease in food volumes, the cost of the diet with this diet is also reduced. Therefore, you can pay attention to exotic fruits and seafood.

What are the results to expect five tablespoons from the diet?

Ksenia dietThe results of this diet depend only on you. I already wrote on the pages of this site that

Remember: no diet can help if you do not give your body a load.

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Five tablespoons losing weight from the diet

Reviews of those who are losing weight about the “five tablespoons” diet are quite contradictory. Even before you sit on this diet, determine its goal for yourself. If you are prone to fullness, then you can throw off extra pounds, if with a restriction in volume, introduce a restriction on the types of food consumed with such a diet. If you will eat fried and fat, as well as products with harmful carbohydrates, you can hardly throw even one kilogram.

Important: a diet described in this article is an opportunity to learn how to eat right.

If you need a radical result, it is better to choose a more limiting diet with a nutritionist.

Video. Diet 5 tablespoons

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